Is a concept that takes the network as a platform for information sharing

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What is Web 2.0?
Web 2.0 is a concept that takes the network as a platform for

  • information sharing,

  • interoperability,

  • user-centered design, and

  • collaboration

on the World Wide Web.

A Web 2.0 site allows users to

  • interact and collaborate with each other in a social media dialogue as creators (prosumers) of user-generated content in a virtual community,

  • in contrast to websites where users (consumers) are limited to the passive viewing of content that was created for them.

Examples of Web 2.0 include

  • social networking sites,

  • blogs,

  • wikis,

  • video sharing sites,

  • hosted services,

  • web applications,

  • mashups and

  • folksonomies.


Web 2.0 websites allow users to do more than just retrieve information.

By increasing what was already possible in "Web 1.0", they provide the user with more

  • user-interface,

  • software and

  • storage facilities,

all through their browser.

Major features of Web 2.0 include

  • social networking sites,

  • user contributed sites,

  • self-publishing platforms,

  • tagging, and

  • social bookmarking

Users can provide the data that is on a Web 2.0 site and exercise some control over that data.

These sites may have an "Architecture of participation" that encourages users to add value to the application as they use it.

The Web 2.0 offers all users the same freedom to contribute. While this opens the possibility for serious debate and collaboration, it also opens the possibility for "spamming" and "trolling" by less mature users.


Client Side:

The client-side/web browser technologies used in Web 2.0 development are

  • Asynchronous JavaScript,

  • XML (Ajax) and

  • JavaScript/Ajax frameworks such as

    • YUI Library,

    • Dojo Toolkit,

    • MooTools,

    • jQuery and

    • Prototype JavaScript Framework.

Ajax programming uses JavaScript to upload and download new data from the web server without undergoing a full page reload.

To allow users to continue to interact with the page, communications such as data requests going to the server are separated from data coming back to the page (asynchronously).

Otherwise, the user would have to routinely wait for the data to come back before they can do anything else on that page, just as a user has to wait for a page to complete the reload.

This also increases overall performance of the site, as the sending of requests can complete quicker independent of blocking and queueing required to send data back to the client.

The data fetched by an Ajax request is typically formatted in XML or JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format, two widely used structured data formats.

Since both of these formats are natively understood by JavaScript, a programmer can easily use them to transmit structured data in their web application.

When this data is received via Ajax, the JavaScript program then uses the Document Object Model (DOM) to dynamically update the web page based on the new data, allowing for a rapid and interactive user experience.

In short, using these techniques, Web designers can make their pages function like desktop applications. For example, Google Docs uses this technique to create a Web based word processor.

Adobe Flex is another technology often used in Web 2.0 applications.

Compared to JavaScript libraries like jQuery, Flex makes it easier for programmers to

  • populate large data grids,

  • charts, and

  • other heavy user interactions.

Applications programmed in Flex, are compiled and displayed as Flash within the browser.

As a widely available plugin independent of W3C (World Wide Web Consortium, the governing body of web standards and protocols) standards, Flash is capable of doing many things that were not possible pre-HTML5, the language used to construct web pages.

Of Flash's many capabilities, the most commonly used in Web 2.0 is its ability to play audio and video files.

This has allowed for the creation of Web 2.0 sites where video media is seamlessly integrated with standard HTML.

HTML5 has also been proven to decrease the amount of computer resources required compared to Adobe’s Flash.

Specifically, Apple Inc. has demonstrated the use of Flash on mobile devices decreases the battery’s lifespan significantly. Adobe has then announced that they will no longer publish future public versions of the mobile Flash plugin.

Use of frameworks:

In addition to Flash and Ajax, JavaScript/Ajax frameworks have recently become a very popular means of creating Web 2.0 sites.

At their core, these frameworks do not use technology any different from JavaScript, Ajax, and the DOM.

What frameworks do is smooth over inconsistencies between web browsers and extend the functionality available to developers.

Many of them also come with customizable, prefabricated 'widgets' that accomplish such common tasks as

  • picking a date from a calendar,

  • displaying a data chart,

  • or making a tabbed panel.

Server Side:

On the server side, Web 2.0 uses many of the same technologies as Web 1.0.

Languages such as

  • PHP,

  • Ruby,

  • Perl,

  • Python,

  • JSP, and


are used by developers to output data dynamically using information from files and databases.

