anulo = {n} ring (= circle of metal or other material); {also:} ringlike object; `anulo piscatori' fisherman's ring {Hence:} anuletto; anular; anulose
anulose = {adj} [Zool.] annulose
anxie = {adj} anxious (1. uneasy, worried; 2. eagerly desiring) {Hence:} anxietate
anxietate = {n} anxiety (1. uneasiness; 2. eager desire)
aorta = {n} aorta {Hence:} aortic
aortic = {adj} aortic
à outrance [F] = à outrance, in the extreme
ap- = {see} `apo-'
apath- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives] apath- (= apathetic) {Hence:} apathia-apatic
apathia (-ía) = {n} apathy
apathic = {adj} apathetic
ape = {n} bee; `ape operari, ape neutre' working bee; `ape matre, ape regina, ape femine' queen bee; `ape mascule' drone {Hence:} apiario (1); apiario (2), apicula-apiculario; apicultura etc.; apivore etc.
[a-pena] = {adv} hardly, scarcely (= `a pena')
apennin = {adj} Apennine {Hence:} Apenninos
Apenninos = {nprpl} Apennines
apepsia (-ía) = {n} [Pathol.] apepsy
apercept- = {see} `aperciper'
aperiente = 1 {ppr} of `aperir'; 2. {adj} aperient, laxative
aperir [-per-/-pert-] = {v} to open (1. to unclose; 2. to begin) {Hence:} aperiente; apertura; aperte; aperitive-aperitivo; aperitor; reaperir-reapertura
aperitive = {adj} aperitive, aperient, laxative
aperitivo = {n} 1. aperient, laxative; 2. apéritif
aperitor = {n} opener
apert- = {see} `aperir'
aperte = {adj} open (= not closed, limited or hidden)
apertura = {n} opening (1. action of opening; 2. aperture; 3. beginning)
apetale = {adj} [Bot.] apetalous
aphasia (-ía) = {n} [Pathol.] aphasia
aphasic = {adj} aphasic, aphasiac
aphasico = {n} aphasic, aphasiac
aphone = {adj} aphonic, voiceless
aphonia (-ía) = {n} aphonia
aphonic = {adj} aphonic, voiceless
aphorizar = {v} to aphorize (= to speak, write, etc., in aphorisms) {Hence:} aphorismo; aphorista-aphoristic
aphorismo = {n} aphorism
aphorista = {n} aphorist
aphoristic = {adj} aphoristic
aphrodis- = {see} `Aphrodite'
aphrodisiac (íac) = {adj} aphrodisiac
aphrodisiaco (-íaco) = {n} aphrodisiac
Aphrodite = {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Aphrodite {Hence:} aphroditic; aphrodisiac-aphrodisiaco; Hermaphrodito etc.
aphroditic = {adj} aphroditic, venereal
apiario (1) = {n} bee-keeper
apiario (2) = {n} apiary
apice (á-) = {n} apex
apicula = {n} honey-bee
apiculario = {n} bee-hive
api-cultor = {n} bee-keeper, apiculturist
api-cultura = {n} bee-keeping, apiculture
api-vore = {adj} bee-eating
apo- = {prefixo} [`ap-' before `-h-' and vowels; used chiefly to form technical terms] apo-, ap- (1. off, away; 2. separate) {Hence:} apogee etc.: apostasia etc.
apocryphe (-ócryphe) = {adj} apocryphal; {specif.:} [Eccl.]; also: spurious, unauthenticated {Hence:} apocrypho
apocrypho (-ócrypho) = {n} apocryphon, {also:} apocrypha; `apocryphos' apocrypha, apocryphas
apogee (-ée) = {adj} apogean, apogeal
apogeo (-éo) = {n} apogee (1. [Astron.]; 2. highest point, culmination)
Apolline = {npr} [Gr.Myth.] Apollo {Hence:} apollinee
apollinee = {adj} Apolline, Apollonian
Apollon = {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Apollo
apolog- = {see} `apologia'
apologetic = {adj} apologetic (= defending by speech or writing) {Hence:} apologetica
apologetica = {n} apologetics
apologia (-ía) = {n} apology, apologia {Hence:} apologista; apologetic &
apologista = {n} apologist
apologo (-ólogo) = {n} apologue
apophysis (-ó-) = {n} [Anat., Zool., etc.] apophysis
apoplectic = {adj} apoplectic, apoplectical
apoplexia (-ía) = {n} apoplexy
apostasia (-ía) = {n} apostasy
apostata (-ó-) = {n} apostate {Hence:} apostatic
a posteriori [L] = {adv} a posteriori
apostolato = {n} apostolate
apostolic = {adj} apostolic (1. pertaining to the apostles or their teachings; 2. papal)
apostolicitate = {n} apostolicity
apostolo (-ós-) = {n} apostle; `le Symbolo del Apostolos' the Apostles' Creed {Hence:} apostolato; apostolic-apostolicitate
apostrophar = {v} [Rhet.] to apostrophize (= to address in an apostrophe)
apostrophe (-pós-) = {n} [Rhet.] apostrophe {Hence:} apostrophar
apostropho = {n} apostrophe (= the mark ' as used in "ne'er, boy's, etc.")
