Maassen, Friedrich Bernard Christian Professor of law (1823-1900)

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Maassen, Friedrich Bernard Christian - Professor of law (1823-1900)

Mabillon, Jean - Benedictine monk of the Congregation of Saint-Maur (1632-1707)

Mabinogion - A collection of medieval Welsh tales in prose

Macao - Diocese; suffragan of Goa

Macarius, Saint - Bishop of Jerusalem, d. 334. He was an opponent of Arianism

Macarius - Article on two saints named Macarius, both fourth-century Egyptian monks: St. Macarius the Egyptian ('the Elder') and St. Macarius the Alexandrian ('the Younger')

Macarius Magnes - A Christian apologist of the end of the fourth century

Macarius of Antioch - A Patriarch, deposed in 681

McCabe, Edward - Cardinal, born in Dublin, 1816; died at Kingstown, 11 February, 1885; he was the son of poor parents, educated at Father Doyle's school on the Quays and at Maynooth College, and was ordained priest in 1839

Maccabee, Judas - Third son of the priest Mathathias who with his family was the centre and soul of the patriotic and religious revolt of the Jews against the King of Syria (I Mach., ii, 4)

Maccabees, The - A priestly family which under the leadership of Mathathias initiated the revolt against the tyranny of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, King of Syria, and after securing Jewish independence ruled the commonwealth till overthrown by Herod the Great

Maccabees, The Books of - The author, date, and contents of 1 and 2 Machabees. A brief look at 3 and 4 Machabees

MacCaghwell, Hugh - Archbishop and theologian, born at Saul, Co. Down, 1571; died 22 September, 1626

MacCarthy, Bartholomew - Irish scholar and chronologist (1843-1904)

MacCarthy, Denis Florence - Well-known Irish poet of the nineteenth century, born in Lower O'Connell Street, Dublin, 26 May, 1817; died at Blackrock, Dublin, 7 April, 1882

McCarthy, Justin - Irish politician and writer (1830-1912)

MacCarthy, Nicholas Tuite - Called the Abbé de Lévignac, born in Dublin on 19 May, 1769; died at Annécy, Savoy, 3 May, 1833

McCloskey, William George - Bishop of Louisville, Kentucky (1823-1909)

MacCuilenan, Cormac - Irish bishop and King of Cashel (836-908)

MacDonell, Alexander - First Bishop of Kingston, Ontario, Canada, b. 17 July 1760, at Inchlaggan in Glengarry, Scotland; d. 14 January, 1840, at Dumfries, Scotland

MacDonald, John - Laird of Glenaladale and Glenfinnan, philanthropist, colonizer, soldier, born in Glenaladale, Scotland, about 1742; died at Tracadie, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 1811; he was the son of Alexander and Margaret (MacDonnell of Scotus)

Mace - A short, richly ornamented staff

Macedonians - A fourth- and fifth-century heretical sect that denied the divinity of the Holy Ghost

Macedo, Francisco - Known as a S. Augustino, O.F.M., theologian, born at Coimbra, Portugal, 1596; he entered the Jesuit Order in 1610, which however he left in 1638 in order to join the Discalced Franciscans

Macerata and Tolentino - Located in the Marches, Central Italy

MacFarland, Francis Patrick - Third Bishop of Hartford born at Franklin, Pennsylvania, 16 April, 1819; died at Hartford, Connecticut, 2 October, 1874

McGee, Thomas D'Arcy - An editor, politician, and poet, born at Carlingford, Co. Louth, Ireland, 13 April, 1825; assassinated at Ottawa, Canada, 7 April, 1868

MacGeoghegan, James - Born at Uisneach, Westmeath, Ireland, 1702; died at Paris, 1763. He came of a long family long settled in Westmeath and long holding a high position among the Leinster chiefs, and was related to that MacGeoghegan who defended the Castle of Dunboy against Carew, and also to Connell MacGeoghegan, who translated the Annals of Clonmacnoise

Machabees, The - A priestly family which under the leadership of Mathathias initiated the revolt against the tyranny of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, King of Syria, and after securing Jewish independence ruled the commonwealth till overthrown by Herod the Great

