M. Sc. (Automated control systems), Kazakhstan Technical University, June 1978, Alma-Ata, ussr

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gtulemissova@gmail.com Cell:+77051739851
Tulemissova Gulafarida


speciality 05.13.18 – «Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes», dissertation on the theme «Development of a mathematical model of characteristics’ calculation for the effective functioning of the multi-service network»

  • M.Sc. (Automated control systems), Kazakhstan Technical University, June 1978, Alma-Ata, USSR.

Work experience

2013, February- till now Almaty Management University

Associate Professor of “Informational Technologies” Department, Staff Research Lab “IT in Education”

2009-2013. - Kazakh Academy of Labour and Social Relations, to 2012.g - Position: Head. Section "Computer Science and Software"

2007-2009. Consulting company "Plankion Coach", Position: IT - manager, coaching manager.

2004 - 2006. - TOO "Mercury", Almaty, Position: Head of the Department of Information Technology Holding

Responsibilities: coordination and control of the department, information projects, contracts, quality of the documentation provided. Implementation of technical solutions, preparation of specifications, cost efficiency of automation projects, services, installation, working with design and estimate documentation.

Administration of electronic document management in corporations, preparation of documentation for the implementation of ISO 9001 quality system, IT - audit of the central office and subsidiaries of the holding company, controlling the activities of IT - services holding company. Analysis of Information Systems. Development of normative documents, regulations, job descriptions for IT - department.

Purchase of software and hardware for the holding. Drafting and control IT - budget holding. Work on standards ITIL.

6. 2003 - 2004. - Regional Office for Central Asia, the company «HITACHI», Japan, Position: Manager with corporate customers.

Responsibilities: conclusion and management of contracts with corporate customers for the supply of computer technology, organization of presentations the company's products in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, preparation and participation in exhibitions, consulting, advertising, marketing, market for the company.

2001 - 2003. - Regional Office for Central Asia, the international provider company «I-Sat AG», Liechtenstein, Position: Regional Manager.

Responsibilities: conclusion and management of contracts with corporate customers. Development of projects for Kazakhstan wireless Internet users. Advertising and consulting users on the wireless Internet. Advertising Equipment Group Nortell DASA - Germany.

2000 - 2001. Academy of Labour and Social Affairs, Almaty, Position: Ct.prepodavatel in the disciplines: "Computer", "Computer Networks", "Automation of financial calculations", "Using the database in banking technologies"

Responsibilities: teaching and development of manuals on these subjects. Making plans and training programs. Monitoring the quality and effectiveness of training.

1998 - 2000. Kazakh - American University, Almaty, Position: Deputy Director of School at KAU Responsibilities: Management Methodology Council school teachers at KAU, expertise level of teaching discipline and effective training, certification of teachers.

1995 - 1998. - MPP "Dair" g. Almaty, Position: Commercial Director, Responsibilities: Oversee sales and tourism business.

1993-1995. Private equity firm "Rybakov and Company", "College Lyceum", Position: Lecturer. Responsibilities: teaching the discipline "Computer Science and Engineering"

1993-1994.year. - Institute for Advanced Studies retraining Almaty, Position: Head of the Sector of Computer Science.

Duties: organization and conducting refresher courses for teachers of computer science schools in the city of Almaty. Keeping methodological work for teachers of computer science city.

1192-1993. - Republican Center of New Information Technologies of Kazakhstan, Position: Head. Department of Information Systems Education

Responsibilities: supervising design software applications for medium and technical education. 1990-1992year. - Almaty City Teachers Training Institute, Almaty, Position: Methodist cabinet Informatics and TCO.

Duties: organization and conducting refresher courses for teachers of computer science schools in the

city of Almaty. Keeping methodological work for teachers of computer science city.

1989-1990year. - Code of Criminal Procedure of the Soviet district of Karaganda, Position: Teacher Responsibilities: teaching discipline "Informatics"

11988-1989year. - Secondary vocational school № 6 g. Karaganda, Position: Lecturer Responsibilities: teaching the discipline "Computer Science and Engineering."

1984-1987year. - Main Computer Center of the Ministry of Finance of the USSR, Moscow, Position: Software Engineer Group Unified financial records of information provision.

