Open: The regular meeting of the Atlanta City Council was held on Tuesday December 1, 2015 at the Atlanta Golf Course. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fred Finchum at 7: 30pm. Roll call

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Atlanta City Council

Meeting Minutes

December 15, 2015
OPEN: The regular meeting of the Atlanta City Council was held on Tuesday December 1, 2015 at the Atlanta Golf Course. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fred Finchum at 7:30pm.
ROLL CALL: Mayor Finchum, Billie Cheek, Bob Polley, Amber Finchum, Adam McVey and Matt Clemmons were present. Bill Moore was absent.

Motion by Billie Cheek second by Matt Clemmons to approve minutes as presented.

Roll Call:

Polley-yes Cheek-yes

Clemmons-yes McVey-yes

Moore-A Finchum-yes

Motion Carries.
Motion by Adam McVey second by Billie Cheek to pay all bills approved by their respective chairmen or as far as money allows.
Roll Call:

Polley-yes Cheek-yes

Clemmons-yes McVey-yes

Moore-A Finchum-yes

Motion Carries.
Randy Brooks gave a short report on the Golf Course. Still having some play due to good weather.
Paul Goodwin reported the patching was still continuing on the streets. Some work was being done in some alleys using millings secured from the State.

Alderman Cheek asked about the mud mess left by the work along the railroad. She felt the Fence Company should clean it up.

The Mayor reported on the inspection of the old Casey’s building. The building was in pretty good shape. Pictures were given to the council. Financing estimates were given to the Council for review. Several options were explained by Craig Hoarsch from the Atlanta National Bank.

The Funds available were also looked into. TIF money could easily make the payments.

Alderman Moore entered the meeting at 8:05p.m.

Motion by Adam McVey second by Amber Finchum to purchase the Casey’s building for $55,000 and financed through the Atlanta National bank in a total amount not to exceed $150,000.

Roll Call:

Polley-yes Cheek-yes

Clemmons-yes McVey-yes

Moore-yes Finchum-yes

Motion Carries.
Mayor Finchum reported on a proposal from Republic Disposal Services for pickup at the Golf Course. After some communication with Area Disposal their prices will be reduced. This will make the City’s rate more competitive.
Alderman McVey reported that he attended the Transportation meeting pertaining to the County Service. Everything was in the planning stage.
Alderman Finchum reported that she received a request to check the wiring near the furnace in the Rescue Squad area.
Alderman Polley reported on a sign that needed replaced. He also reported on a rumor of drug use at the park, this will be checked.
Motion by Matt Clemmons second by Bob Polley to adjourn.
Roll Call:

Polley-yes Cheek-yes

Clemmons-yes McVey-yes

Moore-yes Finchum-yes

Motion Carries.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm

Kenneth Martin

City Clerk

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