Instructor: Lakshmi prayaga

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Course: CIS4340 (Software methods for Remote Databases)

Instructor: Lakshmi prayaga

Textbooks:    Beginning ASP.Net 1.0, Chris Goode etal

ISBN#: 1-861007-33-7

Programming the Web with ColdFusion MX 6.1 and XHTML

Description: This course introduces software methods for accessing and manipulating databases stored remotely on a server. The technologies being used are ASP.Net. and ColsFusion MX. We will be using VB.Net and ColdFusion MX with XHTML as the programming languages.

Most Important: One assignment with the lowest grade will be dropped. Absolutely no late assignments and no Wining. Please realize that we are all adults and are responsible for our actions.!!!

You must have FrontPage 2005 software for this class! Alternatively you can use Notepad and myNetwork places to the server to upload your assignments. Instructions for this will be provided. Of course this is not a fancy tool.

All assignments whether stated or Not are due on the following Wednesdayby 5.00 p.m


The topics that we will attempt to discuss in ASP.Net include:

Chapter 1        Getting started with ASP.Net

Chapter 2        Anatomy of ASP.Net page

Chapter 3        Forms and HTML Server Controls

Chapter 4        Storing Info in VB.Net

Chapter 5        Introducing     XML

Chapter 6        Control Structures and Procedural Programming

 Chapter 10      Objects in ASP.Net

Chapter 12        Reading From data Sources

Chapter 13        Manipulating Data Sources

Chapter 14 Server Controls

ColdFusion topics include

Static Vs Dynamic Web Pages

Web Theory

Variables and the different Scopes such as page level, form level, application level, session level, cookie level.

Control structures and loops

Formatting options

Client and Server side validation

Data Structures including lists, arrays, components

Advanced features of including email, charts, include files in code


Any programming language and the database systems class. You may co take database systems class along with the CIS4340 class.
Method of Instruction: There will be a lecture component to explain the concepts of the chapter, and will also have a hands-on environment to experiment with the concepts discussed

There will be one midterm and a final exam in addition to assignments and a project.


Assignments                                              50%

Mid term   (Project in ASP)                                               25%

Final Exam  (Project in Coldfusion)                                                                       25%

95 - 100    A,         90 - 94        A-,                 85 - 89        B+,                80 - 84        B-

75 - 79        C+,     70 - 74        C-,                60 - 69        D,                 All else        F      


1. All assignments/tests are due on the dates specified by the instructor. No late assignments will be accepted, no makeup tests unless you provide documented medical reasons.

2. If you wish to come to school, Room 180, bldg 79 and saillab have the software required for this class.

2. An " I " grade will not be given unless, the student has completed 70% of the course work and has a documented valid reason.

3. All students must be aware of UWF's cheating and plagiarism policies enforced by UWF, found in the student packages available at student affairs, admissions or instructor. The student must know the consequences of such acts, which will be enforced.

4 For last date to withdraw from classes please refer to the UWF academic calendar.

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