Itnm 9 and tip 2 Hints and Tips Including Netcool Network Management 2 28-May-2013

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ITNM 3.9 and TIP 2.2

Hints and Tips
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ITNM 3.9 and TIP 2.2

Hints and Tips

Including Netcool Network Management V9.2

Janusz Stanson

IBM Tivoli Network Manager - IP

Quality Assurance

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2012. All rights reserved.

US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.


1Introduction 4

1.1Reference Points Concerning TIP 4

1.2ITNM 3.9 on TIP 2.2 5

1.3ITNM 3.9 Levels That Support TIP 2.2 6

2Upgrade TIP 7

2.1Upgrade from ITNM 3.9 TIP 2.1 to TIP 2.2 7

2.2Upgrade TIP Fix Pack to Higher Level 9

2.3Web Sites for Code Upgrades 10

3Install ITNM 3.9 over pre-existing TBSM 6.1 10

3.1Configuration for this example 10

3.2Common ITNM Pre-Reqs – Required for new installs on Linux 11

3.3Install ITNM 3.9 12

3.4Web Sites for Referenced Code and Documentation 14

4Install TBSM 6.1 Over Pre-existing ITNM 3.9 15

5Netcool Network Management Bundle V9.2 17

5.1Installing Netcool/OMNIbus 7.4 and ITNM 3.9 Back End 17

5.2Installing Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI 7.4 and ITNM 3.9 Front End 18

5.3Web Sites for Netcool Network Management 20


This document lists some common steps and pitfalls of running IBM Tivoli Network Manager (ITNM) 3.9 in the context of TIP 2.2. It also touches on the Netcool Network Management bundle and some tips for installing that set of products.
It is not intended to replace the official IBM publications, but rather quickly point out the areas that the user needs to be aware of.

1.1Reference Points Concerning TIP

The following list shows the TIP levels that shipped with several products commonly used in this solution.
Products shipping with TIP 1.1 (32-bit)

  • ITNM 3.8

  • Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI 7.3.0

  • TCR 1.1

  • TBSM 4.2.1

Products shipping with TIP 2.1 (32-bit)

  • ITNM 3.9

  • Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI 7.3.1

  • TCR 2.1

Products shipping with TIP 2.2 (32-bit and 64-bit)

  • Impact 6.1

  • TBSM 6.1

  • TCR 2.1.1

  • Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI 7.4

1.2ITNM 3.9 on TIP 2.2

There are two ways to get ITNM 3.9 in a TIP 2.2 environment:

  1. Upgrade from pre-existing ITNM 3.9 TIP 2.1 to TIP 2.2 (32-bit only)

    • this process requires the TIP Feature Pack

  2. Install ITNM 3.9 into pre-existing TIP 2.2 (either 32-bit or 64-bit)

    • the examples in this document use TBSM 6.1 which ships with TIP 2.2

You may need to further upgrade TIP 2.2 level to support newer browsers or install other TIP fixes.

Other reference: Section "Upgrading to Tivoli Integrated Portal version 2.2" in the ITNM 3.9 Release Notes

1.3ITNM 3.9 Levels That Support TIP 2.2

ITNM 3.9 ships with TIP 2.1, but supports TIP 2.2 at certain fix pack levels.

Release / FP

Build Level

Supported by TIP 2.2 FIT Packages

Supports TIP 2.1 with IE8 and Firefox 3.6.17

Supports TIP 2.2 with IE9 and Firefox 10.0.4 ESR

Original full-build












Refreshed full-build (equivalent to FP2)









2Upgrade TIP

2.1Upgrade from ITNM 3.9 TIP 2.1 to TIP 2.2

To upgrade an existing ITNM 3.9 installation from TIP 2.1 to TIP 2.2, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the ITNM 3.9 server where TIP is running, as the same user that installed ITNM.

  2. Stop the ITNM core processes, TIP, and any Java processes:

    1. itnm_stop ncp

    2. itnm_stop tip

    3. ps –ef | grep java (kill Java processes)

    4. On Windows operating systems, stop the Cognos service and the ncp_brokerd process.

    5. Note: Do not stop the ObjectServer.

  3. If you had the original ITNM, upgrade to FP1 or higher, on all servers as described in the corresponding fix pack readme file. If you have the Refreshed, you are already equivalent to FP2.

  4. Download the following packages from the IBM Fix Central site (URL is provided after these steps)

    1. TIP Feature Pack (

      1. Extract the package into a directory from where you can run the installation.

    2. TIP FIT package (

      1. This package exists for every TIP fix pack / feature pack. It includes a signature file which certifies which products may pre-exist on that system prior to installing this fix pack / feature pack.

