Icts and Climate Change

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International Symposium:
“ICTs and Climate Change”

London, United Kingdom,
17-18 June 2008

BT Centre Auditorium, 81 Newgate Street, London, EC1A 7AJ

Organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

Supported and hosted by BT plc


Day 1, 17 June 2008 

0930 - 1030

Opening ceremony
Since the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol, in December 1997, the number of users of information and communication technologies (ICTs) worldwide has tripled. ITU has launched a new work programme aimed at investigating the role that ICTs play in causing global warming, but also in monitoring, mitigating and adapting to climate change. This symposium builds upon an earlier one held in Kyoto, 15-16 April, to look in more detail at the role that ICT standardization, and the implementation of ITU Recommendations, can make in reducing greenhouse gases.

  • Welcome: Sir Michael RAKE, Chairman, BT Group

  • Message from UN Secretary-General and welcome address: Mr Malcolm JOHNSON, Director, ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau

  • Keynote speech: Mr Matt BROSS, Chief Technology Officer, BT Group

  • Opening remarks by Symposium Chair: Mr. Tom WALKER, Director, European and International Business Relations, Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR), UK


Presentation of a special award for Sustainability to BT by the Lord Mayor of the city of London on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen

1030 - 1050

Coffee break

1050 - 1230

Session 1: Climate change: ICTs to the rescue?

Session Chair: Dr Tim KELLY, Head, Standardization Policy Division, ITU-T
The Kyoto Protocol came into force in 2005 and has been ratified by more than 175 countries. However, the agreed limitations on greenhouse gas emissions may not be achieved by all parties and, in any case, they may be insufficient to reverse the effects of global warming without an additional technological contribution. This session will provide an overview of the role of ICTs in the wider context of the efforts by the international community to implement the Kyoto Protocol and to commit to more ambitious reductions as part of the Bali plan of action.

  • Report on the output from the Kyoto Symposium, Mr Masahiko FUJIMOTO, Director, Information Applications Promotion Office, Information and Communications Policy Bureau, MIC (Japan): on behalf of the host country and co-organiser

  • Technology-based solutions to climate change, Miss Donna YOUNG, Head of Environment and Climate Change, BT Group

  • UK initiatives on climate change, Mr Nigel HICKSON, Dept for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR), UK

  • Global e-Sustainability Initiative, Dr Luis NEVES, Head, Sustainable Development and Environment, Deutsche Telekom

  • ITU background report on ICTs and climate change, Mr Art LEVIN, Head, Corporate Governance and Membership Division (ITU)

1230 - 1400


1400 - 1540

Session 2: Corporate responsibility: Towards a climate-neutral ICT Sector

Moderator: Ms Sheridan NYE, Senior Consultant, University of Sussex, UK

It is estimated that the ICT Sector produces directly some 2-2.5 per cent of total emissions of greenhouse gases, and that this share will increase as ICTs make a larger contribution to the global economy. What can ICT companies – manufacturers, service providers, users – do to reduce their own carbon footprint? Which companies are showing leadership and exercising best practice?

  • Setting a Global Climate Stabilisation Intensity (CSI) Target, Dr Chris TUPPEN, Director, Sustainable Development, BT Group

  • Unwiring the Planet - Wireless Communications and Climate Change,
    Dr Jack ROWLEY, Director, Research and sustainability, GSM Association

  • Broadband energy saving strategy, Mr Paolo GEMMA, ETSI Environmental Engineering Secretary, Senior Manager, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.

  • EU code of conduct for the ICT sector, Mr Paolo BERTOLDI, European Commission

  • Consumer ICTs: Industry initiatives and policy approaches for saving energy and reducing emissions, Mr Douglas JOHNSON, Senior Director, Technology Policy and International Affairs, Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)

  • ICTs: from cradle to e-waste, Mr Martin EUGSTER, EMPA (Switzerland)

1540 – 1600

Coffee break

1600 - 1730

Session 3: ICTs for monitoring climate change
Moderator: Mr Bill THOMPSON, Technology Writer, BBC and others (UK)

The science of climate change is made possible by the use of ICTs, for instance in remote sensing, telemetry, supercomputers for climate modelling etc. Large scale efforts to reduce emissions – for instance through reforestation, combatting desertification, protection of wetlands etc – will require new investment, from both the public and private sectors, in ICT-based monitoring systems. What are the tools available and what further standardization effort may be required? What methodologies can be developed for evaluating the impact of ICTs on the emission of greenhouse gases?

  • EU initiatives on ICT and the environment, Dr Michel SCHOUPPE, Research Programme officer in the field of ICT and the environment, DG Information Society, European Commission

  • Microsoft Collaboration with UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre,
    Mr John HOWIE, Director, International Affairs, Trustworthy Computing Initiative, Microsoft

  • ITU Radiocommunication Conferences and monitoring, mitigating and adapting to climate change, Mr Nangapuram VENKATESH, Study Group Counsellor, ITU-R

  • Achieving Carbon & Cost Accounting Per Service or Task, through Data Collection and Simulation Modelling, Mr Dave BERRY, National e-science centre (UK)

  • Methodologies for measuring the carbon footprint, Mr Pankaj BHATIA, GHG Protocol Initiative


RECEPTION: Hosted by BERR at the Institute of Directors, 116 Pall Mall
(Coaches leave BT Centre shortly after 17.30. The Reception will take place 18.15-20.30).

