Professional experience aug. 2012 – Assistant Professor of the Practice, Department of Biology

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Georgetown University, Department of Biology, 37th Street and O Street, NW Washington DC, Regents Hall 355  Voice: 202 687-9143 


Aug. 2012 – Assistant Professor of the Practice, Department of Biology

Present Georgetown University, Washington DC


Jan. 2006- Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Ophthalmology

Aug. 2012 University of California, San Francisco

Advisor: Erik M. Ullian Ph.D

Project 1: Investigating the molecular players that underlie eye specific segregation in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus within the mouse visual system.
Project 2: Determining whether compartmentalized Neuro-degeneration occurs in a novel mouse model of glaucoma.
Project 3: Deciphering the astroglial signals that mediate synapse formation and function in vivo and in vitro in retinal ganglion neurons.
Project 4: Examining the role of Dicer, an RNAse III enzyme, in cortical and hippocampal development within the early postnatal murine central nervous system.

1999-2005 Ph.D., Department of Pharmacology

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Advisor: Lori L. Isom Ph.D

Thesis: “Involvement of Sodium Channel 1 subunits in neurite outgrowth and CNS Development.” Demonstrated that sodium channel 1, but not 2 subunits produce significant increases in neurite outgrowth in cerebellar granule neurons from postnatal day 12-14. Furthermore, this work established that Fyn tyrosine kinase is instrumental in 1-mediated outgrowth and that this process occurs in lipid rafts.

    1. Bachelor of Science, Biology

Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia

Cum Laude


May. 1999- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Nov. 2000 Graduate Student, Department of Pharmacology

Modulation of neuronal sodium channels by the extracellular matrix molecule Tenascin-R.

Aug. 1998- Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA

May. 1999 Research Assistant, Department of Neuroscience

Worked in the lab of Dr. Timothy Moore on Nitric Oxide Synthase in the Hamster Central Nervous System; examination of nNOS labeling differences in Syrian hamsters subjected to dominant/subordinate paradigm.

June. 1998- Duke University, Durham, NC

Aug. 1998 Research Assistant, Department of Neuroscience

Worked in the lab of Dr. Darryl Lewis on a preliminary study on the effect of -opioid agonists on IPSC’s of Interneurons and Pyramidal Neurons in the CA1 hippocampus.


July 2013 Georgetown University, Georgetown College

Biology 105 – Foundations in Biology, Course Director

Biology 105 – Foundations in Biology Lab

July 2013 Georgetown University, Georgetown College

Academic Director, Fundamentals of Neuroscience

Aug. 2012 Georgetown University, Georgetown College

Dec. 2012 Biology 103 – Foundations in Biology Laboratory

Biology 175 – Mammalian Physiology laboratory
Jan. 2013 Georgetown University, Georgetown College

May 2013 Biology 151 – Biological Chemistry Laboratory

Biology 170 – Developmental and Cell Biology Laboratory

Biology 380 – Sensory Neuroscience

Sept 2009 - San Francisco State University

Dec. 2009 Biology 344/844 –Research Skills, Lecturer (Co-course director)

Instructed undergraduate and early masters level students on the fundamentals necessary for success in academic research. Topics included, “Ethics in Research”, ”Data Management,” “Giving an Effective Oral and Poster Presentation”, “Networking as a Scientist”, “Time Management”, and “Critically Reading Journal Articles.”

Jan. 2009- San Francisco State University

May 2009 Biology 713 – Clinical Toxicology, Principles and Practices, Lecturer (Course Director). Served as the instructor of record for Masters level students. Lectured on the toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics of poisons, xenobiotics, licit and illicit drugs, utilizing a combination of primary and secondary literature. Emphasis was placed on understanding the adverse effects of compounds on human physiology at the organ and molecular levels.

March 2009 San Francisco State University

Biology 330 – Health Equity Disparities, Guest Lecturer

Lectured focused on the intersection between environmental factors and cancer health disparities between race and class in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.

