January 2012 01788-33-55-47

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64, Sidney Road,



CV22 5LD

January 2012


This is my third collection of dances and, like those in Half Century and Turn of the Century, contains compositions for all levels of dancers. Once again, there are some that are definitely more suitable for workshops, but all are there to be danced and, hopefully, enjoyed.

As usual I am indebted to those who have helped me to iron out the creases so that the final versions flow as well as possible.

Please let me know how you get on with them, feedback is a sure sign they are being used!
Ian R.Whitehead



Page Title Formation

3 #3.2 Square

3 #3.3 Square

3 #3.4 Square

3 #3.5 Square

4 #22 Square

4 #24 Square

4 #25 Square

4 #28 Square

5 A Right Picnic Square

13 A Twisted Eight ................. .......... 3 Couples Longways

5 A Twisted Mind 2 Couples

17 All of a Flutter ................................Square

5 An Embarrassing Moment 2 Couples

6 Are You Sure? 6 Couples Longways

14 Atlantic Highway .......................... 4 Couples Longways

6 Backwards Again Sicilian Circle

6 Beauchamp Square Square

6 Beware the Ides of March Becket Longways

7 By the Way Square

7 Coconuts Square

7 Forsythia Sicilian Circle

14 Forty Not Out ................................ Square

7 Go Away (or Hey, You Push Off!) Becket Longways

8 Hepatica Longways Improper

18 I’m Not Dancing With You!...........Becket Longways Interchanged

8 In Memoriam Square

15 Jenny's Jigsaw ............................... 2 Parallel 3 Couple Sets

8 Just That Bit Extra Sicilian Circle

8 Knuten Square

18 Lateral Thinking ………………….3 Couples Longways

9 Lost and Found and Lost Again! 2 Parallel Becket Sets

16 Lost in Fog .....................................4 Couples Longways

9 Lost in the Mist Becket Longways

9 Maelstrom Square

9 Old York Square

10 Passing the Time 4 Couples Longways

10 Ray's Request Longways Improper

10 Robin's Back 4 Couples Longways

16 Selston Wave ................................. Square

Contents (continued):

Page Title Formation

10 Snowhill Station Becket Circle

15 Something Improper ...................... Longways Improper

11 Substitution Square Square

11 Sweepstake Square Square

11 Texas Rose Double Circle

16 That Old Dixie Daisy ......................Square

12 The Big Wheel Square

12 The Champion Square

18 The Lofoten ………………………2 Parallel 3 Couple Sets

12 The Wright Square Square

17 Thinking of Hilcote ........................Square

13 Up and Down Longways Proper

15 Zip It Up! ........................................5 Couples Longways


Formation: Square for 4 couples.

Music: 7x 32 bar American reels/jigs.
A1 Do-si-do corner; do-si-do partner:
A2 Circle left 1/2 way; allemande left corner:
B1 Grand chain all the way:
B2 Swing partner; promenade home.

A1 Heads forward/back; pass thru; U-turn back:
A2 Repeat:
B1 Heads star right; do-si-do corner:
B2 Promenade corner home (new partner).
Chorus: 2x fig.heads:chorus: 2x fig.sides:chorus.

Formation: Square for 4 couples.

Music: 7x 32 bar American reels/jigs.
A1 Allemande left corner; grand chain 1/2 way:
A2 Do-si-do partner; promenade home:
B1 Allemande right partner; allemande left corner:
B2 Promenade partner all the way.

A1 Heads promenade 1/2 way; go forward/back:
A2 Heads pass thru; swing partner; do-si-do opposites:
B1 Heads square thru 4; swing corner:
B2 Promenade this one home.

Chorus: 2x fig.heads:chorus: 2x fig.sides:chorus.


Formation: Square for 4 couples.

Music: 7x 32 bar American reels/jigs.
A1 Walk around the corner; see-saw partner:
A2 Men star right; star left:
B1 Star promenade partner all the way:
B2 Circle left x1.

A1 Head ladies chain; side ladies chain:
A2 All to centre/back; heads square thru 4:
B1 Circle left with outside 2; swing corner:
B2 Promenade all the way. (Men have right hand lady as new p.)
Chorus: 2x fig.heads:chorus: 2x fig.sides:chorus.

Formation: Square for 4 couples.

Music: 7x 32 bar American reels/jigs.
A1 Do-si-do partner; allemande left corner:
A2 Grand chain all the way:
B1 Allemande right partner; allemande left corner:
B2 Promenade partner all the way.

A1 Heads forward/back; pass thru; U-turn back:
A2 Sides the same:
B1 Circle left 1/2 way; men swing lady on the right:
B2 Promenade new partner home.
Chorus: 2x fig.heads:chorus: 2x fig.sides:chorus.


Formation: Square for 4 couples.

Music: 8 x 32 bar reels/jigs.
A1 All circle left/right:
A2 All 4 ladies promenade inside; swing partner:
B1 Do-si-do partner; do-si-do corner:
B2 Promenade corner.
4x with ladies promenade, then 4x with men promenade inside.