Machabees, The Books of - The author, date, and contents of 1 and 2 Machabees. A brief look at 3 and 4 Machabees

Machabeus, Judas - Third son of the priest Mathathias who with his family was the centre and soul of the patriotic and religious revolt of the Jews against the King of Syria (I Mach., ii, 4)

MacHale, John - Born March 6, 1791 at Tubbernavine, Co. Mayo, Ireland; died at Tuam, November 4, 1881

Machiavelli - Including a short biography, a list of his works and a summary of his ideas

Machpelah - The burial-place in the vicinity of ancient Hebron which Abraham bought from Ephron the Hethite for the interment of Sara (Gen., xxiii, 9, 17)

Machutus, Saint - Also called Malo or Maclovius. According to this article, Machutus was baptized by St. Brendan the Navigator, and accompanied him on his famous voyage

Mackenzie - This vicariate which was detached from the Athabaska-Mackenzie Vicariate in 1901 and intrusted to Mgr Gabriel Breynat, Titular Bishop of Adramytus, consecrated 6 April 1902, is bounded on the west by the Rocky Mountains, on the south by 60º latitude, on the east by the water-shed and is unlimited on the north towards the pole

McLoughlin, John - Physician and pioneer, born in the parish of La Riviere du Loup, Canada, 19 October, 1784; died at Oregon City, 3 September, 1857

Maclovius, Saint - Also called Malo or Maclovius. According to this article, Machutus was baptized by St. Brendan the Navigator, and accompanied him on his famous voyage

MacMahon, Heber - Bishop of Clogher, Ireland, and patriotic leader, born at Farney, County Monaghan, 1600; executed at Enniskillen in 1650

MacMahon, Marie-Edmé-Patrice-Maurice de - Duc de Magenta, Marshal of France, President of the French Republic (1808-1893)

McMahon, Martin Thomas - Soldier, jurist; born at Laprairie, Canada, 21 March, 1838; died in New York, 21 April, 1906

McMaster, James Alphonsus - An editor, convert, born at Duanesburg, New York, U. S. A., 1 April, 1820; died in Brooklyn, New York, 29 December, 1886

MacNeven, William James - Irish-American physician and medical educator (1763-1841)

Mâcon, Ancient Diocese of - Located in Burgundy. The city of Mâcon, formerly the capital of the Mâconnais, now of the Department of Saône-et-Loire, became a civitas in the fifth century, when it was separated from the Æduan territory

McQuaid, Bernard John - The first Bishop of Rochester, U. S. A.; born in New York City, 15 December, 1823; died at Rochester, 18 January, 1909

Macri - A titular see in Mauretania Sitifiensis

Macrina the Elder, Saint - Grandmother of SS. Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, and Macrina the Younger

Macrina the Younger, Saint - Granddaughter of St. Macrina the Elder, and the sister of St. Gregory of Nyssa. She died in 379

McSherry, James Jr. - Jurist, son of the author James McSherry; born at Frederick, Maryland, 30 December, 1842; died there 23 October, 1907

McSherry, James Sr. - Author; born at LibertyTown, Frederick County, Maryland, 29 July, 1819; died at Frederick City, Maryland, 13 July, 1869, was the son of James McSherry and Anne Ridgely Sappington, and the grandson of Patrick McSherry, who came from Ireland in 1745 to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and removed later to Maryland

McSherry, Richard - Physician; born at Martinsburg, Virginia (now West Virginia), 21 November, 1817; died Baltimore, Md., 7 Ocbober, l885, son of Dr. Richard McSherry

Mactaris - A titular see of the Byzantine Empire

Madagascar - Island situated to the south-east of Africa

Madaurus - A titular see of Numidia

Maderna, Carlo - Known principally by his extension of St. Peter's, at the command of the pope, from the form of a Greek to that of a Latin cross (1556-1629)

Maderno, Stefano - A sculptor of the Roman School and of the era just preceding Bernini, his contemporary (1576-1636)

