Guide for Applicants
XIFI Competitive Call for Additional Project Partners
XIFI-1 - Expansion of the infrastructure capacity of the FI-PPP
This Guide is based on the rules and conditions contained in the legal documents relating to FP7 (in particular the Seventh Framework Programme, Specific Programmes, Rules for Participation, and the ICT Work programme), all of which can be consulted via the Research & Innovation Participant portal (
Further copies of this Guide, together with all information related to this Open Call can be downloaded via:
The participants in the consortium managing an Integrated project or Network of excellence funded by the Seventh Framework programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities contributing to the creation of the European research area and to innovation (2007-2013) can, during their initial grant agreement negotiation with the Commission, reserve a portion of the project budget for specific tasks to be carried out by a new beneficiary or beneficiaries which will join the consortium at a later date. These later-joining beneficiaries are selected by means of a competitive call.
This Guide for applicants contains the basic information needed to guide you in preparing a proposal to join an existing ICT project which has launched such a competitive call. It gives instructions on how to structure your proposal. It also describes how the proposal should be submitted, and the criteria on which it will be evaluated.
Conditions of participation and funding are those of the Seventh Framework programme, as defined principally in Regulation (EC) No 1906/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 laying down the rules for the participation of undertakings, research centres and universities in actions under the Seventh Framework Programme and for the dissemination of research results (2007-2013). This can be found at in the document "EC Rules for participation".
The proposer which is selected to join the consortium will be required to accede to the existing grant agreement; a model example of which can also be found at the above website ("Standard model grant agreement"). It will also be required to sign the existing consortium agreement (an internal project document concerning the relations between the partners) and the existing collaboration agreement (a document concerning relations between the FI-PPP projects and partners).
This Guide for applicants does not supersede the rules and conditions laid out, in particular, in Council and Parliament Decisions relevant to the Seventh Framework Programme
2About the funding scheme
The selected proposal will be joining XIFI that is regulated by the Large-scale Integrated Project (IP) scheme. General conditions for the IP scheme under which XIFI is financed can be found in the Guide for Applicants for IPs under the call FP7-2012-ICT-FI1. In this guide we provide specific details related to the competitive call “XIFI-1 - Expansion of the infrastructure capacity of the FI-PPP”
2.1Eligible new beneficiaries
The following may receive EU funding in an FP7 project:
Any legal entity established in a Member State or an FP7 Associated country2 (including the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre), or created under Community law (e.g. a European Economic Interest Grouping),
Any international European interest organisation
Any legal entity established in an FP7 International Cooperation Partner Country (ICPC). A complete list of these countries is given in annex 1 of the ICT Work Programme3, but in principle it includes the developing countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America, as well as those European countries which are not already Member states or Associated countries.
Organisations from certain other countries may also receive a Community financial contribution, as defined in the Rules of Participation in FP7.
Fuller details of the Commission's funding arrangements can be found at in the document "Guide to Financial Issues”
For each new beneficiary, the maximum total of EU contribution for this competitive call is 200,000€.
New beneficiaries will join XIFI project starting from 1st April 2014 till its end planned on 31st March 2015, for a total of 12 months.
2.4Activities and Cost Categories
For additional infrastructure proposals the work should be clearly allocated to the categories identified below. The allocation to XIFI work packages will be done after the proposal has been accepted. Any needed revision will be done during the negotiation phase.
The activities to be carried out by additional partners in XIFI are grouped in the following categories:
Development & Integration, that relates to the development of XIFI platform and related tools and their integration with infrastructures. This group corresponds to FP7 RTD cost category.
Operation, Support & Demonstration that relates to the operation of XIFI platform, support of developers and creation of showcases that demonstrates XIFI capabilities. This group corresponds to FP7 DEM cost category.
Dissemination, that relates to the promotion of XIFI federation. This group corresponds to FP7 OTH cost category.