apotheca = {n} pharmacy, apothecary's {Hence:} apothecario
apothecario = {n} apothecary
apotheosis (-ósis) = {n} apotheosis (1. [Class. Hist.] deification; 2. glorification)
appaciabile = {adj} appeasable
appaciamento = {n} appeasement; pacification
appaciar = {v} to appease {Hence:} appaciamento; appaciabile-inappaciabile; appaciator
appaciator = {n} appeaser
apparar = {v} to prepare {Hence:} apparato
apparato = {n} I. apparatus (1. appliance, instrument; 2. collection of mechanical contrivances for carrying out a given work); II. pomp, display; `apparato respiratori' respiratory apparatus; `apparato photographic' [Photog.] camera
apparentar = {v} to ally or connect by marriage
apparente = {adj} apparent (1. plain to see; 2. seeming); `diametro apparente' apparent diameter; `morte apparente' suspended animation
apparentia = {n} appearance (= aspect); `salvar le apparentias' to keep up appearances
apparer = {v} to appear (= to come in sight) {Hence:} apparente-apparentia; apparition; reapparer-reapparition
apparition = {n} apparition (1. act of appearing, appearance; 2. phantom, ghost)
appartamento = {n} 1. (act of) separating; 2. apartment, flat
appartar = {v} to separate {Hence:} appartamento
appellabile = {adj} appealable
appellante = {n} [Law] appellant
appellar = {v} 1. [Law] to appeal; 2. to call, name; `appellar a' to appeal to (for help etc.); `appellar de (un sententia)' to appeal against (a sentence) {Hence:} appello; appellante; appellabile-inappellabile; appellation; appellative-appellativo
appellation = {n} I. appeal (1. [Law]; 2. as in "the appeal to reason"); II. appellation
appellative = {adj} appellative (1. denominative of a class; 2. as in "the appellative faculty of children")
appellativo = {n} [Gram.] appellative (= common or class name)
appello = {n} appeal (1. [Law]; 2. earnest request); `corte de appello' Court of Appeal, Appellate Court; `appello nominal' roll call
appender = {v} 1. to hang up (on, to, onto, etc.); 2. to append {Hence:} appendice &
appendice (-én-) = {n} appendix (1. appendage; 2. "appendix to a book, etc."; 3. [Anat.]) {Hence:} appendicitis; appendicula-appendicular; appendicectomia etc.