Formation: Square for 4 couples.

A1 Heads forward and back; right and left thru:
A2 Sides the same:
A3 Heads forward and back; ladies chain:
B1 Sides the same:
B2 Do-si-do partner; do-si-do corner:
B3 Promenade all the way (men are now in opposite places).

2x with heads in A1, sides in A2 etc.; 2x with sides in A1 etc.


Formation: Square for 4 couples.

Music: 7 x 32 bar reels.
A1 Circle left all the way:
A2 Promenade partner home:
B1 Grand chain all the way:
B2 Balance and swing partner:

A1 All 4 men star left; right hand turn partner:
A2 Allemande left corner like an allemande X, pass one girl, swing the next:
B1 Promenade new partner; into centre/out:
B2 Do-si-do new partner; swing.
Chorus: 2x fig.heads:chorus: 2x fig.sides:chorus.

Formation: Square for 4 couples.

Music: 7 x 32 bar reels/jigs.
A1 Grand square:
A2 Reverse:
B1 Allemande left like an allemande X, pass one girl, swing the next:
B2 All 4 ladies chain 3/4 (to partner); promenade home.

(It helps if men move right as ladies chain to p.)

A1 Heads forward/back; star thru; circle 1/2 way; pass thru:
A2 Reels of 4 in 2 lines to here:
B1 All 8 chain 4:
B2 Do-si-do corner; promenade home.

Chorus: 2x fig.heads:chorus: 2x fig.sides:chorus.

A Right Picnic

Formation: Square for 4 couples.

Music: 7 x 32 bar reels. (Teddy Bears' Picnic)
A1 Walk around the corner; see-saw taw:
A2 All circle left half way; allemande left the corner:
B1 Weave the ring half way round; do-si-do partner:
B2 Swing partners; promenade home.
A1 Head couple right and left through; head ladies chain across:
A2 Sides roll away a half sashay; all circle left;

4 ladies (in pairs) pass through; ladies U-turn back:

B1 4 ladies pass through and separate round 1 while the men pass through;

Do-si-do corners:

B2 Swing the corner and promenade this one home.
Chorus: 2x fig.heads:chorus: 2x fig.sides:chorus.

A Twisted Mind

Formation: 2 Couples Longways Improper.
Music: 4 x 32 bar steady reels.

A1 Double figure 8 3/4 to a line across:
     (1's cross through as 2's come up the outside)
      End facing the opposite in a line of 4.
A2 Reel of 4 go 4 changes; do-si-do opposite 1¼:
B1 Box circulate; those facing out U-turn back; pass the ocean;
     Centres allemande Lt. 1/2 way:
B2 Swing the opposite (now new partner) and face across;
      Do-si-do previous partner.

Repeat the dance starting with the dancers on the mens' side of the set and the top is now the mens' wall .

Now repeat everything from the original positions and then from the mens' side.
Not an easy dance because of the change of orientation and the fig.8 just 3/4 as well as a very busy B1.

An Embarrassing Moment

Formation: 2 Couples in Becket Longways.
Music: 4 x 32 bar steady reels or jigs. (I use Like Glue from Dave Yeoman's CD)

A1 + A2 Introductions:

Intro I
Forward and back to the opposite couple; millwheel Rt. all four dancers:
Forward and back to partner; millwheel Lt.
Intro II
Into line siding Rt. with the opposite; millwheel Rt.:
Into line siding Lt. partner; millwheel Lt.:
Intro III
Cross hand turn the opposite cw; millwheel Rt.:
Cross hand turn partner ccw; millwheel Lt.:
Intro IV
Circle Lt.; millwheel LEFT:
Circle Rt.; millwheel RIGHT:

(B1 + B2) Figure after each introduction:

The figure done by each dancer in turn 1st.man,1st.lady;2nd.man etc.
The lone dancer
Sets Lt./Rt. and turns single Lt. and then sets Rt./Lt. and turns single Rt.
The other 3 dancers make a big circle and go Lt./Rt. around the single dancer:
Chain across and back .
(If the lone dancer is a man then the chain is for the ladies,

otherwise it is a men's chain!)

A millwheel is like a star but the free hand rests on a shoulder in front.
Written for Brian Stevenson who will have to tell you the story himself (about his shorts). The lone dancer must appear very nervous and suspicious of those circling around them (but they do have their hands occupied).

Are You Sure?

Formation: 6 Couples Longways, 3's,5's and 6's improper.

Music: 6 x 32 bar reels.
A1 Lines fall back/come forward; all set x1 to partner;

Ends box gnat AS rest star  thru:

A2 Ends gypsy partner right/left

AS 2+3/4+5 ladies chain/back up/down the set:

B1 Same groups star left 1/2 way AS ends left hand turn 1/2 way;
      All star right 1/2 way in new 4's; all do-si-do partner:
B2 Ends stand still AS rest 1/2 poussette in pairs (men push);

End 4's now 1/2 poussette (end men push)

AS centre 4 stand still (or set and turn single).