Participants to the Open Call use the following guiding rules regarding the application to categories mentioned above (and hence to activities):
estimated 25% funding in RTD
estimated 65% funding in DEM
estimated 10% funding in OTH
The participants to the open call are entitled to include cost for the following categories:
Equipment costs (under DEM funding): in this category applicants can include cost to upgrade the hardware of their infrastructure to enrich their offer, and, eventually cost of connectivity to GEANT (estimated 30.000 Euro)
Travel costs (proportionally distributed under RTD, DEM and OTH): in this category applicants can include cost to participate to project meetings, FI-PPP events, and other dissemination activities (estimated 18.000 Euro). In the year we foresee the participation by partners to 5 projects meeting and 3 dissemination events.
Personnel costs: in this category applicants can include cost of personnel covering the activities described above.
The above percentage figures and cost figures are estimates. In the case of significant deviation from the estimates the proposers should duly justify the deviation.
2.5Activities to be included in the work plan
The XIFI work plan is well established and is partitioned in several activities.
Your proposal should be organised in activities that directly correspond to the activities listed below. After successful evaluation, a negotiation phase will follow, through which your proposed activities will be integrated in the current work plan of the XIFI project.
At proposal phase you do not need to worry about the work package allocation. At this stage you should clearly answer how you plan to contribute to these activities. The proposal template includes references to the activities described below. The timing is expressed in term of XIFI schedule. New beneficiaries are planned to join from M13 to M24.
The resources given in the list below are estimates. In the case of significant deviation from the estimates the proposers should duly justify the deviation.
Development & Integration, includes the following activities:
A1. Infrastructures analysis. [Resources: estimated 1PM; Participation: Mandatory]. Open Call participants should contribute to the analysis of their infrastructure for supporting its federation into XIFI. The outcome will contribute to the decision on adapters to be developed to support the integration of the new infrastructure (see A3 and A4). This activity concludes with a deliverable planned at M15 (M3 from new beneficiaries inclusion). In the template section related to this activity, applicants should briefly describe how they plan to provide inputs to XIFI Architects.
A2. Federation Architecture. [Resources: estimated 1PM; Participation: Optional]. Open Call participants may contribute to the definition of the XIFI federation architecture. This activity concludes with 2 deliverables planned at M18 (M6 from new beneficiaries inclusion) and M24 (M12 from new beneficiaries inclusion). In the template section related to this activity, applicants should briefly describe what are the architectural challenges related to their integration in the XIFI Federation taking into consideration the current architecture of XIFI described in the public deliverable XIFI CORE CONCEPTS, REQUIREMENTS AND ARCHITECTURE DRAFT4.
A3. Network Adapters. [Resources: estimated 3PM; Participation: Optional]. Open Call participants may contribute to the development of adapters required to integrate the network of their infrastructure to XIFI for supporting the provisioning of dynamic network resources across XIFI nodes. This activity concludes with 1 deliverable planned at M21 (M9 from new beneficiaries inclusion). In the template section related to this activity, applicants should briefly describe their plan for the integration of their network resources in XIFI network management solution following a SDN approach (based on OpenFlow5 , OpenNaaS6 and ABNO7).
A4. Monitoring Adapters. [Resources: estimated 3PM; Participation: Optional]. Open Call participants may contribute to the development of adapters required to integrate the monitoring tools adopted by their infrastructure into XIFI monitoring solution. Reference tools supported in the first release of XIFI will be perfSONAR8 and OpenNMS9. This activity concludes with 1 deliverable planned at M18 (M6 from new beneficiaries inclusion). In the template section related to this activity, applicants should briefly describe their plan for the integration of their monitoring tools in to XIFI monitoring solution.
Operation, Support & Demonstration, includes the following activities:
B1. Protocols and installation procedures. [Resources: estimated 1PM; Participation: Optional]. Open Call participants may contribute to the definition of protocols regulating XIFI federation. This activity concludes with 2 deliverables planned at M15 (M3 from new beneficiaries inclusion) and M24 (M12 from new beneficiaries inclusion). In the template section related to this activity, applicants should briefly describe what protocols are currently in place in their infrastructure and to which degree this can be changed in case of need to comply with XIFI ones.
