Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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In Draw Phase only:

Draw 2 cards, or

Draw 1 card, or

Fill hand to 5 cards, or

Draw cards = 1 + The number of Castles you control



Live and fight as a King of Hyboria!


Many Conan Novels have a Complete Map of Hyboria after the Table of contents.

In this game each country is also referred to as a territory or region.

You may want to divide large territories into two or more smaller regions.

Individual cities may also be counted as being their own region.

Areas of Water may also be divided into lesser regions.

Map of Hyboria


Use cardboard counters for pieces or as tokens.

Each player needs a set of counters of a unique color.

Each counter set must include the following 8 Unit Types:

Army, Elite, Hero, Wizard, Monster, Ships, King, Fortification

Generic (non-player specific) Counters are also needed to represent:

Gold, Divinations, Storms, Curses, and Relics.

A set of Neutral Armies are needed.


Dice of several sizes are required.


There are only several unit types:

Unit Name Move Init. Attack Chits Notes

Army 1 1 8 30

Elite 1 2 6 20

Hero 2 5 4 10

Wizard 2 4 4 10

Monster 2 3 5 5 Attack twice per Battle Phase

Ships 2 3 6 10

King 2 5 4 1

Fortifications 0 0 0 15

Move = Maximum number of regions unit can move in Move Phase

Initiative = Determines order of attack

Attack = Minimum number that must be rolled to destroy a unit in Battle

Chits = Number of counters in a set. A player can recruit no more.


Thumb wrestle to determine turn order.

Each player stars with 1 King and 1 Army in any region on the Map.

Place 1 neutral army on every unoccupied territory.

Neutral armies do not move.

A Neutral army must be destroyed to gain control of a territory.


Players take turns.

Each turn has 7 Phases:

Fate Phase

Hero Phase

Wizard Phase

Recruit Phase

Move Phase

Battle Phase

Plunder Phase


If a territory has Storm tokens on it, discard one.

If a territory has Curse tokens on it, discard one.


Each Hero rolls once on the Heroic Actions Table

Max three rolls per region.


Each Wizard rolls once on the Wizard Magic Table.

Max three rolls per region.


You control any region one of your units occupies and no enemy unit occupies.

For each country you completely control, roll once on the corresponding Recruit Table.

A Gold Token may be discarded to get an extra roll in a territory you control.

3 rolls max per region per turn.

Regions with storm or curse tokens may not recruit.


There are no stacking limits.

Your units may move into but not through spaces occupied by opponents.

Units may not move into, out of or through a space with a storm token.

Only Ships may move in Water.

Each Ship may carry one Army, Elite, Hero, or Wizard.


If opposing units occupy the same region they will fight.

A battle is divided into rounds.

Rounds are further divided into Segments:

Hero Battle Action Segment

Wizard Battle Spell Segment

Attack Segment


Each hero present may roll once on the Battle Action Table.

The King for all purposes is considered a Hero.


Each Wizard present may roll once on the Battle Spell Table.


Units from all sides may attack.

The unit with the highest Initiative Rating may attack first and so on.

Attacks by units with the same Initiative rating are simultaneous.

For each attack roll 1D10.

If the roll is equal to or higher than the Attack Rating of the unit

attacking, one casualty is inflicted.

The defender chooses which of his units are destroyed.

Fortifications are lost first.

After all surviving units have attacked, the round ends.

One of the sides may chose to retreat to an adjacent territory they

control or a new round starts.

Rounds continue until only one side occupies the region.


If the Defender is driven out or destroyed, the attacker gains 1 Gold.

If your King is killed, one of your other Heroes becomes the new king.

Except for the new King and the units stacked with it, all your other

units are discarded, or if they are Armies, they become neutral.


1D20 Effect Notes:

1 Training Turn up to 2 fellow armies into elite units

2 Assassination Kill Hero or Wizard in adjacent Territory

3 Forced March Stack gains Move Rating +1

4 Recruit Make an extra recruit roll in this Territory

5 Adventure Kill Monster in adjacent Territory or Gain 1 Gold

6 Long Journey Hero gets Move Rating +2

7 Foment Rebellion Put Army in adjacent Territory

8 Convert Gain control of adjacent unit

9 Raiding Adjacent Territory may not recruit this turn

10 Fortify Place Fortification Token in this space

11 Piracy/Banditry Gain 1 Gold or steal one of opponents Gold Tokens

12 Battle Plan Hero may make 1 extra roll on the Battle Action Table

13 Untimely End Hero Killed

14-20 Carousing Nothing


1D20 Effect Notes:

1 Consumed by Demons The Wizard is destroyed by his own Demons

2 Hunter Killer Demon Kill Hero or Wizard in adjacent Territory

3 Forge/Discover Artifact Wizard gets Relic Token

4 Great Curse Put 1D6 Curse Tokens on adjacent Territory

5 Bind Monster Recruit 1 Monster Unit

6 Summon Greater Demon Recruit 1 Hero Unit

7 Demon Horde Recruit 1 Elite Unit

8 Plague Destroy adjacent Army or Elite unit

9 Transmutation Convert fellow unit into a Monster

10 Demonic Steeds Stack gains Move Rating +2

11 Prophecy Gain 1D3 Divination Tokens

12 Necromancy Recruit 1 Army Unit

13 Mind Control Gain control of adjacent unit

14 Magical Riches Gain 1 Gold

15 Storms Put Storm Token on adjacent Territory

16 Earthquake Destroy adjacent Army or Fortifications

17 Sacrifice Roll again and destroy a fellow unit

18 Insanity The Wizard is destroyed

19 Frivolous Pursuits Nothing

20 Ancient Lore Pick one


Insanity and Consumed by Demons cannot be negated by Divination Tokens.

Discard a Divination Token to cause any Dieroll to be rerolled.

A Wizard with a Relic Token may roll an extra time on this table.

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