Metro Parrot Head Newsletter Vol. 16 No. 10 (NY, nj, ct) October 2008

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Metro Parrot Head Newsletter Vol. 16 No. 10 (NY, NJ, CT) October 2008 STORIES FROM MY BANK OF BAD HABITS

Wow, what a way to end the summer with live music - Levon Helm at the Newport Folk Festival; Marc Broussard, Sonny Landreth and Mac McAnally at the Stephen Talk House; John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band playing for their 35th year at the Ocean Mist on Matunuck Beach; Poco, Pure Prairie League and The Little River Band at the Brookhaven Amphitheatre and Jimmy Buffett surprising everyone with almost his entire band at the Newport Folk Festival, playing a solo set at the Stephen Talkhouse, rocking in Atlantic City, back home at Jones Beach, his hurricane Hanna show at Greatwoods and playing for his surfer friends at the autism benefit at the Second House Tavern in Montauk. What's next?

Well for the Metro's we had the Memory Walk in Bethpage and the Beach cleanup at Sea Bright. Then, it’s off to Meeting of the Minds in Key West. We hardly have time for a cocktail.

Speaking of Meeting of the Minds, thirty three Metro's are registered for this year's event, not too shabby. Carol & I have arranged for the best spot to see the Street Festival Halloween afternoon in Key West. We are inviting all Metro's to join us on the second floor (room number will be included in a future Banana Wind) overlooking the stage at the La Concha Hotel on the corner of Fleming and Duval Streets. BYOB, but if you can't there is a roof-top bar just down the hall. Even a few of our Carolina Metro's will attend. We hope to see you all there.

One other item to mention, the Breast Cancer Benefit will take place October 24th at the Hilton in Huntington, Long Island. I urge you to attend, but if you can't please consider donating a raffle item or maybe just sending a check to Lorraine Bosshard. It's such an important cause.

Off to Key West!

Dave Pohorylo

Just one more candle ….

& a trip around the sun!

Craig Beierlein



Jimmy Montgomery


He Went to Paris

Pat York



Andrea Olsen



Donna Riviero



Allen Kantorowitz


A Pirate Looks at 40

Rodney Olsen


Woman Going Crazy

David Shapiro


Cheeseburger in Paradise

Greg Walsh


One Particular Harbor

Cristina Blanchard


It’s 5 0’Clock Somewhere

Denise DeGennaro


Happily Ever After

Cody Kleinman


It’s My Job

Melanie Dale


It’s 5 o Clock Somewhere

Angela Shapiro



Paul Wernersbach



Laura Bongiorno



Anda Woodward


Havana Daydreaming

Carol Hanington



Lisa Farley


One Particular Harbor

Pat Chapman


Peanut Butter Conspiracy

Liz Martiello


Banana Republic

Murray Rosenthal


Livingston Saturday Night

Kris Psilopoulos



Ira Turner


Why Don’t We Get Drunk

Nancy Funt


Math Sux

Andy Udalovus


Depends on my mood!

Tim Gill


Jolly Mon

Lori Warnokowski


Back to the Island

Barbara Jacobs


Hula Girl

Jim Martiello



Brian Willett


South America

Tom Sullivan


One Particular Harbor

Mark Funt



Glen Yelenovic


One Particular Harbor

Doug Smith



Jerome Varnale


Son of a Son

Kathleen Jacquette


It’s 5 o’Clock Somewhere

Welcome New Members!

Michael Smith

Jennifer Stuart

Jessica Norof

Ira Turner

Nanette Turner

Marieelena Caulfield

Tom Monroe

Betty Monroe

Barry Wight

Wendy Croker-Wight

Stephen Williams

Scott Lipschitz




Feb. 28th 7PM $31/ticket


On Friday, September 12th, Jimmy Buffett ended the summer with a private benefit concert at The End’s Second House Tavern.

The day’s events began with just over 100 autistic children riding the waves with volunteer surfers at Montauk’s infamous Ditch Plains. This event, the 2nd of its kind, gave the disabled children of Long Island, and their families, a break from their everyday struggles and let them enjoy life a little bit with surfer celebrities like Garrett McNamara. The weather was somewhat cooperative, and everyone had a great time. However, the real fun (for us anyway) took place when the sun went down.

By 6 PM, 200 novice surfers and Parrot Heads mingled in the mud as emergency rain tents were erected in the courtyard area of the Second House Tavern in Montauk. It wasn’t long before cheeseburgers and Landsharks were in the hands of most. It may have been my imagination, or the fact that I was starving, but the cheeseburgers were exceptional.

The pre-Buffett music hailed Commack native, Nancy Atlas. If you have never heard Nancy live, you don’t know what you are missing! Nancy sings along the lines of Melissa Etheridge/Sheryl Crow. She was a terrific opening act. Around 8 PM(?) Jimmy took the stage with pals Mac McAnally and drummer Russell Kunkel.

