Initiation Into Hermetics

-3. Loading by Binding Elementals &c

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2-3. Loading by Binding Elementals &c

I have already described the creation of elementals and elementaries in the previous steps.
Naturally any being like these can be bound to a talisman, etc. The spell has to be performed with a self-selected word, a short, specially composed ritual or a gesture with the imagination. It will suffice then to execute the gesture or ritual or to pronounce the word or formula and the spell-bound elemental will release the respective effect. The magician will certainly know the times when he will be able to bind an elemental to a talisman. It is obvious that he will use elementals to influence the mental sphere, but for the achievement of astral or material results, he will resort to elementaries. Entities or beings can be bound to a talisman in this manner too in order to obtain certain effects, and there is no duly trained magician who could not perform such acts. He is able to establish the contact by the practice of the passive communication, with the magic mirror, or by inducing a trance in akasa. No further directions are necessary here, and the magician ought to know for himself what he has got to do.
2-4. Loading by Individual or Traditional Rituals

This practice is preferred mainly by oriental magicians who are endowed with a stupendous amount of patience that is indispensable where this kind of loading is concerned. The oriental magician makes a certain self-selected sign above the talisman or with it directly in the air,
with his hands, fingers, or even one finger – quite individually. While doing so he concentrates on the effect that the talisman is desired to have. He will repeat this experiment several times every day, thus producing so strong a “volt” in the akasa by these constant repetitions that the desired effect is as good as granted. If by frequent repetition of the experiment the magic volt in the akasa has grown strong enough, it suffices to perform the ritual or the sign with or above the talisman, which may be done without any imagination or mental effort, in order to produce the desired effect. A magician familiar with the Quabbalah will know that he ritually loaded his own battery in the akasa 462 times, corresponding to the quabbalistic number of 462, on 462 days for the purpose that his ritual would produce an automatic effect. This loading is practicable without great effort, but it is very wearisome and lengthy, and a European magician will hardly display this surplus of patience in order to achieve a result that he can sooner obtain with the help of one of the methods described here.
The loading by an traditional ritual is easier and requires only a few repetitions to bring about the contact, the effect being so amazing as to verge on a miracle. The snag here is that such traditional loading rituals happen to be the secrets of lodges, sects, &c., that I myself cannot give away. It is quite obvious that a magician trained in clairvoyance could easily get hold of these secrets, but there is always the danger of being found out. And the oriental magicians who guard their rituals under the oath of death would proceed ruthlessly against anyone that should dare to grab them without permission. Therefore I warn every magician not to do such pilfering. It is usually by gestures that the secret signs of various deities – Ishta Devatas -- are performed upon the talisman I a similar way as I described it in the description of the individual rites. No doubt, a loading like this has an extraordinary effect because this particular ritual is celebrated by hundreds of magicians, being handed down traditionally for one generation to the next. A member who has been declared to be mature is usually offered such a ritual as a sort of distinction. The grant of such a ritual which at the same time establishes the contact with the corresponding battery is called Ankhur or Abisheka in the orient.

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