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1st. Semester Courses



CAL 183

Mathematics I


Numbers, absolute value, absolute value function inequalities, induction, coordinates, complex numbers. Functions. Junction function. Trigonometric functions. Limit of functions. Continuity. The properties of continuous functions. Derivation. Change rate, mean value theorem and applications. Maximum and minimum finding and applications, hyperbolic functions and their derivatives, Closed and Inverse Functions Derivatives, Parametric Equations and their derivatives and Curves Drawings

PHY 183

General Physics I


Units. Vectors. One and two dimensional motions. Particle dynamics. Work and energy. Conservation of energy. Dynamics of a system of particles. Conservation of linear momentum. Collision. Kinematics and dynamics of rotational motion. Equilibrium of a rigid body. Vibrations and gravitation. Fluid mechanics.


General Chemistry


Characteristic properties and measurements of matter, Atomic structure and atomic theory, Chemical compounds, Chemical reactions, Introduction to aqueous reactions, Gases, Thermo chemistry, Electronic structure of atoms, Periodic table and some atomic properties, Chemical Bond-I, Basic concepts, Chemical Bond-II, Bond theories, Liquids, solids and intermolecular attractions, Solutions and physical properties.

CME 183

Information technologies and applications


Information technology and computers: data, information, input, output, processing, hardware and software. Basic computer components architecture. Types of computer systems and computer networks and Internet. Computer software: system software, application software. Working with computer software: operating systems, directories, files, file types, commands, user programs and packaged software; low-level, and high level languages. Problem solving and algorithm design. Structured programming concepts: sequence, selection and iteration. Pseudo-code, flow-charts and other techniques. Introduction to C programming language: data types, constants and variables; structure of a C program; selection, and repetition structures in C; functions in C.

EEE 101

Introduction to Electrical and Electronics Engineering


Definition of engineering. Engineering disciplines. Basic elements of electrical engineering. Basic devices, circuits, and systems. Renewable energy conversion. Seminar-meeting and audio-visual learning, regarding social, ethical, environmental and ecological aspects of the engineering profession. Introduction to Technical Report Writing, oral and written presentation tools and techniques. Institutions from Electrical and Electronics Engineers (seminar work). Expectations of Private sector from Electrical and Electronics Engineers (seminar work).

EEE 121

Electrical - Electronics Measurement


Electrical Components, Symbols and Units. Current, Voltage and Resistance, Ohms Law, Energy and Power (Fuse, Switch, Wires and cables, Earthing, Electrical measurements), Series Circuits(Kirchhoff voltage law, Potential dividers, Power in series circuits), Parallel circuits (Kirchhoffs current law, Current dividers, Power in parallel circuits), Series - Parallel circuits (Ladder network, Wheatstone bridge, Delta – wye connections), Capacitors (Structure of capacitors, Capacitor symbols, Capacitance of a capacitor, Physical properties of capacitors, Types of capacitors, Capacitors in a dc circuit, Capacitor connections), Inductors (Energy stored in inductors, Physical properties of inductors, Faraday and Lenz law, Types of inductors, Inductor connections), Semiconductor circuit elements (Types of diodes, Some diode applications, Diode testing).

EEE 107

Laboratory Sessions I


Experiments regarding to contents of General Physics I and General Chemistry will be made in laboratory sessions.

HST 181

Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolutions I


Definition of revolution and Turkish revolution, notions, History of revolutions in Turkey, Movements appeared to save the Ottoman Empire, I. World War, Treaty of Sevr, Demolition of the Ottoman Empire, Period of Turkish National Struggle , Congresses, The wars made in the period of Turkish National Struggle, relationships with Western World and treaties, Lausanne Peace Treaty

TRK181 Turkish Language I


Definiton of language and culture, language-culture relationship, point of language as a social institution in people's life, status of Turkish language among world languages, turkish language development and historical process, Turkish language recent status and expanding field, register, dialect and accent knowledge, Turkish sound facilities and rules about phonetic, derivational and inflectional affixes, application of spelling and punctuation rules.

