Lake Ontario Region
Chair Applications 2011/2012
Hey LOR! If you are interested in applying for a chair position for this year, the time to apply is now! We strongly encourage all of you, no matter the length of your involvement in BBYO, to apply for a chairmanship. In this packet you will find descriptions of the positions as well as the application. You may apply for as many or as few positions as you like, but you will only be chosen for one. If you apply for more than one, please be sure to rank positions in order of your preference, with 1 being your top choice.
Applications Deadline:
Wednesday January 11th at 11:59pm
Please email all completed applications to all three addresses:;;
Chairpersons will be chosen by the Regional Board & Regional Staff.
If you have any questions, please contact us. Good luck to all of you and thank you!
Stacey Ramelson, Regional N’siah
Shia Cooperman-Green, Regional Aleph Godol
Chairmanship Descriptions
BBYO Connect Chairs (1 AZA + 1 BBG)
BBYO Connect provides 6th, 7th and 8th graders with safe, enriching programming, fun activities and meaningful involvement in the community. The BBYO Connect Chairs will work closely with Regional Morim & Regional Staff to help plan, promote, implement and facilitate monthly BBYO Connect programs and will recruit other AZA/BBG members to attend as well. The BBYO Connect chairs will aim to inspire the BBYO Connect 8th graders to attend AZA/BBG chapter and regional programs and join an AZA/BBG chapter.
AZAA/BBGG Chairs (1 AZA + 1 BBG)
AZAA (A-Z-Double-A) stands for Aleph Zadik Aleph Athletics and BBGG (B-B-Double-G) stands for B’nai B’rith Girls Games. The AZAA/BBGG chairs will be in charge of organizing, promoting and carrying out AZAA programs (for AZA) & BBGG programs (for BBG). The AZAA/BBGG Chairs will work with the Regional S’ganim & Regional Staff to organize sporting events and tournaments throughout the year.
StandUp Chairs (1 AZA + 1 BBG)
StandUp is BBYO’s tzedek initiative that empowers teens to get involved in causes important to them through service, advocacy and philanthropy. Working closely with the Regional S’ganim and Regional Staff, the StandUp Chairs will coordinate Lake Ontario Region’s StandUp Campaign by identifying and implementing opportunities to support the cause. The StandUp Chairs will also assist the chapters with their StandUp Campaigns by providing training and resources while also tracking progress and motivating growth of the campaigns (perhaps via a competition or incentives).
Swag Chair (1 AZA or 1 BBG)
The Swag chair will work closely with the Regional Mazkirim & Regional Staff to coordinate the design, order and sale process of regional apparel (clothing and accessories). The Swag chair does not require artistic skill, as the design process can and should include the solicitation of ideas and designs from all AZA/BBG members (perhaps via a regional contest).
Advisor Relations Chair (1 AZA or 1 BBG)
The Advisor Relations Chair will work closely with the Regional Presidents and Regional Staff to serve as a resource for chapters to develop and enhance their working relationship with their advisor. This chair will also help chapters recognize the importance of their advisor and their roles within the chapters. The Advisor Relations chair must stay in contact with the N’siah and Godol of each chapter to talk about how the chapter is working with, utilizing, communicating with and appreciating its advisor year round.
Summer Programs Chair (1 AZA or 1 BBG)
The Summer Programs Chair will work closely with the Regional Mazkirim & Regional Staff to promote summer program registration at regional events and will have the opportunity to work with all chapters to incorporate summer program promotion at the chapter level too.
International Convention Spirit Chair (1 AZA + 1 BBG)
The International Convention Spirit Chairs will work closely with the Regional Presidents and Regional Staff to coordinate all aspects of Lake Ontario Region spirit for International Convention 2012 in Atlanta. Spirit preparation must take into account dress-up theme days, regional songs and cheers and other creative displays of regional spirit (paraphernalia, giveaways, etc).*** Note, you must be registered for International Convention in order to apply for this chair position.
Application – Part 1
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
List all the positions you have held on Chapter Board:
List all the positions you have held on Regional Board:
List all the chair positions you have held on a Chapter Level:
List all the chair positions you have held on a Regional Level:
List all the International BBYO Experiences you have attended:
You can apply for as many or as few positions as you’d like. If applying for more than one position, please rank them (with 1 being your first choice).
BBYO Connect Chairs
StandUp Chairs
Swag Chair
Advisor Relations Chair
Summer Programs Chair
International Convention Spirit Chairs
Application – Part 2 Specific Questions
When answering these questions, it is important to remember that your application will be one of many. Do your best to show why you think you are the best person for the position!
*** Answer only the questions for the positions that you selected above. ***
*** Please write all answers for a position in the box below the chair position. ***
BBYO Connect Chairs
What new ideas do you have that will help the BBYO Connect program succeed?
How will you ensure that 8th grade BBYO Connect members make the transition from BBYO Connect into AZA/BBG chapters?
Name 2 specific ideas you have for BBYO Connect programs .
How will you implement AZAA/BBGG within the region? Please give one or two specific ideas.
How will you promote AZAA/BBGG to the chapters?
Why do you think AZAA/BBGG will be beneficial within the chapters?
StandUp Chairs
Why are you the ideal person for this position and what related experiences have you had?
Please provide some examples of how you will work with the chapters to make their StandUp campaigns the best they can be. Please include a fun way to encourage chapters to grow their campaigns (e.g. Last year’s StandUp Race)
How will you work to promote and support the regional StandUp campaign?
Swag Chair
Why are you the ideal person for this position?
How will you motivate members to submit designs and how do you envision the submission and selection process working?
What are some of your ideas for Regional apparel (clothing & accessories)?
Advisor Relations Chair
How does your advisor inspire you?
What would you like to improve upon with chapter-advisor relationships and how can you help chapters do so?
Provide two ideas for chapters, for Advisor Appreciation Month.
How can we, as a region recognize our advisor (s) year round?
Summer Programs Chair
What promotion techniques do you believe will be most effective in promoting summer programs?
How will you assist the chapters in promoting summer programs?
Which summer program do you think is most beneficial to the members of Lake Ontario Region?
International Convention Spirit Chair
What special skills or experience do you have in preparing for spirit competitions and teaching songs and cheers?
What are some unique and creative ways that you will elevate our region’s visibility and spirit at International Convention?
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