Maximo Anywhere Install/Deployment -
Choose IBM Maximo Anywhere from the Installation Manager 'Install Maximo Anywhere Work Manager' Screen.
Complete the license agreements and on the 'Configuration for IBM Maximo Anywhere screen' enter the following properties. Note: Use lower case for the context root to simplify the user experience so they will not need to enter upper case characters in the URL.
Worklight Server
Protocol: http or https
Hostname: Hostname of your Worklight console
Port: Port uses to the access the Worklight console
Context root: worklight
War File: location of your worklight.war file
Application Center
Url: URL to the application center and port. e.g http://appcenterhost:9081/
Context Root: applicationcenter
Username: Username defined for your app center console
Password: Password defined for your app center console.
Default username/password is appcenteradmin\admin. Password also may have been provided at the end of the Worklight install.
Maximo Enterprise Application
Protocol: Protocol used to access Maximo http or https
Hostname: Hostname to your Maximo server
Port: port for your Maximo server
Context Root: context for Maximo.
Android Platform
SDK Directory: Location of your android SDK install folder
AP Version: Version of the Android API for example: android-18
Continue to finish installing the Maximo Anywhere files.
Ensure your and in the following folder have the correct properties.
From MaximoAnywhere\platform\mobile run
build all-gen
From MaximoAnywhere\platform\mobile run
build all-dist
Deploy the worklight.war file created under your MaximoAnywhere\platform\mobile\target\dist folder to your Worklight Server in WebSphere using the deployment instructions in the following document.
From MaximoAnywhere\platform\mobile run
build all-deploy
Access your Worklight Console and Application Center Console and ensure the mobile applications WorkApproval and WorkExecution exist.
Download the applications using the IBM Admin Center application to connect to the App Center Console on the device, or test using Google Chrome and preview common resources.
Installing and Configuring Work Light Studio -
Open the Launchpad and choose 'IBM Worklight STudio for Worklight Consumer Addition'
Check the boxes beside version 5.0.6 and choose next.
Accept the license agreement and proceed with entering the installation directory. Ensure 32 bit is checked as WLStudio doesn't suppoer 64-bit. Click Next
Check the following boxes and click Next
Core Development Tools
-JQuery Mobile Tools
-Dojo Mobile Tools and library
Choose the path of your Oracle JRE, (this must be a 32 bit installation of 1.6 Java) and click next to finish the installation.
If you installed WL Studio onto a server with an existing eclipse installation, update the eclipse.ini using the steps in the following document.
Launch Worklight Studio from the IBM Software Delivery Folder in your start menu.
Create a new Work Space for Worklight
Go to Help - > Install New Software
In the Work With: field enter and click add
Give your repository a name and the location will be pre-populated with the URL you entered in Work With:
Click OK
Check the box beside developer tools and click next twice, review the license agreement and click finish and restart WL Studio
Once you enter the WL Studio again and choose your previous workspace you will be prompted for your Android SDK location, specify the directory to your Android SDK and click apply.
Right Click in the Project Explorer and Choose Import, expand General and select "Existing Projects into Workspace". Click Next.
Choose Select root directory and point to your MaximoAnywhere folder and click Finish.
From the windows menu tab choose preferences, expand ant and select runtime.
Click Ant Home and set it to c:\ibm\MaximoAnywhere\platform\mobile\releng\tools\ant
Open the Ant view by going to the Window tab - > Show View - > Other - > Ant
Drag the build.xml from your Project Explorer to the Ant view you previously opened.
Confirm your properties files in the project explorer are correct and pointing to localhost and port 8080 for the build in worklight server then double click on all-gen from the Ant View
Right click and refresh the Project Explorer, once done right click again and choose Import - > Import - > Import existing projects into workspace then select the following path and click ok and let the workspace build.
