Minutes of the regular meeting of the common council of the city of auburn

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HELD ON MAY 1, 2001
The Common Council of the City of Auburn met in regular session in the City Hall Council Chambers at 210 East Ninth Street on the 1st day of May 2001, at the hour of 6:00 P.M. It was noted that proper legal notice had been given to the media as required by Indiana statute.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Norman E. Yoder who presided.
Mayor Yoder asked all to stand for a moment of silent meditation or reflection.
Mayor Yoder led the group in the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
On call of the roll, members of the Council present were, Kurt Harriman, Dave Lorey, Rick Ring and John Mohre. Also present were Clerk-Treasurer Rebecca Fuller, Clerk-Treasurer’s Secretary Shirley Johnson, City Attorney Kirk Carpenter, Police Chief Marty McCoy and David Benson of the Evening Star.
After review of the minutes, Councilman Ring moved to approve the minutes of the April 17th regular meeting of the Common Council. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mohre and carried by the following vote of the Council: Harriman, aye; Lorey, aye; Ring, aye; and Mohre, aye. Nays, none.
Mayor’s Administrative Assistant Marla Kretz, Building Administrator Craig Berndt, Bob Sbarge, President of the ACD Museum, and Diane Reynolds and Tom Cicero with Bonar Group were present.

Mayor Yoder recessed the Common Council meeting.
Mayor Yoder declared the Public Hearing open.
Tom Cicero, President of Bonar Group, addressed the Council regarding the ACD Museum Restoration Project funded through the Indiana Department of Transportation TEA (Transportation Enhancement Activities) Grant.
Mr. Cicero read the following statement:
This public hearing is being undertaken by the City of Auburn for their impending restoration project of the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum. This public hearing was not officially required, however, is being done to provide an opportunity for interested parties to learn about the project and to offer any comments they may have.
The proposed project includes exterior rehabilitation and restoration activities as well as parking lot improvements to the existing building located at 1600 South Wayne Street in Auburn, Indiana.
The subject building was constructed in 1929. Originally used as offices for the Auburn Automobile Company and subsequently many other uses, the building was adapted to serve as the museum in 1974. The building has served in this capacity since that time. The museum receives over 70,000 visitors annually from all around the world.
The ACD building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. This building is revered by architectural historians who acclaim its art deco architecture as one of the finest examples in the United States. Exhibits include more than 100 vehicles, illustrating every facet of motoring culture, from the horseless carriage of the 1890’s to the sports car of today.

The museum is operated by the not for profit Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum corporation. Mr. Robert Sbarge is the current President/CEO.

Improvements included in this project will focus on the preservation of the structural integrity of the building along with improvements to the parking area. Over the course of many years, the building has been experiencing seeping water through the joints in the exterior brick. This has caused damage to the interior walls of the building creating structural problems as well as aesthetic problems with the automobile galleries. This project will address the long-standing problem, thereby correcting the structural problems, as well as preserve the large financial and historical investment in the galleries and the precious automobiles residing in these galleries.

  1. Exterior Architectural Systems

    1. Repair and clean brick and tuckpoint joints

    2. Repair/Replace in kind (deteriorated and/or partially removed) decorative stone features

  1. Parking Areas

    1. Parking lot resurfacing

    2. Striping

    3. Parking bumper blocks

    4. Landscaping

    5. Driveway improvements

The Transportation Enhancement Program through the Indiana Department of Transportation will fund this project. The funding is available through the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century, or as more commonly referred to as TEA-21. This funding source pays for 80% of the project with the local agency funding the remaining 20%. These funds are derived from the federal gasoline tax that is applied to every gallon of gasoline purchased in the United States. These funds are returned to individual states through a formula taking into [account] many factors including miles of roadway, population, etc. 10% of the total amount of the funds from TEA-21 are set aside for the enhancement program. The enhancement program funds projects that create or enhance non-vehicular transportation related projects such as this museum restoration, trailways, river greenways, etc.

The City of Auburn is the lead agency in this project and is undertaking the tasks necessary to get this project ready for construction. The Indiana Department of Transportation will be the lead agency in preparing the bid packages, advertising for bids, receiving the bids and awarding the project. The INDOT will then send a bill to the City of Auburn for the 20% portion of the low bid amount. Once the INDOT receives this 20% they will then give the contractor their notice to proceed.
It is expected that his project will be let for bids this fall. The anticipated time for construction is three to four months, weather permitting.
Bob Sbarge, President of the ACD Museum, addressed the Council and clarified that the 20% match would be paid by the ACD Museum, not the City of Auburn. He stated those funds are now available and have been set-aside for this purpose. On behalf of the Museum, he thanked the City for their assistance with the application and grant.
Mr. Sbarge reiterated that this project does not alter the exterior appearance or structural design of the building. He stated the project consists of tuckpointing, lintel and window facing seal correction and improvements to the existing parking areas. He presented various pictures showing the damage to the various galleries.
Councilman Ring inquired about the parking area improvements.
Mr. Sbarge stated the parking area improvements included resurfacing, curbing and landscaping of the north parking area, hard surfacing of the employee parking area on the south and hard surfacing of the area between the two museums.
Mr. Cicero noted that the State was now allowing funds that have already been expended, i.e. engineering, to be used as part of the match, which would be an advantage to the Museum, because they have already funded the engineering work on this project.
No citizens present wished to address the Council.
Mayor Yoder declared the Public Hearing closed.
Mayor Yoder reconvened the Common Council meeting.
Clerk-Treasurer Fuller presented Vouchers No. 2330 through No. 2598 for


