Historic Oakland Foundation Strategic Plan matrix– 5-21-15

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Historic Oakland Foundation - Strategic Plan MATRIX– 5-21-15


Responsible Person


Action Steps


  1. Implement the Master Plan

  1. Execution of the Master Plan to include the following projects:

  • Phase III (rezone)

  • Phase IV (Bobby Jones, and Jewish Hill and Jewish Flats)

  • Greenhouse/Boiler Room Operations

  • African-American

Landscape Plan

  • Columbarium Plan

Todd Cregar, Neale Nickels, Sara Henderson,

and Building & Grounds Committee. Coordinate with Development Committee and Columbarium Committee

Revenue for restoration/total revenue – 35%

Restoration expenses/total expenses – 40%

Complete Jewish Flats and greenhouse relocation in 2015 and Bobby Jones (Phase IV) in 2017

African-American: planning (2015); project start (2016)

Complete 100% of tree plan by end of 2016

Complete plan for columbarium (2015)

      1. Relocate donated greenhouse from the Atlanta History Center in continuing the transition into a more functional greenhouse/operations center.

      2. Implement the Bobby Jones restoration plan by 2015 with completion in 2016.

      3. Implement Jewish restoration plan and complete by 2015.

      4. Leverage city interest in replacing pavers to extend to Bobby Jones, Jewish and potential columbarium, and evaluate extension to Rogers Hill in a later phase.

      5. Work with city to procure available tree replacements and implement the approved tree maintenance plan. Tree campaign.

      6. Begin planning on African-American section, initially conducting research for proper restoration and installing signage explaining the uniqueness of this section, improve landscaping, markers, streets and walls.

      7. Establish Columbarium Committee with Nancy James as chair.

Contractor selected in April, work to start in May (on schedule).

Master mason hired in April.

Rich Foundation matching grant.

Imlay $75K Southern Co. $20K.

$25K Allen – $10K tree recompense.

Winter work completed by Arborguard.

Black History Month to kick off planning for AA descendants event.

Met with Kelly Jordan.

    1. Update Master Plan annually to include land use planning to leverage the highest and best use of current and adjacent land and facilities, and address needed infrastructure and Foundation office needs.

David Moore,

Todd Cregar, and Building & Grounds Committee

2015 Master Plan updated in 2014

2016 Master Plan to be updated in 2015

Project funding goals

Milestones and deadlines – become the basis for capital campaign


      1. Create Master Plan Update Matrix that prioritizes new projects and evaluates existing projects based on a set of criteria (timing, ability to raise funds, etc.) and sets priorities for planning and potential capital plans.

      1. Incorporate new elements into the plan, including evaluation of the MARTA Development, Greenhouse/Operations Center, columbarium and other internal land use, and Bell Tower.

      1. Create a Columbarium Committee to update feasibility study, engineering/architecture and business plans to determine the highest and best use of the comfort stations by 2016.

      1. Develop a policy to be implemented through partnerships to ensure the best use of adjacent land outside of HOF, aligned with HOF and Linear Park goals (via a Board Task Force) and access issues.

Neale Nickels to coordinate via Grounds Committee – new head to be selected.

Discussed concept with Doug Voss. Awaiting planning.

Nancy James selected as chair.

Forming “Outside the Gates” committee headed by George Dusenbury.

1.3. Develop and implement Geodatabase project management system to accelerate execution and improve reporting.

Todd Cregar, and Building & Grounds Committee

Fundraising goals set in 2016

Feasibility/discovery in 2016


Usage metrics

Total self-tours taken each year

      1. Review various platforms and conduct feasibility for Geodatabase information management platform by 2015.

      1. Complete installation of Phase I by 2016.

      2. Develop smartphone self-guided tours and a smartphone tour app.

      3. Improve evaluation and outcomes/metrics tracking, including demographics of visitors and a condensed dashboard for board oversight.

      4. Enhance website to be more interactive, including digital records and more use of social media.

      5. Review lot improvement and lot maintenance programs and use system to identify prospects.

Neale working with GISinc. to schedule a discovery meeting.

Finalist for TechBridge grant for conversion of self-guided tours.

  1. Increase and diversify funding

    1. Raise annual fundraising goal to $1 – $1.5 million per year from more diverse sources.

David Moore, Karen Perry & Finance and Development Committees

Total annual funds raised

2015: $750K


Targets by donor type

Mix of donors – shift to more corporate $$ (include sponsorships)

Fundraising goals to be set during planning for respective events

Membership goals:

2015: 300 new; 70% retention

2016: 300 new; 75% retention

      1. Enhance fundraising capacity, including evaluation of full-time Development Director within 2 years with some contracted grant writing (see development plan).