Once your MaximoAnywhere eclipse project shows up, right click on it and choose 'Start Worklight Server'
Expand MaximoAnywhereProject - > Expand adapters - > Right click on 'OSLCGenericAdapter' - > Choose 'Run As' - > 'Deploy Worklight Adapter'
Expand MaximoAnywhereProject - > apps - > Right click on ' WorkApproval' -> Choose 'Run As' -> Build All and Deploy
Expand MaximoAnywhereProject - > apps - > Right click on ' WorkExecutionl' -> Choose 'Run As' -> Build All and Deploy
Access your applications via http://localhost:8080/console
SSL Configuration
1) Open your browser and navigate to the your Maximo environment using HTTPS. Download the certificate using your browser to a file (worklight_ssl.cer)
2) Import the Certificate into the Worklight Default KeyStore (This is done using the keytool bunbled with Java).
keytool -importcert -file c:\locationto\worklight_ssl.cer -trustcacerts -alias worklight -keystore defaut.keystore.worklight -storepass worklight
3) Update the to enable the default.keystore
4) Modify the OSLCGenericAdapter.xml and fine the sslCertificateAlias
5) Modify your so the following properties are changed for https
adapter.connection.port=9443 ( or corresponding SSL port)
5) Rebuild the Worklight.war be issuing the following commands.
build.cmd all-gen
build.cmd all-dist
6) Redeploy the worklight.war to WebSphere using the following documentation.
7) Deploy the Anywhere application to the Worklight Console and the AppCenter Console by running
build.cmd all-deploy
Enabling Data Encryption for Maximo Anywhere
To enable data encryption for Maximo Anywhere do the following.
Open up the from MaximoAnywhere\platform\mobile\config
Search for enableDataEncryption and change the value from false to true.
Rebuild and Redeploy the Worklight.war.
Post Installation Query Configuration
Once you have completed installation you will need to configure queries to download your work to the application. To do this you must go to the Work Order Tracking application in order to create a query for the Work Execution application.
Create a public query that will return the data you desire for your technicians in the field. Once you are satisfied with the query results save the query and make note of the name you created. Note: It must be a public query.
Edit the app.xml file for the work execution application. Navigate to the {maximoanywhere_home}\MaximoAnywhere\apps\{application_name} directory, on the Maximo Anywhere admin workstation. Open the app.xml file with the XML editor of your choice.
Add a query to the work list view. The work list view is the first view that is defined in the UI section of the application definition. Perform the following steps:
In the element for the work list view, add a child element called .
Use the queryBase attribute to specify the name of the public query in Maximo Asset Management. The query name is case sensitive.
Use the label attribute to specify the query label that is displayed in the work list menu.
Optional: To define this query as the default query for the work list view, specify the query label as the value of the label attribute for the parent element.
NOTE: In the following example, we add three queries to the work list view for the Work Execution app:
<{Additional XML info is here.}>
Add the query that you specified above to the primary resource. The primary resource is the first resource that you defined in the data section of the application definition. Follow these steps:
In the queryBases element for the primary resource, add a child element called queryBase.
Use the “name” attribute to specify the name of the public query in Maximo. The query name is case sensitive.
In this example, we add the same three queries used in the above example, to the primary resource, workOrder, for the Work Execution app:
name="workOrder" pageSize="100" >
<{A whole bunch of attributes appear here}>
<{More XML stuff here}>
Save the file.
Build and deploy the application.
Once you have completed this exercise you will be able to down load work orders to the device according to the queries you created.
Cautions and Limitations
Maximo Anywhere 7.5 is the initial release of an entirely new architecture around mobile computing. It is shipped with Worklight Studio to facilitate making small changes to the XML that controls the Maximo Anywhere applications. While Worklight is a very powerful platform that can be used to create applications, the license shipped with Maximo Anywhere limits the use of Worklight Studio and Worklight Server to the Maximo Anywhere applications only. In order to use Worklight for development of mobile apps an additional license must be obtained from IBM.
Because this is an initial offering using this new technology, the standards used to ensure upgradability of applications is still being developed. Any changes to applications will likely have to be manually migrated to new versions. In addition, changes to the business logic cannot be supported at this time.