FOL 181

Foreign Language I


Tenses, verbs, name phrases, compound adjectives, plural phrases, compound nouns, noun phrases, sentences established with verbal adjective, Tenses used in narration, past simple, past progressive, past perfect simple, past continuous, reflexive pronouns, irregular verbs, comparison structures, modal structures, possibility, necessity, permission, capability, models indicating request, future tense, simple present tense, past tense auxiliary verbs, idioms, simultaneous words, structures which strengthens the expression, passive voice, tenses, adverbs.

2nd. Semester Courses



CAL 186

Mathematics II


Integral applications(length, area, surface area and volume calculations), Integration technics, Sequences and Series, Taylor and Maclaurin series, Infiinte Series, Power series, Polar coordinates, Vector analysis.

PHY 186

General Physics II


Electric Fields, Gauss’s Law, Electric Potential, Capacitance and Dielectrics, Current and Resistance, Direct Current Circuits, Magnetic Field, Sources of the Magnetic Field, Faraday’s Law, Inductance, Alternating Current Circuits, Electromagnetic Waves.

CAL 192

Linear Algebra


Matrices and System of Equations, Systems of Linear Equations, Row Echelon Form, Matrix Algebra, Elementary Matrices, Determinants, The Determinant of a Matrix, Properties of Determinants, Cramer's Rule, Vector Spaces, Definition of Vector Space, Subspaces, Linear Independence, Basis and Dimension, Change of Basis, Row Space and Column Space, Linear transformations, Matrix Representations of Linear Transformations, Ortogonality, The Scalar Product, Orthogonal Subspaces, Inner Product Spaces, Orthonormal Sets, The Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Process, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Diagonalization.

CME 182

Computer Programming


High-level programmingenvironments. Variables, expressionsandassignements. Introducing C programming. Structured programming; sequential, selectiveand repetitive structures. Functiondefinitionandfunctioncalls. Prototypesandheaderfiles. Recursivefunctions. Arrays andpointers. Dynamic memorymanagement. Parameter passingconventions. Multi dimensional arrays. Structuresandunions. Conditionalcompilation, modular programmingand multi-file programs. Exceptionhandling. File processing. Formatted I/O. Random fileaccess. Index structuresandfileorganization. (Prerequisite: EEE 111)

EEE 110

Computer Aided Technical Drawing


Using computer-aided technicaldrawing anddrafting system, Introductionof AutoCAD software, Drawing with AutoCAD, Geometricconstructions, Sectionalviews, Perspective Picture, Basic concepts, three-dimensional modeling techniques, formationandwork planes, three-dimensional imagecontrol, creatingthreedimensionsintotwodimensions, geometric challenges, instrumentation, assembly modeling, creating a two dimensional drawings into threedimensions (threeappearances, helped appearance, cross-sectional views, perspective views, assembly), surfacetreatment

EEE 180

Electrical Materials


Introductiontoelectricalmaterials, insulators: electricalconductivity in theinsulators, DC conductivity in dielectricmaterials, polarity, dielectricpermeability, dispersion, dielectriclosses, electrical breakdown, qualitycontrolandsafety, conductor: physicalproperties, conductortypes, Superconductors, magneticmaterials: diamagnetic, paramagnetic, ferromagneticandferritematerials, magneticpermeabilityandlosses, Conductiveandinsulatingmaterials. Overhead lineconductorsandundergroundcables. Resistance, self-resistivity, conductivityandself-conductivity. Calculatingofthecurrentlimitsofconductorsandcables. Warm up in thecables. Fusesand Isolators


Laboratory Sessions II


Experiments regarding to contents of General Physics II will be made in laboratory sessions.