      2. Create an annual development plan that provides a situation analysis, goals and action plans by funding category. Include targeted foundations, corporations (sponsorships) and individual donor movemanagement plans.

      3. Develop an HOF 40th Anniversary fundraising gala for 2016. Planning starts in 2015.

      4. Develop a fundraising event to support relocating AHC greenhouse and gardens.

      5. Expand the membership program to increase the value of membership and transition more visitors into members and supporters of HOF. Includes evaluation of membership management software.

Board to plan.

Added early CSO ticket purchase for members and more aggressive solicitation. YTD new members up 272% vs. total of 2013.

1.Expand revenue from programs, museum sales and services to $1 million.

Todd Cregar, Mary Woodlan & Development and History Committees

Revenue by event/tour
Event revenue/total revenue
Survey responses and action plans
Number of attendees and participation at public events
Increase sponsorship revenue as % of total event revenue to 20%: 15% in 2015
$20K in naming sponsor $$ by 2016

      1. Hire event coordinator/manager to assist and transition event director role (see section 3).

      2. Develop more formalized event planning to establish clear objectives, leverage opportunities, improve logistics and better leverage volunteers during events. Includes expansion of sponsorships (see below).

      3. Create a new spring, garden-focused event that leverages new greenhouse and funds landscape plan. Consider coordinating with local neighborhood associations and creating a spring events calendar (see 4.3).

      4. Create museum-centric tours or small events that leverage significant milestones at Oakland (Masters Tournament and Gone with the Wind 75th anniversary) and connect community.

      5. Create an event that partners with the arts community to tell Oakland stories through art.

      6. Conduct study of private event demand in the area and for Oakland to expand current revenue and evaluate construction of event space outside gate. Benchmark other sites.

      7. Secure naming sponsor for Halloween Tours and target established Atlanta brands such as Coca-Cola/Delta. Also consider new market entrants such as Mercedes-Benz and Porsche.

Hunter Hanger hired in Feb 2015.

RLH moved in 2014 – Sara Henderson also working on Spring event for 2016.

Arts at Oakland partnership with ROAM – Cryptophonic Tour.

2016 planning.

    1. Conduct a capital campaign feasibility study by 2016 to explore current and updated master plan and increase endowment to address ongoing maintenance and preservation.

David Moore & Development and History Committees

Milestones and deadlines
Endowment goals
Consulting cost budgets and capital guidelines based on capacity of fundraising community and organization

      1. Finalize Master Plan update.

      2. Conduct a feasibility study by end of 2016.

      3. Select contractor to lead capital campaign.

      4. Finalize a plan for a capital campaign and needed future fundraising capacity, initially conducting a feasibility study.

Met with John O’Kane in 2014.

  1. Enhance human capital: staff, board and volunteers

2.Develop staff and leadership capacity for Master Plan implementation and organizational sustainability:

  • Operational administration

  • Marketing/PR

  • Preservation

  • Fundraising

  • Education

  • Improved staff development and teamwork

  • Documented and consistently applied policies and procedures

  • Succession planning ensuring sustained leadership

Todd Cregar & Personnel Committee

Staffing needs plan by 2015 with full staff by 2016
Individual objectives tied to strategic plan by respective functional area
Staff retention ratio

Staff satisfaction surveys

      1. COO/CFO will develop and execute a plan to evaluate, develop and hire staff needed to execute the strategic plan. Also address succession planning for key role.

      2. Clearly define and communicate jobs, roles and responsibilities, and enforce consistent policies and procedures for all staff, along with increased expectations and accountability, including performance management that aligns employee performance with goals tied to bonuses.

      3. Upgrade staff capacity by improving staff orientation and enhancing staff development and training, including creating a personal development plan for each staff member.

      4. Conduct leadership succession planning for all leadership positions, initially the Executive Director.

      5. Resume the Graduate Intern program with GSU and KSU, initially in aiding in restoriation, preservation and historical archiving. Also develop and expand a formalized internship program.

All staffing needs addressed except for fundraising.

Succession planning started for Program Director.

New JD created for all hired roles., $15K grant received for education role

PM format shared with staff and will be implemented with 2015 goals once SP approved.

Conducted DNA behavior training and will update with new staff in May 2015.

Hired two interns for restoration and plan to expand to gardens and marketing and PR.

    1. Strengthen board with more diversity of talent and experience that reflects the community and is more engaged in governance, community awareness and fundraising.

David Moore,

Board Chair & Executive Committee

Board diversity target by need

Board giving targets:

2015 - $110K, 2016 - $120K

Benchmark board giving as a % of overall individual giving

100% board giving

Track give, get and do

Board meeting attendance

Budget vs. actual by committee area of responsibility

      1. Develop board needs matrix and conduct a proactive board recruitment campaign to diversify the board in terms of talent and experience by 2015.

