Is a PhD student at Coventry University. She has conducted research for both oapen and doab, and is the author of amongst others the oapen report

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Open Access Monographs in the Humanities and Social Sciences Conference

1 and 2 July 2013, The British Library, London

Speaker Bios

Janneke Adema

Janneke Adema is a PhD student at Coventry University. She has conducted research for both OAPEN and DOAB, and is the author of amongst others the OAPEN report Overview of Open Access Models for eBooks in the HSS (2010) and the DOAB User Needs Analysis (2012). She has published in amongst others The International Journal of Cultural Studies; New Media & Society; New Review of Academic Librarianship; Krisis; and Logos, and she has co-edited a living book on Symbiosis (Open Humanities Press, 2011). Currently she is writing a dissertation on the future of the scholarly book. Her research practice focuses on issues of openness, remix and authorship and on the material production of the book, through which she explores and critically analyses the discourse and power struggle surrounding the academic monograph. Her research, which can be seen as both a theoretical and practical intervention into this debate, can be accessed and followed, as it develops, on

Philippe Aigrain

Dr. Philippe Aigrain was trained in maths and computer science. Active as a researcher in media software from 1983, he joined the European Commission R&D programmes in 1996 where he was head of sector “Software technology and society” until 2003. He initiated and coordinated the policies in support to free/open source software innovation. He is the CEO of Sopinspace, a company developing F/OSS tools and services for collaborative and participatory activities. He is the author of 3 open access monographs on intellectual rights issues, and culture/media economics and policy, the latest being sharing: Culture and the Economy in the Internet Age, Amsterdam Univ. Press, 2012. Dr. Aigrain is one of the founders of La Quadrature du Net, a director of the Software Freedom Law Center (NYC) and a trustee of the NEXA Center for Internet & Society (Torino).

Jon Andrews

Jon Andrews is an academic librarian with experience of several institutions. He currently works at the University of Birmingham as a Subject Advisor for Engineering subjects and in Acquisitions with a remit for ebooks: he has a particular interest in mobile devices.

Graham Bell

Graham Bell is the Chief Data Architect at EDItEUR. Graham is focussed on the continuing development and application of ONIX for Books, and on other EDItEUR standards for both the book and serials sectors. He joined EDItEUR in 2010. Graham previously worked for HarperCollins Publishers in the UK where most recently he was Head of Publishing Systems. He led the development of bibliographic and digital asset management systems, and was involved with the launches of many recent HarperCollins digital initiatives including e-audio, e-books and print-on-demand programmes. He has over a decade of experience with ONIX for Books. Prior to HarperCollins, he worked as an editor and in IT roles within the magazine industry with Redwood Publishing.

Simon Bell

Simon Bell is Head of Strategic Partnerships and Licensing at the British Library.  Simon is charged with establishing partnerships with both commercial and non commercial organisations in order to increase access to the collection through digitisation.  He has been with the British Library for five years and has previously worked in various capacities within the publishing industry for Harper Collins, Oxford University Press, and Routledge. Simon represented the Library on the Finch Group.

Will Booker

Will Brooker is director of research in film and television at Kingston University, London. His most recent book is Hunting the Dark Knight: 21st Century Batman.

Annemarie Bos

Annemarie Bos is managing director of the Division of the Humanities of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and chair of the Steering Group of OAPEN-NL.

Carl-Christian Buhr

Dr. Buhr is an economist and computer scientist. Since 2010 he has been a member of the cabinet of Digital Agenda Commissioner and European Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes. Among others, he advises her on ICT research policy, Horizon 2020, Digital Science, Open Access as well as standardisation and interoperability policies. He previously dealt with antitrust and merger control investigations by the Commission, such as the Microsoft antitrust case and the Oracle/Sun Microsystems merger.

Mercedes Bunz

Mercedes Bunz is the director of the Hybrid Publishing Lab located at the Leuphana University Lüneburg. Before, she has been the technology reporter of the Guardian. Her forthcoming book on the digitalization of knowledge will be published with Palgrave Macmillan. Her studied at the Free University of Berlin and holds a PhD in media studies.

Carrie Calder

Carrie Calder is Director of Market Development at Palgrave Macmillan and responsible for strategic marketing and communications across the company’s products and publications, as well leading the development of new initiatives, including open access.

Carrie comes from an open access background, before joining Palgrave, she worked at open access publisher BioMed Central for over 8 years where, in her role as Head of Marketing and Digital Sales, she gained strong experience in digital publishing and emerging business models. Carrie also led the company’s ‘Open Access Africa’ programme.