Madianites - An Arabian tribe introduced into history in the texts of Gen., xxv, 1-4 and I Chron., i, 32

Madras - Archdiocese in India

Madrid-Alcalá - Province and town in Spain

Madruzzi, Christopher - Born of a noble family of Trent, 5 July, 1512; died at Tivoli, Italy, 5 July, 1578

Madura Mission - The Madura mission owes its origin to Robert de Nobili, who commenced at Madura, in 1606, that peculiar method of propagating the faith which has made his name famous

Maedoc, Saint - First bishop of Ferns, d. 626

Maelruan, Saint - Founder and first abbot of Tallacht, d. around 791. Co-author with St. Aengus of the Rule of the Célidhé Dé

Maelrubha, Saint - Abbot and martyr, died in 722

Maerlant, Jacob van - Flemish poet of the Middle Ages, b. about 1235; d. after 1291

Maestro di Camera del Papa - The maestro di camera is the real chief chamberlain. His authority extends over all matters concerning the daily personal service of His Holiness

Maffei, Bernardino - Poet, orator, antiquarian (1514-1549)

Maffei, Francesco - Italian painter (d. 1660)

Maffei, Marchese Francesco Scipione - Italian littérateur and archaeologist, b. at Verona, 1 June, 1675; d. there, 11 Feb., 1755

Maffei, Raffaelo - Humanist, historian and theologian (1451-1522)

Magaud, Antoine-Dominique - French painter, b. at Marseilles 1817; d. there, 1899

Magdala - It is perhaps the Migdal-El mentioned in the Old Testament (Jos., xix, 38) belonging to the tribe of Nephtali

Magdalens - The members of certain religious communities of penitent women who desired to reform their lives

Magdeburg - Capital of the Prussian Province of Saxony, situated on the Elbe; pop. 241,000; it is noted for its industries, particularly the production of sugar, its trade, and its commerce. From 968 until 1552 it was the seat of an archbishopric

Mageddo - Situated on the torrent Qina, on the east of the Plain of Esdraelon opposite Jezrahel, commanded the central of the three passes that join the plain with the seaboard

Magellan, Ferdinand - Short biographical article on the Portuguese explorer (1480-1521)

Magi - The 'wise men from the East' who came to adore Jesus in Bethlehem (Matthew 2)

Magin Catalá - Born at Montblanch, Catalonia, Spain, 29 or 30 January, 1761; died at Santa Clara, California, 22 Nov., 1830. He received the habit of St. Francis at Barcelona on 4 April, 1777, and was ordained priest probably in 1785

Maginn, Edward - Irish bishop (1802-1849)

Magisterium and Tradition - The word tradition refers sometimes to the thing (doctrine, account, or custom) transmitted from one generation to another sometimes to the organ or mode of the transmission

Magistris, Simone de - Born in 1728; died 6 October, 1802; a priest of the Oratorio di S. Filippo Neri, at Rome, whom Pius VI created titular Bishop of Cyrene and provost of the Congregation for the correction of the liturgical books of Oriental Rites

Magliabechi, Antonio - Italian scholar and librarian, b. 20 Oct., 1633, at Florence; d. there, 4 July, 1714

Magna Carta - The charter of liberties granted by King John of England in 1215 and confirmed with modifications by Henry III in 1216, 1217, and 1225

Magnesia - A titular see in Lydia, suffragan of Ephesus

Magnien, Alphonse - An educator of the clergy, born at Bleymard, in the Diocese of Mende, France, 9 June, 1837; died 21 December, 1902

Magnificat - The title commonly given to the Latin text and vernacular translation of the Canticle (or Song) of Mary

Magnus, Olaus - Swedish historian and geographer, b. at Skeninge, Sweden, 1490; d. at Rome, 1 Aug., 1558

Magnus, Saint - His 'life' was re-edited twice, so that he is said in it to be a contemporary of St. Gall (early seventh century) but also of the first bishop of Augsburg (mid-eighth century)

Magnus, Valerianus - Born at Milan, 1586, presumably of the noble family of de Magni; died at Salzburg, 29 July, 1661. He received the Capuchin habit at Prague

