Standing constitution as of November 21st 2011
Constitution Revisions Adopted At Spirit Convention 2011
Kentucky-Indiana-Ohio Region #27 Constitution
This region’s name shall be “Kentucky-Indiana-Ohio Region #27 of the Aleph Zadik Aleph,” (“KIO”). It shall be a regional association of the International order of the Aleph Zadik Aleph (“AZA”) of B’nai B’rith Youth Organization, Inc. (“BBYO”).
KIO shall consist of all the AZA chapters in Kentucky, Indiana, and central and southern Ohio.
This constitution is in all cases supreme to the constitutions and bylaws of the region’s constituent chapters. Except where otherwise expressly provided by this constitution, only chapter constitutions and bylaws shall govern individual chapters.
This constitution, resolutions duly adopted, and parliamentary procedure are in all cases supreme to tradition.
A “member” is anyone who is eligible for membership in AZA, has registered as a member with BBYO, and has paid the BBYO membership dues.
A “member in good standing” is a member who is registered with a registered chapter of KIO, has paid KIO and chapter membership dues, and has been inducted into an AZA chapter, an AZA region, or the AZA.
An “Aleph in Training” (“AIT”) is a member who is registered with KIO, has paid KIO and chapter membership dues, and has not been inducted into an AZA chapter, an AZA region, or the AZA.
The duties of the regional board and its members shall be:
To coordinate the objectives of the constituent chapters and any potential councils, aid them in their work, and visit them;
To promote BBYO international programs and attend them;
To work closely with their B’nai B’rith Girls counterparts;
To communicate with AZA’s international executive board;
To attend International Convention if possible;
To deliver state-of-the-region addresses or officer reports at Regional Convention and business meetings;
To keep and maintain records relevant to each office;
To spread BBYO, its missions, its beauty, and the importance that it serves;
To plan, attend, and oversee Regional programs at the direction of convention coordinators; and
Promotes scholarships.
The regional board shall consist of a Regional Aleph Godol, Regional Aleph S’gan, Regional Aleph Moreh, Regional Aleph Shaliach, Regional Aleph Mazkir, and Regional Aleph Kohane Godol.
The regional board may be held to answer to the RAG, but no hierarchy or order exists among the other regional board officers.
Chapters and subsidiary officers such as committee members may be held to answer to other regional board members.
Regional board members may set programming policies regarding each regional board member’s office for chapters and the region.
Regional Aleph Godol (“RAG”)
Is President of the region, and as such leads the region; guides, manages, sets goals with, and helps the other regional and chapter executives; and represents the region inside and outside BBYO.
Sends contact information of the new regional board to International executives immediately upon election.
Attends meetings of the international executive committee.
Ensures that KIO AZA spirit for International Convention be coordinated.
Presides over all regional business meetings and regional board meetings, is the chairman of the regional board, and calls regional board and regional meetings.
May require in writing certain information from the regional board, committee members, or chapter Godolim.
May appoint delegates to represent the region in his place or with him.
May appoint committees.
May use regional resources to reward or punish regional board members, members, and chapters, including the power to suspend regional board members or chapters, with the prior knowledge of the regional director, but may not remove anyone from a convention without the advice and consent of the coordinator.
Regional Aleph S'gan (“RAS”)
Is Vice-President of Programming, and as such, oversees and guides programming within the region on a regional and chapter level, including regional and international simultaneous programming.
Promotes the Henry Monsky Award and other programming awards.
Takes over the duties, but not the title or position, of the previously stated position if the aleph who fills that position is unable to fulfill them for business meetings.
Regional Aleph Moreh (“RAM”)
Attends International Membership Conference.
Is the Vice-President of Membership and as such promotes and implements Regional recruitment, retention and education, and aides chapters in the same; and promotes the fraternal aspects of AZA.
Coordinates regional simultaneous programming among the chapters in order to encourage recruitment, fraternity, traditions, and knowledge of Jewish, AZA, KIO and chapter history, etc.
Promotes international Chapter Leadership Training Conference.
Takes over the duties, but not the title or position, of the previously stated position if the aleph that fills that position is unable to fulfill them for business meetings.
Regional Aleph Shaliach (“RASh”)
Is the Vice-President of Judaism, Community Service, and Social Action, and as such promotes all aspects of Judaism in the region and chapters; and promotes Judaic, charitable, social action, and community service programming and knowledge.