Councilman Ring moved to approve the Vouchers for $1,115,291.36. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mohre and carried by the following vote of the Council: Harriman, aye; Lorey, aye; Ring, aye; and Mohre, aye with the exception of Voucher No. 2355 on which he abstains. Nays, none.
* * * * * *
Clerk-Treasurer Fuller requested the Council’s approval of the Cancellation of Old Outstanding Checks pursuant to I.C. 5-11-10.5 for all checks outstanding and unpaid for a period of two years as of December 31, 2000, effective March 1, 2001 and per her listing dated May 1, 2001.
Councilman Mohre moved to approve the Cancellation of the Old Outstanding Checks. The motion was seconded by Councilman Harriman and carried by the following vote of the Council: Harriman, aye; Lorey, aye; Ring, aye; and Mohre, aye. Nays, none.
* * * * * *

Clerk-Treasurer Fuller presented to the Council two (2) Compliance with Statement of Benefits, one received from Classic City Tool & Engineering and one received from Thomas W. Cape and Kenneth L. Brown [now Cape & Brown, L.L.C.]

Councilman Harriman moved to acknowledge receipt of the Compliance with Statement of Benefits from Classic City Tool & Engineering and Cape & Brown, L.L.C. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lorey and carried by the following vote of the Council: Harriman, aye; Lorey, aye; Ring, aye; and Mohre; aye. Nays, none.

Councilman Lorey read Ordinance No. 2000-21 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REPLACING CHAPTER 151 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE CONCERNING BUILDING CODES IN THE CITY OF AUBURN and moved said Ordinance be passed on the second and final reading. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ring.

Building Administrator Berndt addressed the Council and advised them he had spoken with John Weesner of the State Building Commissioner’s Office regarding the proposed changes to the regulations concerning manufactured homes. He stated

Mr. Weesner had stated that the codes, including the proposed changes for manufactured homes, were fine. He stated he had also spoken with Jim Keller of the Manufactured Housing Association and that both Mr. Keller and his attorney were of the opinion that the City was within its rights to enforce the proposed codes.

Building Administrator Berndt stated Councilman Harriman had requested that carports be exempt from building permit requirements in manufactured housing/mobile home parks. He presented the proposed amendments to exempt the carports and to add the definition of a “carport”. He stated if passed, a permit would not be required in a manufactured housing community for a foundation, steps or a carport.

Councilman Harriman moved to amend Ordinance No. 2000-21 to change Section 151.10 (B)(5) to read: “Installation of a manufactured structure or a carport, including foundations and any steps to exterior entrance doors of the manufactured structure, but not any other exterior above-grade floor system, regardless of cost, when the manufactured structure or carport is to be installed in an approved or legally non-conforming manufactured housing/mobile home park, and where the installation satisfies all of the following conditions:” and to add to Section151.06 the definition: “CARPORT - An accessory structure intended to be used only for the sheltering of vehicles, and consisting of not more than eight (8) vertical posts supporting a roof, each of which measures not more than twelve (12) inches on a side, and which is open on all sides of the carport by not less than fifty percent (50%) of the vertical distance between the ground and the peak of the roof of the carport.” The motion was seconded by Councilman Ring and carried by the following vote of the Council: Harriman, aye; Lorey, aye; Ring, aye; and Mohre, aye. Nays, none.
Councilman Harriman questioned whether this amendment would eliminate anyone from building an attached garage in the manufactured housing/mobile home park.
Building Administrator Berndt stated that it would eliminate anyone from building an attached garage in the manufactured housing/mobile home park.
Building Administrator Berndt noted that the Ordinance would still need to be sent to the State Building Commissioner’s Office for final approval.
After discussion, the motion to pass Ordinance No. 2000-21, as amended, on second and final reading carried by the following vote: Harriman, aye; Lorey, aye; Ring, aye; and Mohre, aye. Nays, none.
* * * * * *

Councilman Lorey read Ordinance No. 2001-03 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REPLACING CHAPTER 155 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE CONCERNING LICENSING OF ELECTRICIANS IN THE CITY OF AUBURN and moved said Ordinance be passed on the first reading. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ring.
Building Administrator Berndt addressed the Council and stated this Ordinance updates the City Code regarding the Licensing of Electricians to comply with current City practices. He reviewed and explained the license requirements, exemptions and classifications. He stated the licensing fees were not increased, but they were separated into annual and semi-annual fees, based on when the license is issued.
After discussion regarding the testing standards, Councilman Lorey moved to table Ordinance No. 2001-03 and referred it to the Ordinance & Resolutions Committee. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mohre and carried by the following vote of the Council: Harriman, aye; Lorey, aye; Ring, aye; and Mohre, aye. Nays, none.

Mayor Yoder advised the Council he had been conferring with the County regarding the Courtyard Park area. He stated the County had proposed a trade of the County’s property to the north of the Courtyard Park for the City’s property to the east of their graveled parking lot. He stated the City currently uses this property for five (5) rental parking spots. He reviewed a map of the properties. He stated, if the property trade were to occur, he would propose making it a downtown park and completing the gazebo. He stated he would form a committee to oversee the project.
Councilman Ring stated the public would be very happy to hear that something was being considered for the Courtyard Park area. He agreed to participate on the committee.
City Attorney Carpenter noted that an agreement would be needed between the Board of Works and the County Commissioners to adopt such a proposal.

There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilman Mohre moved the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ring and carried by the following vote of the Council: Harriman, aye; Lorey, aye; Ring, aye; and Mohre, aye. Nays, none.



Norman E. Yoder, Mayor


Rebecca L. Fuller, Clerk-Treasurer

MSWord\I:\clerk\Secretary\Minutes\Council\cc050101(Dist051501@11:00 A.M.)

CC 05/01/2001

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