Staying true to form for these intimate shows, Jimmy’s natural story telling ability shone through. He told of his son’s soccer scrimmage which he attended earlier that day, spoke of Dubai, and mentioned the very recent passing of legendary fisherman, Frank “Monster Man” Mundus.

The night’s set list was guided by requests taken from the audience. The younger set went crazy for the traditional Buffett tunes like “Margaritaville” and ‘Fins”, but the Parrot Heads were thrilled to hear some songs that have been on the shelf for awhile like “The Wino & I Know”, “Uncle John’s Band”, and the Jimmy Cliff tune “Sitting Here in Limbo”.

A highlight for the Metros in attendance was when Jimmy took Karen Smith’s request that I was able to pass up to him. After teasing about the 25% Ralph Lauren coupon used to write the note, Buffett mentioned the Metro Parrot Head Club & Joe Lombardi. Jimmy didn’t hesitate to praise our fundraising efforts, specifically mentioning the East Hampton road clean up and told the audience to take notice of the Adopt-a-Highway sign. It’s nice to know that Jimmy notices and appreciates our hard work!

Once the show ended, many people headed into the restaurant to begin the drying out process. Scott & I hung behind to get our belongings together, when Jimmy popped out of one of the motel rooms…bodyguard in tow. We thanked him for a great show and he answered with a wave and said he was glad we liked it and thanked us for coming before being whisked away into a private section of the restaurant for dinner.




NYC –October 26th

There are only about 3 weeks to go before the New York City Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk and only 1 week before the Rockland County Walk. At last count, there were a total of 9 or 10 signed up between the 2 walks, and I know that "False Echoes" consists of Larry & Denise's family right now.

We need all of you to step up to the plate. Sign up to walk and collect $$$ from your friends, neighbors and colleagues. If you are unable to join a walk, sponsor a team. NO AMOUNT IS TOO SMALL! Remember that: Everything you do is a small step. But it is the accumulation of all the small steps by many individuals that help make a significant contribution. Chicago had their walk on 9/14. They had 33 walkers and raised nearly $8400.00 so far. Wouldn't it be awesome if the "Coconut Telegraph" was ringing with the news of the Metro PHC KO'ing the rest of the country with their fundraising abilities for such a worthy cause? Again, "BRAGGING RIGHTS AT MOTM"!

Let’s try to really make a difference this year. Alzheimer's is a terrible disease that has an enormous effect on families and friends. All of the money we raise goes toward not only the research for a cure of this horrible disease, but also toward the counseling of many individuals in need of support when struggling with loved ones with Alzheimer's Disease.

Also, don't forget that this can be fun and it is good exercise. Larry and Denise have a party at their house after their walk. The NYC group will head downtown for Margaritas at The Rodeo(??). The NYC walk also promises the "KIDZ KORNER" with face painting, etc., and for all of you with 4-legged walkers, which are welcome, there will be doggie treats and a Memory Walk Bandana.

Sign up or get more information about the walks at the websites listed below, or email

NYC Walk at

Dangerous Dave- at 727-871-2184

Request a brochure from the NYC Chapter @ Alzheimer's Association

NYC Chapter

360 Lexington Ave, 4th Flr. NY, NY 10017

Rockland Walk at,

Click on Rockland County and find "Team False Echoes"

Larry & Denise - or phone 845-735-5103

Request a brochure from the Rockland County Chapter

2 Jefferson Plaza, Suite 103

Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

Thanks in Advance


"I knew that I'd "arrived" when I saw an adopt-a-highway sign with

METRO Parrot Head Club on it".

Jimmy Buffett 9/12/08

Montauk, NY

What a rise from the crowd that statement got when Jimmy Buffett paid tribute to the Metro Parrot Head Club on a rainy evening in Montauk!

How often do we take the time to read all those signs along the roadways as we perform our mundane tasks? Isn’t it great to know that Jimmy does take notice of our arduous efforts?!

Jimmy spent quite a bit of time at the Second House Tavern filling in the “rest of the crowd” about the Metro Parrot Head Club and the great things we do. Jimmy’s appreciation of our club’s endeavors was very apparent and comes at a very timely manner. It seems that Mr. Joe Lombardi, (who was personally mentioned that night by the Big Guy himself!) has organized yet another road clean up.

The Autumn Road Clean-Up will be held on Saturday, October 18th. Since we skipped the Summer Road Clean-up in order staff the rest stop for the Soldier Ride Cycle Event, we'll definitely need a hand roadside.

Joe will be organizing the troops at the King Kullen in Bridgehampton at 10AM. Those interested in participating should RSVP Joe Lombardi at

For the first time in 15 years, Joe and Marie will not be able to host the post-clean-up lunch. Their house is undergoing an addition/renovation and things are a bit chaotic.

We can go into Sag Harbor and get something for lunch if there's interest.

Long Island Festival of Trees

Nov. 28 - Nov. 30

Long Island Marriott Hotel and Conference Center
Uniondale, NY

Club volunteers are needed to help decorate the

MPHC's annual tree.

Matt Smith

(631) 209-9691

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