Leafcutter and Mason Bees: a Biological Catalogue of the Genus Megachile of the Neotropics Anthony Raw

Subgenus Rhyssomegachile Mitchell

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Subgenus Rhyssomegachile Mitchell

Cressoniella subgenus Rhyssomegachile Mitchell 1980: 63. Type species: Megachile simillima Smith. Original designation and monotypy.

Megachile (Rhyssomegachile) Michener 2000: 564.

The three members of this subgenus occur in Guyana and the Amazon Basin.

  1. Megachile (Rhyssomegachile) kartaboensis Mitchell

Megachile kartaboensis Mitchell 1930: 299-300. Female. Type

locality: Kartabo, British Guiana, July-August 1920 (W. M. Wheeler). Type repository: MCZ 16212. Examined.

Megachile (Rhyssomegachile) kartaboensis Raw 2002 #7: 33.


  1. Megachile (Rhyssomegachile) simillima Smith

Megachile simillima Smith 1853: 185. Female. Type locality: Para [Brazil]. Type repository: NHML 17a2456. Examined.

Cressoniella (Rhyssomegachile) simillima Mitchell 1980: 63.

(Friese’s record (1908a: 65) from Argentina, cited by Jensen-Haarup (1908: 105) and others = M. (Dactylomegachile) parsonsiae Schrottky 1913 after Jörgensen 1912a: 128 and Cockerell 1914b: 428.)

The female labelled simillima Smith at OUM is a Pseudocentron species.

DISTRIBUTION. BRAZIL: AC- Iquirí; AM- Tefé; PA- Jacareagua; RO- Pimenta Bueno. PERU: Puerto Maldonado. This species is apparently confined to the southwestern region of the Amazon basin.

  1. Megachile (Rhyssomegachile) stabilis Mitchell

Megachile stabilis Mitchell 1930: 298-298. Female. Type locality: Buenavista, Bolivia. Type repository: Meyer.

Megachile (Rhyssomegachile) stabilis Raw 2002 #7: 33.


Subgenus Sayapis Titus

Gnathocera Provancher 1882: 232/ 1883: 689, 716 Type species: Gnathocera cephalica Provancher [= Megachile (Sayapis) pugnata Say]

(Not Gnathocera Kirby 1825; Coleoptera.)

Ceratias Robertson 1903: 172. Type species: Megachile pugnata Say

(Not Ceratias Kroy 1845 [fish].)

.Sayapis Titus 1905: 154. New name for Gnathocera and Ceratias.

Megachile subgenus Sayapis Mitchell 1934: 298, 308.

Eumegachile subgenus Sayapis Mitchell 1980: 46 & 51-55. Durante & Diaz 1996: 327.

Of the 31 species in the subgenus, 6 are restricted to North America. The 25 neotropical species range from Mexico to Argentina including the West Indies. M. dentipes has been recorded from U.S.A. to Argentina and M. zaptlana from Mexico and Jamaica to Paraguay. With such unusually wide distributions more than one species may be present under each name.

  1. Megachile (Sayapis) addubitans Cockerell

Megachile addubitans Cockerell 1931c: 537-538. Female. Type locality: Chichenitza, Yucatan (Bequaert). Type repository: MCZ 16268. Examined.

Megachile (Sayapis) addubitans Ayala et al 1997: 455 (D).

ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Cockerell 1932: 13 (K).


  1. Megachile (Sayapis) apora Krombein

Megachile (Sayapis) apora Krombein 1953b: 22-24. Male. Type locality: South Bimini Island, Bahamas, 6 August 1951 (C. and P. Vaurie). Type repository: AMNH. Examined.

DISTRIBUTION. BAHAMAS: Bimini, Concepcion Island.

  1. Megachile (Sayapis) bernadinensis Strand

Megachile bernadinensis Strand 1910: 527. Male. Type locality: San Bernardino, Paraguay (Fiebrig). Type repository: ?

Megachile (Sayapis) bernadinensis Raw 2002 #7: 33.


  1. Megachile (Sayapis) bigibbosa Friese

Megachile bigibbosa Friese 1908a: 66. Female. Type locality: Tucuman, Argentina. Type repository: ?

Megachile cylindrica forma bigibbosa Schrottky 1913b: 247.

Megachile (Sayapis) bigibbosa Raw 2002 #7: 33.

ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Friese 1908a: 63 (K). Jörgensen 1912a: 125 (T); 132 (K).


PREDATORS. Coelioxys litoralis.