Is the spiritual leader of KIO.
Promotes international programs directly related to Judaism or Israel.
Takes over the duties, but not the title or position, of the previously stated position if the aleph who fills that position is unable to fulfill them for business meetings.
Regional Aleph Mazkir (“RAMaz”)
Is the Secretary and Vice-President of Communications, and as such, shall promote communication among chapters, between KIO and other regions, among the regional board, within chapters and chapter boards, and within the region. Is the Vice-President of Treasury and Fundraising, and as such, shall carry out fundraising duties for specific reasons or causes as well as the KIO general fund.
Takes minutes at all general business meetings and makes publicly available the records of the region.
Is the scribe of the regional board.
Keeps records of minutes, motions passed, this constitution, by-laws, and other information pertinent to the business and history of KIO.
Oversees the website, international program promotion, and regional event promotion.
Records the history of KIO.
Publishes a regional newspaper at regional conventions if not more often.
Takes over the duties, but not the title or position, of the previously stated position if the aleph who fills that position is unable to fulfill them for business meetings.
Makes publicly available, at least through officer reports at business meetings and communication with the regional board and chapters, at least the balances of the regional, city and chapter accounts.
Coordinates chapter and regional fundraising primarily for International Service Fund (ISF) pursuant to the international constitution, secondarily for Regional Service Fund (RSF) pursuant to this constitution and regional by-laws, and finally for the chapters.
Communicates with local philanthropists and businesses to promote donation to KIO and its chapters.
Regional Aleph Kohane Godol (“RAKG”)
Advises the RAG.
Does not vote except as a member in good standing of his chapter.
A majority shall be sufficient to elect an officer. The RAG may set rules concerning pre-election behavior of candidates with regards to their candidacies. Officers will be elected in the order in which they appear in Article II §B. Rules and procedure for elections must be published at least one week before the applications are due for the convention at which the elections are to take place.
To be eligible to run for the regional board, an Aleph must be a member in good standing and be able to remain a member in good standing throughout his term, must be present at his election (unless has a reason to be absent that has been passed by the Regional Godol and Regional Director) and must obtain and keep parental consent in writing.
The Regional Aleph Kohane Godol is exempt from eligibility requirements.
No one may hold more than one position on the regional board.
No regional board member shall serve as chapter president or as his own chapter counterpart during his term on regional board without permission by a majority vote from the regional board and his chapter board combined, and the combined boards may act through long-distance communication for this purpose.
Impeachment and Replacement
If any officer is derelict in his duties, becomes ineligible, or is behaving in a way that is unbecoming of a leader of KIO or the Aleph Zadik Aleph, he may be impeached by a two-thirds vote of the regional board. The officer in mention shall receive no vote.
The RAG may fill vacancies on the regional board temporarily, until the next convention at which a regional meeting may be held.
The RAG, having given prior notice to the region before applications are due for the convention at which the meeting is to be held, shall call a meeting at the convention and hold an election for that office. A replacement regional board member is subject to the usual eligibility requirements.
Each member of the regional board shall serve from installation ceremony where he is installed, for one year, to the installation ceremony where he is discharged.
Installation of the regional board must take place before the close of the Regional Convention at which they were elected.
For conventions whose purpose is to serve a certain segment of the region’s membership the region may adopt rules limiting attendance, but the rules may only take effect if KIO BBG passes them as well. Without such rules, all conventions are open to all members.
The RAG and his BBG counterpart along with the BBYO staff shall choose by application convention coordinators, who shall be a member in good standing, and ) if a coordinator is not selected or nobody applies, then the coordination of each convention shall default onto a regional board member, pursuant to this article.
Regional Convention (“Regionals”) will be held each winter. If no coordinator is chosen, then the RAS shall be the coordinator. The purpose of Regionals is at least so that the region may conduct business, hear reports, elect a new regional board, and show chapter and regional spirit.
AIT/MIT New Member Convention (“AIT/MIT”)
AIT/MIT shall take place annually in the late spring. Chapter morim shall, at the discretion of the coordinator, assist in running this convention. If no coordinator is chosen, then the RAM shall be the coordinator. AIT/MIT’s purpose is at least to educate new alephs, induct AITs, and, at the discretion of the coordinator, educate chapter leaders.