appendic-ectomia (-ía) = {n} [Surg.] appendectomy
appendicitis (-ítis) = {n} appendicitis
appendicula = {n} appendicle, small appendix or appendage
appendicular = {adj} [Pathol.] appendicular
appercept- = {see} `apperciper'
apperception = {n} [Psychol.] apperception
apperciper [-cip-/-cept-] = {v} to perceive, apprehend (mentally) {Hence:} apperception
appertinente = {adj} appurtenant, appertinent
appertinentia = {n} [Law] appurtenance
appertiner = {v} to appertain
appestar = {v} to infect (with a plague)
appetente = 1 {ppr} of `appeter'; 2. {adj} longing, desirous (of)
appetentia = {n} appetency, appetence (= fixed and strong desire); {also:} appetite
appeter = {v} to crave, have a craving for {Hence:} appetente-appetentia, inappetente-inappetentia; appetibile; appetive; appetito
appetibile = {adj} appetible, desirable
appetitive = {adj} appetitive (= having appetite; giving appetite)
appetito = {n} appetite
applanamento = {n} (act of) flattening, smoothing, planing
applanar = {v} to flatten, smooth, plane; `applanar difficultates' to smooth away difficulties {Hence:} applanamento
applattar = {v} to flatten (= to make flat, bring level)
applauder [-plaud-/-plaus-] = {v} to applaud {Hence:} applauso; applauditor
applauditor = {n} applauder
applaus- = {see} `applauder'
applauso = {n} applause
applicabile = {adj} 1. that can be applied or put on; 2. applicable, appropriate
applicabilitate = {n} appropriateness, applicability
applicar = {v} to apply (1. to put on; 2. to put to use); `applicar se' a to apply oneself, put one's mind to; `scientias applicate' applied sciences {Hence:} applicabile-applicabilitate, inapplicabile-inapplicabilitate; application-inapplication
application = {n} application (1. act of putting on; 2. act of putting to use; 3. diligence)
appoiar = {v} 1. to keep up, prop (up); {also:} to support, back, aid; `appoiar (un cosa) contra' to lean (something) against; `appoiar (un cosa) super' to rest (something) on; `appoiar se (super, contra)' to lean (on, against) {Hence:} appoio
appoio (-óyo) = {n} support (1. backing, aid; 2. prop, rest, shore)
apponer [-pon-/-posit-] = {v} to appose (as in "to appose one's seal to") {Hence:} apposition; appositivo; apposite
apportar = {v} to bring
apportionamento = {n} apportionment
apportionar = {v} to apportion {Hence:} apportionamento
apposit- = {see} `apponer'
apposite (-pó-) = {adj} apposite, relevant
apposition = {n} apposition (1. act of placing near; 2. [Gram.]); `in apposition' in apposition
appositive = {adj} [Gram.] appositive
appreciabile = {adj} 1. appreciable; 2. worthy of esteem
appreciamento = {n} appraisal
appreciar = {v} 1. to appraise (= to estimate the value of); 2. to appreciate (= to esteem highly) {Hence:} appreciabile-inappreciabile; appreciamento; appreciation; appreciator
appreciation = {n} appreciation (1. appraisal; 2. adequate or high estimation of value)
appreciator = {n} 1. appraiser; 2. one who appreciates, esteems highly
apprehender [-hend-/-hens-] = {v} to apprehend (1. to seize, arrest; 2. to grasp mentally, understand; 3. to dread) {Hence:} apprehensibile-apprehensibilitate; apprehension; apprehensive
apprehens- = {see} `apprehender'
apprehensibile = {adj} apprehensible, understandable
apprehensibilitate = {n} apprehensibility, understandability
apprehension = {n} apprehension (1. act of grasping mentally; 2. dread)
apprehensive = {adj} apprehensive (= dreading)
apprender = {v} to learn (1. to gain knowledge of, by study or instruction; 2. to acquire information about, find out about) {Hence:} disapprender
apprentissage (-aje) = {n} apprenticeship
apprentisse = {n} apprentice {Hence:} apprentissage
apprestar = {v} to prepare, make ready {Hence:} appresto
appresto = {n} preparation
approbabile = {adj} approvable
approbar = {v} to approve, approve of {Hence:} approbabile; approbation; approbative; approbator; approbatori; disapprobar-disapprobation, disapprobator
approbation = {n} approval, approbation
approbative = {adj} approving, approbative
approbator = {n} approver
approbatori = {adj} approbatory, approbative
approchabile (-sh-) = {adj} approachable
approchar (-sh-) = {v} to approach (= to come or go near to) {Hence:} approche; approchabile
approche (-sh-) = {n} approach (= action of approaching); `approches' [Mil.] approaches
approfundamento = {n} 1. (action of) deepening, making deeper in level; 2. (thorough) investigation
approfundar = {v} 1. to deepen (= to make deeper in level); 2. to go deeply into, fathom, investigate
appropriabile = {adj} 1. that may be appropriated; 2. adaptable
appropriar = {v} to adapt; `appropriar se un cosa' to appropriate something (= to take something for one's own) {Hence:} appropriabile; appropriation; appropriate
appropriate = 1 {pp} of `appropriar'; 2. {adj} appropriate
appropriation = {n} 1. appropriation (= action of appropriating); 2. adaptation (= action of adapting)
approvisionamento = {n} (act of) supplying, furnishing
approvisionar = {v} to supply, furnish, cater
approximar = {v} to approximate, bring near; `approximar se (a)' to approach, come near {Hence:} approximation; approximative
approximation = {n} approximation (1. action of approximating; 2. close estimate)
approximative = {adj} approximate, approximative
appunctamento = {n} appointment, rendez-vous
appunctar = {v} 1. to appoint (as in "to appoint someone to a post"); 2. to point, sharpen {Hence:} appunctamento, disappunctar &
appuramento = {n} 1. purification; 2. verification, audit
appurar = {v} I. to clear (1. to free from impurities; 2. to free from obligation); II. to free from errors; to verify, audit, etc. {Hence:} appuramento
april = {n} April
a priori [L] = {adv} a priori {Hence:} apriorismo; apriorista-aprioristic
apriorismo = {n} a priori reasoning
apriorista = {n} a priori reasoner
aprioristic = {adj} a priori
apsidal = {adj} apsidal (1. [Astron.]; 2. [Arch.])
