Name: Melvin Small

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Professional Record

Date Prepared:  09-13-84

Date Last Revised: 04-03-07
NAME:  Melvin Small
DEPARTMENT/COLLEGE: History/Liberal Arts & Sciences
PRESENT RANK & DATE OF RANK: Professor, 1976
Year Appointed/Rank 1965/Assistant

Year Awarded Tenure 1968

Year Promoted to Associate Professor 1970

Year Promoted to Full Professor 1976 Chairperson 1979-86

Distinguished Professor 2004
DATE & PLACE OF BIRTH: March 14, 1939; New York City
High School: Hewlett High School, Hewlett, N.Y., 1956

Baccalaureate: Dartmouth College, B.A., June 1960

Graduate: University of Michigan, M.A., June 1961

University of Michigan, Ph.D., December 1965

Visiting Professor, University of Michigan, Summer 1968

Visiting Professor, Marygrove College, 1971

Visiting Professor, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark, 1972-74, 1983

Visiting Professor, Windsor University, 1977-78

American Historical Association

Organization of American Historians


Peace History Society

Wayne State University, Research Recognition Award, 1966

American Council of Learned Societies, Study Fellowship, 1969

Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, 1969-70

Recipient, President's Award for Excellence in Teaching, W.S.U., 1979

Grant-in-Aid, L.B.J. Library, 1982

Grant-in-Aid, ACLS, 1983

Faculty Enrichment Award, Canadian Government, 1987

WSU Educational Development Grant, 1987

Two grants from W.S.U. Humanities Council, 1986, 1987

Fulbright Lectureship, Shanghai, 1987 (declined)

Small Research Grant, WSU, 1987

Grant-In-Aid, LBJ Library, 1988

WSU Board of Governors Faculty Recognition Award, 1989, 1997, 2001

WSU Instructional Enrichment Initiative, 1989

WSU Board of Governors Distinguished Faculty Award, 1989

Warren Kuehl Prize of SHAFR, 1989

WSU Small Research Grant, 1992

WSU Distinguished Graduate Faculty Award, 1993

Michigan Association of Governing Boards Distinguished Faculty Award, 1993

WSU Academy of Scholars, 1993, President, 1999-2000

WSU Alumni Service Award, 1994

WSU Small Research Grant, 1995

WSU Humanities Council Grant, 1996

NATO Research Fellowship, 1996

WSU Small Research Grant, 1998

WSU Liberal Arts Research and Inquiry Grant, 2001

Liberal Arts College Teaching Award, 2001

WSU Exceptional Service Award, 2001

Hewlett-Woodmere Alumni Hall of Fame, 2005


Who's Who in America 1988 to present

Dictionary of American Scholars
A. Years at Wayne State 41
B. Years at Other Colleges/Universities
2 1/2 years at University of Aarhus
C. Courses Taught at Wayne State in Last Five Years
1. Undergraduate
History 3050
2. Undergraduate/Graduate
History 5130/7130, 6010, 8030, 8040, 9900, 5120/7120
D. Essays/Theses/Dissertations Directed
Anthony Allegrina, M, "U.S. Intervention in 1948 Italian Election­s," 1986

Paul Anderson, M, "Journalists and Diplomats:  Asia Magazine," 1969

Ray Ashare, M, "A Missed Opportunity," 1998.

Duane Ashley, M, "A Study of Elite Media Coverage of Guatemala (1954)

and Cuba (1961)," 1993

Natalie Atkin, M, "To Shake the Foundations of Our Nation," 1994

Natalie Atkin, P, "Protest and Liberation," 1999.

Susan Atkins, M, "The Image of Germany and England as Models for Social Reform," 1966

