Italian Edexcel
This course offers you the opportunity to improve your language skills whilst gaining an understanding of the contemporary society, cultural background and heritage of Italy. You will learn to speak and write at length in Italian about all aspects of society and culture in Italy. Enthusiasm and a commitment to learning are essential to language acquisition at this level. You should expect to engage in whole class discussion, small group work and pair work.
AS Level
The course will move you on from GCSE covering the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. You will also gain a greater knowledge of grammatical structures and so develop accuracy in the language. Teaching is based on a thematic approach and the language is taught through a variety of contemporary issues, using a range of authentic resources.
A2 Level
The course will enable you to develop your language skills further whilst continuing to enhance your knowledge of the target language, country and culture. You will use the language to present viewpoints, develop, analyse and evaluate arguments both when speaking and writing. You will study aspects of the contemporary society and culture of Italy.
The practical, applied approach to the study of Italian at this level means that it is useful to students of the arts and sciences alike. The course will enable you to progress on to further study of languages, whilst being equally rewarding for those not intending to pursue the subject beyond A Level.
‘Ab Initio’ AQA
If you are a good linguist you can choose to begin the language from scratch in the first year as one of your advanced level choices. You will take a GCSE examination at the end of the first year. However, you will have been taught to a level substantiallyabove the requirements of GCSE and will be prepared for taking AS/A2 at the end of the second year.
Standard entry requirements plus Grade B in GCSE Italian for AS/A2. Students with a Grade B in Italian at GCSE will be supported in their first term by an extra grammar support session. For ‘ab initio’ you need to have gained an A*/A at GCSE in one or more foreign languages.
Latin OCR
The course at both AS and A2 comprises a mixture of language work and a study of two set texts, one prose and one verse.
AS Level
Latin Language
This unit builds up your fluency in Latin, introducing you to more complex sentence constructions and a wider range of vocabulary. The exam then asks you first to translate into stylish English a piece of Latin prose from a well-known Roman author (similar to the unseen at GCSE, only a bit harder); then a choice – either another, shorter unseen, taken from Cicero, or to translate five sentences from English into good, idiomatic Latin.
Latin Verse and Prose Literature
In this unit you will build on your knowledge of Latin literature, studying about 225 lines or so of one Roman poet and about the same of one Roman prose author. You will be expected to show your understanding of these works in a selection of translation and comprehension questions, including a short essay.
The set texts for AS level comprise a selection from Ovid’s Metamorphoses – the story of how Pentheus’ resentment of the god Dionysus led to a spectacular row with his mother; and part of Cicero’s speech supporting the appointment of Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (aka Pompey) as Rome’s leading general.
A2 Level
Latin Verse
This unit is made up of two sections. For one, you will study 300 lines or so of a Roman poet. The texts for A2 level are still to be confirmed, but it is most likely that you will study part of Virgil’s Aeneid, the Roman’s national epic and the enduring masterpiece of the Latin language. In the exam you will be asked to write a commentary on a passage of about 25 lines from the prescribed lines and an essay on some wider aspects of the story. For the other section, you will be asked a series of translation and comprehension questions based on an unseen passage most likely to be taken from Ovid.
Latin Prose
This unit is very similar to the verse paper, only the texts are taken from Latin prose. Again, the texts A2 level are still to be confirmed. By way of indication, our students are currently studying part of Tacitus' account of the reign of the flamboyant Nero, whilst their unseen passage will be taken from Livy.
Students taking Latin at AS, but not wishing to continue and take it at A2, can join the A2 Classical Civilisation course and study for a full A Level called ‘Classics’.
Standard entry requirements, plus at least Grade B in Latin GCSE.
Find out how our legal system works and learn about two major branches of Law - contract and crime. Increase your analytical ability and develop the unique problem-solving skills of a lawyer in applying legal rules to real-life scenarios.
By studying Law you will discover whether you would enjoy the subject at university and you will gain a head-start in two of the seven foundation subjects which make up a law degree. A Level Law was first established in the College in 2001 and many of our former students are now qualified barristers and solicitors, or have entered related careers in the police force, civil service and business.
AS Level
Law Making and the Legal System
How the law is made and the way that both civil and criminal courts operate, including trial by jury.
The Concept of Liability
The basic principles of contract law and criminal law, including sentencing of offenders.
A2 Level
This provides the exciting opportunity to study criminal law in depth. You will build on the skills developed at AS level and relate your legal knowledge to contemporary issues of justice and morality.
Criminal Law - offences against the person
Fatal and non-fatal offences against the person, including murder, manslaughter and GBH, as well as defences such as insanity andself-defence.
Offences against property and concepts of law
Property offences including theft, robbery, burglary, blackmail andcriminal damage.
All AS and A2 units are assessed by examination.
Standard entry requirements, plus we strongly advise a Grade B in GCSE English due to the need for advanced essay writing skills. We will however, accept students with C grades in English and another essay-based subject.
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