Instructions ● Read the text twice. ● Read the questions. ● Answer the questions on the lines provided. Questions

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Grade 2
Revision Pack
Reading Comprehension and Grammar
● Read the text twice Read the questions Answer the questions on the lines provided.

1. Circle if the following statements are true or false.
To recycle means to create new materials from old ones.
If we want to live in a green world, we don’t have to care for our world.
2. Circle the correct answer to make the statement true. Then give a reason for your answer.
The passage Reduce. Reuse, Recycle is a fiction nonfiction passage because. Turning off water when we brush our teeth is away of reducing. What does this mean. The sentence below is mixed up. Unjumble the sentence.
book has boy. Thea. Look at the words below and use them in a sentence. Use a comma to list the different items.
Butter cheese apples bread
Sam went to the store and bought. Rewrite the sentences below and punctuate it correctly.

6.1. Why were you not at school yesterday. Lookout you will slip there. Look at the words below and write down the two words that rhyme on the line.
pot red pen hot
8. Look at the picture below and write a few sentences to tell a story. Use the words in the word bank to guide you to write.
Word bank:

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