Mbl a guide for Summer Investigators

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MBL - A Guide for Summer Investigators

From the Whitman Center Steering Committee

(Summer 2014; revised May 2014)
The MBL website (www.mbl.edu) provides a great deal of information on these and other topics, but here is what you need to know when you first arrive. We have made every attempt to update this guide but if there errors please let us know at researchprograms@mbl.edu.
1. Check into housing and/or get your housing keys
If you will be living in MBL housing, you may check in at the front desk on the first floor of Swope (http://www.mbl.edu/housing/). The office is staffed from 8am to 9pm, seven days a week, except for holidays. If you arrive after office hours and find the door locked, use the call box at the front door of Swope to call the watchperson ([508] 289-7217, or x2717 from lab phones) who will assist you with check in. In the event of any delay in your scheduled arrival contact the Housing Office (508-289-7213, housing@mbl.edu). Cottages (Devil’s Lane, Memorial Circle) are located approximately one mile away from campus and you will require transportation to get there.
2. Get your ID card
The MBL ID Card serves as an ID badge, name tag, MBL/WHOI Library card, and provides access to MBL services/buildings when they are locked in the evenings and on the weekends. Cards are printed and issued at the Processing office in Swope 101A. Please bring a driver's license or a photo-ID when picking up your access card. The MBL ID Card Processing Office will add a photograph to your ID and will hole punch the card if you wish to wear it on a lanyard. Your access card has a wide magnetic strip that must be swiped through card readers at designated MBL doors for after hours access to selected buildings, the MBL/WHOI Library, and the Lillie elevator. Each card is individually programmed to provide access to specific services/buildings (dependent upon your affiliation).

As a visiting researcher if you have questions please contact the Office of Research & Programs at X7173 or researchprograms@mbl.edu.

3. Get your Parking Permit
There are two types of parking permits: green and red. You will be issued a GREEN parking permit, which allows you to park in parking lots on campus (Lillie, Loeb, Swope, etc.) during business hours (8am-4pm; M-F) if you are living on campus in MBL housing. Those living in MBL cottages will be assigned a RED parking permit, which allows you to park at the Devil’s Lane parking lot or at the cottages. Shuttle service is available to and from the Devil’s Lane parking lot to the MBL campus (Lillie Building) during the summer season. Those with RED parking permits are allowed to park on campus lots only after 4pm M-F and on weekends. Failure to follow these rules can result in your car being towed. Parking permits are available at the main desk in Swope Office and require the filling out of a form online prior to obtaining the permit. If you live off site and are not in MBL housing, there is also a possibility of obtaining a parking permit. The full parking permit policy and application can be found at: http://ws1.mbl.edu/Parking/stickers.asp
WARNING: The Falmouth Police are quite enthusiastic about giving out tickets at expired parking meters, including those on Water Street and MBL Street.
4. Getting to and from the Cottages
Shuttle service between MBL's Woods Hole campus, the Cottages, and the Devil's Lane Parking Lot is available during summer months. The shuttle runs approximately every 20 minutes Mon-Sat (not on Sundays) from 7:30am-8pm, starting on June 14, 2014 through the end of August. For schedules, see: http://www.mbl.edu/services/mbl-shuttle/
For walking and biking, there is a footpath to the right of the entrance of the Devils Lane parking lot that runs directly to the Shining Sea Bikeway. (http://www.woodshole.com/documents/bikewaymap.pdf). It is about one mile from the cottages to the Marine Biological Laboratory. This bikeway is not only a fun way to get to the MBL but also provides access to Falmouth (approximately 4-5 miles) for shopping. The bikeway is 10.7 miles long and provides a beautiful ride adjacent to ponds and marshes.
5. How do I arrange to receive and send mail via the MBL Mail Room
To receive mail at the MBL, you must register in the Mail Room, located in the basement of Lillie. Your mailing address will be: Your name, MBL, 7 MBL Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543.
6. Where are telephones on campus?
Telephones are available in all dormitories, apartments and cottages. Long distance access is available from all MBL phones by using a long distance calling card. Emergency Call Boxes can be found in Ebert Hall, the Brick Apartment Building, and outside of Swope. When dialing any MBL phone numbers from off-campus, use: 508-289-extension (e.g. x7217 for night watchman becomes: 508-289-7217). Each year, MBL prints a Directory at the beginning of the summer. You should obtain one of these (one is generally placed in each lab), as it contains a lot of vital information in addition to the phone numbers of your colleagues. Directories are also available in the Mail Room. There is also an online directory available on the website.
7. What do I do if I am locked out (lab or housing)?
Call the Night watchperson (508-289-7217 from off-campus, or x7217 on-campus phones). Make sure to put this number in your cell phone.
8. What resources are available in the village of Woods Hole?
The village of Woods Hole has an outstanding public library, a post office, a small market, a coffee shop, a package store, a bakery, candy and ice cream shops, and several restaurants (take-out, and sit down - casual to tablecloths, see below). See this link for village information: http://www.woodshole.com/documents/map-two-sided.pdf
The Woods Hole Market has a wide range of basic groceries, cleaning supplies, fresh produce, deli counter (including hot and cold sandwiches), bakery goods and a good selection of over-the-counter drugs and sundries. A weekend market in the Woods Hole Fire Station also has some produce and occasional baked goods.
9. Where are the grocery stores?
The town of Falmouth has several major grocery stores (Stop & Shop, Shaws, Walmart, and the higher end Windfall Market), pharmacies, clothing stores, hardware stores, bike rental shops, fishing gear, gas stations, and many restaurants. Most are on Route 28 (which includes Main Street). Follow this link: http://www.falmouthchamber.com/. There is a wonderful weekly farmer’s market in downtown Falmouth every Thursday: http://www.falmouthfarmersmarket.org/. The Whoosh Trolley starts running from WH to Shaws/Walmart parking lot around mid June.
10. Where are the laundry facilities?