Day 2, 18 June 2008 

0900 - 1030

Session 4: ICTs as a green technology

Moderator: Mr Richard LABELLE, Aylmer Group (Canada)

Although ICTs contribute to global warming, they can also help in reducing the greenhouse gas emissions of other sectors. By replacing the need for travel, or by improving transport efficiency, ICTs help to reduce the carbon footprint of individuals and companies. With oil prices surging past US$100 per barrel and rising awareness of climate change, what opportunities does this create for using ICTs, especially telecommunications, for the abatement of carbon emissions in other sectors of the economy? This session will look at the mitigation impact of ICTs on other sectors of the economy

  • Telecom-based opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Mr Sean KIDNEY, Director of Science and Systems, Climate Risk Pty Ltd (Australia)

  • Saving the climate @ the speed of light, Ms. Katalin Szomolányi, European Telecom Network Operators’ Association (ETNO) and Magyar Telecom (Hungary)

  • Fibre Optics and energy efficiency, Mr Christian OLLIVRY, FTTH Europe

  • Building automation for energy efficiency, José Alberto VARELA SANZ, Telefónica, Large Companies and Public Administration (Spain)

  • Optimal decision-making in the sustainability agenda, Mr Sukhdev DLAY, Communications, Media and Entertainment, SAS Institute (Belgium)

  • Enabling energy micro-management through ICT, Dr Fabrice SAFFRE, Principal Researcher, BT Group

1030 - 1050

Coffee break

1050 - 1220

Session 5: Towards a high-bandwidth, low carbon future

Moderator: Mr James MACFIE, Nortel (Canada)

This session is intended to follow on from session 4 and examine what level of carbon abatement might be achievable with greater use of ICTs. The specific focus is on the ICT industry itself and what can be done to put its own house in order. In particular, this session should examine what kind of targets might be established for the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions that could be achieved through the implementation of ITU standards and treaties. It also asks what might be the role of regulatory bodies.

        • A regulator’s view, Mr Peter INGRAM, Chief Technology Officer, OFCOM (UK)

        • ETSI Green Agenda, Mr Bernard DUGERDIL, Freescale Semiconductor and ETSI Board Member

  • Energy Efficiency Checklist, Mr Yoichi MAEDA, Chair, ITU-T Study Group 15 (Optical and other transport network infrastructure)

        • Proposals for an ITU standardization activities on ICTs and Climate Change, Dr Yuji INOUE, President and CEO, Telecommunication Technology Committee of Japan

        • Views From The ICT Standards Advisory Council of Canada, Mr James MACFIE, Nortel

        • Energy Efficiency Inter-Operator Collaboration Group on ICTs and efficient broadband, Mr Dominique ROCHE, France Telecom Group, Infrastructure and Transmission Standardization Manager and Mr Flavio CUCHIETTI, Telecom Italia

1230 - 1330


1330 - 1500

Session 6: Adapting to climate change

Moderator: Mr Bruce STANFORD, Managing Director, Major Programmes, BT Wholesale

Even if the Kyoto protocol commitments to limit emissions of greenhouse gases are met in full, there may still be a rise in global average temperature of up to 2° by 2020 with a consequent rise in sea levels and in the occurrence of extreme weather events. Developing countries, especially small island developing states, are literally in the eye of the storm. How can ICTs help in adapting to the new environmental challenges? How can ICT-based projects for sustainable development, which generate carbon credits, be registered under the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol?

  • ICTs, adaptation to climate change, and sustainable development at the margins, Mr Don MACLEAN, Associate, International Institute for Sustainable Development (Canada)

  • Disaster preparedness and the global environment, Prof Toshio OBI, Director, ITU-Waseda ICT Centre (Japan)

  • An integrated framework for ICT-supported disaster preparedness in India, Dr Neena SINHA, University School of Management Studies (India: Remote presentation)

  • Technological paths to sustainability, Dr Thomas DOWNING, Executive Director, Stockholm Environment Institute, Oxford office

  • ICTs for e-environment, Ms Kerstin LUDWIG,  Project Officer, ICT Applications and Cybersecurity Division, ITU-D

  • Using networked ID systems to prepare for Global Environmental/Health Concerns, Prof. Shoichiro ASANO, National Institute of Informatics and Dr. Susumu YONEDA, Softbank Telecom Corp. Lab (Japan)

1500 - 1520

Coffee break

1520 - 1630

Session 7: Review and Wrap-up

Chaired by the meeting chair

This review session will discuss the draft chairman’s report of the meeting (to be distributed before the coffee break) and any recommendations. The outputs from the meeting will be forwarded to the meeting of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG) in July 2008 while the chairman’s report and conclusions of the Symposium will be forwarded to upcoming meetings of the G8 (in Japan) and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Session moderators:

  1. Mr Tim KELLY, Head, Standardization Policy Division (ITU)

  2. Ms Sheridan NYE, Senior Consultant, University of Sussex, UK

  3. Mr Bill THOMPSON, Technology Writer, BBC Online (UK)

  4. Mr Richard LABELLE, Aylmer Group (Canada)

  5. Mr James MACFIE, Nortel (Canada)

  6. Mr Bruce STANFORD, Managing Director, Major Programmes, BT Wholesale

1630 - 1645

Close of meeting
Mr Malcolm JOHNSON, Director, ITU-T

Mr Bruce STANFORD, Managing Director, Major Programmes, BT Wholesale

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