Pme-na 2017 conference proceedings guidelines

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The following are guidelines for manuscripts accepted for publication in the PME-NA Conference Proceedings for 2017. Please follow these guidelines carefully to facilitate the efficient and timely production of the Proceedings. [A Microsoft styles template file can be downloaded from the conference website.]

Note that final manuscripts (submitted in May) must be in English. Proposals may be in Spanish, French, or English. Proposals submitted in Spanish or French need to include a title and an abstract in English as well. Authors of accepted proposals in Spanish or French are responsible for translating them into English and submitting English versions before the final paper deadline of May 31, 2017. These proposals will be published in two languages (English and Spanish/French) in the proceedings.

Session Type

Page Limits

Abstract Limit

Proposal Due Date

Final Paper Due Date

Research Report

8 pages

10 lines

January 25, 2017

May 31, 2017

Brief Research Report

4 pages

10 lines

January 25, 2017

May 31, 2017


1 page

No Abstract

February 22, 2017

May 31, 2017

Working Group

10 pages

15 lines

February 22, 2017

May 31, 2017

Note: The page limits include all figures, tables and references, and the deadlines are firm.
Note: Because proposals were blind when initially submitted to the proposal system, be certain that the final manuscript includes the author(s), author institution(s), funding sources, or other identifying information that was previously deleted from the paper. If a reference was deleted from the reference list, please be sure to include it. If citations in the body of the paper were replaced with “Author,” please insert the correct APA citation for that source. Please be sure the paper meets the page limits with all the author or identifying information included.
The maximum 15-word title of the paper is centered, all uppercase, bold, Times New Roman 12-point font, followed by a single (12-point) blank line [use Title of Paper PMENA style]:

Author, institution, and email are set on three lines, centered, single-spaced, as follows [use Author PMENA style for single author; Normal PMENA style for multiple authors]. If a presentation has multiple authors, underline the presenting author(s) names. Note that the presenting author(s) of accepted proposals must register by the speakers’ deadline of August 1, 2017 to remain on the program.

Angela M. Garcia

University of Arizona
OR (for 2 or 4 authors —for 4 authors use format below twice)
Author1 Presenting Author(s) Underlined

Affiliation1 Affiliation2

Email1 Email2
OR (for 3 or 6 authors — for 6 authors use format below twice)

Francis Hill Susanna M. Roy Maria S. Sanchez

Western Michigan University University of Toronto Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa

The abstract follows the author information and should not exceed 10 lines (no abstract for Poster Proposals, 15 lines for Working Groups). It is preceded and followed by a single (12-point) blank line, but it is not indented. The abstract should be in italics [use Abstract PMENA style]. (A separate 100-word description for the conference program will be requested as part of the submission process, but is not part of the paper. Many people read the descriptions and abstracts to decide whether to attend a presentation, so make sure that both succinctly capture the essence of your paper.)
The abstract should be followed by at least one and at most four key words from the keyword list appended to this document, as follows:
Keywords: Curriculum, Secondary Mathematics, Teacher Knowledge [use Normal PMENA style]
All text in the body of the paper should be Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1-inch margins, and single-spaced [use Normal PMENA style]. You should use the ruler tool to indent the first line of each paragraph ¼ inch. Do not use the space bar or tab key to indent. To use the ruler bar, grab the top triangle at the left edge of the ruler and drag it to the ¼ inch mark. There should be no blank lines between paragraphs. Do not use headers, footers, or page numbers.


All headings in the paper should be bold, Times New Roman 12-point font. Please limit your headings to the following three levels:

First Level Heading

Text begins here.

Second Level Heading

Text begins here.

Third level heading. Text begins here.
First Level Headings [use First Level Heading PMENA style] should be centered, bold font, with only the first letter of each word capitalized. Each First Level Heading should be preceded by a single (12-point) blank line, but should not be followed by a blank line. Indent the first line of text ¼ inch after a First Level Heading.

Second Level Headings [use Second Level Heading PMENA] should be left justified, bold, with only the first letter of each word capitalized. Second Level Headings are neither preceded nor followed by a blank line. Indent the first line of text ¼ inch after a Second Level Heading.

Third Level Headings [use Normal PMENA style and bold the heading and period] should be indented ¼ inch, bold, and followed by a period. Only the first letter of the first word of the heading title should be capitalized. Begin typing the text immediately after the period at the end of the heading.


A quote longer than 40 words should be formatted as a “block quote”—as this paragraph is formatted [use Block Quote PMENA style]. Begin the quote on a new line and indent the entire quote ¼ inch on the left. To do so on the ruler bar, grab both the top and bottom triangles on the ruler bar and drag them to the ¼ inch mark. No quotation marks are used, the period goes at the end of the quote, and the reference (author, year, page number) goes at the end of the quote with no period after it.

Insert a blank line before and/or after the block quote if needed to distinguish it from other text (as in this example). Indent the sentence following the block quote only if it begins a new paragraph.


Transcripts should begin on a new line, with the first line indented ¼ inch (drag the upper triangle to the ¼-inch mark) [use Transcript PMENA style]. Indent subsequent lines using a hanging indent set at ½ inch (drag the lower triangle to the ½-inch mark). Italicize the speaker’s name on the first line, followed by a colon, as shown below.

Teacher: So what’s the fraction name for that? What do we call this in fraction words?

Student: One-fourth.

Teacher: Yes, one-fourth. Okay. The bottom number tells how many pieces in the whole, right? How many pieces in this whole?
Insert a blank line before and/or after the transcript if needed to distinguish it from other text (as in this example). Indent the sentence following the transcript only if it begins a new paragraph.