B2. Operation and Assistance. [Resources: estimated 9PM; Participation: Mandatory]. Open Call participants should contribute to the operation and assistance of XIFI nodes. In particular, they should cover day-by-day operation of their node to ensure availability of resources and the Level 2 support to developers accessing their node (Level 3 for physical infrastructure issues). This activity concludes with 2 deliverables planned at M15 (M3 from new beneficiaries inclusion) and M24 (M12 from new beneficiaries inclusion). In the template section related to this activity, applicants should briefly describe how they plan to cover operational and developer support activities.
B3. Maintenance. [Resources: estimated 4PM – 6PM; Participation: Mandatory]. Open Call participants should contribute to the maintenance of XIFI nodes. In particular, they should cover activities related to the installation and upgrade of XIFI Federation Services and FI-WARE Cloud Chapter. This activity concludes with 2 deliverables planned at M15 (M3 from new beneficiaries inclusion) and M24 (M12 from new beneficiaries inclusion). In the template section related to this activity, applicants should briefly describe how they plan to cover installation and maintenance of XIFI Federation Services and FI-WARE Cloud Chapter.
Dissemination, includes the following activities:
C1. Promotion of XIFI. [Resources: estimated 1PM; Participation: Optional]. Open Call participants may contribute to the promotion of XIFI to stakeholders such as: Public Authorities and FI Developers. This activity concludes with 1 deliverable at M24 (M12 from new beneficiaries inclusion). In the template section related to this activity, applicants should briefly describe how they plan to support promotion of XIFI.
3How to prepare and submit a proposal 3.1One stage submission
Proposals for selection as an additional beneficiary in XIFI are submitted in a single stage, by submitting a complete proposal application.
Existing XIFI participants may not respond to this call.
3.2Proposal must be submitted by a single legal entity
The proposal must be submitted by one (multiple participations are not allowed) legal entity. In case the proposal will be successfully selected this legal entity will become a XIFI partner.
3.3Proposal language
The proposal must be prepared in English.
3.4Submission of proposals
Proposals must be submitted electronically in PDF format to the address given in the call announcement ( using the following subject “XIFI-1 – ORGANIZATION NAME”.
If you discover an error in your proposal, and provided the call deadline has not passed, you may submit a new version. Only the last version received before the call deadline will be considered in the evaluation.
Proposals must be received by the closing time and date of the call. Late proposals, or proposals submitted to any other address or by any other means than email, will not be evaluated.
You should request a delivery receipt for your email. As soon as possible after the close of call, an Acknowledgment of receipt will be emailed to you by XIFI. The sending of an Acknowledgement of receipt does not imply that your proposal has been accepted as eligible for evaluation
Proposal template
Front page
Full title of the existing project you wish to join: eXperimental Infrastructures for the Future Internet
Acronym of the existing project: XIFI
Grant agreement number of existing project: 604590
Type of instrument (Integrated project/Network of excellence): Integrated project
Full title of your proposal:
Acronym of your proposal (optional):
Date of preparation of your proposal:
Version number (optional):
Your organisation name:
Your organisation address:
Name of the coordinating person:
Coordinator telephone number:
Coordinator email:
Email address to which the Acknowledgement of Receipt should be sent:
Proposal abstract
(Minimum 400 words – maximum 800 words summary of your proposed work)
Contents page
(Show table of contents)
Cost and funding breakdown
Please show your figures in euros (not thousands of euros)
1. Personnel costs
2. Other direct costs
3. Total direct costs (Sum of row 1 and 2)
4. Indirect costs
5. Total costs (Sum of row 3 and 4)
6. Requested EC contribution
In row 1, insert your personnel costs for the work involved, differentiating between:
RTD: Activities directly aimed at creating new knowledge, new technology, and products including scientific coordination.
DEM: Demonstration activities designed to prove the viability of new technologies that offer a potential economic advantage, but which cannot be commercialised directly (e.g. testing of product like prototypes). NOTE that a significant part of the activities will fall in this category.
OTH: Other activities are any specific activities not covered by the above mentioned types of activity such as training, coordination, networking and dissemination (including publications). These activities should be specified later in the proposal.
MGT: Management activities include the maintenance of the consortium agreement, if it is obligatory, the overall legal, ethical, financial and administrative management including for each of the participants obtaining the certificates on the financial statements or on the methodology, the implementation of competitive calls by the consortium for the participation of new participants and, any other management activities foreseen in the proposal except coordination of research and technological development activities.
