Minutes 20 September 2016

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Assemblée Générale Annuelle - CoopZone - Annual General Meeting

20 September 2016, 3:30 pm Eastern Time for 95 minutes (+), via conference call/Adobe Connect

Ethel Côté, Meeting Chair

Hazel Corcoran, Executive Director and interpreter

Kaye Grant (CWCF Communications Director), Returning Officer / Receiver of votes; and Recording Secretary)

  1. Call meeting to order: Welcome to the Meeting / Bienvenu à la réunion (President Pascal Billard), then turn the meeting over to VP Ethel Côté

Pascal welcomed everyone to the AGM, but since his English is not up to par he is passing the chair to Vice President Ethel Côté.

Ethel, thanked staff for the work preparing the meeting, and noted that everyone should have 12 documents.

  1. Explanation of language guidelines

Hazel provided the language guidelines for the meeting.

  1. Brief self-introduction of participating members

Everyone introduced themselves.

  1. Verify quorum

Hazel announced that with 16 members present; we have quorum.

  1. Approve agenda

Approval of the agenda moved by Peter Hough, seconded by Joy Emmanuel, carried.

  1. Approve minutes of meeting of Sept. 23, 2015/ Business arising

Motion to accept the minutes as provided, by Réjean Laflamme, seconded by Lynn Hannley, Accepted. There was no business arising

  1. Explanation of voting procedure

Hazel reviewed the voting procedures.

  1. Board / Staff report

Pascal presented this as a joint board and staff report and he passed the speaking role to Hazel.

Tele-learning sessions from beginning of the summer to present had 6 sessions. They are generally well received by people, and we appreciate that gift of the presenters’ time and expertise.

The newsletter is edited by Kaye we, and appreciate your input of any articles of interest to members.
The CWCF-CoopZone conference in 2015 was held in Montreal in conjunction with the RESEAU.
Regarding CMC, CZ has been a member since inception. Hazel was on the CMC board but decided to not re-offer. CoopZone member Stephanie Guico was nominated by CWCF and was elected.

CoopZone director Ben Prunty ran, nominated by CoopZone for the youth seat, but unfortunately he was not elected.
The Canadian Co-operative Investment Fund is legally constituted and will be operating in the near future.
We are down by a few members in the past year. Some were weakly connected to the coop sector.
Pascal notes our appreciation to the outgoing directors; David Daughton and Erwan Bouchard

He also thanked the staff for CoopZone.
Move acceptance of report – Peter Cameron, seconded by Peter Hough, carried.

  1. CoopZone Legal Network report (Lauren Blumas) (3 minutes, 4:01)

Lauren Blumas provided a report of the Legal Network steering Committee. They put a call out for new members. They have a website area for related documents and information calls relevant to the legal network members.

The legal network has presented tele-learning sessions which are well attended, for example; Investment shares and Worker coop law.
Will continue on webinars based on the positive feedback – looking for relevant topics of broader interest.
Refer to the written report for more details.

Move acceptance of report, by Lynn Hannley and seconded by Marty Frost, carried.

  1. Financial report

Jill Kelly presented the financial report.

The balance sheet is not too different compared to our previous year-end. There was slightly more cash, and fewer payables.

Operating statement. This is compared to budget – fairly close. We divided out the training programs so we could see how this is separate from the other operations.

There were some bad debts not budgeted. Some are dues invoices that go out but are not renewed. The website took us over budget but was worth it.

Course revenue is down because of low enrollment.

There were no questions.
Motion to receive the financial report – by Jill Kelly seconded by Lauren Blumas, Carried.

  1. CoopZone Co-op Development training program

Eric reported: Revisions that were planned were postponed – Hazel and Eric engaged in promotion and engaged with colleges and universities. A CMC-led Committee is doing research on what co-op managers and members need by way of education, and Eric is involved.
This year for the Introductory course there are at least 5 people interested – one via CCA through Ukraine. There is interest in this training beyond our borders.

Revisions in the advanced and foundations will be done this year and on a modular basis so people can move thorough on their own pace.
We started a conversation on French language program but that conversation is still happening.

  1. Auditor: resolution to dispense with auditor

Auditor Resolution

Submitted by the CoopZone Board of Directors
Whereas the total operating budget of CoopZone, excluding the training program (student tuitions, and donations for bursaries or course revisions), is less than $18,000; and the complete budget under $33,000/ year, and
Whereas CWCF, which manages CoopZone on contract, is audited, and
Whereas the cost of an audit would be a substantial percentage of CoopZone’s budget, and
Whereas the Canada Cooperatives Act and the bylaws allow CoopZone to dispense with an auditor in each year that the members decide this,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that CoopZone dispense with an auditor in 2016-2017.

Acceptance of this resolution moved by Jill Kelly– seconded by Pascal Billard, carried

  1. Other Resolutions:

There were no resolutions

  1. CoopZone Work plan

Peter Cameron presented the workplan, broken down into categories; a written Workplan had been shared.

  1. Present budget

Jill presented the budget. On revenue of just over $21,000, there was net income of $1,193. Retained earnings are $18,486.
In future we will present the budget with last year’s actual; that would be helpful for people to see.
Motion to accept the 2016-17 budget made by Jill Kelly, seconded by Lynn Hannley carried.

  1. Election/acclamation of directors – for 3 seats with 3-year terms, (BC, Atlantic, and at-large), plus one 2-year seat (Prairies).

There were three three-year seats up for election at the AGM on the CoopZone Board of Directors:  for BC, Atlantic and At-large, plus one two-year position for the Prairies.  The Prairies position is available because the incumbent, Erwan Bouchaud, has announced his resignation. 

Nominations include:

Atlantic: Peter Hough

BC: Jill Kelly

Prairies: Billy Granger

At-Large: Ted Hyland and Ben Prunty

Erwan reviewed all seats – all the nominees meet the requirements.

He will be calling for nominations; Erwan called for nominations three times.

BC, Atlantic and Prairies seats filled by acclamation.

At large seats – we have two candidates.

Erwan asked both Ted and Ben to introduce themselves; documents were circulated in advance with candidate statements.

Voting was done via Adobe Connect polling function (this was a first for the CoopZone AGM).

Ben was elected the at-large director. Congratulations, and thanks to all candidates.

  1. CWCF-CoopZone Conference, Vancouver, BC, Nov. 3 - 5

See: http://canadianworker.coop/2016-cwcf-conference/
Hazel announced the Conference – encouraging people to register

Outlined some of the highlights including keynote speaker Kathy Bardswick, outgoing CEO of The Co-operators and Board member at ICA, and other topics and speakers.

  1. Other business


  1. Motion to destroy confidential ballots, if required.

Motion made by Pascal and seconded by David Daughton, carried.
Adjournment of AGM.
Motion to Adjourn made by Jill seconded by Pascal, Carried.
Adjourned at 4:42 pm ET.

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