DROP USER 'root'@'host.domain'Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
host.domainwith the server’s fully qualified domain name. For example, if your host was called
, you would write:
DROP USER 'root'@''Again, you can instead manually modify the grant tables here, you can delete all accounts that have
a host other then localhost:
DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE Host <> 'localhost';Query OK, 1 row affected (0.26 sec)
FLUSH PRIVILEGES;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.20 sec)
users makes us nervous, especially when a wrong keystroke in a
statement can remove all your users you can even remove the root account If you make a mistake, you should restore the files for the mysql database (in the mysql directory of the data directory) from your backups.
On a Linux or Mac OS X system, you can also restore the default users with the mysql_install_db script simply run this command the same way you ran it in Chapter 2. We look at backups and recovery in
Chapter 10.
Devising a User Security PolicyYou now understand
the principles of creating, maintaining, and removing users and their privileges. In this section, we show you how to take those basics and put them together to develop a security
policy and a maintainable, flexible, secure MySQL installation. Importantly, we also show you how to balance server
performance against security, and develop the thinking that’ll allow you to effectively manage your MySQL
Flexibility and security are enemies. The most secure MySQL installation has no users with no privileges. The most flexible installation lets everyone in as root, in case they need to administer or change the server or its databases. Balancing security and flexibility is important you should have sufficient users and privileges to permit the user requirements of
the applications you develop, but you should constrain those users and privileges to the minimal set that’s needed. The next section walks you through a checklist of decisions you should make insetting up your users and their privileges.
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