Backwards again
Formation: Sicilian Circle.
Music: 32 bar reels.

A1 All face partners. The 2 men left hand turn each other

AS the ladies do-si-do left with the one diagonally left ("behind them");
      The original 2 ladies right hand turn each other

AS the men do-si-do right with the one diagonally right ("behind them"):

A2 Take a butterfly hold with partner, chassay 2 right/left to progress; star right
      behind with original couple:
B1 2 new men do-si-do; 2 new ladies do-si-do:
B2 Balance and swing partner and end facing them (in/out of the circle).

Beauchamp Square

Formation: Square for 4 couples.
Music: 7 x 32 bar reels/jigs.
A1 Circle left all the way:
A2 Do-si-do corner; do-si-do partner:
B1 Circle right all the way:
B2 Set to corner x1; honour corner; repeat with partner.

A1 All 4 men right hand turn right hand lady into 4 ladies star left:
A2 Balance and swing this new partner:
B1 Grand chain all the way:
B2 Promenade to the man's place.

Chorus; figure x2; chorus; figure x2; chorus.

Beware the Ides of March

Formation: Becket Longways, Quadruple Minor.(1st.couples above the 2's)

Music: 32 bar reels.
A1 All 4 ladies chain; star Lt. in 4's across the set:
      Then look away from the star along the line
A2 Allemande Rt. along the line and come back to pull by Lt. along the line;
      Then 1/2 gypsy Rt. ACROSS the set: INTO
B1 Circle Lt. 1 place and pull out to lines facing up/down set
      (all 1st. men facing down)
      Balance Rt./Lt.; pass thru and bend the lines to face across:
B2 Half promenade across the set; all 4 ladies chain to partners.

By the Way

Formation: Square for 4 couples.

Music: 7 x 32 bar reels.
A1 All circle left 1/2 way; ladies in, men sashay:
A2 Repeat:
B1 All 4 ladies chain 1/2 way; promenade partner:
B2 Promenade partner home; swing partner.

A1 All 4 ladies chain 1/2 way; head ladies chain back:
A2 Sides right and left through; heads right and left by,

And face that one (on right):

B1 Heads reel of 4:
B2 Allemande left corners (original right hand lady); roll promenade corner home.

Chorus; figure x2 (heads); chorus; figure x2 (sides); chorus.


Formation: Square for 4 couples.

Music: 7 x 32 bars 'Coconuts'
A1 Bow to your partner; swing corner (and put the lady on right):
A2 Circle left all the way:
B1 Allemande left like an allemande X, swing original partner:
B2Promenade home (swing partner).

A1 Allemande left corner; do-si-do partner:
A2 Men star left; star promenade partner 1/2 way:
B1 All 4 ladies star right; do-si-do partner:
B2 Swing corner; promenade this one home.


Formation: Sicilian Circle.
Music: 32 bar steady reels or jigs.

A1 Right and left thru; ladies flutterwheel:
A2 Ladies chain; star left in 4's:
B1 Right and left thru and back:
B2 Circle left; balance the ring x1; pass thru with opposites.

Go Away or Hey, you push off!

Formation: Longways Becket.
Music: Steady 32 bar reels.
A1 Do-si-do partner; 1/2 promenade partner across the set:
A2 Diagonally right (if possible) right and left thru;

Ladies start 1/2 hey across set with a new couple:

B1 Ladies push-off 1/2 hey; men 1/2 push-off hey:
B2 Balance and swing partner.


Formation: Longways Duple Minor Improper.
Music: 32 bar reels/jigs.
A1 Do-si-do partner; balance forward/back x1; curlique partner:
A2 Single file promenade/back:
B1 Men reverse flutterwheel; star right:
B2 Right and left thru; ladies chain.


Give raised right hands to partner, the lady turns 3/4 left under the arch as the man walks forward and turns 1/4 right. They end right shoulder to right shoulder facing in opposite directions and at right angles to their original direction.

In Memoriam

Formation: Square for 4 couples.
Music: 7 x 32 bar reels/jigs.

A1 Allemande left like allemande X; pass one girl, swing the next:
A2 Men star left x1; allemande right the one you swung:
B1 Allemande left original partner; roll promenade this one:
B2 Finish the promenade; into the centre as a couple; turn as couples.

A1 All 4 ladies chain/back:
A2 Heads R+L thru; pass thru; X-trail round 1 to meet a head person:
      Sides wait 6 bars then start R+L thru:
B1 Heads star thru the one they meet;
      Sides complete R+L thru; circle half way; pass thru;
      All swing the one they are facing into a big circle:
B2 In to the centre as couples; turn as couples; promenade to the man's place.

Just That Bit Extra
Formation: Sicilian Circle.
Music: 32 bar jigs.