Carrie has a degree in English Literature and Language, and is CIM qualified.

Tom Cochrane

Professor Tom Cochrane is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Vice-President) at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia. The position heads a Division which combines the services of the Libraries, Information Technology Services, eLearning Services, Learning Environments and Technology Services and QUT Printing Services in the one structure.
In his current role, Professor Cochrane's external duties include: Director, Australian Digital Alliance; Director, Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation; Member, Board of Queensland Museum; Member, Publications Board of CSIRO; Member, Advisory Committee of the Australian Law Reform Commission 2012-2013; Member, Book Industry Collaborative Council Scholarly Book Publishing Expert Reference Group (ERG); Member, Advisory Board of Knowledge Unlatched (UK); Member, Board of Enabling Open Scholarship (Europe).
Professor Cochrane is a Director on the Board of bluebox, QUT's technology transfer and commercialisation company, and is co-leader of the Creative Commons project for which QUT is the institutional partner for Australia. This project, together with other open access initiatives locally based at QUT, signals a long standing commitment to access to knowledge, and to research output worldwide.

Ellen Collins

Ellen Collins is a Research Consultant at the Research Information Network, where she has initiated, developed and managed projects for clients including academic publishers, librarians, funders and policymakers. She is particularly interested in how researchers find, use and share information, and the ways that their behaviour is changing in response to new communications platforms and business models. She has worked on several projects around researcher use of Web 2.0, and is currently working with publishers to explore the research community’s aspirations around open access. She is also the lead researcher on OAPEN-UK, a collaborative research project to explore open access scholarly monograph publishing in the humanities and social sciences.

Caroline Edwards

Dr Caroline Edwards is currently Lecturer in English at the University of Lincoln (but from September 2013 will be Lecturer in Modern & Contemporary Literature at Birkbeck, University of London). Caroline specialises in 21st-century literature and is author of the forthcoming monograph Fictions of the Not Yet: Time in the Twenty-First-Century British Novel (2015) and co-editor of two collections on living writers: China Miéville: Critical Essays (Gylphi, 2014) and Maggie Gee: Critical Essays (Gylphi, 2014). Caroline has published articles, interviews and reviews in a number of journals, including Modern Fiction StudiesContemporary LiteratureTextual PracticeTelosRadical PhilosophySubjectivityLeft Lion Magazine and the New Statesman. Caroline is Founding and Commissioning Editor of the open-access journal of c21st literary criticism Alluvium and is Co-Director of the Open Library of Humanities.

Martin Eve

Dr. Martin Paul Eve is a lecturer in English at the University of Lincoln, specialising in contemporary American fiction, primarily the works of Thomas Pynchon, Don DeLillo and David Foster Wallace. In addition, Martin is well-known for his work on open access, appearing before the UK House of Commons Select Committee BIS Inquiry into Open Access, writing for the British Academic Policy Series on the topic and founding the Open Library of Humanities.

Eelco Ferwerda

Eelco Ferwerda is director of the OAPEN Foundation since 2011. Before that he managed OAPEN as EU co-funded project at Amsterdam University Press. He joined Amsterdam University Press in 2002 as Publisher of Digital Products. Before joining AUP, he worked in various new media subsidiaries at the former Dutch newspaper publisher PCM, lastly as Manager Business Development for PCM Interactive Media. Ferwerda is co-founder of the Association of European University Presses (AEUP, 2010) and of the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB, 2012). Eelco is the conference organiser with Caren Milloy.

Kathleen Fitzpatrick

Kathleen Fitzpatrick is Director of Scholarly Communication of the Modern Language Association and Visiting Research Professor of English at New York University.  She is author of Planned Obsolescence:  Publishing, Technology, and the Future of the Academy (NYU Press, 2011) and The Anxiety of Obsolescence: The American Novel in the Age of Television (Vanderbilt University Press, 2006).  She is co-founder of the digital scholarly network MediaCommons, where she has led numerous experiments in open publishing and open peer review.

Rupert Gatti

Dr. Rupert Gatti is a co-founder and Director of Open Book Publishers. Rupert Gatti is a Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, where he is a Director of Studies in Economics. His published academic work includes microeconomic analysis of competition in online markets, game theory and search theory. He has held visiting positions at MIT and University of Florence, acted as an Economic Advisor on several EU competition studies, and is on the advisory board for a range of Open Access enterprises.