In a paragraph or sentence, identify elements in a series by lowercase letters in parentheses: (a) the first item in the series, (b) the second item, and (c) the third item. Use semicolons instead of commas if the series elements contain commas. If the listed items are separate paragraphs, use Arabic numerals followed by a period or bullets. Use the automated numbering or bullets in Microsoft Word, which will provide the appropriate indentation of each line [use Normal PMENA style].

  1. The first enumerated paragraph should be presented in this manner.

  2. The second paragraph …

  3. The third paragraph …

Tables and Figures

All tables and figures should be placed in the document as appropriate, with a blank line both preceding and following the table or figure. If necessary, resize large tables or graphics to fit within the 1-inch margins and to keep your document within the number of pages allowed. Create tables using the Table feature of Microsoft Word (Tables are those graphics consisting of rows and columns; all other graphics should be designated as Figures). Use the First Level Heading PMENA for both table and figure titles, placing the table title above the table, and the figure title below the figure or graphic. Examples follow.

Table 1: Conference Deadlines

Proposals Due

Final Papers Due

Research & Brief Research Reports

January 25, 2017

May 31, 2017

Posters & Working Groups

February 22, 2017

May 31, 2017

Figure 1: PME-NA 2017 Banner


Endnotes should be used only in extreme cases. Use the endnote function of Microsoft Word; do not use the footnote function. The heading for endnotes should be treated as a First Level Heading. Indent the first line of each endnote ¼ inch; use Times New Roman, 12-point font, single-spaced. Do not put a blank line between endnotes.


Any necessary acknowledgments should immediately precede the References. The heading should be treated as a First Level Heading. Do not put blank lines between multiple acknowledgments.


References should be Times New Roman, 10-point font, single-spaced, with ¼-inch hanging indent—as this paragraph is formatted [use Reference PMENA style]. To set up a hanging indent using the ruler bar, grab the bottom triangle at the left edge of the ruler and drag it to the ¼ inch mark. Do not use the return key, space bar, or tab key to create a hanging indent. There should be no blank lines between references. All references should follow APA format; a variety of sample references are illustrated below. Note that titles of books are journals should be italicized, not underlined. There should be no underlined text in the manuscript.

Aguirre, J.M., Mayfield-Ingram, & Martin, D.B. (2013) The Impact of Identity in K-8 Mathematics: Rethinking Equity-based Practices. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Baker, B., Cooley, L., & Trigueros, M. (2000). A calculus graphing schema. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 557-578.

Bos, B. (2011). Professional development for elementary teachers using TPACK. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 11(2). Retrieved from

Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI). (2010). Common core state standards for mathematics. Retrieved from

Crespo, S. (2003). Learning to pose mathematical problems: Exploring changes in preservice teachers' practices. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 52(3), 243-270.

Herbst, P., & Chazan, D. (2006). Producing a viable story of geometry instruction: What kind of representation calls forth teachers’ practical rationality? In S. Alatorre, J. L. Cortina, M. Sáiz, & A. Méndez. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 28th North American Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education Conference (Vol. 2, pp. 213-220). Mérida, México: UPN.

Lunney Borden, L. and Wagner, D. (2006). Mawikinutimatimk: Creating space for Indigenous mathematical knowledge. In S. Alatorre, J.L. Cortina, M. Sáiz, & A. Méndez, (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. [CD-ROM]. Mérida, Mexico: Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2000). Principles and standards for school mathematics. Reston, VA: Author.

Rasmussen, C., & Ellis, J. (2015). Calculus coordination at PhD-granting universities: More than just using the same syllabus, textbook, and final exam. In D. Bressoud, V. Mesa, & C. Rasmussen (Eds.). Making the connection: Research and teaching in undergraduate mathematics education (pp. 107-115). Washington, DC: The Mathematical Association of America.

List of Keywords/ Palabras Clave

PME-NA 2017



Advanced Mathematical Thinking

Pensamiento Matemático Avanzado

Affect, Emotion, Beliefs, and Attitudes

Afecto, Emoción, Creencias, y Actitudes

Algebra and Algebraic Thinking

Álgebra y Pensamiento Algebraico

Assessment and Evaluation

Valoración y Evaluación

Classroom Discourse

Discurso del Aula





Curriculum Analysis

Análisis del Currículo

Data Analysis and Statistics

Análisis de Datos y Estadística

Design Experiments

Diseño de Experimentos

Early Childhood Education

Educación Infantil Inicial

Elementary School Education

Educación Primaria

Equity and Diversity

Equidad y Diversidad


Estudios de Género

Geometry and Geometrical and Spatial Thinking

Geometría y Pensamiento Geométrico y Espacial

High School Education

Educación Media Superior, Bachillerato, Preparatoria

Informal Education

Educación Informal

Instructional activities and practices

Actividades y Prácticas De Enseñanza

Learning Theory

Teorías del Aprendizaje

Learning Trajectories (or Progressions)

Trayectorias de Aprendizaje (O Progresiones)

Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching

Conocimiento Matemático para la Enseñanza





Middle School Education

Educación Secundaria



Number Concepts and Operations

Conceptos de Números y Operaciones

Policy Matters

Política de la Educación

Post-Secondary Education

Educación Post-Secundaria

Pre-School Education

Educación Preescolar



Problem Solving

Resolución de Problemas

Rational Numbers

Números Racionales

Reasoning and Proof

Razonamiento y Demostraciones

Research Methods

Metodologías de Investigación

Standards (broadly defined)

Estándares (En Sentido Amplio)

Teacher Beliefs

Creencias de los Maestros

Teacher Education-Inservice/Professional Development

Capacitación Docente / Desarrollo Profesional

Teacher Education-Preservice

Preparación de Maestros en Formación

Teacher Knowledge

Conocimiento del Profesor



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