NOTE that proposals for additional infrastructure should not have management activities.
In row 2, insert any other direct costs, for example equipment or travel costs.
In row 3, calculate the sum of your personnel and other direct costs.
In row 4, insert your indirect (overhead) costs.
Indirect costs are all those eligible costs which cannot be identified by the participant as being directly attributed to the project but which can be identified and justified by its accounting system as being incurred in direct relationship with the eligible direct costs attributed to the project.
You may use your actual overhead costs if this is possible within your organisation's accounting system. If not, you may use a calculated figure of 20% of the sum in row 3. If you are a non-profit public body, a research organisation, a secondary or higher education establishment or a small or medium enterprise, you may use a calculated figure of 60% of the sum in row 3.
In row 5, calculate the sum of your direct and indirect costs.
In row 6, insert your requested EC contribution.
RTD: you may request up to 50% of the total cost figure. If you are a non-profit public body, a research organisation, a secondary or higher education establishment or a small or medium enterprise, you may request up to 75% funding.
DEM: you may request up to 50% funding
OTH, MGT: you may request up to 100% funding
Note: If you are successful in the evaluation, your final costs and funding estimates agreed with the ICT project will also be subject to legal and financial validation by the services of the European Commission.
Section 1. Scientific and/or technical quality, relevant to the topics addressed by the call
The total section 1 must not exceed 15 pages including all tables
Concept and objectives
Describe in detail the objectives of your proposed action. Show how they relate to the topic(s) addressed by the competitive call. These objectives should be those achievable within your proposed action, not through subsequent development. They should be stated in a measurable and verifiable form.
Motivate why you want to join the XIFI federation. Please provide a clear indication why you propose to join the XIFI project and the FI-PPP programme as a whole.
Please explain how you plan to provide feedback on how XIFI could be improved.
Please do not forget to make statements about:
additional geographic coverage
fulfilment of technical criteria10,
a commitment for long term operations,
a commitment to integrate the XIFI framework and tools,
qualifications of the organisation operating the infrastructure node,
complementarity with respect to the current XIFI offering11,
appropriate scale and support for trials in the context of the FI-PPP,
consideration of socio-economic and other relevant non-technical aspects,
degree of involvement of existing developer communities,
degree of involvement of existing user communities,
provide an entry in the XiPi repository12
S/T methodology and associated work plan
An activity plan should be presented, and which indicates the dependencies of the planned activities. Since this proposal targets the addition of a new project partner to the XIFI project, the appropriate options for proposals to integrate in the existing XIFI work plan are given in this template (and in the Guide for Applicants). The specific appropriate choice will depend on what type of work needs to be performed for the inclusion of an additional infrastructure in the XIFI federation.
Please present your plans as follows:
Provide a detailed activity description broken down into tasks if appropriate:
Activity list (please use table 1.2a);
Description of each activity (please use table 1.2b)
Describe any significant risks, and associated contingency plans
Table 1.2a: Planned activities list
Activity No
Activity title
Type of activity (Cost related)
Start month* (min 13)
End month* (max 24)
*NOTE: Start and end months are stated in relation to the XIFI schedule. Tentative start month for all additional infrastructures (subject to approval by the EC) is M13 (April 2014) ending M24 (March 2015). Therefore the total expected duration is 12 months.
Table 1.2b: Planned activities description
You will join several activities. Depending on the nature of work you should describe your activities according to the activity type (RTD, DEM, OTH).
IMPORTANT: your contribution does not necessarily include contributions to all activities. However it should be clear from the presented proposal that the proposed activities are sufficient to integrate your infrastructure in the XIFI federation and that FI-PPP technology foundation is supported. For FI-PPP technology foundation see project FI-WARE13 and the technology foundation extension project, see Objective 1.9 in Work Programme 201314),
Activity description
Activity group
Development & Integration
Total planned PM
Activity type
The objectives of this work items are to contribute to:
A1. Infrastructures analysis
A2. Federation Architecture
A3. Network Adapters
A4. Monitoring Adapters
A description of this activity and expected resources is included in the previous chapters
Description of work (possibly broken down into tasks)
Activity description
Activity group
Operation, Support & Demonstration
Total planned PM
Activity type
The objectives of this work items are to contribute to:
B1. Protocols and installation procedures
B2. Operation and Assistance
B3. Maintenance
A description of this activity and expected resources is included in the previous chapters
Description of work (possibly broken down into tasks)
Activity description
Activity group
Total planned PM
Activity type
The objectives of this work items are to contribute to:
C1. Promotion of XIFI
A description of this activity and expected resources is included in the previous chapters
Description of work (possibly broken down into tasks)
Section 2. Implementation
The total section 2 must not exceed 2 pages.