Glenn Bessemer, M, "The Peace Movement, 1975-1980", 1994

Sanford Cohen, M, Plan C, 1989

Thomas Dietz, M, "The American Labor Press and the Cold War," 1977

Mary Dejarlais, M, "Saving Neighborhoods," 1998

Michelle Donnelly, M, “Communism in Detroit,” 2005

Bill Elster, P, "Henry Hitt Crane," 1998

Kathy Emery, M, "Press Coverage of Henry Ford's Peace Ship," 1986

Greg Essenmacher, M, "The Media and the Philippines," 1995

Kevin Flaherty, M, Plan C, 2003

Gerald Haines, M, "Under the Eagle's Wing," 1967

Mark Hoffman, M, "Argentina and The United States," 1999

Tom Kennedy, M, "The Origins of the ANZUS Alliance," 1991

Tim Kiska, M, "The Election of 1948," 1996

Tim Kiska, P, “From Prestige to Profit”, 2004

Frank Koscielski, M, "The UAW and The Vietnam War," 1993

Frank Koscielski, P, "Divided Loyalities," 1997

Kristen Mickey, M, "Three Blind Mice," 2000

Leon Ostrander, M, "Alanson B. Houghton," 1977

Matthew Patterson, M, “A Policy For Bosnia,” 2001

Mary Rabban, M, “tThe Suez Crisis,” 2005

Lauren Rice, M, “Messenger of Saigon,” 2004.

Theodore Rusesky, M, "The Media's Response to the Fall of China and Vietnam," 1977

Jeffrey Schuchman, M, "Judgment on Annexation," 1994

Andrew Schornick, M, “American Media and Castro, 1956-1959", 2002

Thomas Seiring, M, "American Occupation Policy and the Reconstitu­tion of German Labor Unions," 1983

John Stanton, M, “Kremlinology and The End of the Cold War,” 2005

Michelle Varterisian, M, “The Quest for a New International Order,” 2005

Mary Wallace, M, "Reviewing Hollywood's War," 1998

Douglas Snyder, “Dissent in Detroit,” 2006.
E. Course or Curriculum Development
105, Vietnam (305), Hollywood and the Cold War (395), Peace and Conflict (250), Canadian-American Relations (345)
B. Funded Research in Last Five Years
A. Scholarly Books Published
1. Authored
Was War Necessary:  National Security and U.S. Entry into War, Beverly

Hills, Sage, 1980. Chapter reprinted in Risjord (ed.), Insights on American History, New York, Harcourt, 1988.

Johnson, Nixon, and The Doves, New Brunswick, Rutgers, 1988.

Chapter reprinted in McMahon (ed.), Major Problems in History of Vietnam War, Lexington, Heath, 1989, and in Retrieving the Past, Pearson e-publishing

Covering Dissent: The Media and the Anti-Vietnam War Movement New Brunswick, Rutgers, 1994.

Democracy and Diplomacy: The Impact of Domestic Politics on U.S. Foreign Policy, 1789-1994, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.

The Presidency of Richard Nixon, Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, 1999.

Antiwarriors: The Vietnam War and The Battle for America’s Hearts and Minds, Wilmington, Scholarly Resources, 2002.

At The Water’s Edge, Chicago, Ivan R. Dee, 2005.

2. Co-Authored

The Wages of War, New York, Wiley, 1972.

Resort to Arms: International and Civil Wars, 1816-1980, Beverly Hills, Sage, 1982
B. Chapters Published
1. Authored
"Historians Look at Public Opinion," Small (ed.), Public Opinion and Historians (Detroit, Wayne State University, 1970), 13-32.

"Public Opinion," DeConde (ed.), Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy, III,  (New York, Scribners, 1978), 544-55.

"Does Size Make a Difference?  The Martial and Diplomatic Experie­nce Experience of Major and Other Powers, 1816-1977," in Amstrup and Faurby (eds.), Studier i Dansk Udenrigspolitik (Aarhus, Forlaget Politica, 1978), 237-59.

"The Quantification of Diplomatic History," in Lauren (ed.), Diplomacy:  New Approaches in History, Theory, and Policy (New York, Free Press, 1979), 69-96.

"Woodrow Wilson and U.S. Intervention in World War I" in Carroll and Herring (eds.), Modern American Diplomacy (Wilmington, Delaware, Scholarly Resources, 1986), 21-34.

"History and the Correlates of War Project" in Sabrosky and Gochman, (eds.), Prisoners of War (Lexington, Heath, 1990), 29-39.

"Public Opinion" in Hogan and Paterson (eds.), Explaining the History of

American Foreign Relations (New York, Cambridge University Press, 1991), 165-76.

"Some Lessons of Munich," in Appeasing Fascism, 89-98.

"Richard Nixon and the Containment of Domestic Enemies," in Anderson (ed.), Shadow on the White House: Presidents and the Vietnam War (Lawrence, Univ. of Kansas Press, 1993).