Toby Green

Toby Green, Head of Publishing at OECD, joined OECD Publishing in 1998 and launched, in 2000, an i-library comprising full-text books, journals and statistical databases. In 2004, he launched OECD’s StatLink service, linking full text publications to underlying data. In 2007, OECD switched to a freemium business model, making all books free to read online in a basic form, on any device, with revenue earned from premium online services and print. He previously worked for Academic Press, Applied Science Publishers, Pergamon Press, and Elsevier Science. He is Past-Chair of ALPSP, an association of not-for-profit learned society publishers and is a regular speaker at industry events in UK, France and USA.

Jean-Claude Guédon

With a Ph. D. in history of science, Jean-Claude Guédon teaches comparative literature (really digital culture) at the University of Montreal in Canada. His main research interests are network societies, digital documents and the whole issue of open access in scientific and scholarly communication. One of the original signatories of the Budapest Open Access Initiative in 2002, he has since published and lectured widely on the topic.

Andrea Hacker

Andrea Hacker is managing editor at the Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context" at the University of Heidelberg, where she oversees a book-series and the open-access (gold) journal Transcultural Studies. She gained her PhD in Slavic languages and literatures from the University of California Los Angeles, has extensive experience with editing and translation, and has been teaching academic writing to native and non-native English speakers at colleges and universities in the US, Ireland, Russia, and Germany.

Kim Hackett

Kim Hackett is based in the research policy team at the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), where she has worked for the past three years. She has a background in the humanities, holding a PhD in history from the University of York, which she completed before joining the Council in 2009. Kim has worked on various aspects of research policy development and implementation, and has been centrally involved in HEFCE’s policy development on open access for the past year.

Martin Hall (Conference Chair)

Martin Hall is Vice Chancellor of the University of Salford, Manchester. He is also Professor Emeritus, University of Cape Town, where he is affiliated with the Graduate School of Business. Previously Professor of Historical Archaeology, he was inaugural Dean of Higher Education Development and then Deputy Vice-Chancellor at UCT (from 1999 to 2008). He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. a Fellow of the Royal Society of South Africa, a Life Fellow of the University of Cape Town and past-President of the World Archaeological Congress. He is an accredited mediator with the Africa Centre for Dispute Settlement. He is a member of the Boards of the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce and of JISC, the UK’s information technology service for higher and further education, and the Chair of the Open Access Implementation Group.

Sally Hardy

Sally Hardy is the Chief Executive of the Regional Studies Association which is a social science learned society with both a global membership and a global reach. The Association runs a publishing programme including three journals and is about to launch Regional Studies and Regional Science as an Open Access journal. Also published are two magazines one of which is largely authored by early career researchers and a popular book series – Regions and Cities. The Association has an international conference programme, and this year will open a satellite office in Beijing, China with additional offices planned for North America and Eastern Europe. A key area of activity centres on knowledge exchange and the Association works closely with a number of international organisations such as the European Commission, the United Nations and the OECD. Sally is also a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Princeton Press and is a member of both the Academy of Social Science Chief Executive Officer Group and of the Academy’s International Advisory Group. Sally has been a commentator on open access, journals and learned societies speaking at several recent high profile conferences.

Doris Haslinger

Doris Haslinger is working with the FWF for nearly seventeen years and he is the Program-Manager of the Stand-alone publications at the Austrian Science Fund. He is also responsible for the FWF-E-Book Library.
Birgitta Hellmark Lindgren

Birgitta Hellmark Lindgren is Head of communications and Deputy Library director at Stockholm University Library. Prior to that, between 2007 and 2012 she was head of communications and publishing at The Nordic Africa Institute. She completed her PhD in Cultural Anthropology, University of Uppsala in 2006 and has a BA in journalism.
Brian Hole

Brian Hole is the CEO of Ubiquity Press, a researcher-led open access publisher based in London. Brian is also a researcher working within the humanities and information science, with a focus on ethics and inclusive systems. At UCL, his PhD research looks at public archaeology in India, specifically at issues of community engagement and utilisation of cultural heritage.
Angela Holzer
Angela Holzer is Programme Officer at the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Neil Jacobs

Neil Jacobs directs Jisc innovation work in the areas of scholarly communication and digital infrastructure such as repositories. He has a long-standing interest in open access, is a member of the UK Open Access Implementation Group, and sits on the OAPEN-UK steering group.

Shana Kimball

Shana Kimball is Business Development Manager for Digital Initiatives at the New York Public Library, where she is primarily focused on promoting and supporting the development of Knowledge Unlatched. Prior to joining NYPL, she was Head of Publishing Services, Outreach, and Strategic Development for Michigan Publishing, the primary academic publishing division of the University of Michigan.