2.1 Management structure
Should mention that you will adopt the XIFI management structure
Should mention that you will sign the FI-PPP collaboration agreement
Should mention that you will sign the XIFI consortium agreement
The agreements can be requested via
2.2 Participant
Provide a brief description of your organisation, and your previous experience relevant to the tasks you will undertake in this action. Provide also a short profile of the main individuals who will be undertaking the work.
2.3 Complementarity to the XIFI consortium
Show the complementarity to the XIFI consortium.
2.4 Resources to be committed
Describe how the totality of the necessary resources will be mobilised, including any resources that will complement the EC contribution. Show how the resources will be integrated in a coherent way, and show how your overall financial plan for the action is adequate.
Please identify any major non-personnel direct costs and explain why they are necessary for the activity you propose.
Section 3. Impact
The total section 3 must not exceed 4 pages.
3.1 Expected impact
Describe how your activity will contribute towards the expected impact of the XIFI project and the FI-PPP programme as a whole. Mention the steps that will be needed to bring about these impacts. Mention any assumptions and external factors that may determine whether the impacts will be achieved.
3.2 Dissemination and exploitation of results
As part of the work executed within XIFI, the dissemination activities to be undertaken are briefly listed in “Activities to be included in the work plan”. Among others this may also include presentations and participation at FI-PPP events and other Future Internet related events (e.g. FIA)
Section 4. Ethical Issues
Describe any ethical issues that may arise in the action.
Section 5. Use of proposal information
Proposals are treated in a confidential way. Open calls previously organized by other projects were very successful and have revealed that many submitted non-funded proposals also contain valuable information that could be used for setting up collaborations or to extract ideas for further improving the XIFI federated infrastructure. Therefore the XIFI project would like to have the opportunity to further use this information, even if the proposal is not selected for funding. In any case, the XIFI consortium will treat all information of this proposal confidentially. Two types of information usage are envisaged:
Information which is part of the Proposal Abstract, and the motivation why you want to join the XIFI federation and the FI-PPP programme as a whole. This information will be used in an anonymous way to create statistics and reports about this open call including statistics concerning budget, resources, and costs. All proposals submitted to this competitive open call must allow this form of information access and usage.
Information specified in proposal section 1.1 can be used within the XIFI project as input for tasks related to architectural optimizations, tools for managing the infrastructure, sustainability studies, etc. This information might be accessed by the XIFI consortium if allowed by the proposer. Any use of such information will be discussed and agreed upon with the proposer. Proposals have the freedom to select if they wish to support this kind of information usage.
The proposers are therefore asked to include the following statements below in their proposal and tick the corresponding boxes.
I allow that information about my proposal can be used anonymously, for reporting and statistical purposes:
the Proposal Abstract
the motivation why I want to join the XIFI federation and the FI-PPP programme as a whole
statistics and reports about this open call
statistics concerning budget, resources, and costs
I wish to be contacted if any information about my proposal may be used for the following purpose:
Information specified in section 1.1 to be used within the XIFI project as input for tasks related to architectural optimizations, tools for managing the infrastructure, sustainability studies, etc.
In any case, the XIFI consortium will treat all information of this proposal confidentially. Any use of this information will be discussed and agreed upon with the proposers.
Annex I. Infrastructure description in XiPi
To facilitate a comparison by evaluators using a well-defined description format of their infrastructure, participants are required to describe the current status of their infrastructure in the XiPi repository. The PDF generated description and the URL of their infrastructure submission should be included as Annex I.
Infrastructure URL on XiPi:
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