Duties: Designing organizational, functional and management structure of automation system of financial records

11982-1984year. - Kazakh Polytechnic Institute. Vladimir Lenin, Alma-Ata, Department of "Economics and Organization of metallurgical processes", Department of Research Institute, the topic number 1583 Position: Senior Engineer

Responsibilities: collection of information for automation of sheet metal shop Karaganda Metallurgical Combine.

1978-1982 year - Information Centre of the Ministry of Finance of the Kazakh SSR, Alma-Ata, Position: Senior Engineer-mathematician and programmer in the programming department objectives of the budget of algorithmic tasks and organization of computing processes, system-wide planning and information systems.

Responsibilities: preparation of technical documentation for automating tasks budget of the Kazakh SSR, mathematical modeling of processes of budgeting.


Commercial operation and administration of programs based on the electronic document Lotus Notes. Familiarity with ERP systems, analytical information systems Business Objects, CRM software. Instructor of Cisco network design - IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software, CCNA Exploration: Network Fundamentals, CCNA Exploration: Routing Protocols and Concepts, Instructor Cisco Excellence Award, Advanced Level instructor excellence and lasting contribution to the Cisco Networking Academy® program.

Teaching following courses: Informatics, Econometrics, Math in economics, Operation research, The teletraffic theory, Information theory, • Queuing theory, Advanced Computer Organization and System-on-Chip Architecture, Computer networks, Internet

technologies, Corporate information systems, Computer Systems Architecture, System Programming, Artificial intelligence systems.

Microsoft Office (Excel, Access, Word, PowerPoint), VBA, Visio, SQL, Wolfram Mathematics, PHP, Photoshop, Corel Draw, Unix/Linux, Mac OS,

Fluent in Kazakh (native), Russian, advanced English.


Areas of interest


Multiservice Networks, Software Defined Networks , Mobile learning , Knowledge management. Intellectual capital, Internet of Things

Professional affiliations, community services and awards

  1. Tulemisova, G. The curriculum for the study of the subject of computer science in high school: a collection of materials SEUA. - Alma-Ata, 1989.

  2. Tulemisova, G. The study of computer science in the Kazakh school: proceedings of SEUA. - Alma-Ata, 1990.

  3. Tulemisova, G. Problems Kazakh schools prepare students for the Olympiad in Informatics. - Proceedings of the SEUA. - Alma-Ata, 1991.

  4. Tulemisova, G. The employment of techniques professor Wasina KY for the teaching of computer science lessons in high school. - Proceedings of the SEUA. - Alma-Ata, 1991.

  5. Tulemisova, G. Lessons of computer science in electronic form, - materials BAT Center at the Dept. Pros. Kaz SSR.- 1992.

  6. Tulemisova, G. My brother // "Freedom of Speech". - 2007, № 40 (134), 11 October.

  7. Tulemisova, G. We can // Internet newspaper www.zonakz.net.- 2007. - December

  8. Tulemisova, G. Ideological fighters Putin on the Kazakh land // "Taszharғan." - 2009, №12 (138). - On 25 March.

  9. Tulemisova, G. Death "Polyton" sneaks hands // Internet newspaper www.posit.su.- 2009. - March.

  10. Tulemisova, G. Once again, the names .// "social position." -2008. - № 5,.

  11. Tulemisova, G. False images and templates national understanding //«Taszharғan».- 2009.- № 04 (130) .- 28 January.

  12. Tulemisova, G. Who gave offense to the people of Alash? // "Taszharғan" .- 2008 № 5 (82) .- February 14

  13. Tulemisova, G..Chelovek timeless //«Taszharғan».- 2009.- № 01-02 (128-129) .- January 14.

  14. Tulemisova G., Otynshy Alzhanov - book Berkut "Alash Orda / Tulemisova GE, Alzhanova S.M.- Almaty Sarsenbayev Foundation, 2008-180c.

  15. G. Tulemisova Productive use of the mechanisms of crisis management // Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Theoretical and practical aspects of socio- economic and political development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Central Asia and the CIS countries at the present stage: Ed. SA Zhakisheva. - Almaty, «TST company», 2009.- 855s.

  1. G. Tulemisova Updating the model curricula and training plans as a basis for updating the

system of training of IT specialists in universities .// Proceedings of the I International Scientific and Practical Conference "Improving the quality of teaching information technology in higher education: ways and means" .- Almaty: Kaz NTU STRC 2010. -425str.

