Les Dames d’Escoffier / Atlanta Chapter Grant and Volunteer Application 2017

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Les Dames d’Escoffier / Atlanta Chapter
Grant and Volunteer Application

Les Dames d’Escoffier International (LDEI) is a worldwide society of women dedicated to creating a culture in the community that fosters excellence and promotes the achievement of women in culinary professions through educational and charitable activities. 

The LDEI Atlanta chapter was founded in 1996, and since that time has grown to become a highly-regarded asset to members, a frontrunner in chapter accomplishment within the organization, and a philanthropic leader in our community.  Our membership of over 100 women includes professional chefs, restaurateurs, caterers, farmers, food retailers, event planners, cookbook authors, food journalists and historians, winemakers and wine industry professionals, food publicists, culinary educators and hospitality executives.

Each year, Les Dames d’Escoffier (LDEI) Atlanta provides thousands of dollars of funding and numerous volunteer hours to local organizations. We specifically focus on helping organizations working in the areas of: green tables/farming, global culinary initiatives, the culinary community and programs that teach cooking, nutrition or support anti-hunger work.

Grant applications for both funding and volunteer hours are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year. In 2015, applications will be analyzed two times – April 1 (for those applications received on or before April 1) and October 1 (for those applications received between April 2 and September 30) with answers regarding grants or volunteer time given by May 1 or November 1. Requests not given grants or volunteer time on May 1 will automatically be placed into consideration for the November 1 review period. LDEI Atlanta will give only one financial grant per organization per calendar year and only to registered 501c3 non-profit organizations.

Tamie Cook, VP Philanthropy

Les Dames d’Escoffier Atlanta Chapter

Les Dames d’Escoffier / Atlanta Chapter
Grant and Volunteer Application

Organization Contact Information:

  1. Name of Organization/501c3 #:________________________________________________________

  2. Type of Aid Applied For:

_______ Financial Grant

_______ Volunteer Hours

_______ Both Financial Grant & Volunteer Hours

_______ If requesting both and both cannot be given, do you want to receive only one? If yes, please specify which one, or both.______________________________________________________

  1. Primary Contact & Title: ______________________________________________________________

  2. Telephone: ________________________________________________________________________

  3. Email: ____________________________________________________________________________

  4. Mailing Address:____________________________________________________________________

  5. Physical Address (if different than above): _______________________________________________

  6. Web Site Address: __________________________________________________________________

  7. If applying for volunteers, Volunteer Coordinator Name, Phone, Email: ________________________

  8. Executive Director’s Name, Phone, Email: ________________________________________________

Organization Overview Information:

  1. Organization Purpose/Mission (limit 150 characters): ______________________________________


  1. Founding Date of Organization (MM/DD/YY): ____________________________________________

  2. Programs/Services Offered (limit 400 characters):________________________________________


  1. Please describe the community impact of your organization, including the clients or beneficiaries of your organization and how they make use of your services (limit 300 characters): ____________


  1. Geographic Area Serviced (select all that apply):

____ Buckhead ____ Midtown ____ Downtown

____ Dunwoody ____ East Point/College Park____ Virginia Highlands

____ Druid Hills ____ South Atlanta ____ Grant Park

____ Sandy Springs ____ Edgewood/Inman Park ____ West End

____ Other (Please specify)________________________

  1. Client Population Served (be as specific as possible): _______________________________________

  2. Racial/Ethnic Population Served: _______________________________________________________

  3. The focus of Les Dames d’Escoffier Atlanta Chapter charitable giving is around programs that support: green tables/farming, global culinary initiatives, programs that support the culinary community, teach cooking or nutrition skills or hunger programs. Please give how your program would fit into these goals (limit 200 words):__________________________________________________________

  4. Does your organization have prior experience with Les Dames d’Escoffier Atlanta Chapter? If yes, please specify how. _________________________________________________________________


Project Information:

20. Project Name (or what will these funds and/or volunteers be used for?) Please be as specific as possible.________________________________________________________________________

21. Indicate the number of people you anticipate will be served by this program annually. __________
22. Give at least three (3) quantitative benefits of the project (i.e. how many people will be fed, how many people will receive nutritional education programs, etc.):
Quantitative Benefit 1:_______________________________________________________________
Quantitative Benefit 2:_______________________________________________________________
Quantitative Benefit 3:_______________________________________________________________
23. Give at least three (3) qualitative benefits of the project (i.e. how will people’s lives to changed or improved as a result of the project, what is the impact this project will have on children, etc.):
Qualitative Benefit 1:________________________________________________________________
Qualitative Benefit 2:________________________________________________________________
Qualitative Benefit 3:________________________________________________________________

Funding Request Information:
If not requesting funding, please skip to question 31.