A1 Do-si-do the opposite; swing the opposite and face partner in/out of the circle:
A2 Do-si-do partner; swing partner and face original couple:
B1 Ladies chain and back with an extra half turn with partner to progress:
B2 With a new couple, circle left and right.

Formation: Square for 4 couples, numbered clockwise.

Music: 4 x 32 + 16 bar steady reels/jigs.
Introduction 1:

A1 + A2 All circle left; set x1; turn single; circle right; set x1; turn single:

Introduction 2:

A1 + A2 Into line siding right; set x1; turn single; into line left etc.:

Introduction 3:

A1 + A2 Arm right partner; set x1; turn single; arm left partner etc.:

Introduction 4:

A1 + A2 Honour corners right/left; set x1; turn single; honour partner etc.


A1 1's lead the rest round into line of 8 facing up; lead up a double;

B1 All set x1; turn single; honour the presence right/left.

B1 (1-4) Heads go forward/back with corners into lines of 4:

(5-8) Heads separate to sides and 1's drive symmetrical rings of 4:

(1M circle right with 3W, 2M + 2W - 1W circles left with 3M,4W + 4M)

B2 (1-8) 1's lead the knot and sweep in curve to places:

( 1M + 2W + 2M + 3W go under arch of 2M+3W, turn right round 3W

and 1's briefly meet partner before curving out to side and back to

places. 1W leads the others similarly symmetrically.)

Intro 1; figure with heads then 1's; intro 2; figure with sides then 2's etc.; finish with ending!
Knuten is Norwegian for 'The Knot' and refers in this case to a piece of old road above Geiranger where it curved back over itself; now preserved as a tourist attraction. See cover drawing.

Lost and Found, and Lost Again!

Formation: Two parallel Becket sets.

Music: 32 bar steady reels.
A1 Ladies chain; centres an extra 1/2 turn; centres ladies chain

AS outsides do-si-do:

A2 Centres square thru 3; men reverse flutterwheel:
B1 Star left and right with outsides:
B2 Insides promenade out thru outsides, turn down the set,

Come in thru next sides; centres California twirl.

Lost in the Mist

Formation: Becket Longways, change partner dance.

Music: 32 bar reels or jigs.
A1 Rt. and Lt. through across the set; pass thru across the set (face out);
      As couples, wheel Lt. to be opposite the next couple; set to partner x1:
      Those becoming neutral now treat it as a longways improper dance.
A2 Lt. do-si-do partner and face across into circle Rt. 3/4; pass through up/down:
B1 Do-si-do (Rt.) the one you meet (this brings the neutrals in again);
     Circle Lt. 3/4 and face across:
B2 Ladies chain across; ladies chain diagonally left to get a new partner.

The men progress one place, the ladies two. Written after being out in a small boat on a Norwegian fjord in a mist that kept drifting around.


Formation: Square for 4 couples.

Music: 7 x 32 bar reels.
A1 Allemande left like an allemande thar:
A2 Shoot the star with a full turn around; allemande left corner:
B1 Grand chain all the way:
B2 Promenade partner home; swing partner.

A1 Heads forward/back; heads swing opposite and face partner in centre of set:
A2 Circle 1/2 way; pass through; do-si-do corner:
B1 Allemande left corner into 4 ladies chain/back:
B2 Roll promenade this lady (original corner) home.
Chorus; figure x2 (heads); chorus; figure x2 (sides); chorus.

Old York

Formation: Square for 4 couples.

Music: 4 x 48 bar steady reels or jigs.

A1 Progressive grand square:
A2 Reverse:
B1 Sides right and left thru (home); heads pass the ocean; rock x1:
B2 Pull thru in the wave to face corners; in 4's star right and left:
C1 Allemande right partner; allemande left corner:
C2 Roll promenade corner to the man's place.

In the progressive grand square/reverse - when you lead in, roll the lady away a half sashay and then face them to back away in the next move.

This is a simplified version of Dave Turner's 'Shambles'.

Passing the Time

Formation: 4 Couples Longways (2's + 4's Improper)

Music: 4 x 32 bars steady reels.

A1 Bottom 2 on man's side and the top 2 on the lady's side working as couples,

      Diagonally left pass thru individually; turn as couples:

All ladies chain across in pairs:

A2 Similarly, top 2 on man's side and bottom 2 on lady's side,

Diagonally right pass thru; turn as a couple; all ladies chain across in pairs:

B1 Do-si-do opposites; all set x1; middles go out through ends and round 1/4

All face original partner in lines at right angles to start:

B2 Lines go forward and back; all circle 8 about 1/4 to lines in original direction;
      All fall back away from partner.

Ray's Request

Formation: Longways Improper.

