Koondaruanne 2009 - 2012
I Üldandmed
Sihtfinantseerimisleping nr
09030207 / 10030201
Projekti nimi:
Interaktsiooni disaini õppe- ja teadussuuna väljaarendamine Tallinna Ülikoolis
Projekti algus (pp/kk/aa)
Projekti lõpp (pp/kk/aa)
EITSA poolt eraldatud toetus
II Toetuse saaja andmed
Ülikooli nimi
Tallinna Ülikool
Informaatika instituut
Aadress (tänav, maja nr, linn, indeks)
Narva mnt 25 Talinn 10120
Projektijuht (ees- ja perenimi, ametinimetus)
David Lamas
6 409 355
6 409 422
III Projekti tulemuste lühikokkuvõte, üldine hinnang projektile
Projekti tulemuste lühikokkuvõte
Projekti käigus avati TLÜ informaatika instituudis interaktsiooni disaini (ID) professuur ning viidi läbi rahvusvaheline konkurss, mille tulemusena valiti ID professoriks David Lamas. Edasine ID õppe- ja teadussuuna väljaarendamine toimuski tema sisulisel juhtimisel. ID suunal avati kolm järeldoktorantuuri ametikohta (S. Sousa, I.B. da Rosa ja S.Fiedler) ning "Infoühiskonna tehnoloogiad" doktoriõppekavale hakati vastu võtma ID-alaste teemade peale doktorante (aastatel 2010-2012 kokku 4 doktoranti). Eespoolimetatud isikutest moodustatud uurimisrühm osales aktiivselt rahvusvahelise erialakogukonna töös - liituti kolme COST-võrgustikuga (IC1002 – Mumia, IS1203 – ENERGIC, IC0904 – TwinTide), regulaarselt hakati läbi viima Baltikumi WUD-i (World Usability Day) ning "New Media: Experimental Interaction Design" teemal suve- ja talvekoole, edukalt esineti terve rea rahvusvaheliste tippkonverentside töös. Loodi ka ACM SIGCHI(Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction) kohalik allorganisatsioon.Avaldati kokku ligikaudu 30 ISI-artiklit (1.1 ja 3.1). Osaletakse kahe 7.raamprogrammi projekti ja terve rea väiksemate projektide (sh innovatsiooniosakud) täitmises.
Paralleelselt uurimisrühma loomisega arendati edasi ka ID-alase T&A-tegevuse infrastruktuuri ID-labori loomise näol ning "Interaktiive meedia ja teadmuskeskkonnad" (IMKE) rahvusvahelist magistriõppekava: TLÜ uues hoones eraldati ID-laborile ruum A-302 ning sisustati kaasaegse tehnoloogiaga. IMKE-õppekava jaoks loodi 8 uut ainekursust, doktori- ja bakalaureuseõppekava jaoks üks uus ainekursus.
Üldine hinnang projektile
Projekt saavutas kõik taotluses seatud eesmärgid:
1) Interaktsiooni disaini alal on D.Lamasi loodud uurimisrühm vaid kolme aastaga saavutanud rahvusvahelisel tipptasemel akadeemiliseks tegevuseks tarviliku kriitilise massi ning märkimisväärse rahvusvahelise tuntuse ja tunnustatuse; 2) Kaasajastatud on IMKE magistri- ning Infoühiskonna tehnoloogiate doktoriõppekava ning välja on arendatud selleks vajalikud ainekursused ja 3) Loodud on ID alaseks akadeemiliseks tegevuseks vajalik infrastruktuur.
IV Projekti tulemuste analüüs
1. Vastavus taotluses kirjeldatud eesmärkidega:
The goals were achieve as we were able to:
Develop the necessary academic competence in the field of interaction design (including establishing a professorship).
The ID research group was established in February 2010 after D.Lamas took the position of ID professorship. With the project funding, 5 jobs were created:
1 Professor
2 Researchers
2 Interaction Designers
These are full time equivalent positions that are or were occupied by:
David Lamas, professor, head
Sonia Sousa, researcher (she completed her post-doc in 31.12.2012; the title of her post-doc research was “Activity patterns in informal virtual learning communities (MJD 28)”.
Hans Põldoja, researcher
Lili Kesa, interaction designer
Kairit Tammets, Kersti Toming, Mart Laanpere, Meelis Karp, Pjotr Savitski, Priit Tammets, Vladimir Tomberg.