apside (ápside) = {n} apse (1. [Astron.] apsis; 2. [Arch.]) {Hence:} apsidal
aptar = {v} to adapt
apte = {adj} apt (= suited to its purpose) {Hence:} aptitude; aptar-adaptar &; inepte &; inapte-inaptitude
aptere = {adj} [Entom.] apterous
apteros (áp-) = {npl} [Entom.] Aptera
aptitude = {n} aptitude (= natural capacity or propensity)
apud (á-) = {prep} near, with, at, by
aqua = {n} water (1. the liquid "water"; 2. limpidity and luster of a precious stone); `aqua de Colonia' cologne, eau de Cologne; `aqua forte' 1. aqua fortis, nitric acid; 2. etching (= picture printed from etched plate); `aqua pesante' heavy water; `via de aqua' [Naut.] leak; `facer aqua' [Naut.] to leak {Hence:} aquarella &; aquario; aquiero; aquatic; aquatile; aquee-terraquee etc; aquose-aquositate; aquar-disaquar-disaquamento; aquamarin etc; aqueducto etc.
aqua-marin = {adj} aquamarine {Hence:} aquamarina
aquamarina = {n} 1. (the stone) aquamarine; 2. (the color) aquamarine
aquar = {v} to water (plants, etc.); to sprinkle (with water)
aquarella = {n} water color (painting) {Hence:} aquarellista
aquarellista = {n} water-color painter
aquario = {n} aquarium; `Aquario' [Astron.] Aquarius, Water Bearer
aquatic = {adj} aquatic
aquatile = {adj} aquatic
aque-ducto = {n} [Arch.] aqueduct
aquee = {adj} aqueous
*aquella = {dem pron} {fem.} that (one) (female}; the former.
*aquelle = {dem adj.} that ; those; 2. (the) former (=first of two)
*aquelle = {dem pr.} {masc} that (one) (male); 2. the former
*aquello = [dem pr} {neut} that (one); 2 the former {of things and unsexed animals}
*aqueste = {dem adj.} this; those 2. (the) second of two II. {dem. pron.} masculine, this (man) {variant of `iste'; not to be used in same text}
*aquesta = {dem. pron.} this (woman)
*aquesto = {dem. pron.} this (thing)
*aqui = {adv} here; de aqui a (un hora, etc.) (an hour, etc.); *fin a aqui 1. to here; 2. up to now, hitherto; aqui juncte herewith
aquero = {n} drain (= channel or pipe for carrying away water or other liquid)
aquila (á-) = {n} eagle {Hence:} aquilin
aquilegia = {n} [Bot.] columbine
aquilin = {adj} aquiline
Aquisgrano = {npr} Aachen, Aix-la-Chapelle
aquose = {adj} aqueous, watery
aquositate = {n} aquosity, wateriness
ar = {n} are (= one hundredth part of a hectare) {Hence:} hectar etc.; deciar etc.
-ar = {suffixo adjective} [used instead of `-al' with nouns containing `-l-'] -ar (= pertaining to ..., characteristic of ..., etc.) {Hence:} lunar etc.; regular etc.