Music: 32 bar reels.
A1 Do-si-do contra; do-si-do partner.
A2 All 2 hand turn partner halfway;
      1's cast and 1/2 figure 8 up AS 2's lead up, wait and 2 hand turn 1/2 way.
B1 Petit Fours in original 4's.**
B2 Petit Fours with next couple.***
(As in Gary Roodman's 'Mary K' )

    1's lead up AS 2's back away from partner (out of the set)

    1's back away from partner AS 2's move down outside
    1's move down the outside AS 2's move in towards partner
    1's move in towards partner AS 2's lead up.

    1's lead down AS 2's back away from partner

    1's back away from partner AS 2's move up the outside
    1's move up the outside AS 2's move in towards partner
    1's move in towards partner AS 2's lead down

(and face partner, then new contra).

I was asked to put this movement into another dance so it could be done without always dancing Mary K.

Robin's Back

Formation: 4 Couples Longways
Music: Own version of The Robin's Return.
 1 - 4   Set Rt./Lt.; all slip Rt. in lines; set Lt./Rt.; slip Lt. in lines:
 5 - 8   Set x1 to partner; 2 hand turn partner 1/2 way; repeat and face neighbours:
 9 -12  Reels of 4 along the lines (men start Lt., ladies Rt.):
13-16  In 4's double figure 8 (2's + 4's cross up whilst 1's + 3's go down outside:
17-18  Middle men lead though middle ladies and cast back to places:
19-20  Middle ladies similarly:
21-22  In pairs, men lead through ladies etc.
23-24  Ladies similarly:
25-26  In 4's star Rt. 1/2 way and middles pull by same sex middle by Lt.:
27-28  In new 4's repeat:
29-30  Repeat:
31-32  Face partner and set x1; 1/2 gypsy partner Rt.

Snowhill Station

Formation: Becket Circle

Music: 32 bar reels/jigs.
A1 Ladies chain in/out of the circle; star left:
A2 Star right; men turn single left AS ladies right hand turn 1/2 way;
      Promenade partner past a new couple to face the next:
B1 Ladies start a reel of 4:
B2 Balance/swing partner and face the couple from the reel (in/out of circle).
(This dance is a modification of Geof Owen's Saddler's Salad)

Substitution Square

Formation: Square for 4 couples

Music: Best done to live music because chorus=32/figure=48 bars.
A1 Circle left; in/out of centre:
A2 Circle right; in/out of centre:
B1 All 4 ladies chain 3/4 WHILE men move 1 place right (take partner again); repeat:
B2 Promenade home; swing partner.

A1 Heads go forward/back; pass thru; cross-trail; round 1:
A2 Lines of 4 go forward/back; pass thru; bend the lines:
B1 Right and left thru across/back:
B2 Lines go forward and back out to a circle and square the set; ladies chain3/4:
A3 Ladies chain 3/4 and promenade this one home (original corner)
B3 Continue the promenade home; swing new partner.

Chorus; figure x2 (heads); figure x2 (sides); chorus.

Sweepstake Square

Formation: Square for 4 couples.

Music: 7 x 32 bar reels.
A1 + A2 Sides face, grand sweep:
B1 + B2 Repeat from new places to home:

A1 Sides right and left thru; heads to the right with right and left thru:
A2 All 4 ladies chain 1/2 way; all 4 ladies chain 3/4:
B1 All to centre/back; side places face, grand square 1/2 way:
B2 All to centre/back; men swing left hand lady (all men home with new partner).
Chorus; figure x2 (heads); chorus; figure x2 (sides); chorus.
Grand sweep:

Head places - flutterwheel, sweep 1/4; pass thru; partner trade and roll;

Side places - face partner, back away; face across and do-si-do;

star thru in head places.

REPEAT all this for A1+A2 (then repeat all to get home).

Texas Rose

Formation: Double Circle, men on the inside facing partners.
Music: 32 bar reels or jigs (Yellow Rose of Texas).

A1 Right hand turn partner; do-si-do partner once and a half by the right:

A2 All turn individually 1/4 left and single file promenade/back (men on outside):
B1 Pass original partner, do-si-do the next; swing this one (new partner):
B2 Promenade new partner (men on inside again).

The Big Wheel

Formation: Square for 4 couples.

Music: 7 x 32 bar American reels.
A1 (1-8) Walk around the corner; see-saw partner:
A2 (1-8) Men star right; allemande left partner to an allemande thar:
B1 (1-8) Complete the allemande thar; slip the clutch; allemande left:
B2 (1-8) Weave the ring to partner; promenade partner home; swing partner:

A1 (1-8) Head couples to the right, circle left x1 with sides; veer left; ferris wheel:
A2 (1-8) Centres pass thru; circle 1/2 way; dive thru and star left in centre:
B1 (1-8) Star right in centre; allemande left corner:
B2 (1-8) Promenade this one; swing new partner.

Chorus; figure x2 (heads); chorus; figure x2 (sides); chorus.

Allemande left partner to allemande thar:

Men look for partner after about 3/4 of the star, pull by partner left, allemande right corner, go back to partner and allemande left until men are in centre with a right hand star and their partners are still holding left hands and so facing the other way. The men star backwards as ladies are moving forward.