Magrath, John Macrory - Born in Munster, Ireland, in the fifteenth certury; date and place of death unknown. Like many of his ancestors, he was chief historian to the O'Briens, princes of Thomond and chiefs of the Dalcassian clans

Magydus - A titular see of Pamphylia Secunda, suffragan of Perga

Mahony, Ven. Charles - Irish Franciscan priest who was executed at Ruthin in Wales in 1679. Short article includes a statement by the martyr

Mai, Angelo - Roman cardinal and celebrated philologist, b. at Schilpario, in the Diocese of Bergamo, 7 March 1782; d. at Albano, 9 September 1854

Maignan, Emmanuel - French physicist and theologian; b. at Toulouse, 17 July, 1601; d. at Toulouse, 29 October, 1676

Mailla, Joseph-Anna-Marie de Moyria de - Jesuit missionary; b. 16 Dec., 1669, at Château Maillac on the Isère; d. 28 June, 1748, at Peking, China

Maillard, Antoine-Simon - Missionary b. in France (parentage, place and date of birth unknown); d. 12 August, 1762

Maillard, Oliver - Celebrated preacher, b. at Juignac, (?), Brittany, about 1430; d. at Toulouse, 22 July, 1502

Maimbourg, Louis - French church historian, b. at Nancy, 10 January, 1610; d. at Paris, 13 August, 1686

Maimonides, Teaching of Moses - Article by William Turner discusses this Jewish thinker's life and doctrines

Maina Indians - A group of tribes constituting a distinct linguistic stock, the Mainan, ranging along the north bank of the Marañón

Maine - Commonly known as the Pine Tree State, but is sometimes called the Star in the East

Maine de Biran, François-Pierre-Gonthier - A philosopher; born at Grateloup near Bergerac, Dordogne, France, 29 November, 1766; died at Paris, 16 July, 1824

Maintenon, Françoise, Marquise de - Born at Niort, 28 November 1635; died at Saint-Cyr, 15 April 1719. She was the granddaughter of the celebrated Protestant writer, Agrippa d'Aubigné

Mainz - German town and bishopric in Hesse; formerly the seat of an archbishop and elector

Maipure Indians - A former important group of tribes on the Upper Orinoco River, from above the Meta to the entrance of the Cassiquiare, in Venezuela and Columbia, speaking dialects of the Arawakan stock

Maisonneuve, Paul de Chomedey de - Founder of Montreal (d. 1676)

Maistre, Joseph-Marie, Comte de - Biographical article, summarizing his chief arguments for authority and against Gallicanism

Maistre, Xavier de - French romance writer, younger brother of Joseph-Marie, Comte de Maistre, b. at Chambery, Savoy, in 1763; d. at St. Petershurg, 12 June, 1852

Maitland - Located in New South Wales. Maitland, the principal settlement on Hunter River, was chosen as the title for a bishop in 1848

Majano, Benedetto da - A well-known Florentine sculptor and architect of the Renaissance, b. at Majano, Tuscany. 1442; d. at Florence, 24 May, 1498

Majella, St. Gerard - Tailor, Redemptorist, called 'Father of the Poor,' d. 1755

Majorca and Iviza - A suffragan of Valencia, with the episcopal residence at Palma on the Island of Majorca

Majordomo - Chief steward of the household of the pope

Majority - The state of a person or thing greater, or superior, in relation to another person or thing

Majunke, Paul - Catholic journalist, born at Gross-Schmograu in Silesia, 14 July, 1842; died at Hochkirch near Glogau, 21 May, 1899

Malabar - The name of a district of India stretching about 145 miles along the west coast, south of Mangalore, in the general region of present-day Kerala

Malabar Rites - Certain customs or practices of the natives of South India, which the Jesuit missionaries allowed their neophytes to retain after conversion, but which were afterwards prohibited by the Holy See

Malacca - The Diocese of Malacca comprises the southern portions of the Malay Peninsula, otherwise known as the Straits Settlements

