Minutes of the regular meeting of the board of public works and safety of the

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The Board of Public Works and Safety of the City of Auburn met in regular session in the City Hall Council Chambers, at 210 East Ninth Street, on the11th day of May, 2004, at the hour of 9:00 A.M. It was noted that proper legal notice had been given to the media as required by Indiana statute.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Norman E. Yoder who presided.
Also present were Board of Works Members Danny D. McAfee and John A. Randinelli, Clerk-Treasurer Patricia Miller, City Attorney W. Erik Weber, Building, Planning & Development Administrator Bill Spohn, Information Systems Manager Chris Schweitzer, Fire Chief Jerry Bauermeister, Park and Recreation Superintendent Rick Hower, Police Chief Martin McCoy, Street Superintendent Bill Brandon, Electric Superintendent Stuart Tuttle, Water Superintendent Richard Miller, and Water Pollution Control Superintendent David Lochner.


After review of the minutes, Member McAfee moved to approve the minutes of the April 22nd regular meeting of the Board of Works. The motion was seconded by Member Randinelli and carried by the following vote of the Board: McAfee, aye; Randinelli, aye; and Mayor Yoder, aye. Nays, none.


Bill Gisel of the Evening Star, Dave DeKoninck with the Town Tavern, Tom Hogan with Johnson Controls, Michael Walter and Tina Shipe and were present.

Michael Walter, member of the City Council addressed the Board on the slag to be used at Rieke Park. Walter stated he is on record as opposing the use of it; however, if the City is determined to use the slag, test data should be sent to IDEM to determine that the classification is no worse than Type 4. Walter requested a copy of available test data as well as Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) on the slag.
Mayor Yoder stated the City has data available for anyone requesting it. The slag being considered for use on the Rieke Park parking lot is tested twice a year by INDOT. Most of the chemicals in the slag are below determinable limits. Mayor Yoder stated that he spoke with a representative from IDEM. Yoder was informed IDEM does not have jurisdiction over slag, however, after review of the test data, the representative stated that possibly one of the chemicals could trigger the slag to Type 3, which would still be safe to use.


BUILDING – Building Administrator Bill Spohn presented the Board a License to Encroach from the Town Tavern for the purpose of installing two (2) 16 X 16 brick columns under the existing canopy on the front of the building.
Member McAfee expressed concern as to any visibility impairments for motorists at an already confusing intersection.
Spohn stated he, as well as other departments, had looked into the site visibility and did not anticipate any problems.
Member Randinelli moved to approve [the License to Encroach from the Town Tavern]. The motion was seconded by Member McAfee and carried by the following vote of the Board: McAfee, aye; Randinelli, aye; and Mayor Yoder, aye. Nays, none.
INFORMATION SYSTEMS – Information Systems Manager Chris Schweitzer requested the Board’s approval for leases on new Xerox Document Centres for the Electric, Water and WPC departments replacing existing machines. The existing machines would be migrated to other City departments.
Member Randinelli moved to approve [the Xerox leases for the Electric, Water and WPC departments]. The motion was seconded by Member McAfee and carried by the following vote of the Board: McAfee, aye; Randinelli, aye; and Mayor Yoder, aye. Nays, none.