  1. Megachile (Sayapis) bomplandensis Durante

Eumegachile (Sayapis) bomplandensis Durante 1996: 329. Female. Type locality: Bompland, Misiones, Argentina, 2. 2. 1911 (Jörgensen ). Type repository MLP.

Megachile (Sayapis) bomplandensis Raw 2002 #7: 33.


  1. Megachile (Sayapis) coelioxiformis Schrottky

Megachile coelioxiformis Schrottky 1910: 540. New name.

Megachile coelioxoides Schrottky 1909a: 220. Female ? Type locality: Puerto Beroni, Paraguay. Type repository: MZSP.

(Not Megachile (Neochelynia) coelioxoides Cresson 1878.)

Megachile polyodonta Cockerell 1927a: 18. Male. Type locality: Huachi, Beni, Bolivia, September (W. M. Mann). Type repository: USNM 29086. Examined. Synonymy of Moure 1948: 323 (D).

Megachile (Sayapis) coelioxiformis Mitchell 1943b: 664.

ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Mitchell 1930: 282 (D). Moure 1942: 312 (D, R-M); 1948: 323 (D); 1953: 122 (D). Schrottky 1913a: 142 & 150 (K), 180-181 (D, R-FM).

DISTRIBUTION. ARGENTINA: MI; TU- Tacanas. BOLIVIA: Beni. BRAZIL: AC- Iquirí; MS- Corumbá; MT- Chapada dos Guimarães, Salobra; PR- Foz de Iguaçú. PARAGUAY:- Puerto Beroni.

  1. Megachile (Sayapis) cruziana Mitchell

Megachile cruziana Mitchell 1930: 181-182. Male. Type locality: Buenavista, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, 450 m. Type repository: Meyer.

Megachile (Sayapis) cruziana Mitchell 1934: 301.


  1. Megachile (Sayapis) curitibana Moure

Megachile (Sayapis) curitibana Moure 1943: 178. Female. Type locality: [Curitiba, Brazil] not cited by author. Type repository: UFPR.


  1. Megachile (Sayapis) curtipilis Vachal

Megachile curtipilis Vachal 1909: 11. Male. Type locality: Urubamba, Peru. Type repository: MNHN. Examined.

Megachile (Ptilosarus) curtipilis Raw 2002 #7: 32.


  1. Megachile (Sayapis) cylindrica Friese

Megachile cylindrica Friese 1906: 96. Female. Type locality: Santa Rosa, Argentina. Type repository: ?

Megachile (Sayapis) cylindrica Moure 1943: 177 (D), Raw 2002 #7: 34.

Eumegachile (Sayapis) cylindrica Durante & Diaz 1996: 329.

ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Friese 1908a: 63 (K), 66 (D, R-F). Jensen-Haarup 1908: 105 (D). Jörgensen 1912a: 125-126 (D, L, N, P, T), 132 (K); 1912b: 309 (P).


LIFE HISTORY. Adults fly late October to end of March.

NESTING. Nests in galls [?] of Durana (?) dependens. Cells built of mud and leaves cut from Caesalpinia, Cassia aphylla and Larrea.

PREDATORS. Coelioxys laudabilis, C. litoralis.

  1. Megachile (Sayapis) dentipes Vachal

Megachile dentipes Vachal 1909: 12. Male. Type locality: Mendoza [Argentina]. Type repository: Vachal Collection, MNHN.

Megachile melochiae Schrottky 1913a: 205-206. Male. Type locality: Encarnacion, Paraguay. Type repository: MZSP. Synonymy of Moure 1942: 307 (D).

Megachile poculifera Cockerell 1919: 217. Male. Type locality: Mexico (Baker). Type repository: USNM 21687. Examined. Synonymy of Mitchell 1930: 182-183 (D).

Megachile (Sayapis) dentipes Mitchell 1934: 301.

Megachile ypirangensis Moure 1941: 94.

(Not Schrottky 1913a: 194). Synonymy of Moure 1953: 122.

ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Cockerell 1914b: 427-428 (R-M); 1923b: 1 (D); 1924: 548 (D as M. poculifera); 1928: 171 (D); 1932: 12-13 (D, K). Hurd 1979: 2070 (D). Jörgensen 1912a: 132 (D), 134 (K). Michener 1954: 101-102 (D, F, L). Mitchell 1937c: 178-180 (D, R-M). Moure 1942: 307 (D). Silveira et al 2002: 214 (D).