Malachias - Examination of the Old Testament prophet and book

Malachy, Saint - Abbot of Bangor, later Archbishop of Armagh, d. 1148. Article includes testimony from St. Bernard of Clairvaux on St. Malachy's character

Malaga - Diocese in Spain, by the Concordat of 1851 made a suffragan of Granada, having previously been dependent on Seville

Malagrida, Gabriel - A Jesuit missionary to Brazil, b. 18 September or 6 December, 1689, at Menaggio, in Italy; d. 21 September, 1761, at Lisbon

Malatesta, House of - The name of an Italian family prominent in the history of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, famous alike in the poetry of Dante and in the annals of the early Renaissance

Malchus - A name common in the Semitic languages and of special interest as being that borne by the Jewish servant whose ear was struck off by St. Peter

Maldonado, Juan - A theologian and exegete, b. in 1533 at Casas de Reina, in the district of Llerena, 66 leagues from Madrid; d. at Rome, 5 Jan., 1583

Malebranche, Nicolas - A philosopher and theologian, priest of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri; b. at Paris, 6 Aug., 1638; d. 13 Oct 1715

Malediction (in Scripture) - Four principal words are rendered maledictio in the Vulgate, 'curse' in Douay Version

Malherbe, François - French poet, b. at Caen, Normandy, in 1555; d. at Paris, 16 October, 1628

Maliseet Indians - A tribe of Algonquian stock, occupying territory upon the lower St. John River, St. Croix River, and Passamaquody Bay, in western New Brunswick and northeastern Maine, and closely connected linguistically and historically with the Abnaki (Penobscot, etc.) of Maine

Mallard, Ernest-François - A French mineralogist, b. 4 February, 1833, at Châteauneuf-sur-Cher; d. 6 July, 1894, in Paris

Mallinckrodt, Herman von - German parliamentarian; born 5 Feb., 1821, at Minden, Westphalia; died 26 May, 1874, at Berlin

Mallinckrodt, Pauline - A sister of the Catholic political leader Hermann Mallinckrodt, and foundress of the Sisters of Christian Charity, b. at Minden, Westphalia, 3 June, 1817; d. at Paderborn, 30 April, 1881

Malling Abbey - Benedictine abbey in England

Mallory, Stephen Russell - An American statesman; born in the Island of Trinidad, W. I., 1813; died at Pensacola, Florida, United States, 9 Nov., 1873

Mallus - A titular see of Cilicia Prima, suffragan of Tarsus

Malmesbury - Town in Wiltshire, England, ninety-five miles west of London, formerly the seat of a mitred parliamentary abbey of Benedictine monks

Malmesbury, The Monk of - Supposed author of a chronicle among the Cottonian manuscripts in the British Museum (Vesp. D. IV. 73) which Tanner states to be only a copy of a chronicle written by Alfred of Beverley in the twelfth century, but which, according to Sir Thomas Hardy, is almost entirely based on that of Geoffrey of Monmouth

Malo, Saint - Also called Malo or Maclovius. According to this article, Machutus was baptized by St. Brendan the Navigator, and accompanied him on his famous voyage

Malone, William - Jesuit missioner and writer; born according to the best authorities, in 1585; died at Seville, 1655

Malory, Sir Thomas - Writer of the 'Morte Arthure', the earliest production of English prose

Malpighi, Marcello - Founder of comparative physiology, b. at Crevalcore, 10 March, 1628; d. at Rome, 29 Sept., 1694

Malta - The group of Maltese islands, including Malta, Gozo, Comine and a few inconsiderable islets, lies 58 miles south of Sicily and about 180 miles S.E. by E. of Cape Bon in Tunisia

Malta, Knights of - The most important of all the military orders, both for the extent of its area and for its duration

Maltret, Claude - French Jesuit, b. at Puy, 3 Oct., 1621; d. Toulouse, 3 Jan., 1674

Malvenda, Thomas - An exegete and historical critic, b. at Jativa, Valencia, 1566; d. 7 May, 1628