HST 182

Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolutions II


Definition ofrevolutionandTurkishrevolution, notions, State of Turkey after Lausanne Peace Treaty, Declerationof Independence, abolitionoftheCaliphate, Trials of Transition to multi-party System, Sheikh Said rebellion, ExaminationTurkishforeignpolicy, Teaching Atatürk's Elements andRevolutionsTeachingAtatürk's Elements andRevolutions on accountof national sodalityandintegrity in termsofreachingthelevelofmoderncivilizations

TRK 182

Turkish Language II


Whatthesentenceis, whatthecomponentsof a asentenceare, Howtoanalyze a asentence, sentenceanalysissamples, sentencetypes, generalcompositioninformation, plan tobeused in writtencomposition, whatthewrittenandspokenexpressiontypesandsamplesofthese, phraseologyandthewaystodevelopthenotion in theparagraph, ambiguityanditsapplication, therulestofollow in appliactionofacademicwriting.

FOL 182

Foreign Language II


Comparisons: as...as, …-er than, morethan; superlatives: the….-est,…themost, Affirmative-Negative-Question Forms ofthePresentContinuousTense, Modals: Shouldforsuggestionand Must/Havetofornecessity, Requests/Permission: Can/Could/May, Hobbies, Likes/Dislikes, Connectors: But, and, because; TooandEnough, Imperatives, Affirmative-Negative-Question Forms ofthe Simple PastTense, The simple future: Will; the Future tensewithGoingto, Ifclause: Type I, IfClause: Type II, Affirmative-Negative-Question Forms ofPresentPerfectTense, Affirmative-Negative-Question Forms ofPresentPerfectContinuousTense, Subordinators/Linkers

3rd.Semester Courses



FOL 281

Technical Foreign Language I


Variousbranchesofscience (mathematics, physics, chemistry) andengineeringconceptsrelatedtotheindustrythatareused in vehicles, engines, measuringinstruments, basicengineeringtopicsasmaterials, mechanics, thermodynamics, statics, manufacturingissuesrelatedto sample analysis

CAL 283

Differantial Equations


First-order differential equations. Nonlinearequationsreducibleto linear equations. Equationswithconstantcoefficients. Systems of linear equations. Differential equationswith variable coefficients. Partial differential equations. solutionwithseparationof variables. Fourier seriesand Fourier integrals. Orthogonal functions, applyingtoboundaryandthefirstvalueproblems.

EEE 243

Electronics Devices


Crystal structures, energy levels in crystals. Electronic trasport in metals. A short account on superconductivity. Semiconductors; impurities; carrier transport in semiconductors; generation and recombination of minority carriers. The P-N junction diode and Schottky diode; the bipolar junction transistor (BJT); current-voltage characteristics in diodes, BJT's and MOSFETs.

EEE 221

Circuit Analysis I


Circuit variables, circuit elements. Simple resistive circuits. Techniques of circuit analysis. Topology in circuit analysis. Inductance and capacitance. State variables and state equations. Response of first-order RL, RC circuits. Natural and step responses of second-order RLC circuits

EEE 241

Logic Circuits


Variables and functions. Boolean algebra and truth tables. Logic gates, Karnaugh maps. Incompletely specified functions, Multilevel logic circuits. Tabular minimization. Number representation. Arithmetic circuits. Binary codes. Programmable logic devices. Multiplexers, decoders and encoders. Synchronous sequential circuits, flip-flops, synchronous counters. Digital logic circuit modules. Modern hardware description language. Basic CPU design. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) design. Design of integer processing unit; circuits for addition and subtraction, division and multiplication circuits. Use of a VHDL language in the design of general purpose digital circuits at the logic gate level.

EEE 211

Algorithms & Data Structures


Storage structuresandmemoryallocations. Primitive datastructures. Data abstractionand Abstract Data Types. Array andrecordstructures. Sortingalgorithmsand quick sort. Linear &binarysearch. Complexityofalgorithms. String processing. Stacks&queues; stackoperations, implementationofrecursion, polishnotationandarithmeticexpressions. Queues andtheir implementations. Dequeues&priorityqueues. Linkedstoragerepresentationandlinked-lists. Doublylinkedlistsandcircularlists. Binary trees. Treetraversalalgorithms. Treesearching. General trees. Graphs; terminology, Operation on graphsandtraversingalgorithms.

PHY 261

Modern Physics


Special theory of relativity; particle properties of waves; wave properties of particles; Atomic structure; elementary quantum mechanics; many electron atoms; nuclear structure and radioactivity.