  1. Kunakov SK, Tulemisova GE, "Kinetics of elementary processes and the energy distribution of electrons in nuclear-induced plasmas", // Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Theoretical and practical aspects of socio-economic and political development of the Republic Kazakhstan, Central Asia and the CIS countries: Proceedings of the Int. nauch.- Pract. Conf. / ed. M.S.Besbaeva, B.M.Besbaevoy, SA Zhakisheva. - In 2 vols. - T.1. Almaty:

«TST company», 2010.-568s.

  1. Kunakov S, G. Tulemisova "plasma kinetics of uranium hexafluoride." // Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Theoretical and practical aspects of socio- economic and political development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Central Asia and the CIS countries: Proceedings of the Int. nauch.- Pract. Conf. / ed. M.S.Besbaeva, B.M.Besbaevoy, SA Zhakisheva. - In 2 vols. - T.1. Almaty: «TST company», 2010.-568s.

  2. Tulemisova G., "Integration techniques CISCO Academy in the process of teaching majors." // Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Theoretical and practical aspects of socio-economic and political development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Central Asia and the CIS countries: Proceedings of the Int. nauch.- Pract. Conf. / ed. MS Besbaeva, BM Besbaevoy, SA Zhakisheva. - In 2 vols. - T.1. Almaty: «TST company», 2011. -S.400-404.

  3. Tulemisova G., Art. prep., section chief of BT and software Tulemisova G., KazATiSO, Republic of Kazakhstan, "The telecommunications system of distance learning and information resources", 2012 // Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Theoretical and practical aspects of social and economic and political development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Central Asia and the CIS countries: Proceedings of the Int. nauch.- Pract. Conf. / ed. MS Besbaeva, BM Besbaevoy, SA Zhakisheva. In 2 vols. p. 235-240.

  4. Tulemisova G., Art. prep., section chief of BT and software Tulemisova G., KazATiSO, Republic of Kazakhstan, "Analysis of the basic structure of corporate networks and their construction CONCEPT" // Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Theoretical and practical aspects of socio-economic and political development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Central Asia and the CIS countries: Proceedings of the Int..- Pract. Conf.

/ ed. MS Besbaeva, BM Besbaevoy, S. Zhakisheva. In 2 v. p. 378-383.

  1. Tulemisova, G., Ashigaliev ZH.U. Multiservice communication network in Kazakhstan [Text]

/ Tulemisova G., Ashigaliev ZH.U. // Proceedings of the international scientific - practical conference "Actual problems of computer science and management processes, posvyasch.70- years. Hon. Scientist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Acad. Academy HS RK, prof. SA Aysagalievu "- In 2parts.- Almaty Institute of Informatics and Control, November 15-16, 2012. - S.346-348.

  1. Tulemisova, G. A mathematical model of computation characteristics for optimal user experience multiservice network [Text] / Tulemisova G..// Herald Suleyman Demirel University, № 4 (24). - Almaty: 2012.- S.83-87.

  2. Tulemisova, G. Some mathematical representation of Erlang formula [Text] / Tulemisova G.

// Journal "Proceedings of Universities», №5. - Bishkek: "Scientific journals and children's fiction," 2012. - S.3-5.

  1. Tulemisova, G. Mathematical model of calculation parameters for asynchronous data transmission network with bypass lines [Text] / Tulemisova GE // Journal "Proceedings of Universities», №5. - Bishkek: "Scientific journals and children's fiction", 2012. - p. 14-18.

  2. Tulemisova, GE Multiservice networks or converged communications // The Role of Innovation in the international transfer of knowledge [Text] / G. Tulemisova // Collection of articles IX International Scientific and Practical Conference MAB "Business and Education: development vector" .- Almaty: MAB, February 8, 2013. - S.145-147.

  3. Tulemisova, G. Algorithm for calculating the parameters of quality of service digital network Integrated Services [Text] / Tulemisova G., Ashigaliev D., Mustafin S. // Materials Science Forum, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Prof. academician MAIN Biyasheva R. - Almaty: NC STI, March 29, 2013. - P. 38-42.

  4. Tulemisova, G. Multiservice network management problems [Text] / Tulemisova G., Ashigaliev DU, Mustafin S. // Materials Science Forum, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of professor, academician MAIN Biyasheva R. G. /. - Almaty: NC STI March 29, 2013.- S.42-45.

  5. Tulemisova, G. Method of optimal allocation of channel resources multiservice network [Text]

/ G. Tulemisova // Journal "Science and New Technologies», № 1 - Bishkek: "Scientific journals and children's fiction", 2013. - S.44-47.