Slip the clutch:

From the allemande thar star - let go of partners and all move forwards to the next dancer (corners).

Ferris wheel:

The couples facing out wheel to the right and face into the square AS couples facing in move forward a little, then move left onto one side of the square and then move round in a circle left (only holding partner) one side of the square. All are now in a double pass thru formation.

The Champion

Formation: Square for 4 couples.

Music: 7 x 32 bar reels/jigs.
A1 Circle left and right:
A2 Allemande left corner; grand chain half way:
B1&B2 Do-si-do partner into do-paso; promenade partner home.

A1 Heads out to right and circle to a line; pass thru; turn alone:
A2 Lines forward and back; centres right and left thru:
B1 All circle left half way; allemande left corner:
B2 Grand chain half way; swing new partner (old corner).
Chorus; figure x2 (heads); chorus; figure x2 (sides); chorus.

The Wright Square

Formation: Square for 4 couples.

Music: 7 x 32 bar reels/jigs.
A1 All 4 ladies promenade inside; arm right with partner:
A2 Arm left partner; men star right:
B1+B2 Left turn partner into roll promenade home; swing partner:

A1+A2 1's arm right x1.25 into 1 lady+4 man/1 man+2 lady arm left;
. . . . . . . 1's arm right and cross over into 1 man+4 lady/1 lady+2 man arm left
. . . . . . . 1's arm right again:
B1 Heads do-si-do opposites; those 4 circle left:
B2 Sides the same.


Chorus; figure x2 (heads); chorus; figure x2 (sides); chorus.

Up and Down

Formation: Longways Duple Minor Proper.

Music: 32 bar reels/jigs.
A1 1's down set, 2's follow; turn alone and come back:
A2 Peel and trade; U-turn back; bend the line; go forward and back:
B1 Ladies chain; do-si-do opposites:
B2 Circle left 3/4; 1's X-trail thru 2's; all 2 hand turn partner.

Peel and trade:

The leading couple (2's) cast out onto the nearest end of a line of 4 facing down AS the 1's just pass each other by the right and face down (man turn Rt./lady Lt.) For the 1's it is rather like doing a California Twirl without hands.
Don't forget this is followed by the U-turn back so then the line faces up.
At the end of each turn of the dance remember that the 1's must lead thru their new 2's to start again.

A Twisted Eight

Formation: 3 Couples Longways, Middle Couple Improper.

Music: 3 x 32 bar steady reels.
A1 Top man/bottom lady turn partners 1/2 way by the right to change places

(2 steps);

Same two on the diagonal turn each other about 1/2 way left to face out thru

the sides

(1 man is facing ladies' wall, 3 lady faces mens' wall)

Same two dancers now go out thru the side; turn right round the end;

come back into the middle of the set; go out again thru the same sides;

turn left into partners' original places:

A2 Repeat this for top lady/bottom man so that all are now in original places:

B1 All circle right 2 dancers' places; set forward/back to the person opposite;

All go back to back LEFT shoulder with the opposite person:

B2 Diagonally right, set and cross over if possible; repeat on left diagonal.

Progression: Ladies 2-3-1; Men 3-1-2

Atlantic Highway

Formation: 4 Couples Longways, couples 3 and 4 are Improper

Music: 4 x 32 bar steady reels / jigs.
A1 Centres do-si-do partners


The ends set x1 and cast to stand behind the centres.

The original ends now move in to do-si-do partners


Centres promenade partners out through original end places

and round 1/4 to left.

A2 The original ends (1+4) swing partners and face as couples in the centre


2's and 3's promenade 1/2 way round them to make lines of 4 facing up/down

the hall.;

Men 1 and 4 arm left x1 and keeping hold

B1 Star promenade partner 1/2 way round to the other place

and link up in a line of 8;

All 8 'star' promenade 1/2 way round and bend ther line to face across the set.

B2 Lines forward and back;

In pairs the men cross and then the centre 4 dancers cross with their partners.

The order should be 3,1,-4,-2

The Atlantic Highway was written whilst staying within sight of Atlanterhavsveien which is a road connecting a series of islands on the coast of Norway just south of Kristainsund.

Forty Not Out

Formation: Square.

Music: 7 x 32 bar steady reels or jigs.

A1 Circle left 1/2 way; allemande left corner:

A2 Grand chain 1/2 way; allemande Right partner:

B1 Allemande Left corner; swing partner:

B2 Promenade partner all the way home:

A1 Heads promenade 1/2 way; star thru; pass thru:

A2 Do-si-do corner to an ocean wave; all 8 double circulate:

B1 Rock the same waves foreward/back; ladies turn about Right; bend the lines;

Lines go forward and back:

B2 Left hand couples arch, dip/dive 2 (men home); swing new partner.

Chorus; figure x2 (heads); chorus; figure x2 (sides); chorus.

Written for Sue and Terry Lawson to celebrate their Ruby Wedding Anniversary.

