Papilionidae: Parnassians and Swallowtails 1 Rocky Mountain Parnassian

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PAPILIONIDAE: Parnassians and Swallowtails

____ 1 Rocky Mountain Parnassian - Parnassius smintheus sayii

____ 2 Pipevine Swallowtail - Battus philenor

____ 3 Zebra Swallowtail - Eurytides marcellus

____ 4 Black Swallowtail - Papilio polyxenes asterius

____ 5 Old World Swallowtail - Papilio machaon bairdii

____ 6 Anise Swallowtail - Papilio zelicaon nitra

____ 7 Indra Swallowtail - Papilio indra

____ 8 Giant Swallowtail - Papilio cresphontes

____ 9 Eastern Tiger Swallowtail - Papilio glaucus

____ 10 Canadian Tiger Swallowtail - Papilio canadensis

____ 11 Western Tiger Swallowtail - Papilio rutulus

____ 12 Two-tailed Swallowtail - Papilio multicaudatus

____ 13 Pale Swallowtail - Papilio eurymedon

____ 14 Spicebush Swallowtail - Papilio troilus
PIERIDAE: Whites and Sulphurs

____ 15 Pine White - Neophasia menapia

____ 16 Spring White - Pontia sisymbrii nordin

____ 17 Checkered White - Pontia protodice

____ 18 Western White - Pontia occidentalis

____ 19 Margined White - Pieris marginalis

____ 20 Mustard White - Pieris oleracea

____ 21 Cabbage White - Pieris rapae

____ 22 Great Southern White - Ascia monuste

____ 23 Large Marble - Euchloe ausonides palaeoreios

____ 24 Olympia Marble - Euchloe olympia

____ 25 Stella Orangetip - Anthocharis stella

____ 26 Clouded Sulphur - Colias philodice

____ 27 Orange Sulphur - Colias eurytheme

____ 28 Christina Sulphur - Colias christina krauthi

____ 29 Queen Alexandra’s Sulphur - Colias alexandra

____ 30 Dog Face - Zerene cesonia

____ 31 White Angled-Sulphur - Anteos clorinde

____ 32 Cloudless Sulphur - Phoebis sennae eubule

____ 33 Large Orange Sulphur - Phoebis agarithe

____ 34 Barred Yellow - Eurema daira

____ 35 Mexican Yellow - Eurema mexicanum

____ 36 Little Yellow - Eurema lisa

____ 37 Sleepy Orange - Eurema nicippe

____ 38 Dainty Sulphur - Nathalis iole
LYCAENIDAE: Harvesters, Coppers, Hairstreaks, and Blues

____ 39 Harvester - Feniseca tarquinius

____ 40 American Copper - Lycaena phlaeas americana

____ 41 Gray Copper - Lycaena dione

____ 42 Bronze Copper - Lycaena hyllus

____ 43 Ruddy Copper - Lycaena rubidus longi

____ 44 Purplish Copper - Lycaena helloides

____ 45 Coral Hairstreak - Satyrium titus

____ 46 Acadian Hairstreak - Satyrium acadicum

____ 47 Edwards’ Hairstreak - Satyrium edwardsi

LYCAENIDAE (Continued)