PURCHASING – Purchasing Agent Dave Wolff requested the Board’s acceptance for specifications on a vehicle for the Building, Planning and Development Department replacing the existing 1994 Chevrolet Blazer.
Building Administrator Bill Spohn explained the need for a small/mid-sized pickup or SUV. Inspectors haul ladders and other equipment and since the vehicles are parked outside, it would be better if those things would fit inside the vehicle. Spohn stated that a used vehicle would be sufficient and there are lease options available for those. The lease payments are not to exceed $4,000.00/year.
Member Randinelli stated that gas mileage for the vehicle should be a consideration with prices the way they are.
Member McAfee moved to accept [the specifications and authorize to advertise for bids for a replacement vehicle for the Building, Planning and Development Department]. The motion was seconded by Member Randinelli and carried by the following vote of the Board: McAfee, aye; Randinelli, aye; and Mayor Yoder, aye. Nays, none.
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Purchasing Agent Dave Wolff requested the Board’s approval to award the lease bid for the Park Department tractor to Leichty Farm Equipment in the amount of $35,668.00. Wolff stated this was the only bid received. This will be a four (4) year lease with the first payment due in July.
Member Randinelli moved to accept [the bid from Leichty Farm Equipment in the amount of $35,668.00]. The motion was seconded by Member McAfee.
Member McAfee mentioned that the Form 95 was not signed by a notary and stated the motion should be amended to accept the bid contingent on proper acknowledgement on the Form 95.
The original motion as amended was carried by the following vote of the Board: McAfee, aye; Randinelli, aye; and Mayor Yoder, aye. Nays, none.
CITY ATTORNEY – City Attorney Erik Weber informed the Board that the DeKalb County Bar Association sponsors Law Day activities each year. Weber stated that they reach approximately 600 students within the DeKalb County School System, Hamilton, Garrett, Eastside and Lakewood Park. Weber explained that senior students hear about government, the law, how they interact and careers in the law. Weber thanked the Mayor for the proclamation recognizing Law Day. Weber also thanked Mayor Yoder, the Common Council and Board of Works for all their help in promoting students to attend public meetings.
CITY CIVIL ENGINEER – City Civil Engineer Steve Bruns requested the Board’s approval for a Deed of Easement for utilities and a Memorandum of Understanding in the amount of $500.00 from Juan & Sally Quinonez.
Member McAfee moved to approve [the Deed of Easement for utilities and the Memorandum of Understanding in the amount of $500.00 with Juan & Sally Quinonez]. The motion was seconded by Member Randinelli and carried by the following vote of the Board: McAfee, aye; Randinelli, aye; and Mayor Yoder, aye. Nays, none.
* * * * * *
City Civil Engineer Bruns requested the Board’s approval for a Deed of Easement for utilities for Miguel & Carla Mendez.

Member McAfee moved to approve [the Deed of Easement for utilities with Miguel & Carla Mendez]. The motion was seconded by Member Randinelli and carried by the following vote of the Board: McAfee, aye; Randinelli, aye; and Mayor Yoder, aye. Nays, none.
CLERK-TREASURER – Clerk Treasurer Patricia Miller requested the Board’s approval for permits and a Certificate of Authority to Operate a Taxicab Business for Classic City Services, Inc.
Member Randinelli moved to approve [the permits and the Certificate of Authority to Operate a Taxicab Business for Classic City Services, Inc.]. The motion was seconded by Member McAfee and carried by the following vote of the Board: McAfee, aye; Randinelli, aye; and Mayor Yoder, aye. Nays, none.

FIRE – Fire Chief Jerry Bauermeister informed the Board that the tornado sirens would be tested on May 12.
MAYOR – No report.
PARKS – No report.

POLICE – Police Chief Martin McCoy presented the Board a request from The Cupbearer Coffee House to close 6th Street from Jackson Street to the first alley west of Jackson Street for the purpose of holding street concerts on the following dates: June 4th, June 18th, July 3rd, July 17th, and July 31st. Each concert would begin at 6:00 pm and last until 10:00 pm. McCoy stated all of the residents in the immediate area have given their approval.
Member Randinelli moved to allow [the request from The Cupbearer Coffee House to close the street for their concerts on the specified dates]. The motion was seconded by Member McAfee and carried the following vote of the Board: McAfee, aye; Randinelli, aye; and Mayor Yoder, aye. Nays, none.
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Chief McCoy requested the Board’s approval to apply for a Community Focus Grant through the DeKalb County United Way in the amount of $5000.00. The money would be used to help fund several of the Community Policing Programs that the Auburn Police Department sponsors each year.

Member Randinelli moved to allow [the application for a Community Focus Grant in the amount of $5000.00]. The motion was seconded by Member McAfee and carried the following vote of the Board: McAfee, aye; Randinelli, aye; and Mayor Yoder, aye. Nays, none.
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Chief McCoy presented the Board a request from The Auburn American Legion Post 97 to close the intersection of 9th and Main Streets on Monday, May 31, 2004. The street closing would insure the safety of persons attending the annual Memorial Day Service. The service would begin at 10:30 am and conclude approximately 45 minutes later.