What has begun to change in Web 2.0 is the way this data is formatted.

In the early days of the Internet, there was little need for different websites to communicate with each other and share data.

In the new "participatory web", however, sharing data between sites has become an essential capability.

To share its data with other sites, a website must be able to generate output in machine-readable formats such as

  • XML (Atom, RSS, etc.) and

  • JSON.

When a site's data is available in one of these formats, another website can use it to integrate a portion of that site's functionality into itself, linking the two together.

When this design pattern is implemented, it ultimately leads to data that is both easier to find and more thoroughly categorized, a hallmark of the philosophy behind the Web 2.0 movement.

In brief, Ajax is a key technology used to build Web 2.0 because

  • it provides rich user experience and

  • works with any popular browser whether, including: Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc.

Then, a language with very good web services support should be used to build Web 2.0 applications.

In addition, the language used should be iterative meaning that the addition and deployment of features can be easily and quickly achieved.


Web 2.0 can be described in 3 parts, which are as follows:

  • Rich Internet application (RIA) — defines the experience brought from desktop to browser whether it is from a graphical point of view or usability point of view. Some buzzwords related to RIA are Ajax and Flash.

  • Web-oriented architecture (WOA) — is a key piece in Web 2.0, which defines how Web 2.0 applications expose their functionality so that other applications can leverage and integrate the functionality providing a set of much richer applications (Examples are: Feeds, RSS, Web Services, Mash-ups)

  • Social Web — defines how Web 2.0 tends to interact much more with the end user and make the end-user an integral part.

As such, Web 2.0 draws together the capabilities of client- and server-side software, content syndication and the use of network protocols.

Standards-oriented web browsers may use plug-ins and software extensions to handle the content and the user interactions.

Web 2.0 sites provide users with

  • information storage,

  • creation, and

  • dissemination capabilities

that were not possible in the environment now known as "Web 1.0".

Web 2.0 websites include the following features and techniques:


Finding information through keyword search.


Connects information together into a meaningful information ecosystem using the model of the Web, and provides low-barrier social tools.


The ability to create and update content leads to the collaborative work of many rather than just a few web authors. In wikis, users may extend, undo and redo each other's work. In blogs, posts and the comments of individuals build up over time.


Categorization of content by users adding "tags"—short, usually one-word descriptions—to facilitate searching, without dependence on pre-made categories. Collections of tags created by many users within a single system may be referred to as "folksonomies" (i.e., folk taxonomies).


Software that makes the Web an application platform as well as a document server. These include software like Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash player, Microsoft Silverlight, ActiveX, Oracle Java, Quicktime, Windows Media, etc.


The use of syndication technology such as RSS to notify users of content changes.


Web 2.0 can be described in 3 parts, which are as follows:

  • Rich Internet application (RIA) — defines the experience brought from desktop to browser whether it is from a graphical point of view or usability point of view. Some buzzwords related to RIA are Ajax and Flash.

  • Web-oriented architecture (WOA) — is a key piece in Web 2.0, which defines how Web 2.0 applications expose their functionality so that other applications can leverage and integrate the functionality providing a set of much richer applications (Examples are: Feeds, RSS, Web Services, Mash-ups)

  • Social Web — defines how Web 2.0 tends to interact much more with the end user and make the end-user an integral part.

As such, Web 2.0 draws together the capabilities of client- and server-side software, content syndication and the use of network protocols. Standards-oriented web browsers may use plug-ins and software extensions to handle the content and the user interactions. Web 2.0 sites provide users with information storage, creation, and dissemination capabilities that were not possible in the environment now known as "Web 1.0".

Web 2.0 websites include the following features and techniques: Andrew McAfee used the acronym SLATES to refer to them:[25]


Finding information through keyword search.


Connects information together into a meaningful information ecosystem using the model of the Web, and provides low-barrier social tools.


The ability to create and update content leads to the collaborative work of many rather than just a few web authors. In wikis, users may extend, undo and redo each other's work. In blogs, posts and the comments of individuals build up over time.


Categorization of content by users adding "tags"—short, usually one-word descriptions—to facilitate searching, without dependence on pre-made categories. Collections of tags created by many users within a single system may be referred to as "folksonomies" (i.e., folk taxonomies).