DISTRIBUTION. ARGENTINA: CO, ME, MI. BRAZIL: BA; GO- Goiânia; MG; MS- Salobra; MT; PB; PR- Paranaí, Ponta Grossa; RJ- Niteroi; RN; RS- Estejo; SP- Itápolis. MEXICO: Guaymas; VC; YU- Chichenitza, Medellin. PANAMA: Old Panamá, Panamá City; Balboa. PARAGUAY: Encarnacion. PERU: Tingo Maria (670m). U.S.A.: TX.

FLOWERS. Triplaris.

LIFE HISTORY. In Panamá adults fly from December to March.

I believe there are two or more sibling species recorded under the name of dentipes.

  1. Megachile (Sayapis) frugalis Cresson

Megachile frugalis Cresson 1872: 266. Male. Type locality: Texas (G.W. Belfrage). Type repository: USNM 1780. Examined.

Megachile (Sayapis) frugalis Mitchell 1934: 301.

Megachile frugalis atrescens Cockerell 1931c: 537. Male. Type locality: Chichenitza, Yucatan [Mexico] (Bequaert). Type repository: MCZ 16264.


There are four subspecies, one of which reaches the Neotropics.

MEXICO: BC. CO; YU. U.S.A.: AZ. U.S.A.: PA, NJ south to FL west to TX, AZ and southern CA (Mojave Desert; Los Angeles); CO.

FLOWERS. Visits 9 genera of plants. Asclepias tuberosa, Croton, Erigeron, Eriogonum fasciculatum, Helianthus, Lotus, Marrubium vulgare, Monarda puncata, Opuntia, Parkinsonia, Perezia microcephala, Tephrosia virginiana, Verbesina encelioides.

  1. Megachile (Sayapis) inimica Cresson

Megachile inimica Cresson 1872: 267. Female. Type locality: Texas (Belfrage). Type repository: ANSP 2459.

Megachile (Sayapis) inimica Mitchell 1934: 301.

Robertson 1897: 350 (R-F) considered M. (Sayapis) inimica Cresson and . (Sayapis) sayi Cresson to be synonyms.

ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Cresson 1916: 120 (T). Graenicher 1930: 162-163 (D, F, L). Mitchell 1937c: 189-192 (D, F, L, R- FM). Cockerell 1903b: 215 (D, F); 1905: 308 (D, F); 1905a: 308 (D as M. heterodonta). Cresson 1878: 120 (T); 1916: 129 (T). Hurd 1979: 2071 (D, F). Krombein 1967: 332-334 (L, N).

FLOWERS. Polylectic, visits 38 genera including many Compositae and Leguminosae. Arctium, Aster, Bidens, Blephilia, Brauneria, Cephalanthus, Chrysopsis mariana, Chrysothamnus nauseosus, Cleome, Coreopsis stellata, Gilia, Gutierrezia californica, Haplopappus, Helenium, Helianthus petiolaris, Heliopsis helianthoides, Heterotheca, Kallstroemia grandiflora, Lepachys, Liatris, Lythrum, Marrubium vulgare, Melilotus alba, Penstemon, Petalostemon, Pycanthanemum, Rudbeckia, Silphium, Solidago, Strophostyles, Teucrium, Verbena macdougali, Verbesina encelioides, Vernonia fasciculata, V. glauca, Vicia, Viguiera, Zexmenia. Bidens leucantha, Borrichia frutescens, Crotalaria pumila, Chrysothamnus, Eriogonum fasciculatum, Haplopappus arborescens, Heterotheca grandiflora, Grindelia camporum, Senecio douglasii, Solidago.

LIFE HISTORY. In southern Florida adults fly from early February to May and in November.

There are three subspecies, two of them confined to the nearctic.

Megachile (Sayapis) inimica inimica Cresson

Megachile (Sayapis) inimica inimica Mitchell 1962: 174-176 (D, F, L, R-FM).

ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Ayala et al 1997: 455 (D). Hurd 1979: 2070 (D, F). Krombein 1967: 331-332 (L, N, P).


FLOWERS. Visits 16 genera including Achyranthes, Avicennia, Bidens leucantha, Borrichia frutescens, Coccoloba, Crotalaria pumila, Helenium, Heliopsis, Heterotheca, Lacinaria punctata, Melilotus, Ocimum, Salvia ballotaeflora, Sphaeralcea, Vitex negundo, Ximensia encelioides.

NESTING. Nests in holes in mesquite trees and fence posts. Also uses trap-nests. Lines nest with leaves of Monisia pallida and plugs entrance with agglutinated sand. [Frohlich & Parker 1983: 196-197 state that this subspecies does not line its cells.]

PREDATOR. Melittobia chalybii.