Additionally, the following members are involved:
Isaias Barreto DaRosa, post-doctoral researcher (Bridging the digital divide with mobile digital libraries (ERMOS 82)).
Sebastian Fiedler, post-doctoral researcher (The development and re-instrumentation of learning activity in the context of creative work: potentials for systemic intervention into educational practice (MJD 459)).
Master students and 4 doctoral students. The doctoral students address topics such as, ubiquitous computing, interaction design aesthetics, sustainable interaction design and the reconceptualization of the e-textbook.
Temporary software developers and technical support persons, depending on the projects conducted.
One of the main tasks for acquiring necessary academic competence was to establish firm cooperation with international community:
The group joined the following COST networks: TwinTide (http://www.twintide.org/), MUMIA (http://www.mumia-network.eu/) and Energic (http://www.vgibox.eu).
The group participated/participates in a number of R&D projects, including the following: CoCreat (http://www.cocreat.eu/), CIAKL (http://ciakl.ulusofona.pt/) and Learning Layers (learning-layers.eu/news/).
The group members took actively part on international conferences and seminars – see Appendix 1.
Regarding dissemination, the ID Lab as been promoting a series of talks about Interaction Design and related topics (http://idlab.tlu.ee/portfolio/talks/) and it co-organizes since 2011 the World Usability Day in Estonia (http://wud.tlu.ee/). In 2012 this was actually a pan-Baltic event with participants not only from Estonia but also from Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and Russia. The ID Lab also hosts the Estonian chapter of ACM’s Special Interest Group in Computer Human Interaction (http://www.sigchi.org/)
Develop interaction design courses for master and doctoral curricula.
D.Lamas became the head of Interactive Media and Knowledge Environment (IMKE) curriculum council in 2010, immediately taking up his position as professor. The programme is gradually evolving into a solid Human-Computer Interaction and Interaction Design programme. Courses sponsored by the ID Lab are part of the master programme and include:
IFI6150 - Experimental Interaction Design, 5 ECP (12 bachelor level students took this course )
IFI7156 - Interaction Design Methods, 5 ECP (62 master level students)
IFI7155 - Evaluating the User Experience, 5 ECP (43 master level students)
IFI7154 - Developing Interactive Systems, 5 ECP (9 master level students)
IFI7159 - Foundations of Human Computer Interaction, 5 ECP (16 master level students)
IFI7108 - Digital Interactive Audio, 3 ECP (16 master level students)
IFI7110 - Mobile Interactions, 3 ECP (16 master level students)
IFI7112 - Game Interactions, 3 ECP (36 master level students)
IFI7114 - Experimental Input and Output Devices, 3 ECP (26 master level students)
FI8110 - Research Trends in Human-Computer Interaction, 4 ECP (none, the course will be available in 2013/2014 only for doctoral students).
The ID Lab also organized a training on Mobile Interaction Design in co-operation with ITL in 2011, and currently co-organizes the Experimental Interaction Design course offered by Tallinn Summer and Winter Schools (http://summerschool.tlu.ee/ and http://winterschool.tlu.ee/ with 36 students from France, German, Lithuania, Mexico, Romania, Canada, Italy, Netherlands, Greek, Portugal, Spain, Afghanistan, Georgia, and Russia) and contributes to the doctoral program offered by Tallinn University’s Institute of Informatics.
Further, the ID Lab supported the successful completion of the following master thesis:
Applying Agile Methodologies to Design and Programming, Tatjana Pavlenko
Cross-platform Interaction Design, Mattias Saks
Enhancing Public Service User Experience in Information Society, Geroli Peedu
A Study of User Interaction with Three-Dimensional Environment, Mehrnoosh Vahdat
Designing for Good User Experience with Lean Principles, Valeria Gasik
Supporting Interaction Design Processes with Concept Mapping, Ilja Šmorgun
The Evaluation of User Interface Aesthetics, Maarja Pajusalu
Online learning in higher education, Kersti Toming
Conducting Projects with User-Centered Approach. The Case of a State Agency, Jevgeni Nikolajevski.
Cyber Security in Estonia: Lessons from the Year 2007 Cyber Attack, Katri Lindau
The Implementation of Architectural Solutions in the Virtual World of Second Life, Edith Voksepp
Social Media Marketing by the Example of Increasing Target Group in Facebook, Taavi Lindmaa
Integrating Web 2.0 Solutions withVIKO Learning Environment, Argo Ilves
Acquire the necessary infrastructure for academic work (including the establishment of an interaction design laboratory).