"The Politics of Foreign Policy," in Kutler, The History of the United States in the Twentieth Century. (New York, Scribners, 1995).

"Journalism and Foreign Policy," in Jentlesen and Paterson, Encyclopedia of U.S. Foreign Relations, (New York, Oxford, 1997)Vol.3.

"Ray Goulding and Alexis Lichine" in Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives, New York, 1998, 343-45, 535-37.

"Nixon's Foreign Policy After Twenty-Five Years," in Pundik (ed.), Bjol: Et. Fetskrift (Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 1999), 81-88.

“Otto Feinstein, the McCarthy Campaign in Michigan, and Campus Activism During the Cold War,” in David Anderson (ed.), The Human Tradition in the Vietnam Era (Wilmington, Scholarly Resources, 2000), 175-194. Reprinted in The Human Tradition in America (Wilmington, Scholarly Resources, 2003)

“Public Opinion,” Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy, III, (New

York, Scribners, 2002), 275-288, revised and updated.

“Overview,” of Foreign Relations section in Encyclopedia of United States in the 19th Century, (New York, Scribners, 2001), 500-03.

“Richard Nixon,” SEAL: The 60's, 2002, 141-48.

“Richard Nixon,” World Book Encyclopedia, 2003, 428-37.

“Presidential Elections and the Cold War,” Robert Schulzinger (ed.), A Companion Guide to American Foreign Relations (Boston, Blackwell, 2003), 404-21.

“Who Gave Peace a Chance?: LBJ and the Antiwar Movement,” Gardner and Gittenger, The Search For Peace in Vietnam (College Station: Texas A&M Press, 2004) 83-96.

“Patriotism and Dissent: The Vietnam Era,” Abbott (ed.), The Many Faces of Patriotism (Lanham, Rowman and Littlefield, 2007), 145-161.

  1. Co-Authored

"Alliance Aggregation and the Onset of War," Singer(ed.), Quantitative International Politics, (New York, Free Press, 1969), 247-286.  Reprinted in Beer (ed.), Alliances (New York, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1970), 13-67, and Singer, Correlates of War, 225-264, co-author.

"Conflict in the International System, 1816-1977: Historical Trends and Policy Futures," in Kegley and McGowan (eds.), Challenges to

America: United States Foreign Policy in the 1980's"

(Beverly Hills, Sage, 1979), 89-116. Reprint­ed in Singer (ed.) Explaining War (Beverly Hills, Sage, 1979),57-82.

  1. Editorships of Books/Proceedings

The Good Fight Continues (co-editor), New York, NYU Press, 2006.

Appeasing Fascism (co-editor). Lanham, Univ. Press of America, 1991.

Give Peace A Chance (co-editor), Syracuse, Syracuse University Press, 1992.

International War:  An Anthology, (co-editor), Homewood, Dorsey, 1985, second and revised edition, 1988.

Public Opinion and Historians, Detroit, W.S.U. Press, 1970.
D. Journal Articles Published
1. Refereed Journals
"Formal Alliances," Journal of Peace Research, 1(1966), 1-32, co-author.  Reprinted in Friedman et al. (eds.), Alliance in Inter­national Politics (Chicago, Allyn & Bacon, 1970), 130-64.

"The Composition and Status Ordering of the International System," World Politics, XVIII (January 1966), 236-82. co-author.

"National Alliance Commitments and War Involvement," Peace Research Society Papers (1966) 109-40.  Reprinted in Rosenau (International Politics and Foreign Policy (2nd ed., N.Y., Free Press, 1969), 513-42.  co-author.

"National Political Units in the Twentieth Century," American Political Science Review, LXII (September 1968), 932-51, co-author.

"Formal Alliances:  Extension of the Basic Data," Journal of Peace Research, 3(1969), 257-82, co-author. Reprinted in Singer and Diehl (eds.), Measuring the Correlates of War (Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1991), 159-90.

"Patterns in International Warfare 1816-1965," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, (Sept. 1970), 145-55, co-autho­r.  Reprinted in Short and Wolfgang (eds), Collective Violence, (Chicago, Aldine, 1972), 121-31, Bobbs-Merrill Reprint Series, PS-558, and in Falk and Kim (eds.), The War System (Boulder, Westview, 1980), 551-62.