LIFE HISTORY. Adults fly from February to April.

ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Hurd 1979: 2070 (D, F). Krombein 1967: 331-332 (L, N, P).

  1. Megachile (Sayapis) laqueata Cockerell

Megachile laqueata Cockerell 1919: 220. Female. Type locality: Ecuador (C.F. Baker). Type repository: USNM 21691. Examined.

Megachile (Sayapis) laqueata Raw 2002 #7: 34.


  1. Megachile (Sayapis) mendozana Cockerell

Megachile cornuta Smith 1879: 78. Female. Type locality: Mendoza [Argentina]. Type repository: NHML 17a2459. Examined. Synonymy of Cockerell 1914b: 428.

(Not M. cornuta Latreille 1805. Europe [= Osmia cornuta (Latreille) 1809.)

Megachile mendozana Cockerell 1907: 50. New name for M. cornuta Smith.

Megachile rhinoceros Friese 1908a: 68. Male. Type locality: Mendoza, Argentina (Burmeister). Synonymy of Jörgensen 1912a: 128, Cockerell 1914b: 428 and Durante & Diaz 1996: 331.

(Not Megachile rhinoceros Mocsary 1892: 131. China.]

Megachile verticalis Friese 1920: 52. New name for M. rhinoceros Friese.

Megachile (Sayapis) mendozana Mitchell 1943b: 664. Moure 1943: 176-177 (K). Raw 2002 #7: 33.

Eumegachile (Sayapis) mendozana Durante & Diaz 1996: 331.

ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Cockerell 1905: 341 (K as M. cornuta); 1917b: 240 (D); 1919: 218 (D). Friese 1906: 97 (D); 1908a: 63- 64 (K), 68 (D, R-M, T). Jensen-Haarup 1908: 106 (F). Jörgensen 1909: 215 (F, L); 1912a: 128 (D, F, L), 133 & 135 (K); 1912b: 311 (F). Strand 1909: 234 (D). Vachal 1909: 16 (K as M. rhinoceros).

DISTRIBUTION. ARGENTINA: CA, ME- Chacras de Coria; ST; Carcarana, Santa Rosa. PARAGUAY.

FLOWERS. Anthemis cotula, Bidens leucantha, Circium lanceolatum, Hoffmannseggia falcaria, Hyalis argentea. Senecio mendocinus, S. pinnatus.

LIFE HISTORY. Adults fly November to mid May.

  1. Megachile (Sayapis) mutaticeps Cockerell

Megachile mutaticeps Cockerell 1923a: 457-458. Female. Type locality: Berbice, Courantyne Coast, British Guiana, Aug 1915 (Bodkin). Type repository: NHML 17a2436. Examined.

Megachile (Ptilosarus) mutaticeps Michener 1954: 103 (D, L). (Erroneous listing).

ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Cheesman 1929: 145 (D).

Megachile (Sayapis) mutaticeps Raw 2002 #7: 34.


LIFE HISTORY. Adults fly in September.

NESTING. Nests in abandoned borings in timber.

  1. Megachile (Sayapis) obdurata Mitchell

Megachile obdurata Mitchell 1930: 180-181. Male. Type locality: Villarrica, Paraguay, 1 January ? 1923. Type repository: Meyer.

Megachile obdurata Silveira et al 2002: 214 (D).


  1. Megachile (Sayapis) opsiphanes Moure

Megachile (Sayapis) opsiphanes Moure 1943: 179-180. Female. Type locality: Batatais, São Paulo, Brazil (860 m). Type repository: UFPR.


  1. Megachile (Sayapis) planula Vachal

Megachile planula Vachal 1908: 228. Female. Type locality: Mapirí, Bolivia. Type repository: MNHN. [Type lost ?]

Megachile coelioxoides Schrottky 1909a: 220. Female ? Type locality: Puerto Beroni, Paraguay. Type repository: MZSP.

(Not M. (Sayapis) coelioxoides Cresson 1878.) Synonymy of Durante & Diaz 1996: 331.

Megachile coelioxiformis Schrottky 1910: 540. New name for M. coelioxoides Schrottky.

Megachile polyodonta Cockerell 1927a: 18. Male. Type locality: Huachi, Beni, Bolivia, September (W. M. Mann). Type repository: USNM 29086. Examined. Synonymy of Moure 1948: 323.

Megachile (Sayapis) coelioxiformis Mitchell 1943: 664. Raw 2002 #7: 34.

Eumegachile (Sayapis) planula Durante & Diaz 1996: 331.

ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Silveira et al 2002: 214 (D).


