To reduce the effects of soil erosion in the district by proper land use management
Initiate the preparation of the district’s integrated land use plan
Encourage lining of drainage channels
Vision 2016
National Conservation Policy
These have a bearing on land degradation as well as sustainability.
To improve waste management efforts through public education and the involvement of private sector.
Conduct workshops and seminars
Enable private sector participation through reasonable rates.
Promote recycling of products
Waste Management Act
National Conservation Policy
The policies spell out how waste problems can be handled
To reduce underground water pollution by the use of appropriate technology and regulations.
Enforce the lining of pit latrines in the district.
Waste Management Act
Environmental Impact Assessment
Pollution issues are addressed and mitigation measures put into place.
To reduce dependence on fuel wood by promoting other forms of energy and afforestation
Public education
Avail seedlings of indigenous trees to people.
National Conservation Strategy
National Forest Policy
Sustainable utilization of this resource is emphasized.
To reduce the incidence of veldt fires in the district through proper safety measures and legislation.
Conduct public education
Create fire control committees.
National Forest Policy
Agricultural Resource Act
The preservation of natural resources is promoted and sustainability.