Acquiring the necessary infrastructure for the first year (2009) was conducted according the project application; for the years 2, 3 and 4 according the needs of the courses listed above. Specification and costs for the items purchased can be found in Appendix 1.
2. Hinnang lähtudes taotluses esitatud projekti edukuse kriteeriumidest:
There were four success criteria set initially:
The total volume of R&D projects in 2012 is 1,5 million kroon (about 96000 euro)
R&D projects related to ID lab are listed in Appendix 3.
Four ISI publications a year (16 in total)
In fact 34 ISI publications (1.1 and 3.1) were published (only permanent members of the group are counted – D.Lamas, S. Sousa, H.Põldoja, L.Kesa).
30 students take the ID module.
62 master level students in 2012, mostly from Institute of Informatics own master programs and Baltic Film and Media School Crossmedia Production program. In addition, there have also been a considerable number of students from other programs in Baltic Film and Media School and Tallinn University as well as visiting students from Tallinn Technological University, University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy and Estonian Academy of Arts over the years 2009-2012.
10 master theses defended in 2012.
One should admit that only 8 master theses were defended in 2012 (five more defended in 2011). On the other hand, successful completion of a thesis depends first of all from the student, not so much from the supervisor.
3. Kvantitatiivsed näitajad:
As a result of this project:
9 research projects joined (6 funded by EU, 3 funded by the Estonian Science Foundation)
3 1.1 (ETIS) and over 31 3.1 (ETIS) publications
13 master thesis supported
10 participations in international conferences (listed in appendix 2)
28 participations in meetings, trainings, seminars abroad (listed in appendix 2)
5 jobs (1 professor, 2 researchers, 2 interaction designers)
3 doctoral students
2 post-doc researchers
2 regular dissemination activities (yearly World Usability Day and local chapter of ACM’s Special Group for Human Computer Interaction)
10 courses (1 bachelor level, 8 master level, 1 doctoral level)
1 summer and 1 winter school courses deployed reaching 36 students and 14 countries
25 short-term projects developed
4. Probleemid projekti rakendamisel ja nende lahendus:
None apart from the fact that it would have been better to spend the available funds as needed and not according to a preset schedule.
5. Hinnang EITSA toetuse mõjule ja vajalikkusele:
The reported results would not have been possible without EITSA’s support.
V Koostöö teiste organisatsioonidega projekti rakendamisel
During the funding period, the ID Lab pursed cooperation with local and international partners, namely:
Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications (co-organizing training on interaction design for mobile devices in 2011)
Tartu University Viljandi Culture College (offering some of the lab's sponsored courses in the Designing Digital Virtual Environments master program since 2011)
Baltic Film and Media School (offering some of the lab's sponsored courses in the Crossmedia Production master program since 2011)
Cyprus University of Technology (joint project writing, 2011, 2012)
University of Leeds (joint project writing, 2012)
Middlesex University (joint project writing, 2012)
University of Reijkiavik (joint project writing, 2012)
Lusophone University (joint project writing, 2011, 2012)
Estonian Art Academy (joint project writing, 2011)
Trinidad (Estonian interaction design company co-organizing the World Usability Day since 2011)
InterUX (Estonian interaction design company co-organizing the World Usability Day since 2011)
Cube Systems (Latvian interaction design company co-organizing the World Usability Day since 2012)
Idea Code (Lithuanian interaction design company co-organizing the World Usability Day since 2012)
VI Avalikud suhted / EITSA toetuse teadvustamine
During the funding period, dissemination activities included:
The World Usability Day event (2011, 2012)
Presentations in Skopje, Macedonia and Copenhagen, Denmark of ID Lab's team, resources and activities, in events promoted in the context of the Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval research networks (2012)
Presentation of research results in the conferences mentioned in section III of this report
Organization of a workshop on Creative Collaboration in ICWL 2012 (the international conference on web-based learning) with proceedings published in Springer's Lecture Notes on Computer Sciences (2012)
The courses read in Tallinn Winter and Summer Schools, that mainly target foreigners visiting Estonia for education purposes (since 2011)
The deployment of the lab’s website (http://idlab.tlu.ee)
VII Aruandele on lisatud:
Appendix 1. Overall financial report 2009-2012
Appendix 2. List of travels funded by the project
Appendix 3. List of R&D projects related to ID lab
Appendix 4. Curriculum and course programs
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