Rachael Lammey

Rachael Lammey has been with CrossRef since March 2012. She is a Product Manager on the CrossCheck and CrossMark initiatives and works on other CrossRef tools for publishers. She previously worked in journals publishing for Taylor & Francis for nearly six years. Her background is in English Literature and Publishing Studies.

Mark Llewellyn

Professor Mark Llewellyn is Director of Research at the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) on secondment from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, where he holds the John Anderson Research Leadership Chair in English. At the AHRC, Mark has overall responsibility for the Programmes Directorate including all schemes, themes, research and postgraduate areas together with activities in International, Knowledge Exchange and Partnerships, Public Policy, Peer Review and Research Career Development and Training.

Caren Milloy

Caren Milloy is Head of Projects at JISC Collections and specialises in research on business and licensing models for academic ebooks. Caren leads the OAPEN-UK project - a collaborative research project, working with stakeholders to generate knowledge about open access monograph publishing in the humanities and social sciences. She also oversees the Jisc APC platform, JISC Historic Books, JISC Journal Archives and JISC MediaHub. She previously managed a UK wide etextbook project and undertook negotiation and licensing for online resources. She is the conference organiser with Eelco Ferwerda.

Lucy Montgomery

Dr Lucy Montgomery is a Vice Chancellor’s Research Fellow at Queensland University of Technology and Research Director for Knowledge Unlatched: A London-based not-for profit company committed to creating sustainable routes to open access for scholarly books.

Lucy trained as a China specialist at the University of Adelaide, before going to complete a PhD in Media and Cultural Studies at Queensland University of Technology. As Research Director for Knowledge Unlatched she is coordinating a critical program of research alongside the pilot of a global library consortium sharing the costs of making high quality scholarly books available to the world on open access licenses.

Pierre Mounier

Pierre Mounier is associate director of OpenEdition, a platform for open access publishing in humanities and social sciences. He teaches about digital humanities at EHESS in Paris. He published several books about social and political impact of ICT (Les Maîtres du Réseau, les enjeux politiques d'Internet 2001), digital publishing (L'Edition électronique, with Marin Dacos, 2010) and digital humanities (Read/Write Book 2, Une introduction aux humanités numériques, 2012).

Cameron Neylon

Cameron Neylon is Advocacy Director for the Public Library of Science, a research biophysicist and well known agitator for opening up the process of research. He speaks regularly on issues of Open Science including Open Access publication, Open Data, and Open Source as well as the wider technical and social issues of applying the opportunities the internet brings to the practice of science. He was named as a SPARC Innovator in July 2010 for work on the Panton Principles and is a proud recipient of the Blue Obelisk for contributions to open data. He writes regularly at his blog, Science in the Open.

Ed Pentz

Ed Pentz is the Executive Director of CrossRef, a not-for-profit membership association of publishers set up to provide a cross-publisher reference linking service. Ed was appointed as CrossRef’s first Executive Director when the organization was created in 2000. Prior to joining CrossRef Ed held electronic publishing, editorial and sales positions at Harcourt Brace in the US and UK and managed the launch of Academic Press’ first online journal, the Journal of Molecular Biology, in 1995. Ed is the Chair of the ORCID, Inc board of directors. Ed has a degree in English Literature from Princeton University and lives in Oxford, England.

Frances Pinter

Dr Frances Pinter is the founder and Executive Director of Knowledge Unlatched. She was the founding Publisher at Bloomsbury Academic, specialising in Humanities and Social Sciences where she made use of Creative Commons licensing for monographs.
She was Publishing Director at the Soros Foundation (now Open Society Foundations) working in 30 transition countries supporting publishing development, translations and education after the fall of communism. In the late 90s she devised the business model and established, EIFL, the library consortium that now straddles nearly 50 countries. Earlier in her career she founded Pinter Publishers that also owned Leicester University Press and established the imprint Belhaven Press. Frances is a Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics.

Ernesto Priego

Ernesto Priego is Lecturer in Library Science at City University London. He’s affiliated to the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities, where he did his PhD. He is a member of the ad hoc Communications Committee of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Associations (ADHO) and of the executive council of the Association for Computers in the Humanities (ACH). He is a member of the LibTech committee of the Open Library of Humanities, and editor in chief of the born digital, open access, open peer-reviewed project Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship.

