Literacy Policy

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Literacy Policy

Ratified by Governors: March 2015

Review date: March 2016.....

Signed by Chair of Governors............................................................................


To enable children to reach their full potential.

To increase children’s confidence in their ability to use their literacy skills in everyday life.

To encourage children to have a positive attitude towards reading and writing.

To develop children’s vocabulary so that it is rich and varied.

To encourage children to read and write for pleasure.

To enable children to access written material for many purposes.

To raise the achievement of all children in literacy.

Planning and Assessment

Key objectives from the National Curriculum 2014 and the Development Matters are identified for each class to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum. Where classes contain a mixed year group teachers choose objectives that are most appropriate for their class, taking into account age, ability and past experience of the children.

Across school planning is based on key skills from the National Curriculum and the Development Matters. Wherever possible Literacy planning is linked to each classes’ topic to ensure a cross curricular approach.
Informal assessment is carried out by individual teachers on an ongoing basis and is recorded on their planning in the form of AfL notes.
Summative assessment is carefully planned throughout the year (see assessment calendar)
Pupil Progress meetings are held half termly where the headteacher and/or a member of SLT meets with the class teacher to ensure children are being carefully monitored and progress is being checked.

Teaching and Learning

Teaching in Literacy is all encompassing. It is taught as a discreet subject but also impacts on other subject areas. With our topic based approach this has meant literacy can be extended and reinforced throughout the curriculum.

All lessons follow guidance from their relevant frameworks and are designed to ‘build to writing’. Lessons strive to include a variety of teaching and learning styles and are interactive where possible. ICT is used to support the teaching and learning where appropriate.
Speech, Language and Communication

Speech, language and communication are paramount to all learning and are recognised in our school as being the key foundations of literacy. Within our literacy lessons we strive to include a range of speech, language and communication opportunities. In the Foundation Stage the development of speech, language and communication skills is a key focus. Consequently we have a trained language lead within the foundation stage.


In Foundation and Key Stage 1 phonic knowledge and spelling are taught through the ‘letters and sounds’ programme.

In Key Stage 2 phonic knowledge and spelling is taught where necessary. Where phonics is taught the ‘letters and sound’ programme is also followed. The majority of children will be working from the spelling objectives in the National Curriculum. We also use the year group word lists to assess children’s progress.


In handwriting we follow the Nelson Scheme. We practice handwriting regularly depending on the age and ability of the children.


In reading the children work within book bands to structure their reading. They take home an independent reading book based on their National Curriculum reading level to practise the skills taught in class. Guided reading books are banded according to their level and all children have access to a weekly guided reading session. In these sessions the children have access to books of a slightly higher level and they work in a group supported by the teacher to enable them to discuss the books in detail.

In Foundation Stage children work towards Early Learning Goals and there is an initial focus on developing a love of stories and books. Reading is taught within focused sessions and initially on a 1-1 basis before moving to a Guided Reading approach.

Accelerated Reader

Accelerated Reader is an online reading programme that is accessed by children in Years 2-6 who can read their first 100 high frequency words. They are assessed and then given a book level to read from. After each book they log onto their profile and complete a quiz.

This is monitored half termly.
Intervention Strategies

For some children intervention strategies are appropriate. We use wave 2 support e.g. ELS, targeted group support and Wave 3 support such as toe by toe and the 5 minute box.


Homework is set in literacy as part of the learning log homework which is set weekly from Year 1. In Foundation Stage a weekly home learning activity is set which supports speech, language and communication and is an opportunity for parents to comment on their child’s learning. In addition to this a sign and symbol of the week and rhyme of the week are also sent home weekly to support children’s development of speech, language and communication.


This policy has been ratified by governors and will be reviewed annually.

The named governor for Literacy is Doreen Westmoreland and she liaises with the subject leader to stay updated about literacy issues, progress and standards.

Equality Statement

This policy covers all employees of the school. Direct services such as catering, cleaning, ground maintenance and building contractors are outside the scope of the policy. However, it must be borne in mind that liability can be accrued if a school employee aids any such contractor to discriminate against any of its own employees or workers. Accordingly, where relevant and reasonably possible all employees of the school should apply the principles of the equal opportunities policy to any dealings they have with any person engaged to carry out work for the school or on its premises. This policy provides a framework for Governing Bodies and Head teachers to provide consistent support and guidance for their employees. It covers all education and associated services for pupils and prospective pupils including extra-curricular activities and school trips.

Updated: L Hemstock March 2015

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