Malvern - Located in Worcestershire, England, a district covered by a lofty range between the Severn and Wye, known as the Malvern Hills. On its eastern side were formerly two houses of Benedictine monks, the priories of Great and Little Malvern

Mamachi, Thomas Maria - Dominican theologian and historian, born at Chios in the Archipelago, 4 December, 1713; died at Corneto, near Montefiascone, Italy, 7 June, 1792

Mame, Alfred-Henri-Amand - Printer and publisher, b. at Tours, 17 Aug., 1811; d. at Tours, 12 April, 1893

Mameluco - The general term applied in South America to designate the mixed European-Indian race, and more specifically applied in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries to the organized bands of Portuguese slave-hunters who desolated the vast interior of South America from the Atlantic to the slopes of the Andes, and from the Paraguay to the Orinoco

Mamertine Prison - The so-called 'Mamertine Prison', beneath the church of S. Giuseppe dei Falegnami, via di Marforio, Rome, is generally accepted as being identical with 'the prison ... in the middle of the city, overlooking the forum', mentioned by Livy (I, xxxiii)

Mamertus, Claudianus - Gallo-Roman theologian and the brother of St. Mamertus, Bishop of Vienne, d. about 473

Mamertus, Saint - Bishop of Vienne, d. around 476

Mammon - Mamona; the spelling Mammona is contrary to the textual evidence and seems not to occur in printed Bibles till the edition of Elzevir

Man - Includes sections on the nature of man, the origin of man, and the end of man

Manahem - King of Israel

Manahen, Saint - Or Manaen. Mentioned in Scripture, and traditionally believed to have been one of the first Christians in Antioch

Manasses - The name of seven persons of the Bible, a tribe of Israel, and one of the apocryphal writings

Mance, Jeanne - Foundress of the Montreal Hôtel-Dieu, and one of the first women settlers in Canada, b. at Nogent-le-Roi, Champagne, 1606; d. at Montreal, 19 June, 1673

Manchester - A suffragan of the Archdiocese of Boston, U.S.A

Manchuria - A north-eastern division of the Chinese Empire and the cradle of the present [1910] imperial dynasty

Mandan Indians - Tribe occupying jointly with the Hidatsa (Minitari or Grosventre) and Arikara (Ree) the Fort Berthold reservation, on both sides of the Missouri, near its conjunction with the Knife River, North Dakota

Mandeville, Jean de - The author of a book of travels much read in the Middle Ages, died probably in 1372

Manfredonia - The city of Manfredonia is situated in the province of Foggia in Apulia, Central Italy, on the borders of Mount Gargano

Mangalore - Diocese on the west coast of India, suffragan of Bombay

Mangan, James Clarence - Irish poet, b. in Dublin, 1 May, 1803; d. there, 20 June, 1849. He was the son of James Mangan, a grocer, and of Catherine Smith

Manharter - A politico-religious sect which arose in Tyrol in the first half of the nineteenth century

Manichæism - A religion founded by the Persian Mani in the latter half of the third century

Manifestation of Conscience - A practice in many religious orders and congregations, by which subjects manifest the state of their conscience to the superior, in order that the latter may know them intimately, and thus further their spiritual progress

Manila - This archdiocese comprises the city of Manila, the provinces of Bataan, Bulacan, Cavite, Mindoro, Nueva Ecija, Pampanga, Rizal, Tarlac, and Zambales; and the Districts of Infanta and Marinduque in the Province of Tayabas

Manila Observatory - Founded by Father Frederic Faura, S.J., in 1865; constituted officially The Philippine Weather Bureau by decree of the American governor, May, 1901

Maniple - An ornamental vestment in the form of a band, a little over a yard long and from somewhat over two to almost four inches wide, which is placed on the left arm in such manner that it falls in equal length on both sides of the arm

Manitoba - History of the Canadian province

Mann, Theodore Augustine - English naturalist and historian, b. in Yorkshire, 22 June, 1735; d. at Prague in Bohemia, 23 Feb., 1809

Manna - The food miraculously sent to the Israelites during their forty years sojourn in the desert (Ex., xvi; Num., xi, 6-9)

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