Laundry facilities, which take credit card/debit card ONLY are available on the ground floor of Swope, in the basements of Ebert Hall and the Brick Apartments, and in Pilot House located near the cottages. It is suggested you bring your own detergent, but coin-operated detergent vending machines are located in all laundry rooms. Change is available at the main desk in Swope.

11. Where can I get an MBL Account Number for charging supplies and time on microscopes, etc. at the Stockroom, Microscope facility, etc.
You will receive an account number to use to rent equipment, tank space, purchase supplies, animals, etc. at MBL. If you don’t already have one, you can obtain that by contacting Accounts Receivable (x7225 or ar@mbl.edu). This account number will be tagged to your name and can be used from year to year.
12. Where do I buy small lab supplies, etc.?
The Stockroom (basement of Lillie) provides chemicals, laboratory supplies, and limited custom-made artificial seawater solutions. Supplies include glassware, filters, adhesives, batteries, dissecting instruments. Supplies are also furnished for safety, cleaning, and office. For further information contact Lionel Hall in the Chemical Stockroom at: (508) 289-7236

email: chemroom@mbl.edu

13. How do I rent equipment?
The Apparatus Department (Lillie, Room 8a) rents a wide variety of scientific equipment (e.g. table-top centrifuges, manipulators, water baths, fiber optic lights, manipulators, etc.) and sells electronic components such as transistors, resistors, capacitors, ICs, and connectors. Any unusual components not in stock can be ordered for quick delivery. Apparatus Department can also obtain gas cylinders, regulators, and dry ice for your lab needs. For more information, see: http://www.mbl.edu/services/research/apparatus/
14. Is there common use equipment available?
The General Use Equipment Rooms supply investigators with instrumentation, some of which is owned by MBL and some is on loan. Located in the Rowe (rooms 217, 218, 317, 318) and Lillie (room 218) buildings, these rooms have balances, pH meters, centrifuges, cell disruption systems, spectrophotometers, a gel scanner and analysis system, pipet pullers, PCR machines etc.. Limited -80°C freezer space is available.
15. How do I purchase animals for research?
Individual investigators, who have an MBL account, may charge animals to their account. However, animal care approval is needed prior to ordering any animals. For more information, see: http://www.mbl.edu/services/ordering-marine-organisms/

For information about laboratory animals, see:


For information about IACUC policies, see: http://www.mbl.edu/services/iacuc/

For tank space application, see: http://www.mbl.edu/mrc/files/2011/10/tankspaceform2.pdf

If you are unsure about disposing of dead animals please contact the MBL vet at ahancock@mbl.edu

16.  What is the procedure for storing and disposing of hazardous waste?
All chemical waste and disposal questions should go through Jim Marcello, the Environmental Health and Safety Manager for MBL. Jim will provide your lab with sharps containers, waste tags and stickers, and he will assist you with your specific safety needs. See: http://hermes.mbl.edu/services/serv_enviro.html
17. How do I access the MBL computer network and internet services?