      2. Institute a formal board agreement with increased governance expectations, including fundraising and community relations/awareness.

      3. Enhance board member involvement in fundraising and relationship building, including 100% board giving, prospecting potential donors from their networks, and meeting with major donors and prospects.

      4. Develop a mentor program that assigns each new board member to a senior member, emphasizing clarity on board roles and responsibilities and getting new board members actively engaged immediately, including taking tours of the cemetery.

      5. Board committees to develop annual goals aligned with strategic plan and with a dedicated staff liaison for each committee.

3.Sustain and leverage volunteer strengths and skills in more functional areas and recruit from more diverse groups.

Todd Cregar, Mary Woodlan,

Personnel Committee

Number of volunteers and volunteer hours toward functional areas

Volunteer survey results

      1. Provide additional support to program director as tours and special events become larger portion of HOF income.

      2. Conduct a volunteer survey by end of 2015 to determine strengths and areas of improvement.

      3. Enhance volunteer coordination with an improved centralized volunteer database for all volunteers throughout the organization.

      4. Develop a volunteer matrix to target new volunteers and sources (universities, historical groups, etc.).

      5. Expand the use of volunteers in other areas such as marketing, accounting and fundraising. Identify and better leverage the specialized skills and expertise of experienced volunteers, including being nonvoting committee members.

New JD created for Education coordinator role who will also manage volunteers.

  1. Increase Brand Awareness, Community Relations and Partnerships

    1. Improve awareness of Oakland through more consistent and frequent external marketing to expand and diversify attendance, volunteer base and financial support.

David Moore, Todd Cregar & PR/ Marketing Committee

Benchmark to other ATL organizations (Zoo, Atlanta Botanical Garden, Piedmont Park, Atlanta History Center)

Social media engagement metrics (FB likes, comments, etc.)

Trip Advisor and other rankings, etc.

Number of website hits and engagement

Earned media metrics

      1. Enhance internal marketing capacity: conduct an RFP for marketing and PR consulting, and added Marketing and Public Relations Manager.

      2. Evaluate printed newsletter and consider annual report to summarize prior year and highlight vision for upcoming year.

      3. Create talking points/elevator speech and provide training for board, staff and volunteers to serve as more effective ambassadors in the community and better engage visitors, including creating a speakers bureau that designates and prepares some board members as official ambassadors of HOF.

      4. Expand social media platform by developing a YouTube channel (Family Stories and Tiny Tunes) with content aligned with current projects and events to drive funding.

      5. Develop an Oakland app to allow for smartphone interaction and sharing of key information for visitors.

Dropped PR firm in 2015 and shifted work to in-house resources.

Will release PR firm and do more in-house or on contract basis.

Created Living Links video series and music videos for Tunes from the Tombs

TechBridge grant finalist.

    1. Leverage partnerships with City of Atlanta, tourism agencies, arts, preservation organizations and local universities.

David Moore & PR/ Marketing Committee

Manage and Increase number of partners per 2015 baseline
Number of community presentations

Number of students served

Number of partner events

      1. Enhance partnership with the City of Atlanta: Parks and Recreation and then Cultural Affairs and APS, which includes agreement on implementation of the strategic plan and columbarium while addressing remaining issues in finalizing a long-term MOU or creation of needed operating agreements.

      1. Partner with universities, creating more opportunities for students to learn and volunteer, including preservation work, historic research and archiving, and archeology.

      1. Conduct joint history and tourism marketing and promotion with ACVB, Atlanta History Center, Buckhead Historical Society and Bremen History Center.

      1. Partner with Atlanta Bicycle Coalition and Beltline on joint combined tours.

Meetings held with Doug Young and Voss to share 2015 projects.

GSU archeology department and students conducted a dig at greenhouse location.

Greenhouse partnership.

2016 planning.

    1. Improve community relations with well- branded events, outreach, education programs and strong relationships with local neighborhoods.

Todd Cregar with David Moore & PR/ Marketing Committee

Number of visitors and number of diverse visitors, including tracking of where visitors are coming from. (Where they live? Or how they heard about Oakland? Or both?)

Number and attendance of tours (personal and smartphone app)

Event revenue as % of total revenue

      1. Expand education and outreach programs for youth, initially by working with City of Atlanta Bureau of Cultural Affairs and then Atlanta Public Schools – starting with nearby schools.

      2. Expand number and attendance of events , including more local neighborhood participation, at public and private events.

$15K education grant received. Education coordinator hired in Feb.

Applying for APS 5th grader program.

Earlier definition of event details allows for earlier/more effective marketing.

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