Jenny's Jigsaw
Formation: 2 Parallel 3 Couple Sets TOP

1 4

2 5

3 6

Couples 1,4,5 face down the hall; couples 2,3,6 face up the hall.

All have the lady standing on the right of the man in this formation.

Music: 6 x 32 bar reels/jigs.
A1 Grimstock hey all the way to this exact starting position.

A2 As couples, diagonally right go right and left through

(and include the courtesy turn).

(this should be couples 2 with 4, 3 with 5)

All back to back,

('top' 4 dancers in each set along the side,

bottoms with their partner across the set.)

B1 All balance and swing partners to 2 lines of 6 facing each other.

B2 Lines fall back, come forward and 1/2 promenade partner across

into the other set,

AND turn as couples to start again in original formation (not places).

This was written to celebrate Jenny Smith's 60th birthday!

Something Improper

Formation: Longways Improper

A1 Circle left in fours; California Twirl partner

AND arch (1's over 2's) BACKWARDS to face original neighbour:

A2 Ladies chain up/down the set; star left 1/2 way AND,

keeping hold of neighbour, veer out to right AND

face that neighbour in a line of 4 across the set (men back to back in centre):

B1 Starting LEFT shoulder go 6 changes of a reel of 4 AND

courtesy turn partner onto the side of the set the second time you meet:

B2 Make a ring, balance in/out x1;

Going 3/4 of the way round, circle RIGHT;

California Twirl partner to face a new couple.

Zip It Up!
Formation: 4 Couples Longways.

Music: 4 x 32 bar very steady reels.

This was written especially for Trevor Monson (you must ask him for an explanation!)
A1 1-4 All so-si-do partner, ending close together:

5-8 Lines fall back (zip's open) and come forward:

A2 1-4 IN SEQUENCE from the bottom, (Zip it up)

Men give right hand to partner's left

AND cross left arm over their right to take next lady's (free) right hand:

A2 5-8 All keep hold of hands for 12 bars,

Top lady, turning a bit to her right, lead right shoulder down the tunnel:

B1 1-8 She leads the rest round the back of the ladies' line

and down the men's side,ending in 4th. man's original place

(he has moved across the set):

The set is now in a 4 face 4 formation

with partners side by side facing across.

B2 1-2 Top 2 ladies cross right shoulder:

3-4 Bottom 2 men likewise:

5-8 In 4's, those improper (lower couples) do 1/2 fig. 8 up.
Progression 2-3-4-1

That Old Dixie Daisy
Formation: Square for 4 couples.

Music: 7 x 32 bar American reels.


A1 (1-8) Allemande left the corner; do-si-do partner:

A2 (1-8) Daisy chain 1/2 way

Pull by partner right, allemande left next and come back one (to partner)

Allemande right this one and move on one dancer;

B1 (1-8) (Continue daisy chain 1/2):

Pull by this one left, allemande right next and come back one,

Allemande left this one and move on one dancer

(original opposite person):

B2 (1-8) All 4 ladies chain 1/2 way; promenade partner home:


A1+A2 Head couples go forward and back; heads star thru:

Dixie daisy (all will end turned about but in same place)

Centres pull by right; turn thru left with outsides (who stay facing out)

Centres pull by right (that is end of dixie daisy)

The outsides start to cast round 1/2 way

The centres cross trail and U-turn back into 2 lines of 4 on the sides;

Lines go forward and back and face new partner:

B1 (1-8) Do-si-do new partner; allemande left corner:

B2 (1-8) Promenade new partner a long way to home.

Chorus; figure x2 (heads); chorus; figure x2 (sides); chorus.

Selston Wave
Formation: Square

Music: 7 x 32 bar reels/jigs


A1 Circle left 1/2 way; allemande left the corner:

A2 Do-si-do partner INTO;

Counter promenade (men inside CCW - ladies outside CW) to places:

B1 Turn thru right hand with partner INTO allemande left corner

and promenade partner:

B2 Continue the promenade until home; swing partner.

A1 Side ladies chain across; head couples right and left thru:

A2 Head couples out to the right and circle once around with sides;

All do-si-do the person infront to make 2 ocean waves on the sides of the set:

B1 Rock the wave; step forward; swing own partner and square the set:

B2 Allemande left the corner INTO roll promenade the corner home (swing x1).

Lost in Fog
Formation: 4 Couples Longways, 2's and 4's Improper.

Music: 4 x 40 bar reels.

A1 In pairs, ladies chain 1/2; promenade partner to a square

[original 1's as No.4]:

A2 Heads R+L thru AS sides do-si-do partner;

Heads do-si-do AS sides flutterwheel: (end in lines facing partner)

A3 Lines forward/back to partners;

All set x1; 2's turn single and face up AS

3's lead up to second place and face up AS

1M followed by 4L AND 1L/4M cast to bottom and face down:

(order is 2,3,4,1)

B1 Double figure 8 at bothe ends (ends casting, middles crossing to start):

B2 Continue into 1/2 double figure 8 at both ends; lines fall back/ forward.