-ar = {suffixo verbal} [used with nouns and adjectives] -ate or zero (as in "to catenate; to chain, etc.") (1. [with nouns] to make use of ..., to apply ..., etc.; 2. [with adjectives] to render ..., to make ... etc.) {Hence:} martellar etc.; acierar etc.; examinar etc.; vulnerar etc.; siccar etc.; duplicar etc.
arabe (1) (á-) = {adj} Arab, Arabian, Arabic; `cavallo arabe' Arabian horse {Hence:} arabe (2)-Arabia-arabic, arabismo, arabista, arabesc-arabesco
arabe (2) (á-) = {n} 1. Arab; 2. Arabic
arabesc = {adj} [Art] arabesque
arabesco = {n} [Art] arabesque
Arabia = {npr} Arabia
arabic = {adj} Arab, Arabian, Arabic; `cifra arabic' Arabic number; `gumma arabic' gum Arabic
arabile = {adj} arable
arabismo = {n} Arabicism, Arabism, Arabic idiom
arabista = {n} Arabist (= student of Arabic language and culture)
arachide (-rá-) = {n} 1. [Bot.] Arachis; 2. peanut; `oleo de arachide' peanut oil {Hence:} arachidic
arachidic = {adj} arachidic; `acido arachidic' arachidic acid
aranea = {n} spider; `tela de aranea' cobweb, spider web
arar = {v} to plow {Hence:} arabile; arator; aratori; aratura
arator = {n} plower, plowman
aratori = {adj} agricultural, farming
aratro = {n} plow
aratura = {n} 1. (act of) plowing; 2. plowed field
arbitrage (-aje) = {n} 1. arbitration, arbitrament; 2. [Bank. etc.] arbitrage
arbitramento = {n} arbitration, arbitrament
arbitrar = {v} to arbitrate
arbitrari = {adj} arbitrary
arbitrarietate = {n} arbitrariness
arbitration = {n} arbitration
arbitrator = {n} arbitrator
arbitro (á-) = {n} arbiter; {also:} umpire {Hence:} arbitrari-arbitrarietate; arbitrar-arbitrage, arbitramento, arbitration, arbitrator
arbore = {n} [Bot.] tree; `arbore genealogic' family tree, genealogical tree {Hence:} arboreto; arboretto; arborista; arboree; arborescer-arborescente-arborescentia; arborizar-arborization, arborizate
arboree = {adj} arboreal, tree
arborescente = 1 {ppr} of `arborescer'; 2. {adj} [Bot.] arborescent (= of treelike growth)
arborescentia = {n} [Bot.] arborescence
arborescer = {v} [Bot.] to arboresce, grow into a tree
arboreto = {n} grove; {also:} arboretum
arboretto = {n} small tree
arborizar = {v} to give a treelike appearance to, arborize
arborizate = 1 {pp} of `arborizar'; 2. {adj} [Mineral.] dendritic
arborization = {n} arborization; {also:} [Mineral.; Anat.; etc.]
arborista = {n} arborist
arbusto = {n} shrub, bush
arca = {n} ark {Hence:} arcan &
arcada = {n} 1. archway; 2. arcade
Arcadia = {npr} Arcadia {Hence:} arcadian
arcadian = {adj} Arcadian
arcan = {adj} secret, mysterious {Hence:} arcano
arcano = {n} secret, mystery
arcar = {v} to arch (1. to cause to arch or curve; 2. to furnish with arches)
arch-' [occurring in compounds] I. -arch-, -arch (= rule, ruling, ruler, etc.); II. archi-, arche-, arch- (1. chief, principal, leading; 2. primitive, original, archetypal) {Hence:} anarch- &; archetypo etc.; archiduce etc.; archipresbytero etc.; architrave etc.; hierarcha etc.; patriarcha etc.; syriarcha etc.; tetrarcha etc.; pentarchia etc.; archonte; exarch- &; oligarch- etc.; monarch- etc.
arch- = {see also} arco
archa- = {see} `arche-'
archaic (-áic) = {adj} archaic
archaizar = {v} to archaize
archaismo (-ísmo) = {n} archaism
archaista (-ísta) = {n} archaist
arch-angelo (-án-) = {n} archangel
arche- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] archaeo-, archae- (= old) {Hence:} archaic; archaizar-archaismo, archaista; archeologo etc.