Troubleshooting Logging
Installation Manager Logs
The logs produced for error during the Mobile Anywhere install in the Installation Manager are found at the following path:
\\ProgramData\IBM\Installation Manager\logs
Maximo Anywhere apps Build/Deployment Logs
The logs produced for error during the Maximo Anywhere apps Build/Deploy process are found at the following path:
Mobile logging
From the overflow menu on your mobile device select Settinges--> Advanced Settings --> Logging, On the Logging Data screen from the overflow menu select one of the following: Error, Info or Debug logging. Return to the worklist and reproduce the issue. Once you have this done, Go to the Logging Data screen from the overflow menu, and select Email Log. Disable logging when complete.
Server Logging
WebSphere Full Profile
If using a Full WAS Profile you would find the Server logging in the normal WebSphere logs location for your Worklight Server.
For more information about WebSphere profiles see the following link:
WebSphere Liberty Profile.
The server logs for the WebSphere Liberty Profile Setup are found in the following directory.
OSLC logging
From the Goto Menu choose System Configuration - > Platform Configuration - > Logging.
Filter for OSLC and change the logger from ERROR to INFO or DEBUG depending on detail of logging needed. Ensure an appender is set (Console, Rolling or Custom), then apply the settings from the Select Actions Menu.
If the Console is set this will write to your Maximo SystemOut Logs in the following directory:
If you are using a different appender then Console it will write to the path setup for your Root Logging Folder. You can check this from the Select Actions Menu.
Known Problems / Explanations or Solutions
1. If you happen to see this message when you start up the Worklight Server in Worklight Studio/JETTY server:
[2013-11-14 13:53:57] Worklight Server started successfully on localhost:8080
[2013-11-14 13:53:57] FWLSE4001W: Failed to resolve JNDI name: "jdbc/WorklightDS". Application may fail to access the database in run time. If building for remote server - ignore this warning.
[2013-11-14 13:53:57] FWLST0011E: ====== Worklight Project PROJ-project-customization failed to start: Need to specify class name in environment or system property, or as an applet parameter, or in an application resource file: java.naming.factory.initial
[2013-11-14 13:53:57] Activation failed. Bundle didn't start:C:\Users\IBM_ADMIN\workspace2013-JETTY\ReleaseEngineering\ReleaseEngineering\target\GEN\PROJ\bin\PROJ-customization.jar
[2013-11-14 13:53:57] FWLST0012I: ====== Stopped server for project PROJ-project-customization
1. Copy MaximoAnywhereProject/server/conf/ to MaximoAnywhere/platform/mobile/target/GEN/PROJ/server/conf/
2. Refresh your MaximoAnywhereProject
3. Perform 'Build Project' on MaximoAnywhereProject
4. Perform 'Start Worklight Server' on MaximoAnywhereProject and it should come up.
Reason Why:
If you are running the jetty server, the cannot have any worklight settings. If you use the build scripts to execute the ‘all-dist’ command, it will update the with information from the config/worklight.war.
2. When trying to launch build.cmd command, the following error is displayed:
"The system cannot find the batch label specified - showJAVAErrorMessage"
1. Confirm the JAVA_HOME environment variable is configured
2. Confirm the JAVA_HOME environment variable path does not contain a space.
(e.g. C:\Progra~1\Java\jdk1.6.0_18)
3. When trying to deploy Mobile Anywhere applications (build.cmd all-deploy), the following error is displayed:
For input string: "9081applicationcenter"
Perhaps the server or context is wrongly specified.
1. In, ensure the following entry has the appending backslash (/) at the end:
i.e. http://hostname:9081/
4. During the Maximo Anywhere installation, when selecting the Oracle JDK, the following error is displayed:
"The Oracle JRE bit mode must be the same as the bit mode of the product installation."
1. Ensure a 32-bit java/javaw.exe is installed and chosen.
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