Thinking of Hilcote
Formation: Square for 4 couples.

Music: 7 x 40 bar reels.


A1 Do si do corner; do si do partner:

A2 Men star Lt./Rt.:

A3 Allemande Lt. c. alamo style; balance the ring;

Allemande Rt. 1/2; balance the ring:

B1 Allemande Lt. next; 4 ladies chain 3/4:

B2 Promenade partner home (swing):

A1 Heads do si do opposites; heads pass the ocean; rock x1:

A2 2 reels of 3 all the way [1L 4M 2L / 3L 4L 2M]

AS head men go 1/2 way round set:

A3 Head ladies do 1/2 reel of 4 with head men;

(the head ladies turn to their Rt. at end of reels of 3)

Heads swing opposites AS sides R+L thru:

B1 Head ladies chain 1/2 AS sides Lt. hand turn partner; all 4 ladies chain 3/4:

B2 Promenade new partner home (swing).

All of a Flutter
Formation: Square

Music: 7 x 40 bar steady reels.(I use American Reels on the CD What 'appens)


A1 Allemande left the corner; do-si-do partner:

A2 Weave the ring all the way:

B1 All 4 ladies chain across; all 4 ladies 'chain' back to partner BUT allemande

left partners rather than courtesy turn them:

B2 Allemande right corners; swing partners:

B3 Promenade partners.

A1 Head gents and their corners go forward and back on the diagonal;

Same dancers flutterwheel (IT'S THE MEN!):

A2 Side men and the new lady on their right, go forward and back;

Same dancers flutterwheel (IT'S THE LADIES!):

B1 All circle left half way; heads pass through and U-turn back:

B2 Sides go forward and back with a roll the lady away with a half sashay:

All go in to the centre and out:

(as dancers come out they need to move a little left to square the set)

B3 Allemande left new corner (it's the old partner!); swing new partner.

For a long time I had been meaning to write a dance in which the men are the right hand dancers of the pairs so that they do the flutterwheel. Once the idea of using the corners came to me the rest fitted into place in less than 10 minutes.
This dance won the Northampton Folk Dance Club's annual dance competition in November 2008.
I’m Not Dancing with You!
Formation: Becket Longways Interchanged (lady on left of partner)

Music: 32 bar reels/jigs

A1 Men, with lady on their right, go forward and back in lines;

(The very end ladies go forward and then

cross over to the lonely man – on his right)

Those that can, ladies chain straight across:

A2 In same pairs, half promenade across then right and left through:

(As pairs look diagonally left)

B1 Ladies chain to partner; lines go forward and back

AND move round the big set to right about 1 place:

(On the ends go completely round the end as a couple,

everyone now has a couple opposite)

B2 Swing partner; face partner, balance forward and back;

Pass thru and face in with next (same) dancer.

Lateral Thinking

Formation: 3 Couples Longways.

Music: 32 bar reels /jigs.
A1 1-4 Top man/bottom lady cast to middle (middles move to vacant place) and

keep turning to left to face out at ends; all lead up/down set (away);

5-8 Turn alone; set forward to the other line:

A2 1-6 Active 2 link left arms and rotate a bit with same sex neighbour;

pick up 3rd dancer of same sex; rotate line of 6;

split in half, rotate and face partner:

7-8 All set to partners (all improper 3-2-1)

B1 1-4 Top 4 right and left through across and face that one:

5-8 All gypsy left (across at bottom on the sides at the top):

B2 1-8 Bottom 4 flutter wheel ACROSS (pick up partner); sweep 1/4 more

Bottom 4 face up/down the set to pass through; new bottoms C-T partner.

The Lofoten

Formation: 2 Parallel 3 Couple Sets

All men on the outside with right hand joined to their partner's left, side by side

'UP' for one set is towards the music, away from the music for the other set.

Music: 6 x 32 bar VERY steady reels/jigs.
All face 'UP' with the lady on the right hand side of the man.
A1 All set 'UP' forwards diagonally right and left; all set to partners and stay

facing them.

Top couple in each set do-si-do partner


Bottom 2 couples start 2 reels of 4 across both parallel sets.

A2 Complete the reels of 4

Top couples slide through and veer left to the 'bottom' of the other set.

All set 'UP' forward diagonally right and left to bring the sets in line again,

All set to partners.

B1 All touch 1/4 right with partner to 3 ocean waves across both sets, rock x1.

Swing through AND the 6 ladies circulate in the centre 1 place CCW

AND the ladies individually turn 1/4 left to face another lady in the centre

B2 Those ladies pass left to the man who chains them out of the centre,

All 6 ladies chain as in Levi Jackson and turn as couples to put the ladies in the

The ladies only have 2 'partners' - their original and one other, but as everyone is moving this has been seen as a useful reference point to keep the dance going. For once men, be satisfied with having two partners

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