"America and the German 'Threat' to the Hemisphere 1905-1914," The Americas, XXVIII, (January 1972), 252-70.

"Motion Pictures and the Study of Attitudes:  Some Problems for Historians," Film and History, II, (1972), 1-5.

"The Diplomatic Importance of States, 1816-1970," World Politics, XXV, (July 1973), 577-99, co-author.  Reprinted in Singer, Correlates of War, 199-224, and Singer and Diehl (eds.), Measuring the Correlates of War, 31-52.

"Some Suggestions from the Behavorial Sciences for Historians Interested in the Study of Attitudes," Societas, III, (Winter, 1973), 1-19.

"Buffoons and Brave Hearts:  Hollywood Portrays the Russians, 1939-1944," California Historical Quarterly, LII, 4(Winter,

1973), 326-37.

"Foreign Policy Indicators:  Predictors of War in History and in the State

of the World Messages," Policy Sciences, V (1974), 271-96, co-

author.  Reprinted in Coplin and Charles Kegley (eds.), Analyzing

International Relations, (New York, Praeger, 1975), 220-48, and

Singer (ed.), The Correlates of War, I (New York, Free Press,

1979), 290-330.

"How We Learned to Love the Russians:  American Media and the Soviet Union During World War Two," The Historian, XXXVI (May, 1974), 455-78.

"When Did the Cold War Begin?  A Test of an Alternate Indicator of Opinion," Historical Methods Newsletter, VIII(March, 1975), 61-73.

"The War-Proneness of Democratic Regimes, 1816-1965," Jerusalem Journal of International Relations I (Summer, 1976), 50-69, co-author.

"The Applicability of Quantitative International Politics to Diplomatic History," The Historian, XXVIII (February, 1976) 281-304.

"The Structure of the Debate in the Danish EC Election, 1972:  A Study of an Opinion-Policy Relationship, Journal of Common Market Studies, XV (December, 1976), 93-129, co-author.

"Hollywood and Teaching about Russian-American Relations", Film and History, X(February, 1980), 1-9.

"The Impact of the Antiwar Movement on Lyndon Johnson:  A

Preliminary Report," Peace and Change, X(Spring, 1984), 1-22.

"Public Opinion on Foreign Policy: The View from the Johnson and Nixon White Houses," Politica, XVI, 2(1984), 184-200.

"Influencing the Decision Makers:  The Vietnam Experience," Journal of Peace Research, 24, 2 (1987), 185-98, reprinted in The US and the Vietnam War: Significant Scholarly Articles, IV, (New York: Garland, 2000) pp. 1-22.

"The New York Times and the Toronto Globe View Anti-Vietnam

War Demonstrations," Peace and Change, (July, 1989) pp.324-49.

“The Election of 1968,” Diplomatic History, 28 (September, 2004),

2. Invited Review Articles
"Re-examining the Classic Cold War," Journal of Conflict Resolution, X(1966), 516-23.

"Democracy and Foreign Policy," Journal of Conflict Resolution, XII

( June 1969), 249-57.

"Historical Facts and Scientific Data in the Study of War," special issue of Kolner Zeitschrift fur Soziologie and Socialpsychologie, Sonderheft 16(December, 1972), 221-41, co-author.

"Doing Diplomatic History By the Numbers:  A Rejoinder," Journal of Conflict Resolution, XXI(March 1977), 23-34.

"Interviews as a Source for the History of American Involvement in the Vietnam War," SHAFR Newsletter, 16(March, 1985), 23-28.

"Kennedy Without Tears," Diplomatic History, 14 (Spring, 1990), 265-71.

"The New Adventures of Larry, Moe, and Curly: Oliver North's Private Enterprise," Reviews in American History, 20, June 1992, 270-75.

"The Domestic Side of Foreign Policy" OAH Magazine of History, Spring 1994, 15-20

"When Will We Ever Learn?" Peace and Change, April, 1995, 203-10. "Lessons From Nixon's Impeachment," USA Today (magazine), November, 1998, 40-43.

"The Doves Ascendant: The Antiwar Movement in 1968," South Central Review, XVI (Winter 1999-Spring 2000), 43-52.