archeologia (-ía) = {n} archaeology
archeologic = {adj} archaeological
archeo-logo (-ólo-) = {n} archaeologist {Hence:} archeologia; archeologic
archero = {n} archer
archetto = {n} (violin) bow
arche-typo (-é-) = {n} archetype
archi-diacono (-diá-) = {n} archdeacon
archiducal = {adj} archducal
archiducato = {n} archduchy
archi-duce = {n} archduke {Hence:} archiducato; archiduchessa; archiducal
archiduchessa = {n} archduchess
archiepiscopal = {adj} archiepiscopal
archiepiscopato = {n} archiepiscopate; {also:} archbishopric
archi-episcopo (-ís-) = {n} archbishop {Hence:} archiepiscopato; archiepiscopal
Archimedes (-mé-) = {npr} Archimedes; `principio de Archimedes' Archimedean principle, Archimedes' principle; `vite de Archimedes' Archimedean screw, Archimedes' screw
archipelago (-pé-) = {n} archipelago
archi-presbytero (-bí-) = {n} archpriest
archi-prestre = {n} archpriest
architect- = {see} `architecton-'
architecto = {n} architect
archi-tecton- = {n} [occurring in derivatives] architecton- (= architect) {Hence:} architectonic; architectonica; architecto-architectura
architectonic = {adj} architectonic (= architectural; also: constructive)
architectonica = {n} architectonics (= science or principles of architecture)
architectura = {n} architecture
archi-trave = {n} [Arch.] architrave
archival = {adj} archival
archivamento = {n} (action of) filing in archives
archivar = {v} to file in archives
archivista = {n} archivist
archivo = {n} archive {Hence:} archivista; archival; archivar-archivamento
archi-volta = {n} archivolt
archonte = {n} [Gr. Hist.] archon
arcion = {n} saddlebow
arco = {n} I. arc; II. arch; III. bow (1. weapon for shooting arrows; 2. rod for playing the violin, etc.); `arco triumphal' or `de triumpho' triumphal arch {Hence:} arcada; archero; archetto; arcion; arcar; archivolta etc.; arcobalista etc.
arco-ballista = {n} crossbow
arct- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] arct- (= bear) {Hence:} arctic-antarctic, holarctic etc.
arctic = {adj} arctic; `polo arctic' arctic pole, north pole; `circulo arctic' arctic circle; `Oceano Arctic' Arctic (Ocean)
Arcturo = {npr} [Astron.] Arcturus
ardente' I. ppr of `arder'; II. {adj} ardent (1. burning; 2. fervent)
arder = {v} to burn (1. to be on fire; 2. to cause to be consumed by fire) {Hence:} ardente; ardimento; ardor-ardorose; arditura
ardesia = {n} slate (1. [Mineral.]; 2. roofing slate; 3. writing slate) {Hence:} ardesiero; ardesiera; ardesiose
ardesiera = {n} slate quarry
ardesiero = {n} slate worker; slate-quarry owner
ardesiose = {adj} slate, slaty
ardimento = {n} burning (1. being on fire; 2. causing to be consumed by fire)
arditura = {n} burn (= hurt, injury, or effect caused by burning)
ardor = {n} ardor (1. fierce heat; 2. fervor)
ardorose = {adj} ardent, ardurous
ardue = {adj} arduous (1. steep; 2. difficult to achieve) {Hence:} arduitate
arduitate = {n} arduousness
area = {n} area (1. clear space within a building; 2. surface extent)
arena = {n} I. sand; II. arena (1. place of combat; 2. [Med.] gravel) {Hence:} arenari-arenario; arenero; arenacee; arenose-arenositate; arenar-arenamento
arenacee = {adj} sandy, arenaceous
arenamento = {n} stranding, grounding
arenar = {v} I. to sand (1. to cover with sand; 2. to rub with sand); II. to strand, run aground
arenari = {adj} (of) sand; `petra arenari' sandstone
arenario = {n} sandpit
arenero = {n} dealer in sand
arenose = {adj} sandy, gravelly; gritty
arenositate = {n} sandiness, gravelliness; grittiness
areopagita = {n} [Gr. Hist.] Arcopagite
Areopago (-ó-) = [Gr. Hist.] Areopagus {Hence:} areopagita
Ares (á-) = {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Ares
argentano = {n} argentan, German silver
argentar = {v} to silver, cover or plate with silver
argentate = {adj} argentate
argentator = {n} silverer, silver plater
argentee = {adj} silvery (= silver-colored)
argenteria (-ía) = {n} silver plate
argentero = {n} silversmith
argentifere = {adj} argentiferous, yielding silver
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