Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon.
13. ArtWelcome to the next topic of our IELTS Vocabulary Booster course. It’s time to study some art words. Another popular topic in IELTS! Ready to start Be attentive,
work hard, and you will get your target or an even higher score!
Let’s start with the term
Art itself. It’s often used in expressions defining different types of art. There are quite a lot of them.
Fine arts - Type of art that creates beautiful things.
It could be painting, sculpture, or music.
The museum collection consists of thousands
rare original works of fine art.Arts and crafts - the activity of making beautiful and useful objects.
You should visit one
of the local stores selling arts andcrafts, such as pottery and baskets.
Visual arts - creations that we can look at. For instance,
painting, sculpture,
architecture, film
Another good example of popular
visual art is film,
which includes documentaries and short films.
Plastic arts - every type of art we can touch. Sculpture would be a good example.
Performing arts - a very wide term
meaning anything from cinema, theater, or any other form of visual art to modern computer presentations. The key characteristic is that it’s performed.
Participating in
performing arts programs helps students develop a stronger sense of individualism,
self- reflection, and self-esteem.
I hope you now better understand what is the difference between the various types of art. Now let’s discuss some other words connected with art. Let’s start with
watercolor. Firstly it’s a pigment used with water to create paintings. Secondly a watercolor is a painting created with watercolors.
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