“Evaluating Nixon’s Presidency–Without Watergate,” New England

Journal of History, 56 (Winter 1999-Spring 2000), 1-14

“A Plan to Save South Vietnam in 1975,” SHAFR NEWSLETTER

(December, 2001) 13-30.

“Will The Real Daniel Ellsberg Please Stand Up,” Diplomatic History, 27 (November, 2003), 751-56.

“Spiderman Too,” Diplomatic History, June 2006.

H. Book Reviews Published

1. Academic Journals and Newspapers
Over 300 book reviews in such publications as American Historical Review, Journal of American History, The Historian, History, Choice, International History Review, American Political Science Review, Annals, American Quarterly, Aggressive Behavior, Michigan Quarterly Review, Nyt Fra Historie, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Detroit Free Press, Detroit News, Peace and Change, Journal of American-East Asian Relations, The Volunteer, H-NET, Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Journal of Strategy and Intelligence.

L. Papers Presented

1. Invited and/or Refereed Internationally or Nationally
"National Alliance Commitments," International Peace Research Society Conference, Philadelphia, November, 1965.

"Capability Distribution and the Preservation of Peace," delivered at the American Political Science Association Convention, September 1970, Los Angeles, co-author.

"American Attitudes towards Russia during World War II." at American Historical Association Convention in New York, December, 1971.

"Opinion in the EC election" at European Consor­tium for Political Research Meeting at Strasbourg, March 19, 1974.

"The Relevance of Quantitative International Politics to Diplomatic History," at Southern Historical Association Meeting, Dallas, November, 1974.

"The Diplomatic and Martial Activities of Lesser Powers," at International Studies Association Con­ference, Toronto, February, 1976.

"History and the Correlates of War Project, Peace Science Meeting, Ann Arbor, November, 1976.

"The Quantification of Diplomatic History," at conference on New Approaches to Diplomatic History, Washing­ton, September, 1978.

"Keeping the Social Scientists Honest," American Association ofGeographers, Detroit, April 24, 1985.

"Misunderstanding or Realpolitik?" America and Germany in the Progressive Era," at the Symposium on Recur­rent Patterns in German-American Relations, Chapel Hill, N.C., September 19-21, 1986.

"Influencing the Decision Makers" at Peace Science Society Meeting, Detroit, November 10, 1986.

"The New York Times and The Toronto Globe's Views of Antiwar Protest," Canadian Historical Association meeting, Windsor, June 9, 1988.

"Johnson, Nixon, and the Doves," at SHAFR meeting, June 10 1988, Washington.

"Nixon and Containing Domestic Enemies," at SHAFR Meeting, Washington, June 20, 1991.

"Nixon, The Media, and the Movement," at the AHA Meeting, San

Francisco, January 9, 1994.

"Democracy and Diplomacy" at the SHAFR Meeting, Boulder, June 23,


Delivered paper on "The Doves Triumphant--or So It Seemed," at 1968 Revisited conference at Ohio University, April 24, 1998.

Delivered paper on "Nixon's Foreign Policy" at SHAFR Meeting,

Princeton, June 24, 1999

Delivered paper on “Who Gave Peace a Chance? LBJ and the Antiwar Movement,” at LBJ and Peace in Vietnam Conference at LBJ

Library, Austin, April 22, 2001

Delivered paper on “The Anti-Vietnam War Movement,” at the Filson

Historical Institute’s Vietnam Conference, Louisville, October

27, 2001.

Delivered paper on “Patriotism and Dissent,” at Many Faces of Patriotism

Conference, Detroit, September, 2003.

2. Invited and/or Refereed Locally or Regionally
Delivered lecture on "The History of Conflict," to Global Educati­on Conference, Detroit, June, 1978.

Delivered paper on "The Threat of Nuclear War:  A Historical Perspective," at The Threat of Nuclear War to Children and Youth Conference, Detroit, May 14, 1983.

Delivered lecture on "Was War Necessary," to W.S.U.Peace and War Conference, October 17, 1986.

Delivered lecture on Modern U.S. History, Advanced Placement Workshop, University of Northern Colorado, June 29, 1988.

Panelist, "Brundibar" Discussion, WSU, December 15, 1990.

Panelist, Just War Conference, WSU, March 27, 1991.

Talk on Richard Nixon at Central Michigan University, Feb 7, 2002.