      2. The actual name of the file may vary, as indicated by the ‘v3’ at the end of the filename. Make sure you have the most recent version from the online site.

      3. Extract the package into TIPHOME/profiles/TIPProfile/etc

  5. Stop all TIP and Java processes:

    1. itnm_stop tip

    2. ps –ef | grep java (kill Java processes)

  6. To install the TIP Feature Pack:

    1. Go to the directory where you extracted the TIP Feature Pack.

    2. Edit the sample_response.txt file to include values for the following parameters:

      1. IAGLOBAL_TIP_HOME – install path for TIP

      2. IAGLOBAL_WASUserID – tipadmin user

      3. IAGLOBAL_WASPassword – tipadmin password

    3. Run -i silent -f sample_response.txt

  1. Consider upgrading other components of the solution. See the IBM Fix Central support site for these upgrades

    1. Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus 7.3.1 Fix Pack 3 or higher

    2. Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI 7.3.1 Fix Pack 3 or higher

    3. Tivoli Common Reporting 2.1.1 Interim Fixes

  1. TIP stand-alone fix packs (reference procedure in following section)

2.2Upgrade TIP Fix Pack to Higher Level

To upgrade an existing TIP 2.2 level, for example from TIP to TIP, perform the following steps. In addition to providing fixes to existing code bugs, these higher levels are required for support of newer browsers.

  1. Log in to the ITNM 3.9 server where TIP is running, as the same user that installed ITNM.

  2. Stop the ITNM core processes, TIP, and any Java processes:

    1. itnm_stop ncp

    2. itnm_stop tip

    3. ps –ef | grep java (kill Java processes)

    4. On Windows operating systems, stop the Cognos service and the ncp_brokerd process.

    5. Note: Do not stop the ObjectServer.

  3. If you just upgraded from TIP 2.1 to TIP 2.2 using the TIP Feature Pack, you will be at TIP level

  4. Download the following packages from the IBM Fix Central site (URL is provided after these steps)

    1. TIP Fix Pack (

      1. Make sure you download the appropriate 32-bit or 64-bit version to match your pre-existing environment. Note that the 64-bit version is an option only if you started with a pre-existing TIP 2.2 product that was initially installed with a 64-bit TIP.

      2. Extract the package into a directory from where you can run the installation.

    2. TIP FIT package (

      1. This package exists for every TIP fix pack / feature pack. It includes a signature file which certifies which products may pre-exist on that system prior to installing this fix pack / feature pack.

      2. The actual name of the file may vary, as indicated by the ‘v3’ at the end of the filename. Make sure you have the most recent version from the online site. ‘v3’ is the current level for ITNM levels up to and including FP2 or the Refresh.

      3. Extract the package into TIPHOME/profiles/TIPProfile/etc

  5. Stop all TIP and Java processes:

    1. itnm_stop tip

    2. ps –ef | grep java (kill Java processes)

  6. To install the TIP Fix Pack:

    1. Go to the directory where you extracted the TIP Fix Pack.

    2. Edit the sample_response.txt file to include values for the following parameters:

      1. IAGLOBAL_TIP_HOME – install path for TIP

      2. IAGLOBAL_WASUserID – tipadmin user

      3. IAGLOBAL_WASPassword – tipadmin password

    3. Run -i silent -f sample_response.txt

2.3Web Sites for Code Upgrades

Fix Central site for TIP Feature Pack and Fix Packs

Link to Fix Central support site for updates to existing products

3Install ITNM 3.9 over pre-existing TBSM 6.1

The following steps describe how to install ITNM 3.9 into a pre-existing TBSM 6.1 environment. This example is for Linux, highlighting some common pitfalls, but it can generally be applied to other platforms. Reference the official IBM publication for the full procedure for installing ITNM.

3.1Configuration for this example

  • platform

    • this example uses a single-server linux machine

  • install user

    • root or non-root

    • note that if you intend to install TBSM in same environment, you must install as non-root user

    • this example uses user ‘itnm’

  • install path

    • this example uses /home/itnm/IBM/tivoli

  • pre-existing products

    • TBSM 6.1, with OMNIbus 7.3.1 refresh and Web GUI 7.3.1 FP3

    • TIP (default level with TBSM 6.1)

    • TCR 2.1.1

3.2Common ITNM Pre-Reqs – Required for new installs on Linux

These are the common pre-requisites for installing ITNM 3.9 on Linux. The full list of pre-requisites for all the platforms is listed in the ITNM Installation Guide.

