Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Minor Fortifications give defending units +1 Force each.

Major Fortifications give defending units +2 Force each.

If defeated, Heroes are simply sent back to the unit chit pile.


Unit Name: # Move F Type Notes

Sauron the Dark Lord 1 0 20 H Mage (Maiar)

Saruman the White 1 F 10 H Mage (Istari, Maiar)

Witch King of Morgul 1 F 8 H Mage (High Nazgul)

Nazgul Ring Wraiths 1 F 7 H (Black Riders)

Barrow-Wights 1 S 7 A (Undead)

Mouth of Sauron 1 F 7 H Mage

Orcs 10 M 2 A (Goblins)

Uruk-hai 4 M 3 A (Hobgoblins)

Half Orcs 2 M 3 A

Trolls 4 M 5 M (Giants)

Olog-hai 2 M 6 M (Great Trolls)

Balrog Demon 1 F 12 M

Shelob the Great 1 S 7 M (Spider)

Great Spiders 2 S 5 M (Spiders)

Cold-Drake 1 FF 9 M (Dragon)

Winged Fire-Drake 1 FF 10 A (Dragon)

Black Numenoreans 2 M 3 A (Men)

Umbar Corsairs 4 F 3 A (Men) Ships

Easterlings of Rhun 2 M 3 A (Men)

Men of Harad 2 M 3 A (Men, Southrons)

Balchoth Barbarians 2 M 3 A (Men)

Wargs 1 F 5 M (Great Wolves)

Wolf Riders 1 F 6 A (Orcs & Wargs)

Great Bats 1 FF 3 A

Vampires 1 FF 5 A (Undead)

Gaurhoth Werewolves 1 F 6 A (Shapeshifters)

Wainriders 2 F 3 A (Men, War Chariots)

Flies of Mordor 1 M 4 M (Swarms)

Dunlendings 2 M 3 A (Men)

Haradrim Mumakils 1 F 5 A (Men, War Elephants)

Hillmen 1 M 3 A (Men)

Kraken 1 F 7 M Sea

Variags of Khand 2 M 3 A (Men)

Siege Towers 2 S 2 A +5 vs Fortifications

Catapults 2 S 3 A +5 vs Fortifications

Battering Rams 2 S 1 A +5 vs Fortifications


Unit Name: # Move F Type Notes

Gandalf the Grey 1 F 9 H Mage (Istari, Maiar)

Radagast the Brown 1 F 6 H Mage (Istari, Maiar)

Aragorn 1 F 8 H (Strider)

Legolas the Elf Lord 1 F 6 H

Glimli the Dwarf Lord 1 F 6 H

Eomer 1 F 7 H Mage

Boromir 1 F 5 H

Eowyn 1 F 4 H +3 vs Nazgul

King Theoden 1 F 3 H

Gwaihir the Windlord 1 FF 5 M

Eagles 2 FF 5 A

Treebeard 1 F 6 M (Treefolk)

Ents 2 F 6 M (Treefolk)

Huorns 1 F 5 M (Treefolk)

Grey Mountain Dwarves 2 S 4 A (Khazad)

Iron Hill Dwarves 2 S 4 A (Khazad)

Rivendell Grey Elves 2 F 4 A (Sindar)

Lothlorien High Elves 2 F 4 A (Noldor)

Mirkwood Silvan Elves 2 F 4 A (Laiquendi)

Teleri Sea Elves 2 F 4 A Ships

Half Elves 1 F 4 A

Shire Hobbits 1 S 2 A

Men of Gondor 2 M 4 A (Dunedain Men)

Men of Arnor 2 M 4 A (Dunedain Men)

Lakemen of Esgaroth 2 M 3 A Ships (Northmen)

Horsemen of Rohan 2 F 4 A (Rohirrim)

Bardings of Dale 2 M 4 A (Northmen)

Beorning Bear Men 1 M 5 A (Northmen)

Rangers of the North 1 M 5 A (Northmen)

Woses of Druadan 1 M 4 A (Pukel Men)

Woodmen of Mirkwood 1 M 3 A (Northmen)

Dead Men of Dunharrow 1 S 6 A (Undead)


Card Name: # Notes:

March 6 Move 1 Stack

Great Host 4 Move 2 Stacks

Grand March 3 Move 3 Stacks

Fear 3 Battle: Monster unit gets +5 Force

Terror 3 Battle: Undead unit gets +5 Force

Scouts 3 Look at target stack

Palantir 3 Look at opponents hand

Corruption 2 Battle: Force of Opposing Hero is negated

Fell Beasts 2 Evil: Move 1 Hero unit

The Lidless Eye 2 Evil: Look at opponents hand

Search for the Ring 3 Negate a move made by an Evil Stack

Battle Magic 4 Battle: Mage gets +5 Force

Heroism 3 Battle: Good Hero gets +5 Force

Magic Sword 3 Battle: Hero gets +5 Force

Chase Gollum 1 Target Good Hero is discarded

Join the Fellowship 1 Target Good Hero is discarded

Bravery 1 Battle: Good Armies gets +1 Force

Elven Arrows 1 Battle: Elf Armies gets +2 Force

Dwarven Iron 1 Battle: Dwarf Armies gets +2 Force

Overwhelming Numbers 2 Battle: Orc/Goblin Armies gets +2 Force

Cowards 1 Battle: Evil Armies get –1 Force

Magespeed 1 Move 1 Stack that contains a Mage



Each player controls a militia group in a region undergoing civil war.


Reduce your opponent to zero population tokens.


Each player starts the game with 20 population tokens.

(Members of their own ethnic group)


Players share a common deck.

There are 3 card types:

L = Leaders

U = Units

E = Events


Players are dealt a hand of seven cards.

The youngest player goes first.


Players take turns.

Each turn has 3 phases:

Support Phase

Recruit Phase

Conflict Phase


Draw 1 card.

If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.


You may put unit & leader cards from your hand into play.


You may pass or attack with one or more your units.

An unblocked unit does damage to the target population.

Remove population tokens equal to the force of the attacking unit.

Defending units may block.

Compare the Forces of the blocking & blocked units.

The unit with the smaller force is destroyed (discard).

In case of a tie, both units are destroyed.

Certain Event cards may be played to increase the Force of Units.

A Unit can only receive a Force bonus from one Event card.

Discard Event cards as soon as they are played.


If you have no leaders, you may not attack.

A Leader may give one unit a Force +1 for the duration of the conflict Phase.

A Unit may receive a bonus from only one leader.

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