____ 48 Banded Hairstreak - Satyrium calanus falacer

____ 49 Striped Hairstreak - Satyrium liparops aliparops

____ 50a Olive Hairstreak - Callophrys gryneus gryneus

____ 50b Juniper Hairstreak - Callophrys gryneus siva

____ 51 Brown Elfin - Callophrys augustinus

____ 52 Hoary Elfin - Callophrys polia obscura

____ 53 Western Pine Elfin - Callophrys eryphon

____ 54 Gray Hairstreak - Strymon melinus franki

____ 55 Marine Blue - Leptotes marina

____ 56 Reakirt’s Blue - Hemiargus isola

____ 57 Eastern Tailed-Blue - Everes comyntas

____ 58 Western Tailed-Blue - Everes amyntula valeriae

____ 59 Spring Azure - Celastrina ladon sidara

____ 60 Summer Azure - Celastrina neglecta

____ 61 Rocky Mountain Dotted-Blue - Euphilotes ancilla

____ 62 Arrowhead Blue - Glaucopsyche piasus daunia

____ 63 Silvery Blue - Glaucopsyche lygdamus oro

____ 64 Melissa Blue - Lycaeides melissa

____ 65 Greenish Blue - Plebejus saepiolus amica

____ 66 Boisduval’s Blue - Icaricia icarioides pembina

____ 67 Shasta Blue - Icaricia shasta minnehaha

____ 68 Lupine Blue - Icaricia lupini

____ 69 Arctic Blue - Agriades glandon rusticus

Riodinidae: Metalmarks

____ 70 Mormon Metalmark - Apodemia mormo


____ 71 American Snout - Libytheana carinenta bachmanii

____ 72 Gulf Fritillary - Agraulis vanillae

____ 73 Variegated Fritillary - Euptoieta claudia

____ 74 Great Spangled Fritillary - Speyeria cybele

____ 75a Alcestis Fritillary - Speyeria aphrodite alcestis

____ 75b Manitoba Fritillary - Speyeria aphrodite manitoba

____ 76 Regal Fritillary - Speyeria idalia

____ 77 Edwards’ Fritillary - Speyeria edwardsii

____ 78 Coronis Fritillary - Speyeria coronis

____ 79 Zerene Fritillary - Speyeria zerene sinope

____ 80 Callippe Fritillary - Speyeria callippe calgariana

____ 81 Pahasapa Fritillary - Speyeria atlantis pahasapa

____ 82 Northwestern Fritillary - Speyeria hesperis lurana

____ 83 Dakota Fritillary - Speyeria mormonia kimimela

____ 84a Myrina Fritillary - Boloria selene myrina

____ 84b Kohler’s Fritillary - Boloria selene sabulocollis

____ 85 Meadow Fritillary - Boloria bellona

____ 86 Gorgone Checkerspot - Chlosyne gorgone carlota

____ 87 Silvery Checkerspot - Chlosyne nycteis

____ 88 Sagebrush Checkerspot - Chlosyne acastus

____ 89 Texan Crescent - Phyciodes texana

____ 90 Pearl Crescent - Phyciodes tharos

____ 91 Northern Crescent - Phyciodes cocyta

____ 92 Tawny Crescent - Phyciodes batesii

NYMPHALIDAE: (Continued)

