Joshua Lamoreaux also listed as Josue Lamoureux and Josué Lamoureux

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15 June 2007 update

Joshua Lamoreaux also listed as Josue Lamoureux and Josué Lamoureux

with many other spellings married Elizabeth Ogden.

Josué, born 1739; Elizabeth, born 1743 and Family

Live in Colonial America in along the Hudson River and in New York City

In the American Revolution they associate themselves with the English Tories

And were exiled into Canada in 1783- Moved to Toronto 1808

This work covers Lamoreaux Families along the Hudson River, New York

from after the death of Jeanne Masse Lamoreaux into the American Revolution

The Lamoreaux Families were probably living along the Hudson by 1730?

For more details of the Canada era see “1783LamCanada”

begun July 1996 - april coleman

This section created Feb 2004
Strangers as yet, for the most part, to the English language – …they nevertheless showed the most favorable disposition towards the lord proprietors, …at the same time, they regarded the colonists as brethren and companions in good and evil fortune, with whom they were always ready to unite for the common defense.” P 346

M. Charles Weiss, History… French Protestant Refuge… Revocation of… Nantes - Our Day, vol 1
"I never had an idea of subduing the Americans; I meant to assist the good Americans subdue the bad."

Gen. James Robertson

"...Which is better - to be ruled by one tyrant 3,000 miles away or by 3,000 tyrants one mile away?"

Victorious in defeat, W Brown, H Senior
On opposing friends in the war, John Adams said, ‘…is the sharpest thorn on which I ever set my foot…"

Page Smith, A New Age Now Begins p 666


"Who were the Loyalist? The whole gamut of society: from ex-slaves... and indentured servants... to the richest in the Land like Oliver DeLancey, the great Hudson Valley landlord; from the first immigrants, Indians... to scions of ancient families... to recent arrivals... statistically, the typical Loyalist was a yeoman farmer... or a modest artisan." p 10

"... New York though seventh out of 13 in population, contained up to 4 times more Loyalist...

"…here were certainly more active rebels than Loyalist, but the largest segment of all was the grey middle, including quietest Loyalist, apathetic Wigs, and various neutrals... religious pacifist... "p11

"Neutrality and trimming were the order of the day. Samuel Miles,... when asked which side he was on, replied, 'I was for peace.' p 12

"... Washington,... at Valley Forge... complained that a lack of public support was 'infinitely more to be dreaded than the whole (British) force.' p 12

"...loyalism had an Anglican tinge in NJ & NY... most loyalist belonged to a cultural minority' p 14 Victorious in defeat, W Brown & H Senior

"New York City had remained a British garrison and a Loyalist haven since its capture in September, 1776. During 1782, as it became clear that the war was lost and that the rebels remained antagonistic, refugees flooded in to camps set up on Long Island, Staten Island, and the Jersey Shore. ... a total of perhaps thirty thousand." p 33.

Victorious In Defeat, Wallace Brown, 1984

"New York... 1783... 'The spirit of persecution and violence against the unhappy loyalists does not appear to abate to any degree since the cessation of hostilities. They are not suffered to go into the country even to take a last farewell of their relations."

Less than Glory, Gelb, Norman, 1984 p 221

The Loyalists landed at Saint John angry, dispirited and vulnerable. They came not as heroic founders of a new nationality but as sufferers and exiles. They saw themselves as victims-... deserted by the government they had sacrificed their all for... Fleet after fleet was precipitated on shore without so much as a shelter to go under, with no one ready to show them their promised lands. Yet most remained and most survived.

"...startling reality when the Loyalist transports anchored off St John harbour. .. the prospect at the river's mouth was dank and depressing. ...the terrain, rocky and barren, the land fit only for pasture ... very broken, barren and but little cultivated. ...the soil poor, being covered with moss, ...for the first thirty miles, the borders of the river are high, rocky and barren. "

Early Loyalist Saint John, DG Bell, New Ireland Press, 1983, p 46.

[This book has a good description of St John 1783.]

Daniel_L’Amoureaux'>Timeline and Document List

Lamoreaux Background Data

Date Place Event & Source

1700 before “Daniel L’Amoureaux - - Meschers, Saintonge – before 1700 – New York

Married June 28, 1719 to Jeanne Masse, daughter of Pierre.

Died probably in Putnam County, N.Y.

[Putnam Co was formed from Dutchess Co in 1812.]

Daniel L’Amoreaux was a son of André L’Amoreaux and his wife Suzanne La Tour.

Huguenot Ancestors Represented in The Membership of The Huguenot Society of New Jersey, 1945,compiled by Dorothy W Taylor & 1956, compiled by Sara Morton Koehler; New Jersey

Their sources are listed as:

Biographical Sketches-Index of Huguenot Settlers of New Rochelle, 1687-1776’ 1940 – M.H. Seacord, p 21, 32.”

Huguenot Emigration to America’ – C.W. Baird, Vol 2, p 37.’

1713 New York City Daniel Lamoureux, apprentice as a cordwainer (boot maker)

[age 17] [Who did he serve with?][Why boots?] [See 1720 May 16]

"Of the 16 cordwainers who cast ballots [in the 1701 election] 15 were ... Dutch,

[only one] was an Englishman."

New York City, 1664 - 1710 Conquest and Change, Archdeacon

1719 Jun 28 New York City Daniel Lamoureux married Jeanne Masse'; French Church of NY.

[Andre's children married French. All Daniel's children married English.]

Je (torn page) Daniel Lamoureux este marie anecque Janne Masse le 28 de Jeun 1719” [“anecque” is probably “avecque”]

Daniel's hand made account book says "Janne" not Jeanne

[I have a typed copy –I put it on RootsWeb 2005]

Also in Records of French Church de Nouvelle york

Daniel had married Jeanne Massé (or Massee) on June 28, 1719, but there is no mention of this in the published records of the church.”

A.J. Lamoureux, “The Lamoureux Record,” Oct 1919, p 3

1720 Dutchess Co, NY Daniel Lamoreaux Settled in Duchess Co, NY in 1720

Bard's History of French Huguenots in America as quoted in

"The Life Story of David Burlock Lamoreaux", by Edith I Lamoreaux, p 2

1720 May 18 New York Daniel, 1st child, born to Daniel Lamoureux & Jeanne Masse'

Daniel Lamoureux son of Daniel Lamoureux and of Jane Massie, was born the 18 of May 1720. Was presented for Baptism by Daniel Lamoureux and Susane Lamoureux Godfather & Godmother the 29 of May 1720.

Baptized by Monsieur Moulinar, Minister of New York.

Daniel's hand made account book. Found in the

"NY Gen & Biographical Record" vol 104 (Oct 1973)

as donated by David Kendall Martin. [See NOTE after 1751]

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