Spirit Convention shall be held annually in the early fall. If no coordinator is chosen, then the Regional Board shall discuss the best scenario for backup coordinator. Spirit Convention’s purpose is to increase chapter unity and spirit through competition for the spirit stick.
Regional Kallah (“Kallah”)
Kallah shall be held annually in the spring. Kallah’s purpose is at least to emphasize and explore the Jewish underpinnings of AZA. If no coordinator is chosen, then the RASh shall be the coordinator.
Junior/Senior Weekend (“Jr/Sr Weekend”)
Jr/Sr Weekend shall optionally be held in the spring in odd-numbered years. Jr/Sr Weekend’s purpose is to retain older members The Regional Board as a whole will be responsible for the coordination of Jr/Sr Weekend
G. Regional Roundtables/Basketball Tournament
Regional Roundtables/Basketball Tournament shall be held on Labor Day weekend each year. Roundtables shall take place on Friday and Saturday while the Basketball Tournament shall take place on Sunday and Monday. The purpose of Regional Roundtables is for Regional Board to be able to have sessions with their counterparts. The purpose of Basketball Tournament is to bring KIO AZA together in a fun and competitive environment as part of the AZAA programming initiative. The Regional Board as a whole is responsible for the coordination of Regional Roundtables/Basketball Tournament.
Quorum for all committee meetings shall be a majority of the committee’s membership.
Committees may adopt a rule allowing certain or all business to be done through long-distance communication, unless a member of the committee objects, in which case a traditional meeting must be held to accomplish the item of business that the committee member objected to doing through long-distance communication.
The regional board constitutes a committee.
General Regional Business
Only members in good standing shall participate in regional business meetings.
In joint meetings of the AZA and BBG, the RAG shall have discretion to work with the Regional N’siah to decide points of order.
Joint motions must be moved jointly by an aleph and a BBG, and passed either separately by the BBG meeting and the AZA meeting, or by a joint meeting.
The presiding officer’s agenda, published at least one week before applications are due for the convention at which the meeting is to be held, shall stand as the orders of the day, but may be repealed or amended by a majority.
Specific rules regarding punishments for disorderly behavior must be included with the published agenda, and are subject to the same rules as the agenda; however, an enumeration of punishments shall not be construed to disparage the presiding officer’s or the meeting’s power to eject a disorderly member.
Quorum is a majority of the regional board and twenty percent of the members in good standing of the region.
Meetings may be held at any convention where attendance is open to all members in good standing.
Life membership to KIO is a privilege given to any Aleph who has served on the regional board for at least one term.
Life membership may be presented by a graduating senior at a regional event at the discretion of the RAG and coordinator, or regional board.
Life members have no privileges associated with membership except when they are otherwise members.
The constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote at any general business meeting, but the proposed amendment must be published at least one week before applications are due for the convention at which the said amendment is to be considered; however, these requirements shall not affect the validity of amendments adopted at the convention at which this clause became effective.
Resolutions not in actual constitution
Resolution to Adapt Shabbat Atmosphere at All Regional Programming
Maker: Ariel Rebekah Wasserstrom, 2008 KIO Sh’licha
Second: Jason Scott Feldman, 2008 KIO Shaliach
WHEREAS it is a commandment to keep the Shabbath which is a day of rest, and
WHEREAS some members of KIO want to keep the Sabbath, but KIO strives to respect each individual’s choice and
WHEREAS BBYO is pluralistic wherein any Jew can practice as is his or her choice and offers program guidelines for Shabbat and other holidays and
WHEREAS KIO already has committed to creating a Shabbat atmosphere in accordance to international policy, with local additions which include being free from writing, cheering, conducting business, burning, cutting, permanently creating, etc. and
WHEREAS BBYO retreats have no completely ‘safe space’ or ‘home area’ for those who are Shomer Shabbos
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that both AZA and BBG Constitutions reflect that as of today, Sunday, May 18, 2008, all regional programming will include as part of its Shabbat atmosphere: no use of any electronic entertainment media devices in any cabin during all of Chofesh (free time). Electronics can be used outside of the cabins/rooms and in all retreat space, which is made public to all program participants (outside, in other buildings, etc.) On Friday nights and Saturday mornings of conventions, all public entertainment media devices may not be used (music speakers, cell phones, DVD players, laptops, portable CD players, etc), only the use of individual silent devices may be permitted.
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