24. Amount of Requested Funds: $________________________________________________________

25. Total Project Cost: $_________________________________________________________________
26. Goals of Project:____________________________________________________________________
27. Beginning and Ending Dates of Project: _________________________________________________

  1. Please provide a budget for this project._________________________________________________

  2. What are the other sources of funding for this project besides LDEI Atlanta? Please provide your organization’s sources of funding including fundraising, government grants, corporate, faith-based, individual donations, fees and any other sources of funding. (300 character limit)________________

  3. Expected Date of Expenditure of Funds: _________________________________________________

Volunteer Request Information:

If not requesting volunteers, please skip to question 41.

  1. Minimum and Maximum Number of Volunteers Needed from LDEI Atlanta:_____________________

  2. Estimated Number of Volunteer Hours Requested Total and Per Person:_______________________

  3. Please give specific examples of what the LDEI volunteer might do with your organization. (limit 400 characters). ________________________________________________________________________


  1. Please provide dates and time requirements, if you have them. If not, please provide as much information as possible about timing for volunteer hours. (i.e. month, day, evening, approximate number of hours of each shift or project, etc.)____________________________________________

  2. What, if any, skills are needed by LDEI Atlanta volunteers?__________________________________

  3. Will special training be necessary for volunteers? If yes, what is the time, date and location of the training? If you don’t have a specific date, please give as much information as possible (i.e. month, day, evening, approximate number of hours): ____________________________________________

  4. Does the volunteer need any materials or equipment for the project? If yes, will it be provided? If no, will they be reimbursed if it needs to be purchased (i.e. food for a cooking demo)? ___________


  1. Describe the site where volunteers will complete their work. Please provide information about parking, parking costs and security if needed._____________________________________________

  2. What percentage of your total volunteer force would LDEI Atlanta comprise if your maximum volunteer request were granted? ______________________________________________________

  3. Are there any specific requirements that volunteers must satisfy prior to working in the program (i.e. background checks, etc.)__________________________________________________________

  4. How will volunteers schedule their service?______________________________________________

Partnership Commitment

  1. If approved, would your organization be able to provide a written update of the project that LDEI Atlanta provides funding or volunteer hours for by July 1, 2016 and/or December 1, 2016, or when the project is completed (whichever comes first or if ongoing project, provide an update.)? Report does not need to be long but should include qualitative and quantitative results and photos if appropriate. If no, why not?___________________________________________________________

  2. Would your organization be willing to provide a link to the Les Dames d’Escoffier Atlanta website? If not, why not? ______________________________________________________________________

  3. If approved as a partner for either funding or volunteer hours, would you consent to be listed as a Community Partner on the LDEI Atlanta website?__________________________________________

  4. If approved, would your organization allow for the LDEI Atlanta logo to be included in printed and online materials related to the project, and allow LDEI Atlanta to be recognized in any publicity related to the project? If no, why not? __________________________________________________

  5. Is there anything else that your organization would like to do to promote the partnership between yourself and LDEI Atlanta? ____________________________________________________________

  6. Are you willing to allow LDEI Atlanta to host a board meeting or program meeting at your facility? __________________________________________________________________________________


I certify that to the best of my knowledge,

  • The information in this grant application is true.

  • The organization applying for the grant is a 501(C)3 in good standing.

  • Funds or volunteers will not be used in fundraising activities or any act that is illegal, morally questionable or is contrary to the mission of Les Dames d’Escoffier Atlanta Chapter.

_____________________________________________________________________________________Signature of Applicant Printed Name Title Date

_____________________________________________________________________________________Signature of Executive Director Printed Name Title Date

Please send the above application, a 501(c)3 designation letter and last year’s annual financial statements to:

Cynthia Graubart

Atlanta LDEI Scholarship Committee

660 Spindlewick Drive

Atlanta, GA 30350

Questions? Email cynthia@cynthiagraubart.com

Deadline: Grant applications for both funding and volunteer hours are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year. In 2017, applications will be analyzed two times – April 1 (for those applications received on or before April 1) and October 1 (for those applications received between April 2 and September 30) with answers regarding grants or volunteer time given by May 1 or November 1. Requests not given grants or volunteer time on May 1 will automatically be placed into consideration for the November 1 review period. LDEI Atlanta will give only one financial grant per organization per calendar year and only to registered 501c3 non-profit organizations.
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