Wireless network access is available to everyone in the MBL Community while on campus. The MBL offers multiple available wireless networks to address the varying connection requirements for all members of the MBL Community. All wireless networks are broadcast across the entire MBL Campus.

MBL-REGISTER: Wireless network is designed for MBL Staff and Researchers that need access to internal Network resources. If you have question about which wireless network is the correct one for you, please feel free to contact the MBL Information Technology Helpdesk.MBL-GUEST:  Is an easy access encrypted wireless network that which is designed to provide high speed Internet access and address the casual Internet requirements of the average user.eduroam:  Provides access to the “eduroam” secure wireless network access, and is available to users whose home institution is also an “eduroam” Identity Provider.

Ethernet data jacks with direct access to the MBL network are available to all dormitories and apartments. Six computers and six phone jacks (for use with laptops with modems) are available in the Swope Center. The IT office can be reached at 289-7654, helpdesk.mbl.edu, helpdesk@mbl.edu.

18. How to get on the LabAll listserv (to receive important MBL-wide emails)?
MBL frequently sends out announcements that are useful and informative for all staff and faculty, including visiting researchers. If you wish to get on this list, follow the instructions at:


19. How can I access the Library and its electronic journal collection?
The website for the library is: http://www.mblwhoilibrary.org. The Library is accessible 24 hours a day. Your ID card will allow you into the Library after hours when the doors are locked. Visiting researchers, adjunct scientists, course faculty, course students and other non-MBL employees no longer have remote access or interlibrary loan services but still have full use of the Library's electronic resources while on campus." (e-mail from the Library, Feb. 1, 2013). However, for access from your personal computer on-campus, you will need to be on the MBL REGISTER (not MBL GUEST) network. The user name and password are your initials and the five digit code as they appear on your MBL ID card (e.g., jw12345).
20. What common use rooms are available for meetings and how are they reserved? 
Several conference rooms are available on campus, and they can be booked for lab meetings or phone conferences. These rooms are widely used and have limited availability. These include, Rowe 105, 405, Lillie 103, and several others. Lillie 103 has video conferencing capabilities. Contact Liz McCarthy (lmccarthy@mbl.edu) to book a conference room.
21. What else is going on at the MBL during the summer?
Summer courses have been offered at the MBL since its founding in 1888! Zoology was MBL’s first course and it morphed into Invertebrate Zoology in 1969, and then into Neural Systems and Behavior in 1978. Botany/Marine Botany ran each summer from 1891 to 1967. The Physiology and Embryology courses are both over 100 years old - they started in 1892 and 1893, respectively, and have run each year since. MBL currently offers advanced, graduate-level courses in Embryology, Physiology, Neurobiology, Neural Systems and Behavior, Microbial Diversity, Frontiers in Reproduction, and Biology of Parasitism for 6-8 weeks each summer. More specialized short courses (1-4 weeks in duration) are also offered during the spring, summer and fall. These courses are housed in the Loeb building and are full-time pursuits, running all day and into the evenings. The students in the courses (advanced graduate students, post-docs and even some faculty) come from all over the world. Prominent guest lecturers contribute to these courses each summer and often stay for several weeks. Course lectures are open to EVERYONE in the MBL community and summer investigators are encouraged to attend these and to interact with the faculty and students in the courses.
For information about summer course schedules, etc., see monitors and bulletin boards in Loeb. Individual course websites can be accessed via: http://hermes.mbl.edu/education/courses/summer/index.html
Evening lectures are sponsored by courses, centers and are open to everyone. The Friday night lectures (a 125 year tradition) are open to the entire community and the general public.
22. If I am not on the Meal Plan (Swope Dining Room) where can I eat on campus?
Café Swope is open M-F year round 7:30am-1:30pm (closed on MBL holidays) and is located on the first floor of Swope. Cash and credit cards are accepted.
The Swope Dining Room, on the second floor of Swope, is open M-Sat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and on Sunday for brunch only. For those not on the meal plan, individual meals or meal cards (multiples of 5, 10 or 25 meals) can be purchased the Sodexho cashier in the Dining Room with cash or credit card. Unused meals on meal cards will expire at the end of the summer.
There are vending machines in the basement of Loeb and Lillie.
23. Where can I microwave my lunch?
There are microwaves in Lillie on the second floor (in break room between the Library and the Microscopy Facility) and on the 4th floor of Rowe (outside conference room).
24. Where can I eat off campus?
There are diverse dining options in Woods Hole; Woods Hole Market (deli sandwiches and groceries), Captain Kidd, Phusion Grille, Shuckers, Fishmonger Café, Coffee Obsession, Pie in the Sky (bakery), Jimmy’s Sandwich Shop, Landfall Restaurant (classic New England seafood), Quick’s Hole Tavern, Quicks Hole (Mexican). See: http://www.woodshole.com/restaurants.html
25. Is there a TV on campus?
A TV in Café Swope is accessible M-F 7:30am-1:30pm when Café Swope is open. Otherwise, the Captain Kidd and Quick’s Hole Tavern TV’s in their bars.
26. MBL Guest and Alcohol Policies:
MBL guest policies, including changing housing reservations, parking, pets, and alcohol use are found at: http://www.mbl.edu/hr/staff-toolbox/marine-biological-laboratory-policy-manual/
27. Where is the nearest hospital?
The Falmouth Hospital is close, located just off Route 28, less than a mile north of the center of Falmouth: http://www.capecodhealth.org/hospitals-facilities/falmouth-hospital/
Falmouth Walk-In Medical Center, 309 Teaticket Highway, E. Falmouth 02536 (Note: they won’t take out-of-state insurance, so you will have to pay and get reimbursed by your insurance company).
Please be aware that we do have Lyme Disease on Cape Cod, if you need more information about this please go to www.mass.gov/dph
28. Where can I get a bank account?