  1. Install operating system pre-reqs – there may be newer levels than these that I list:

    1. check what you have already installed

      • rpm –qa

    2. libXP-1.0.0-8.i386.rpm

    3. openmotif22-2.2.3-18.i386.rpm

    4. unixODBC-32bit-2.2.11-21.4.x86_64.rpm

      • this is not checked by ITNM pre-req check, but required for TCR/Cognos reports

  2. Set SELinux to disabled

    1. Determine the current status of SELinux

      • /usr/sbin/sestatus

    2. as root user, edit /etc/selinux/config

      • set SELinux mode of operation to ‘disabled’

    3. reboot

  3. Set ulimit for non-root user (in this case user is ‘itnm’)

    1. as root user, edit /etc/security/limits.conf

    2. add the following lines at end

      • itnm soft nofile 8192

      • itnm hard nofile 10123

    3. su – itnm

  4. Set install location to correct permissions

    1. chmod 775 /home

    2. chmod 775 /home/itnm

3.3Install ITNM 3.9

  1. Notes on TCR 2.1.1

    1. The original ITNM ships TCR 2.1 which cannot be installed into a pre-existing TIP 2.2 environment. In this case, TCR 2.1.1 must be installed separately.

    2. The Refreshed ITNM ships TCR 2.1.1 (32-bit). If you are installing over pre-existing TIP 2.2 with 64-bit, you also need to install TCR 2.1.1 (64-bit) separately. You will get a warning message that ITNM “ . . .is unable to upgrade the 64-bit Tivoli Common Reporting component already installed. . . “. That’s ok. ITNM will still install the ITNM-specific reports.

  2. Install Stand-alone TCR 2.1.1 Over Pre-existing TIP

    1. Stop all Java processes.

    2. Use the TCR 2.1.1 stand-alone prerequisite scanner to make sure your system meets all the required prerequisites (see reference below)

    3. Follow instructions to install TCR. Note that you need to select option to reuse your existing TIP installation (do not select “install new instance of TCR”).

  3. ITNM Option to Bypass TCR Installation

    1. The ITNM 3.9 Refresh ( allows the capability to install the ITNM GUI component without TCR. This allows the user to install TCR on a separate server from the rest of the ITNM GUI component. This is described in more detail in the ITNM Release Notes.

    2. To install using GUI mode

      1. install.exe -DinstallReports=0

    3. To install using Console mode

      1. install.exe -i console -DinstallReports=0

  4. Install ITNM 3.9

    1. Select custom installation

    2. In the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus component options, select the option to configure an existing Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus installation (assuming TBSM already installed OMNIbus).

      1. Note: The ITNM installer can configure only Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus 7.3.1. The Refreshed ITNM installer can configure only Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus 7.3.1 Refresh.

      2. To configure other versions of Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus, run the ConfigOMNI script before installing ITNM, as described in "Configuring an existing Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus installation" in the ITNM Installation Guide.

    3. Use your existing TIP installation details

      1. same directory path

      2. same user name and password

      3. same TIP port

  5. Post-install steps

    1. Run post-install steps, as specified in formal installation procedures and post-install messages. These can be run from launchpad as root, or from command line.

      1. Complete IDS installation

        1. su – root

        2. /home/itnm/IBM/tivoli/netcool/

        3. $NCHOME/precision/install/scripts/install_ids_root.ksh –f $NCHOME/precision/install/data/

      1. Allow non-root user to run processes

  1. su – root

  2. /home/itnm/IBM/tivoli/netcool/

  3. $NCHOME/precision/scripts/

  1. Install ITNM 3.9 fix packs, as appropriate, on all servers as described above in the corresponding fix pack readme files.

  1. Consider upgrading other components of the solution. See the IBM Fix Central support site for these upgrades

    1. Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus 7.3.1 Fix Pack 3 or higher

    2. Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI 7.3.1 Fix Pack 3 or higher

    3. Tivoli Common Reporting 2.1.1 Interim Fixes

    4. TIP stand-alone fix packs

3.4Web Sites for Referenced Code and Documentation

Link to TCR PreRequisite Scanner

Link to ITNM Installation Guide

Link to configuring older levels of OMNIbus

Link to Fix Central support site for updates to existing products

4Install TBSM 6.1 Over Pre-existing ITNM 3.9

Follow the TBSM Installation Guide for the complete steps to install TBSM. The following steps are highlighted to the experienced user when installing TBSM over a pre-existing ITNM 3.9 system.

  1. Create TBSM DB2 Database prior to installation

    1. copy TBSM image to DB2 machine, or map to drive

    2. from command window (on Windows)

      1. enter db2cmd

      2. cd into \windows\windows\dbconfig

      3. setup-dbconfig-windows.exe . . . use same user / password you entered during creation of database

    3. from TBSM launchpad

      1. To update the DB2 schema, you must start launchpad as DB2 administrator on Windows or UNIX, so you have privilege to create DB2 schema.