Talk on origins of COW at Walker Conference, University of Michigan,

March 28, 2002.

Keynote, Peace and Conflict Anniversary, September 23, 2004.

Panel Discussant on U.S. election, University of Western Ontario,

October 28, 2004.

Rapporteur, Holocaust Memorial Conference, November 19, 2004.

Talk on “US Policy After 9/11,” Huntington Woods Peace Committee,

April 9, 2005.

“Domestic Politics and The Vietnam War,” Institute of Retired People, West Bloomfield, March 24, 2006

M. Invited Seminars or Lectures Presented in Last Five Years
Talk on Antiwar Movement at Albion College, April 12, 1999.

Presentation at WSU Kosovo Panel, April 14, 1999.

Talk on “the Holocaust and U. S. Foreign Policy” at Holocaust and Armenia

Conference, WSU, April 10, 2002.

Lectured on Cold War to Advanced Placement students, WSU, May 1, 2003.
N. Other Scholarly Work
"Alanson B. Houghton," Dictionary of American Biography, Supplement IV (New York, Scribner's, 1973), 365-66.

"Joseph E. Davies," Dictionary of American Biography, Supplement VI(New York, Scribner's, 1980), 146-47.

"Governeur Morris" and "XYZ Affair" in Scott and Rothaus (eds.), Historical Dictionary of French Revolution (Westport, Greenwood, 1985), pp. 683-­ 84, 1027-29.

Instructor's Manual, War Telecourse, Co-author (Homewood, Dorsey, 1985).

Discussant on panel on "The Cold War," at the Southern Historical Association Convention, Louisville, October, 1970.

Lectured at Air Force War College, Montgomery, Alabama, January, 1972.

Lectured at Diplomatic Institute, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome, Italy, September, 1972.

Lectured at Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, November 29, 1973.

Lectured at University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden, November 30, 1973.

Chairman of panel on "The Jewish Question in the USSR," at Nationalism in the USSR and Eastern Europe Conference at University of Detroit, October 4, 1975.

Chairman of panel on Media and Foreign Policy at Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Conference, Columbus, August, 1976.

Lecturer at Canadian Peace Research Institute Summer School in Peace Research, Ottawa, August 22-23, 1976.

Delivered talk on disarmament at Foreign Policy and the Humanities Conference, Detroit, May, 1978.

Participant on roundtable panel on Quantification and Diplomatic History at Social Science History Association Conference, Columbus, November, 1978.

Co-chair, Publicity Committee, Organization of American Historians Convention, Detroit, 1981.

Member, Committee on Government Operations, Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, 1981.

Discussant, President, Congress and Foreign Policy Conference, Ann Arbor, November 10-11, 1982.

Discussant on panel on "Historians and War" at Organization of American Historians, Cincinnati, 1983.

Delivered paper on "Lyndon Johnson and the Antiwar Movement," at the Historical Institute, Lund (Sweden) University, December 14, 1983.

Delivered lecture on the Antiwar Movement at Boston College, March 12, 1984.

Chaired panel on Vietnam Era Countercultures at Popular Culture Society Meeting, Toronto, March 19, 1984.

Participated on panel on Sources for Understanding the Vietnam War at Society

for Historians of American Foreign Relations Conference, Washington, D.C., August 2, 1984.

Appeared on CBS Evening News on July 16, 1985 as historian expert on International War.

Presented lecture and seminar on the antiwar movement at SUNY, Brockport, December 14, 1985.

Panelist and workshop convener at Midwest Conference for U.S. Ins­titute of Peace, Iowa City, May 29-30, 1986 Talked on "Was War Necessary" at Peace and War Conference, Detroit, October 17, 1986.

Commentator on WKAR TV in Michigan State University's series on PBS' War, September, 1986, October 1

Participated in NSF Workshop on Data Development for International Research, Chicago, October 30-November 1, 1986.

Presented lecture to History Department, University of Windsor, on WWI, on March 26, 1987.

Panelist and workshop convener at Midwest Conference for U.S. Institute

of Peace, Minneapolis, May 25-26, 1987.

Detroit area, Phi Beta Kappa lecture on Iran, June 5, 1987.

Chair and discussant on panel on Vietnam protests at SHAFR conference, Annapolis, June 27, 1987.