There is one bank in Woods Hole and several banks (Citizens, TD Bank etc.) in Falmouth. If you are a foreign national only TD Bank will allow you to open a bank account. This is situated close to the Walmart shopping center.

29. Where are the nearest beaches and bicycle paths?
Stony Beach is a short walk from Swope. Your MBL parking permit will allow you to park at the Stony Beach parking lot. Swimming lessons are available at Stony Beach. Another beach, Nobska Beach, is about 1.5 miles away. To get to Nobska Beach, leave Woods Hole on Woods Hole Road, and almost immediately, turn right on Church St., continue for about a mile and you are at a beautiful beach with a picturesque lighthouse (Nobska Light). For other beaches in Falmouth, see: http://www.oncape.com/beaches/Falmouth
You can bike on the Shining Sea Bike path (originating in the Steamship Authority parking lot in Woods Hole) to the cottages, into Falmouth, and then for miles beyond. See this link for a map of the bike path: http://www.woodshole.com/documents/bikewaymap.pdf
30. Is childcare available and what is there to do for families?
The MBL website describes activities and programs for children, including the MBL Club: http://www.mbl.edu/childrens-programs/
Another private preschool in Woods Hole that is also highly recommended: http://woodsholechildcenter.org/
For school age children, the outstanding 100 year old Woods Hole School of Science has many courses and is a great way for children to learn science make friends: http://childrensschoolofscience.org/
Sailing lessons are offered by the Woods Hole Yacht Club: http://www.woodsholeyachtclub.org/
If you don’t have a car, you can take the Falmouth Transit Whoosh Trolley into Falmouth:


Cape Cod and Falmouth are home to many music, theater, and artistic events during the summer:




The town of Falmouth recreation department has a number of summer camps for children: http://www.falmouthmass.us/depart.php?depkey=Rec
There is a truly American summer baseball league for college level all-stars many of whom end up in on major league teams. The Cape Cod Baseball league has a Falmouth team that plays downtown Falmouth; donations accepted for admission: http://www.capecodbaseball.org/

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