      2. On my Linux system, I ran these steps to install as non-root user, ‘itnm’

        1. add user ‘itnm’ to groups ‘db2adm1’ and ‘db2iadm1’

        2. source the DB2 enviornment

          • . /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile

        3. kick off TBSM launchpad

        4. select option to “Install DB2 schema”

        5. when prompted for DB2 user / password, I entered db2inst1 + password

  2. Update the object server schema if installing TBSM over pre-existing OMNIbus. If you do not, TBSM install will run for 2+ hours and then fail.

    1. cd /TBSM/omnibus/schema_files

    2. Windows: type tbsm_db_update.sql | \IBM\tivoli\netcool\omnibus\bin\isql.bat –S NCOMS –U root –P password

    3. Unix: cat tbsm_db_update.sql | /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/omnibus/bin/nco_sql –S NCOMS –U root –P password

  3. Stop ITNM processes, particularly TIP Server

    1. Keep Object Server running

  4. Install TBSM

    1. If you want to bypass TBSM backup (not recommended for production installations): start from command line in /TBSM/

      1. setup
        .exe(sh) –DNO_BACKUP=true

    2. For simplicity, reference the same DB2 database for all TBSM database prompts

    3. reuse existing TIP

    4. take defaults for IMPACT

5Netcool Network Management Bundle V9.2

IBM offers a bundle of several products for a typical Network Management solution. This bundle consists of the following individual products, shipped together as a convenience for the user.

  • Netcool/OMNIbus V7.4

    • includes the core components plus Web GUI

  • IBM Tivoli Network Manager (ITNM) V3.9

    • Refresh build; equivalent to FP2

  • IBM Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager (ITNCM) V6.4

The official IBM publications describe the installation and upgrade processes for these products. The web links to some of these sites are listed later.

This document lists a few issues for your awareness which may not be obvious to the user:

  1. Installing Netcool/OMNIbus 7.4 and ITNM 3.9 back end

  2. Installing Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI 7.4 and ITNM 3.9 front end

5.1Installing Netcool/OMNIbus 7.4 and ITNM 3.9 Back End

There are some caveats about installing these products on the same server. Here are the preferred steps.

  1. For all platforms, install Netcool/OMNIbus 7.4 first. Follow normal Netcool/OMNIbus instructions to set up object server.

  2. For Linux and Solaris, configure Netcool/OMNIbus 7.4 using the corrected ConfigOMNI script (needs to be downloaded separately, via link to technote listed below)

  3. Install ITNM 3.9 Refresh:

    1. For Linux and Solaris, use the “Connect to existing OMNIbus on remote system” option in the customer installation screens.

    2. For all other platforms, use the “Configure existing OMNIbus on this system” option in the customer installation screens.

  4. Install ITNM 3.9 FP3

5.2Installing Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI 7.4 and ITNM 3.9 Front End

There are some caveats about installing these products on the same server. This is essentially the same process as that described earlier for installing ITNM 3.9 over pre-existing TBSM 6.1. I will list only the high level steps here and refer you to chapter 3 for more details.

  1. Install Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI 7.4 first. Note that it contains TIP

  2. If your Web GUI is 64-bit, and you want TCR reports for ITNM,

    1. Install TCR 2.1.1 (64-bit) using the TCR install procedure

      1. Note that TCR 2.1.1 is not currently supported on RHEL 6

    2. Install ITNM GUI component

      1. If you are on RHEL 6, install ITNM 3.9 Refresh, bypassing the TCR installation

        1. / -DinstallReports=0

        2. ITNM reports are not supported on this configuration

      2. If you are not installing on RHEL 6, proceed with ITNM installation as usual, without bypassing TCR. This will sense TCR already installed but add the ITNM-specific reports. You will get a warning message that TCR was not upgraded. That’s ok.

  3. If your Web GUI is 32-bit, and you want TCR reports for ITNM,

    1. Install ITNM GUI component as usual, which contains TCR 2.1.1 32-bit.

  4. Install ITNM 3.9 FP3

  5. Install Web GUI 7.4 FP1

  6. Install TIP FP

5.3Web Sites for Netcool Network Management

Link to Netcool Network Management Official Publications

Link to ITNM 3.9 Release Notes, which include the TCR 2.1.1 bypass steps
Link to Technote about OMNIbus 7.4 and ITNM 3.9, including link to updated ConfigOMNI
Link to Technote to change TIP port number post-installation

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