Speaker, Peace and Conflict Dinner, "U.S. and S.U.," December 1, 1987.

Member, Editorial Board, International Interactions, 1987-1991

Discussant on panel on US-Canadian economic relations at ACSUS conference, Montreal, October 8, 1987.

University representative to Atlantic Council Conference, June 13-14, 1988, Washington, D.C.

Co-Organizer of WSU Munich Conference, September 30, 1988.

Lecturer, Great Decisions, "Projecting US Influence," October 4, 1988, Bloomfield Township.

Delivered Lecture on Johnson, Nixon, and the Doves, to the Oakland Branch AAUW, November 28, 1988.

Delivered Lecture on Johnson, Nixon, and the Doves, to Detroit Area Phi Beta Kappa dinner, December 2, 1988.

Member, Editorial Board, The World Reacts to the Holocaust, 1988-

Public Lecture on Antiwar Movement, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, April 3, 1989.

Member, Editorial Board, Peace and Change, 1989-

University Representative to Atlantic Council, Washington, D.C., June 6, 1989.

Chair and discussant on Vietnam War Panel, SHAFR Meeting, Williamsburg, June 15, 1989.

Invited participant to NATO Discussion Series, Belgium and Holland, June 18-24, 1989.

Panelist, "Is The Cold War Over", SUNY, Brockport, January 26, 1990.

Panelist, "Lyndon Johnson's War", McLellan symposium, Ohio University, March 3, 1990.

Chair and discussant on "Presidents and Vietnam" panel at SHAFR, August 2, 1990, College Park, Maryland.

Lecture on "The Cold War is Over" at Global Youth Forum, WSU, September 25, 1990.

Lecture on "The End of the Cold War", Global Youth Forum, WSU, May 15, 1991.

Respondent, Moral Courage During the Holocaust Conference,

West Bloomfield, October 23, 1991.

Lecture on the Media and the Antiwar Movement to Military History Seminar, University of Michigan, November 1, 1991.

Chair, Karl Deutsch Panel, Peace Science Society Conference, November 17, 1991, Ann Arbor.

Chair, CPRH Panel, SHAFR Meeting, Vassar, June 20, 1992.

"The World Order Then and Now," Newsday Syndicate, April 6, 1992.

Member, Honorary Board, Swords Into Plowshares Museum, 1992.

NEH Lecturer, "Hollywood and the Russians During WWII," Rochester, NY August 9, 1992.

Chair, "International Aspects of Vietnam War," SHAFR Meeting, Annapolis, June 20, 1995.

Author Brunch, Speaker, Mt. Clemens Public Library, March 25, 1996.

Delivered talk on Atlantic Council at Humanities Council Colloquium on February 14, 1997, WSU.

Chair and discussant on panel on Minorities and the Vietnam War at OAH, San Francisco, April 18, 1997.

Chair and discussant, panel on economics and foreign policy, SHAFR,

Washington, June 23, 1997.

Discussant, antiwar movement panel, OAH, April 2, 1998.

Elected member of Board of Governors, Veterans of Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives, Brandeis, 1998--

"Richard Nixon and His Troubled Legacy," TomPaine. Common Sense (e- magazine), January 24, 2000.

Chair and discussant at SHAFR panel on Non-Governmental

Organizations and US Foreign Relations, College Park, Maryland, June 20, 1998.

Book talk at Borders, Birmingham on September 17, and Royal Oak Public Library, October 19, 1999.

"Nixon and Foreign Policy," talk, Peace and Conflict, October 21, 1999.

Roundtable on Library and Faculty Cooperation, Michigan Library Conference, Dearborn, November 3, 1999.

Guest expert on C-Span's Presidents' Series, November 19, 1999.

“News Media, War, and the Military,” in The Oxford Companion to American Military History (New York: Oxford, 1999) 497-99

“SDS,” Ibid., 697

“Vietnam War, Domestic Course,” Ibid., 763-65

Chair and Discussant on “Vietnam: Social Science and Television News at War,” at SHAFR, Toronto, June 24, 2000.

External Examiner on Senior Theses, Kenyon College, May 7, 2000.

Seminar For Vising Russians on Media and Democracy,

Wayne State, Sept. 15, 2000

Panelist, Vietnam War Conference, DPL, November 4, 2000.