  1. G. Tulemisova A mathematical model for calculating the parameters of quality of service multiservice network [Text] / G. Tulemisova, Kalimoldaev MN, Ashigaliev DU // Journal "Science and New Technologies», № 1. -Bishkek: "Scientific journals and children's fiction", 2013. - S.51-54.

  2. Tulemisova, G. The algorithm limits the flow volume in the ISDN [Text] / Tulemisova G., Kalimoldaev M., Mustafin S. // Collection "Science News Kazakhstan», № 2. - Almaty .: 2013. - S. 34-39

  3. Tulemisova, G. Mathematical model adptivnoy routing information flow networks Integrated

Services [Text] /Tulemisova, G., Kalimoldaev MN // Collection "Science News Kazakhstan», № 2.-Almaty: 2013 - S.67-73.

  1. Tulemisova, G. Algorithm for local control of the flow volume [Text] / Tulemisova G., Kalimoldaev M., // Journal "Bulletin of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, № 2. - Almaty: NEC, 2013. - S. 112-116. Tulemisova, G. A mathematical model to compute quality parameters [Text] / 33.Tulemisova G., Ashigaliev DU, Mustafin S. // Proceedings of XIII International conference "Computer science: problems, methodology, technology," in two volumes. - Vol.1. - Voronezh: VSU, February 7-8, 2013.- S.156-158.

  2. Tulemisova G., "Guidelines for laboratory work by students on the subject" Computer Networks ", 2011., Due to LEU" MAB ".

  3. Tulemisova Gulfarida, "Mathematical model of service quality performance's computing of multiservice network" [Text] / G.Tulemisova, // Proceedings of the International Forum "The 2014 International Conference on Internet Computing and Big Data» - Las Vegas, USA, www. world-academy-of-science.org., July 21-24, 2014, C.138-144

  4. Gulzada Serzhan, Gulffarida Tulemissova, Svetlana Iskakova and Ermek Ramazanov. Evaluation Criteria of Experts for Knowledge Management System of a Business School, 15th European Conference on Knowledge Management. ECKM 2014. The Santarém School of Management and Technology Polytechnic Institute of Santarém, Santarém, Portugal, 4-5 September, 2014.Volume 3, p. 879-884.

  5. Tulemisova Gulfarida,” Mobile learning as a condition for the evolution of competencies in the alternative periods of study”, Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on e-Learning, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK, 29-30 October 2015,p.611-620.

  6. Tulemisova Gulfarida,Massanova Laura,” Mathematical thinking as a basis for the formation of intellectual capital analyst”, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning, IKI-SEA of Bangkok University, Thailand, 5-6 November 2015,p.289-297.

  7. Tulemisova Gulfarida, “The development of IoT space in Kazakhstan”, Proceedings of the CSCI'15: The 2015 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, December 7-9, 2015, Las Vegas, USA.V.1,p.311-313.

  8. Tulemisova Gulfarida,” Internet of things - a new paradigm of development and use of information technology for Kazakhstan”, Proceedings of the of the ІІ Іnternational scientific - practical conference «INFORMATION AND TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND PRACTICE», Almaty, Kazakhstan, December 3-4, 2015, V.2.,p.482-488.

  9. Tulemisova Gulfarida,” The impact of the IoT and IoE technologies on changes of knowledge management strategy”, Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Intellectual Capital», Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Venice, Italy, 12 – 13 May 2016, p.300-312.

Has taken the following courses:

    1. On conferring qualification of a practitioner of the highest category of the education system",

    2. Advanced training, Nizhny Novgorod,

    3. System Administration Lotus Domino R6 I: installation, configuration, replication"

    4. System Administration Lotus Domino R6 II: Administration and LOTUS NOTES-mail

    5. "Business processes and Balanced Scorecard"

    6. "Project Management PMI»

    7. Cisco «IT - Essentials»,

    8. Cisco «CCNA Discovery»,

    9. Methods of teaching entrepreneurship in the modern university"

    10. Methodology development and use in the educational process"

    11. "IT Training Workshop", Silicon Valley, Fremont, California, USA.

    12. Framework Programme "Horizon 2020

Instructor Cisco Excellence Award

Advanced Level instructor excellence and lasting contribution to the Cisco Networking Academy® program.

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