Adam Purser

Adam Purser became Bibliographic Services Manager at Palgrave Macmillan in 2011, assuming control of the quality and export of Palgrave’s data globally. He has also worked on innovative new projects such as Palgrave Pivot, liaising with data and supply chain experts to address potential issues.
Previously he has worked in stock control and proof reading positions within publishing, but began his working life as a designer, creating 3D digital models of exhibition spaces, in addition to traditional graphic design.
Adam is also due to join the BIC Metadata Committee later this year.

Jill Russell

Jill Russell is the Digital Assets programme Manager at the University of Birmingham. Jill is responsible for supporting open access publishing activity and manages the University of Birmingham’s institutional repository.

Bas Savenije

Bas Savenije graduated in philosophy in 1977. Since then, he has held a range of positions at Utrecht University, among which director of Strategic Planning and director Budgeting and Control. From 1994 until 2009 he was university librarian of Utrecht University, managing the comprehensive university library. He has initiated a pervasive innovation program for the library aimed at implementing and continuously improving electronic services. One of the results is an e-press within the university library of Utrecht for electronic publishing and archiving services.
Since June 2009 Bas is Director General of the KB, National Library of the Netherlands.

He is, among others, president of FOBID (the Dutch Federation of Organisations in the Field of Libraries, Information and Documentation) and chairman of the board of OAPEN.

Veronika Spinka

Veronika Spinka graduated from Stuttgart Media University with a degree in ‘Media Publishing’ and a focus on electronic publishing processes. As Open Access Coordinator at Springer she is responsible for the open access (OA) books program ‘SpringerOpen books’, Springer’s hybrid OA option for journals ‘Open Choice’, and the self-archiving policy.

Ralf Schimmer

Dr Ralf Schimmer holds a PhD in Sociology and a German library degree. He is Head of Scientific Information Provision at the Max Planck Digital Library, where he is responsible for the electronic resources licensing programme for the entire Max Planck Society and for a broad range of library related information services. Ever since the Berlin Conference in 2003, he has been deeply involved in the open access agenda of the Max Planck Society. He is responsible for the open access publication charge agreements of the Max Planck Society, and he serves on the Library Advisory Boards of several major publishers and other national and international committees. Ralf is also very active in helping to establish SCOAP3 (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics).

Michiel Thijssen

Michiel Thijssen is a physicist who has been in scholarly publishing for 14 years, predominantly in the natural sciences. He is Sr Acquisitions Editor for Biology and History of Science with Brill. After 7 years at Elsevier he came to Brill in 2007, lending his journals publishing experience and deepening his knowledge of e-publishing and open access. He has a track record in implementing publishing technologies like OA, managing complex publication projects in demanding markets and negotiating with learned societies seeking publishing services.

Alessandra Tosi

Alessandra Tosi is a co-founder and Director of Open Book Publishers. Alessandra Tosi is a specialist in nineteenth-century Russian fiction, literary reception and gender studies. A past Wingate Fellow and MHRA Research Fellow and a visiting fellow at Harvard University, Alessandra has held academic positions at Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge and at the University of Exeter. She is presently a Life Fellow at Clare Hall, Cambridge.

Joscelyn Upendran

Joscelyn Upendran has previously worked with Creative Commons UK and Wikimedia UK and is an experienced lawyer and lecturer with a keen interest in open content & knowledge sharing. Joscelyn is founder & CEO of Zilpa – which is due to launch in autumn 2013. Zilpa helps to craft & surface expertise & interests via ‘social knitting’ of content and people whereby all contributors to content receive attribution.

Benjamin White

Benjamin White is the Head of Intellectual Property at the British Library. He has a background in publishing having worked for Pearson Education internationally, as well as for Ordnance Survey. He is active in the Intellectual Property field within the UK having sat on a number of bodies including the BBC's Creative Archive Advisory Board, the UK Government's Creative Economy Programme (Competition and Intellectual Property), i2010 Digital Libraries Programme, CBI Intellectual Property Board as well as the Institute of Public Policy Research's Advisory Board on Intellectual Property and the Public Sphere. He currently chairs the copyright group of the Council for European National Librarians; he sits on the UK Intellectual Property Office’s Copyright Research Expert Advisory Group and the Digital Copyright Exchange Launch Group, and is a member of the advisory panel for the Digital Copyright Exchange.

Simon Worthington

Simon Worthington is working at the Hybrid Publishing Lab, where he heads the development of a multiplatform software system. He is co-founder of Mute Magazine and its Digital Director and was skilled as an artist at The Slade School of Fine Art, UCL, London and at CalArts, Valencia, Calif.

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