4 th. Semester Courses



FOL 282

Technical Foreign Language II


Variousbranchesofscience (mathematics, physics, chemistry) andengineeringconceptsrelatedtotheindustrythatareused in vehicles, engines, measuringinstruments, basicengineeringtopicsasmaterials, mechanics, thermodynamics, statics, production-relatedissues, examiningsamples.

EEE 222

Circuit Analysis II


Sinusoidal Sources and Phasors. AC Steady-State Analysis. AC Steady-State Power. Three-Phase Circuits. The Laplace Transforms. Circuit Analysis in the s-domain. Frequency Response. Mutual Inductance and Transformers. Two-port Circuits.

ESC 280

Sustainable Environment


Sustainable concept, definition of sustainable environment: as micro and macro size, what are our reasons for sustainable environment, importance of sustainable environment in an engineering perspective.

ENG 206

Mathematical Methods for Engineers


Complex numbers. Algebra of complex numbers. Polar representation. Complex functions. Limits and continuity. Analyticity. Analytic functions. Cauchy-Riemann equations. Line integrals. Cauchy integral formula. Isolated singularities. Residue theorem. Numerical error. Solution of nonlinear equations. Convergence. Solution of linear systems of equations: direct and iterative methods. Interpolation. Curve fitting. Numerical differentiation and integration

EEE 220

Basic Semiconductor Devices


Diode circuits, Zener diodes, rectifiers, filters. BJT, MOSFET and JFET amplifier design including biasing, small signal analysis and frequency response. Design of multistage amplifiers. Differential and operational amplifier design. Output stages

EEE 230 Electromagnetic Theory


Review of vector calculus. Electrostatics in vacuum. Coulomb's and Gauss's laws. Electrostatic potential. Poisson's and Laplace's equations. Conductors in the presence of electrostatic fields. Method of images. Dielectrics; polarization. Dielectric boundary conditions. Capacitance. Electrostatic energy. Electrostatic forces by the virtual work principle. Steady currents. Ohm's and Joule's laws. Resistance calculations. Magnetostatics in vacuum. Ampere's force law. Biot-Savart law. Magnetic vector potential. Ampere's circuital law. Magnetic boundary conditions. Magnetic dipole. Magnetization. Hysteresis curve. Self and mutual inductance. Magnetic stored energy. Magnetic forces by the virtual work principle.

CAL 286 Probability and Statistics


Definition of statistics, types and using areas. Variables, graphics and frequency allocation. Data acquisition and Measures of Central Tendency, Analytical avarages: Arithmetic, Geometric, Harmonic, Square Calculation of avarages. Measures of Variety: Asymmetry and Kurtosis of asymmetry Pearson dimensions. Statistics theory, law of Bayes. Probability function, Variance and standart deviation. Fixed and Variable Index, the cluster theory and Probability calculation, and the Action Theory of Probability.


Labour Law


Individual Labor Law: Business Law Branch of the Law of the Place of Separation, Business Law Subject, Department of Business Law, Business Law Resources, Labor Law Basic Principles, Labor Law Basic Concepts: Workers, Employers, Employer Attorney, Apprentice, Office, Business, Business Contract Concept and Types, Worker and Employer's Work From the Contract of Obligations, Fees Assurance, Concept of the Minimum Wage, Labor and Rest Times, Collective Labor Law: Unions and Upper Bodies, Turkey Unionism Basic Properties, Organization of Trade Unions, Union Membership and Rights of the Debt, Mass in Turkey Business Agreements Properties, Peaceful Solution Paths: Mediation and Arbitration, Strikes: Concepts and Definitions, Turkey to Strike in the Legal Conditions, Vote to Strike, Strike snooze, Lockout: Concepts and Definitions

ESC 202

Research and Presentation Skills


Research paper, compile, prepare a poster and oral presentation techniques, research article summaries in the introduction, materials-methods, statistics and results of the writing section, written and oral presentation in the graphs and tables in the preparation

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