Mobile App Club Constitution

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Mobile App Club Constitution

Article I - Name, Purpose, and Non-Discrimination Policy of the Organization

Section 1: The Mobile App Club

Section 2: The Mobile App Club group strives to gather, facilitate, educate students the concepts, practices, designs, and skills for the mobile app development. The Mobile App Club will be focusing on the development of native mobile programming such as The Android and iOS operating system, while not limiting other forms of mobile development.

\ The Mobile App Club’s curriculum encompasses all mobile development experience from beginners to experienced mobile developers.

Objectives of learning each mobile development are:

Learning to project ideas

Learning the design phase

Learning to collaborate

Learning to incorporate with other services

Learning good software or coding practices

Represent to other members of the finished project each semester

Section 3: This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.

Article II - Membership: Qualifications and categories of membership.

Membership to The Mobile App Club is open to all currently enrolled Ohio State students with or without any mobile development experience. The Mobile App Club members are either participants in the class or officers that run and organize the club.

Article III - Organization Leadership: Titles, terms of office, type of selection, and duties of the leaders.

All officers must serve for one academic year.

President – The President should be the leader of the club ensuring the activeness of the club and to be the master of delegation. The President’s job includes, but not limited to, promoting and representing the club for current members and future members. The President shall conduct officer meetings and appoint officers as needed. The President should ensure the weekly meetings run as planned. The President will also serve as an Adviser to the next President after his or her tenure is over. All club activities must be overseen by the President.

Vice President – The Vice President’s job is to assist the president in the weekly meetings or officer meetings. The Vice President shall record all the proceedings at any meetings. After the term is over The Vice President shall advise the new elected Vice President.

Treasury Secretary – The Treasury Secretary shall manage any and all financial aspects (incoming or exiting) of the organization. In the event of the absence of The Vice President at a meeting (officer meeting or weekly meeting), the Treasury Secretary must record on all the proceedings. After the term is over The Treasury Secretary shall advise the new elected Treasury Secretary.

Head of Android – The Head of Android’s job is to be the main source of Android development. The Head of Android shall manage weekly Android development topics in each weekly meeting. The Head of Android could appoint any of the members of the club to teach in the weekly meetings. He or she will be the first person to go to for any kind of help for Android development. The Head of Android should recommend, help, or direct any necessary problems regarding the Android development. After the term is over The Head of Android shall advise the new elected Head of Android.

Head of iOS - The Head of iOS’s job is to be the main source of iOS development. The Head of iOS shall manage weekly iOS development topics in each weekly meeting. The Head of iOS could appoint any of the members of the club to teach in the weekly meetings. He or she will be the first person to go to for any kind of help for iOS development. The Head of iOS should recommend, help, or direct any necessary problems regarding the iOS development. After the term is over The Head of iOS shall advise the new elected Head of iOS.

Head of Social Media – The Head of Social Media’s job is to manage, update, and improve the website of the club. The Head of Social Media shall also publicize any kind of activities the club has, through flyers, emails, and social media such as Facebook, Twitter, or other social media services. After the term is over The Head of Social Media shall advise the new elected Head of Social Media.

Article IV – Executive Committee (if needed): Size and composition of the Committee

No Executive Committee

Article V – Standing Committees (if needed): Names, purposes, and composition

No Executive Committee

Article VI – Method of Selecting and/or Removing Officers and Members

The first officers are selected through election either by interviewing or voting. The current president could choose any method to elect the New President either by appointing, interviewing, or voting. The New President could appoint or select his or her own officers either by interviewing, appointing, or voting with the advice and help of the current President. The removal of an officer could be done so by the President. The removal of the President could be done by the consent of all the remaining officers.

Membership could be obtained by coming to two consecutive weekly meetings. A member can be removed from the membership if he or she does not show up in three consecutive weekly meetings without any previous notice regarding the absences to any of the officer.

Article VII – Adviser(s) or Advisory Board: Qualification Criteria.

The organization adviser is a member of the University faculty or Administrative and Professional staff. The organization adviser is responsible and expected to be the media, marketing, counselor and the communicator Program Director.

Article VIII – Meetings of the Organization: Required meetings and their frequency.

All participants will meet once a week, except for The Summer Term, at a specific place and time. All officers should attend all the weekly member meetings and attend the officer meeting for at least two general meetings in each academic term.

Article IX – Method of Amending Constitution: Proposals, notice, and voting requirements.

The constitution should not amend easily, but any amendments of the constitution should be approved by the officers of the club with at least two-thirds of the officers present and with permission and consent of the media, marketing, counselor and the communicator Program Director.

Article X – Method of Dissolution of Organization

Dissolution of the student organization is made and decided by the media, marketing, counselor and the communicator Program Director. Any assets and debts must be made known to The President and The Treasury Secretary before disbanding. All assets will be given to the Ohio State University. All debts will be split amongst The Mobile App Club officers.


Article I – Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in Robert’s Rule of Order shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the by-laws of this organization

Article II – Membership

Section 1: Joining

Any Ohio State student both graduate and undergraduate may become a member by attending the first two weekly member meetings. Any students who come later in the semester to join must be approved by The President, Vice President, and Treasury Secretary. The member will be added in the email list and the membership list. Attendance will be taken each week.

Section 2: Removal

Members who miss three or more consecutive weekly meetings without giving any notice to one of the officers or reportedly withdrawing themselves from the club, may be removed from membership

Section 3: Dues

There will be no dues.

Article III- Election / Appointment of Government Leadership

Appointment of all the officers are held every December and the newly elected officers take office the following Spring Semester.

Article VI - Method of Selecting and/or Removing Officers and Members.

See Article VI above

Article VII - Adviser/Advisory Board Responsibilities

See Article VII above

Article VIII - Meeting Requirements

All members are encouraged to attend every weekly meeting in a determined time and place. All members should bring all necessary electronic devices for the learning purpose.

Article IX - Method of Amending By-Laws

Any amendments to the by-laws are done so by proposing in writing and reading the change at a general officer meeting of the officers and then bring the proposed change up for a vote at the next general meeting with a 2/3 majority vote of the officers present.

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