  1. Megachile (Sayapis) quadrispinosella Strand

Megachile quadrispinosella Strand 1910: 526-527. Female. Type locality: Asuncion, Paraguay, November-December 1904. Type repository: ?

Megachile (Sayapis) quadrispinosella Raw 2002 #7: 34.


  1. Megachile (Sayapis) santiaguensis Durante

Eumegachile (Sayapis) santiaguensis Durante 1996: 334. Female. Type locality: Bompland, Misiones, Argentina, 2. 2. 1911 (Jörgensen ). Type repository MLP.

Megachile (Sayapis) santiaguensis Raw 2002 #7: 34.


  1. Megachile (Sayapis) squalens Haliday

Megachile squalens Haliday 1836: 320. Female. Type locality: São Paulo, Brazil. Type repository: NHML 17a2477. Examined.

Schrottky (1913a: 195) and Mitchell (1930: 240) considered M. (Moureapis) apicipennis (q.v.) Schrottky to be a synonym.

Megachile (Leptorachis) squalens Mitchell 1943b: 663.

Megachile (Pseudocentron) squalens Moure 1947: 231-232 (D).

Megachile (Sayapis) squalens Raw 2002 #7: 34.

ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Michener 1954: 100 (D, L). Moure 1942: 309 (D). Schrottky 1913a: 195-197 (D, R-F).

DISTRIBUTION. ARGENTINA: ST- Rio Carapari. BRAZIL: MT- Chapada dos Guimarães; RS; SC- Colônia Hansa; SP- Guaicurús, Ipiranga. PANAMA: Colon, Valle de Anton. PARAGUAY: Tapyta.

LIFE HISTORY. In Panamá adults fly in April.

  1. Megachile (Sayapis) suspecta Vachal

Megachile suspecta Vachal 1909: 12-13. Male. Type locality: Buenos Aires [Argentina]. Type repository: MNHN. Examined.

Megachile (Sayapis) suspecta Raw 2002 #7: 35.


  1. Megachile (Sayapis) ypirangensis Schrottky

Megachile ypirangensis Schrottky 1913a: 194-195. Female. Type locality: Ipiranga, São Paulo [Brazil]. Type repository: MZSP.

Megachile (Sayapis) ypirangensis Mitchell 1943b: 664. Raw 2002 #7: 35.

Eumegachile (Sayapis) ypirangensis Durante & Diaz 1996: 330.


  1. Megachile (Sayapis) zaptlana Cresson

Megachile zaptlana Cresson 1878: 130. Female. Type locality: Mexico (Sumichrast). Type repository: ANSP 2436. Examined.

Megachile (Sayapis) zaptlana Mitchell 1934: 301.

Megachile (Chelostomoides) zaptlana Michener 1953: 1058-1059 (D, M, N).

ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Ayala et al 1997: 455 (D). Cheesman 1929: 145 (D). Cresson 1916: 134 (T). Jayasingh & Freeman 1980: 215-216 (N, P). Michener 1954: 102 (D, L). Mitchell 1930: 184 (D). Raw 1984b: 502 (L, N, P); 1985: 2-13 (D, F, M, N, P).

DISTRIBUTION. COLOMBIA: Magdalena -Rio Frio. JAMAICA: CA; CL; EL; MA; a lowland species. MEXICO: CH; JA; NA; MI; OA; PU; QR; SI; SO; VC. PANAMA: Canal Zone- Farfan, Patilla Point; Panamá- Camaron, Taboga Is. PARAGUAY: Villarrica.

FLOWERS. Bidens pilosa, Cassia emarginata, Cosmos sulphurea, Prosopis chilensis and species of Emilia and Heliotropium.

NESTING. In Jamaica bees nested in disused beetle burrows (129 nests found in a single fence post). Nests averaged 5.7 cells each and cells averaged 19.9 mm long and 9.8 mm wide. Intercellular partitions were built, but the long walls of the cells were not lined. In Panamá nested in mound of Amitermes foreli Wasmann [cited as A. medius].

LIFE HISTORY. Adults fly from September to March in Panamá and from June to November (Jamaica). Males fly around nest sites and flowers of Bidens pilosa apparently searching for females.

PREDATORS. In Jamaica, mortality of young in nests ranged from 28% in the presence of Anthrax irroratus to 58% in the presence of Melittobia sp. nr. hawaiiensis. Other predators in Jamaica are Amobia floridensis, Suidasia and Crematogaster. Nasutitermes also kills the nest occupants.

MORPHOLOGY. Larva described.

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