Organizer and Chair of “White Flight” Conference, Cranbrook, Nov. 9, 2000

Chaired and served at discussant at session on unions and the Cold War at

NALHC at Wayne, October 19, 2001.

Milo Radulovich Panel, WSU, Nov. 29, 2001.

Rapporteur, Altruism conference, Holocaust Center, October 13, 2002.

External reviewer, UM-Dearborn History Department, 2002.

Chair and discussant on panel on the anti war movement at Peace History Society Meeting, Mt. Pleasant, May 24, 2003.

Chair and discussant on panel on Nixon’s diplomacy at SHAFR Meeting, Washington, June 7, 2003.

Member George Watt Prize Committee, Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives, 2003, 2004.

Appeared on NPR Documentary, “The President Calling,” November 9, 2003.

Chair and Discussant, Asian Nationalist Panel, NALHC, Detroit, October 16, 2004.

Appearance in film “First Amendment on Trial,” 2006

Discussant, Peace Panel, Peace History Conference, Central Michigan

University, April 26, 2004.

Reviewed article manuscripts for such publications as Journal of American History, Diplomatic History, Peace and Change, Journal of Peace Research, International Interactions, Journal of Conflict Resolution, International History Review, Sociological Forum, Armed Forces and Society, Pacific Historical Review, International Studies Quarterly, Historian, Presidential Studies Quarterly, Journal of Southern History, Political Communication.

Reviewed book manuscripts and research proposals for such institutions as NEH, Danish Social Science Council, Canadian Social Science Council, MaCarthur Foundation, University of Michigan Press, Rutgers University Press, Columbia University Press, University of California Press, University of Kentucky Press, Greenwood Press, Prentice-Hall, Sage, Brooks/Cole, St. Martin's, Nelson-Hall, John Hopkins University Press, Kent State University Press, University Press of Kansas, Cambridge University Press, Yale University Press, Worth Publishers, Princeton University Press, Syracuse University Press, Oxford University Press, WSU Press, University of North Carolina Press, Westview, McGraw-Hill, New York University Press, Children’s Press, Center on Peace and Liberty, Longman, CQ Press, University Press of New England.

Numerous television appearances on channels 2, 4, 7, 50, 56, and C-Span, radio appearances on WJR, WWJ, WXYT, WDET, CBC, WOMC, WYUR, WCXI (Rochester, NY), KUNS (Denver), University of Wisconsin Public Radio Consortium, National Public Radio, Minnesota Public Radio and WOCA (Ocala, Florida), KBOO, Portland, WAAM, Ann Arbor, Australian Broadcasting System, and interviews, and interviews or references in the Detroit Free Press, Detroit News, Oakland Press, Royal Oak Tribune, Birmingham Eccentric, Milwaukee Journal, New York Times, Newsday, Newsweek, Chronicle of Higher Education, and Science, Washington Post, USA Today, Toledo Blade,KC Star, National Journal, Heritage Newspapers , Palm Beach Post,Santa Rosa Press Democrat, Washington Times, Dayton Daily News, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, Columbus Dispatch, Atlanta Journal, Macomb Daily, Baltimore Sun,,, Raleigh News, Modesto Bee, LATimes, Tacoma News, Tri-City Herald, New Republic, Moment.

C. Committee Assignments in Last Five Years
1. University Committees Chaired

NCAA Faculty Athletic Representative, 2000-03

Bernath Lectureship Committee, 1998–
2. University Committee Membership
Member, University P and T Committee, 2000

Member, Faculty Recognition Award Committee, 2002

Member, Liberal Arts Merger Committee, 2003

Member, Law School Dean Search Committee, 2003-04

Member, Academy of Scholars Junior Scholar Committee, 2005

Member, Commencement Committee, 2005-06

4. College/Department Committee Membership
Inquiry Grant Committee, 2000

Member, search committee, Assistant Athletic Director, WSU,

August-September 2001

Member, search committee, Men’s Basketball Coach, WSU,

October, 2001.

Member, History Chair Review Committee, 2005.

Chair, Search Committee, 2005-06.

D. Positions Held in Professional Associations in Last Five Years

Chair, SHAFR Kuehl Prize Committee, 1999-2001

E. Professional Consultation

Holocaust Memorial Center, Academic Advisory Board, 1985-

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