____ 93 Field Crescent - Phyciodes pratensis camillus

____ 94 Pale Crescent - Phyciodes pallida barnesi

____ 95 Variable Checkerspot - Euphydryas chalcedona bernadetta

____ 96 Question Mark - Polygonia interrogationis

____ 97 Eastern Comma - Polygonia comma

____ 98 Satyr Comma - Polygonia satyrus

____ 99 Green Comma - Polygonia faunus hylas

____ 100 Hoary Comma - Polygonia gracilis zephyrus

____ 101 Gray Comma - Polygonia progne

____ 102 Compton Tortoiseshell - Nymphalis vaualbum j-album

____ 103 California Tortoiseshell - Nymphalis californica

____ 104 Mourning Cloak - Nymphalis antiopa

____ 105 Milbert’s Tortoiseshell - Nymphalis milberti

____ 106 Red Admiral - Vanessa atalanta rubria

____ 107 American Lady - Vanessa virginiensis

____ 108 Painted Lady - Vanessa cardui

____ 109 West Coast Lady - Vanessa annabella

____ 110 Common Buckeye - Junonia coenia

____ 111a White Admiral - Limenitis arthemis arthemis

____ 111b Red-spotted Purple - Limenitis arthemis astyanax

____ 112 Viceroy - Limenitis archippus

____ 113 Weidemeyer’s Admiral - Limenitis weidemeyerii oberfoell

____ 114 Common Mestra - Mestra amymone

____ 115 Goatweed Butterfly - Anaea andria

____ 116a Hackberry Emperor - Asterocampa celtis celtis

____ 116b Mountain Emperor - Asterocampa celtis antonia

____ 117 Tawny Emperor - Asterocampa clyton

____ 118 Northern Pearly-Eye - Enodia anthedon

____ 119 Eyed Brown - Satyrodes eurydice

____ 120 Little Wood-Satyr - Megisto cymela

____ 121a Prairie Ringlet - Coenonympha tullia benjamin

____ 121b Ochre Ringlet - Coenonympha tullia ochracea

____ 122 Common Wood-Nymph - Cercyonis pegala nephele

____ 123 Mead’s Wood-Nymph - Cercyonis meadii

____ 124 Dark Wood-Nymph - Cercyonis oetus charon

____ 125 Ridings’ Satyr - Neominois ridingsii

____ 126 Uhler’s Arctic - Oeneis uhleri varuna

____ 127 Monarch - Danaus plexippus

____ 128 Silver-spotted Skipper - Epargyreus clarus

____ 129 Northern Cloudywing - Thorybes pylades

____ 130 Hayhurst’s Scallopwing - Staphylus hayhurstii

____ 131 Dreamy Duskywing - Erynnis icelus

____ 132 Sleepy Duskywing - Erynnis brizo

____ 133 Juvenal’s Duskywing - Erynnis juvenalis

____ 134 Horace’s Duskywing - Erynnis horatius

____ 135 Mottled Duskywing - Erynnis martialis

____ 136 Afranius Duskywing - Erynnis afranius

____ 137 Persius Duskywing - Erynnis persius fredericki

____ 138 Small Checkered Skipper - Pyrgus scriptura
HESPERIIDAE: (Continued)

____ 139 Common Checkered Skipper - Pyrgus communis

____ 140 Common Sootywing - Pholisora catullus

____ 141 Least Skipper - Ancyloxypha numitor

____ 142 Poweshiek Skipperling - Oarisma poweshiek

____ 143 Garita Skipperling - Oarisma garita

____ 144 Orange Skipperling - Copaeodes aurantiaca

____ 145 Fiery Skipper - Hylephila phyleus

____ 146 Uncas Skipper - Hesperia uncas

____ 147 Juba Skipper - Hesperia juba

____ 148 Plains Skipper - Hesperia assiniboia

____ 149 Western Branded Skipper - Hesperia colorado idaho

____ 150 Ottoe Skipper - Hesperia ottoe

____ 151 Leonard’s Skipper - Hesperia leonardus pawnee

____ 152 Pahaska Skipper - Hesperia pahaska

____ 153 Dakota Skipper - Hesperia dacotae

____ 154 Nevada Skipper - Hesperia nevada

____ 155 Sachem - Atalopedes campestris

____ 156 Rhesus Skipper - Polites rhesus

____ 157 Peck’s Skipper - Polites peckius

____ 158 Tawny-edged Skipper - Polites themistocles

____ 159 Crossline Skipper - Polites origenes rhena

____ 160 Long Dash - Polites mystic dacotah

____ 161 Northern Broken Dash - Wallengrenia egeremet

____ 162 Little Glassywing - Pompeius verna

____ 163 Arogos Skipper - Atrytone arogos iowa

____ 164 Delaware Skipper - Anatrytone logan lagus

____ 165 Woodland Skipper - Ochlodes sylvanoides napa

____ 166 Mulberry Wing - Poanes massasoit

____ 167 Hobomok Skipper - Poanes hobomok

____ 168 Zabulon Skipper - Poanes zabulon

____ 169 Taxiles Skipper - Poanes taxiles

____ 170 Broad-winged Skipper - Poanes viator

____ 171 Dion Skipper - Euphyes dion

____ 172 Two-spotted Skipper - Euphyes bimacula illinois

____ 173a Eastern Dun Skipper - Euphyes vestris metacomet

____ 173b Kiowa Skipper - Euphyes vestris kiowah

____ 174 Dusted Skipper - Atrytonopsis hianna

____ 175 Simius Roadside Skipper - Amblyscirtes simius

____ 176 Oslar’s Roadside Skipper - Amblyscirtes oslari

____ 177 Common Roadside Skipper - Amblyscirtes vialis

____ 178 Eufala Skipper - Lerodea eufala

____ 179 Strecker’s Giant Skipper - Megathymus streckeri leussleri

COUNTY: _________________________________________
LOCALITY: _______________________________________
DATE: ____________________________________________
OBSERVERS: _____________________________________
NOTES: ___________________________________________

Compiled by
Gary M. Marrone

email –
Revised November 2011

Common and scientific names generally follow the North American Butterfly Association’s list and P. A. Opler and A. B. Wright’s 1999 Field Guide to Western Butterflies in the Peterson Field Guide Series.
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