Member Randinelli moved to approve [the request from the Auburn American Legion for street closings on May 31, 2004]. The motion was seconded by Member McAfee and carried the following vote of the Board: McAfee, aye; Randinelli, aye; and Mayor Yoder, aye. Nays, none.
* * * * * *
Chief McCoy presented the Board a request from The Auburn Cord Duesenberg Club to close 13th Street between Jackson and Van Buren Streets on June 18, 2004 from 12:00 pm until 4:30 pm. The street closing will be used to park antique vehicles during the Club’s spring press conference and Warm-Up Meet.
Member Randinelli requested that the residences and the Eckhart Public Library be notified and the request should be brought back to the Board.
STREET – Superintendent Bill Brandon requested the Board’s approval for a yearly maintenance contract with MacAllistar Machinery for a generator located at the Street Department. The contract covers one inspection and one service with inspection.
Member McAfee moved to approve [the maintenance contract with MacAllister Machinery]. The motion was seconded by Member Randinelli and carried the following vote of the Board: McAfee, aye; Randinelli, aye; and Mayor Yoder, aye. Nays, none.
* * * * * *
Superintendent Brandon requested the Board’s approval on the 2004 Street Projects specifications and permission to advertise for bids.

Member McAfee moved to approve [the 2004 Street Projects specifications and allow the Street Department to advertise for bids]. The motion was seconded by Member Randinelli and carried the following vote of the Board: McAfee, aye; Randinelli, aye; and Mayor Yoder, aye. Nays, none.
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Superintendent Brandon requested the Board’s approval on a contract for Street Sweeping with Auburn Foundry. Brandon stated the previous one had expired and a new one was drafted with a couple changes: the route is shorter, the dump site would now be at Plant I and the sweeping would be done when the Auburn Foundry requests.
Mayor Yoder stated the contact person in the contract was listed as the Clerk-Treasurer and felt Superintendent Brandon should be that contact. Mayor Yoder stated he would like the City to be able to request sweeping as well as the Foundry and the contract should stipulate the exact location of the dumping so as not to end up in the City sewer system.
Superintendent Brandon stated he would contact the Auburn Foundry with the proposed changes.
ELECTRIC – Electric Department Superintendent Stuart Tuttle presented the Board with a petition for street lighting from residents on Boxcar Lane. Tuttle stated a pole would have to be set in order to comply with the request.
Member McAfee moved to approve [the petition for street lighting for Boxcar Lane]. The motion was seconded by Member Randinelli and carried the following vote of the Board: McAfee, aye; Randinelli, aye; and Mayor Yoder, aye. Nays, none.
WATER –No report.
WATER POLLUTION CONTOL – Superintendent Dave Lochner requested the Board’s approval to purchase pipe and materials from Midwest Tile & Concrete Products, Inc. to be used for the South Wayne Street Storm Water Project in the amount of $11,798.04.
Member McAfee moved to allow [the purchase of materials from Midwest Tile & Concrete Products in the amount of $11,798.04]. The motion was seconded by Member Randinelli and carried by the following vote of the Board: McAfee, aye; Randinelli, aye; and Mayor Yoder, aye. Nays, none.
* * * * * *
Superintendent Lochner requested the Board’s acceptance of a quote from Clifford Excavating for the Wayne Street Storm Sewer Project in the amount of $12,500.

Member Randinelli moved to [accept the quote from Clifford Excavation in the amount of $12,500.00]. The motion was seconded by Member McAfee and carried by the following vote of the Board: McAfee, aye; Randinelli, aye; and Mayor Yoder, aye. Nays, none.

Mayor Yoder announced that the next regular meeting of the Board of Works would be held on May 27, 2004, at 9:00 A.M., in the City Hall Council Chambers.


There being no further business to come before the Board of Public Works and Safety, Member McAfee moved the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Member Randinelli and carried by the unanimous vote of the Board.


Norman E. Yoder, Mayor


Danny D. McAfee, Member


John A. Randinelli, Member


Patricia M. Miller, Clerk-Treasurer

BOW 05/11/04

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