Software that makes the Web an application platform as well as a document server. These include software like Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash player, Microsoft Silverlight, ActiveX, Oracle Java, Quicktime, Windows Media, etc.


The use of syndication technology such as RSS to notify users of content changes.


A third important part of Web 2.0 is the social Web, which is a fundamental shift in the way people communicate.

The social web consists of a number of online tools and platforms where people share their

  • perspectives,

  • opinions,

  • thoughts and

  • experiences.

Web 2.0 applications tend to interact much more with the end user. As such, the end user is not only a user of the application but also a participant by:

  • Podcasting

  • Blogging

  • Tagging

  • Contributing to RSS

  • Social bookmarking

  • Social networking

  • Web content voting

The popularity of the term Web 2.0, along with the increasing use of blogs, wikis, and social networking technologies, has led many in academia and business to coin a flurry of 2.0s, including

  • Library 2.0,

  • Social Work 2.0,

  • Enterprise 2.0,

  • PR 2.0,

  • Classroom 2.0,

  • Publishing 2.0,

  • Medicine 2.0,

  • Telco 2.0,

  • Travel 2.0,

  • Government 2.0,

Blogs, wikis and RSS are often held up as exemplary manifestations of Web 2.0.

A reader of a blog or a wiki is provided with tools to add a comment or even, in the case of the wiki, to edit the content.

This is what we call the Read/Write web.

There is a debate over the use of Web 2.0 technologies in mainstream education. Issues under consideration include the understanding of students' different learning modes; the conflicts between ideas entrenched in informal on-line communities and educational establishments' views on the production and authentication of 'formal' knowledge; and questions about privacy, plagiarism, shared authorship and the ownership of knowledge and information produced and/or published on line.


For marketers, Web 2.0 offers an opportunity to engage consumers. A growing number of marketers are using Web 2.0 tools to collaborate with consumers on product development, service enhancement and promotion.

Companies can use Web 2.0 tools to improve collaboration with both its business partners and consumers.
Among other things, company employees have created wikis—Web sites that allow users to add, delete, and edit content — to list answers to frequently asked questions about each product, and consumers have added significant contributions.
Another marketing Web 2.0 lure is to make sure consumers can use the online community to network among themselves on topics of their own choosing.
Web 2.0 offers financial institutions abundant opportunities to engage with customers. Networks such as Twitter, Yelp and Facebook are now becoming common elements of multichannel and customer loyalty strategies, and banks are beginning to use these sites proactively to spread their messages. In a recent article for Bank Technology News, Shane Kite describes how Citigroup's Global Transaction Services unit monitors social media outlets to address customer issues and improve products. Furthermore, the FI uses Twitter to release "breaking news" and upcoming events, and YouTube to disseminate videos that feature executives speaking about market news.[41]

Small businesses have become more competitive by using Web 2.0 marketing strategies to compete with larger companies. As new businesses grow and develop, new technology is used to decrease the gap between businesses and customers. Social networks have become more intuitive and user friendly to provide information that is easily reached by the end user. For example, companies use Twitter to offer customers coupons and discounts for products and services.[42]

Distribution of media


Many regard syndication of site content as a Web 2.0 feature.

Syndication uses standardized protocols to permit end-users to make use of a site's data in another context (such as another website, a browser plugin, or a separate desktop application).

Protocols permitting syndication include

  • RSS (really simple syndication, also known as web syndication),

  • RDF (as in RSS 1.1), and

  • Atom,

all of them XML-based formats. Observers have started to refer to these technologies as web feeds.

Specialized protocols such as FOAF and XFN (both for social networking) extend the functionality of sites or permit end-users to interact without centralized websites.

Web APIs

Web 2.0 often uses machine-based interactions such as

  • REST and

  • SOAP.

Servers often expose proprietary Application programming interfaces (API), but standard APIs (for example, for posting to a blog or notifying a blog update) have also come into use.

Most communications through APIs involve

  • XML or

  • JSON payloads.

REST APIs, through their use of self-descriptive messages and hypermedia as the engine of application state, should be self-describing once an entry URI is known.

Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is the standard way of publishing a SOAP API

and there are a range of web service specifications. EMML, or Enterprise Mashup Markup Language by the Open Mashup Alliance, is an XML markup language for creating enterprise mashups.

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