To develop, deliver and monitor the Associate Programme for the Wellbeing service. This role will implement the Associate programme and encourage people seeking help from Wellbeing to actively engage in it.
This position will be appointed for 18.5 hours a week, actual working arrangements by discussion to meet the requirements of the role
Main Duties and Responsibilities
Coordinate and deliver the Youth Associate Programme in accordance with the requirements of the Wellbeing Service.
Deliver Mind First Aid training to Youth Wellbeing Service Users, supporting and enabling them to become Associates
Create and deliver a programme to youth service users with the aim of developing their social networks to aid their recovery
Create and deliver a programme of bespoke mental health workshops that reflect the needs and issues of the local community (young people)
Create and deliver a programme of social events that encourage individuals to connect with their community
Enable Youth Wellbeing service users to access employment support, where appropriate, through the Employment Support Interface Manager
Support and encourage young people accessing the service to contribute to and develop the service
Recruit Youth Associates to become Ambassadors and/or Peer Support Workers offering ongoing training, support and supervision for the duration of their engagement with the service
Create a local youth peer network that promotes the service, contributes to its development and delivery and monitors its impact in line with the requirements of the service
Improve uptake of Wellbeing by working closely with local under- served members of the community
Support and share best practice with all Adult and Youth Associate Support Coordinators
Work with Wellbeing Staff to develop training, integrate the Associate Programme with clinical interventions and to encourage service user co-facilitation in the delivery of the service.
Maintain outcomes databases for Wellbeing monitoring and performance markers.
Attend regular team meetings as required
To carry out other duties as needed within the requirements of this role