Sept 2008 - San Francisco State University

Dec. 2008 Biology 395 – Skills for Undergraduate Research, Co - Instructor

Instructed undergraduate and early masters level students on the fundamentals necessary for success in academic research. Topics included, gathering and communicating scientific information, developing a research project, and techniques for career advancement in science.
Jan. 2002- The University of Michigan

May 2002 Pharmacology 661 – Dental Pharmacology, Teaching Assistant

Primary responsibilities included holding tutorial sessions to reinforce lectures

as well as writing exam questions and administering exams.


2006-Pres. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

2001-Pres. Society for Neuroscience

1999 Member of Beta Kappa Chi Scientific Honor Society


May. 2011 Knights Templar Eye Foundation Grant Recipient

Received a grant for the work entitled “Exploring the Role of Cadherin-Catenin

Signaling pathway proteins in Usher Syndrome.”

Mar. 2011 Finalist, UCSF “Idea to Ipo” Business Plan Competition

Lead a team of scientists in the development of a business plan including construction of the executive summary, competitor analysis, product development plan, marketing strategy. Presented to multiple venture capital firms with nearly 10 billion in managed assets.

May. 2008- Institutional Research And Career Development Award (IRACDA) fellowship

April 2011 recipient at The University of California, San Francisco. Received a fellowship designed to develop teaching skills and promote linkages between research-intensive institutions and Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) that will lead to further collaborations in research and teaching.

Apr. 2008 Featured article in the “Neurobiology of Disease” section - The Journal of Neuroscience. Publication entitled “Conditional loss of Dicer disrupts cellular and tissue morphogenesis in the cortex and hippocampus” was selected as a featured article in the “Neurobiology of Disease” section of The Journal of Neuroscience.
Mar. 2008 Featured article in the “Cellular and molecular” section - The Journal of Neuroscience. Publication entitled “Voltage-gated Na+ channel 1 subunit-mediated neurite outgrowth requires Fyn kinase and contributes to postnatal CNS development in vivo.” was selected as the featured article in the “Cellular and molecular” section of The Journal of Neuroscience.
Dec. 2004 Featured article in the “Science STKE” - Science Magazine

Publication entitled “Sodium Channel 1 subunits promote neurite outgrowth in cerebellar granule neurons” was highlighted as a featured article in Science Signaling STKE

2002-2005 National Research Service Award 1 F31 NS43062-01

Received a NRSA for a grant proposal entitled “Investigation of a sodium channel signaling complex “. Funded: February 2002 - February 2005

2001 “Physiological approaches in ion channel biology”; three-week short course;

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Attended a highly selective, hands on short course in ion channel biology where scientists learn the theory/skills and techniques of electrophysiology in three weeks.
2001 Scholarship recipient; “Physiological Approaches in ion channel biology”

Received funding to attend a short course in ion channel biology.

2001 Scholarship recipient; Keystone Symposia: “Cell Migration and Invasion”

Received funding to attend a conference on cell migration and invasion biology.

2000-2001 Pharmacological Sciences Training Program Fellowship Recipient, University of Michigan Department of Pharmacology. Received funding to study the modulation of neuronal sodium channels by the extracellular matrix molecule Tenascin-R.

    1. Rackham Merit Fellowship, University of Michigan

1999 Beta Kappa Chi scientific honor society

  1. MARC U*STAR Scholar

    1. Ronald E. McNair Scholar

1995-1999 Morehouse College Academic Scholarship

1995 United Negro College Fund scholarship


Peer-reviewed publications

Davis TH, Dela Cruz, Ullian EM. Loss of b-catenin leads to defects in refinement of ipsilaterally projecting RGCs in the dLGN. In preparation for PLOS one, September 2013.
Chen C, Calhoun JD, Zhang Y, Lopez-Santiago L, Zhou N, Davis TH, Salzer JL, Isom LL.“Identification of the cysteine residue responsible for disulfide linkage of Na+ channel α and β2 subunits.” J Biol Chem. 2012 Nov 9;287(46):39061-9.
Davis TH, Cuellar TL, Koch SM, Barker AJ, Harfe BD, McManus MT, Ullian EM. “Conditional loss of Dicer disrupts cellular and tissue morphogenesis in the cortex and hippocampus.” J. Neurosci. 2008 APR 23;28(17):4322-30
Cuellar TL, Davis TH, Nelson PT, Loeb GB, Harfe BD, Ullian EM, and McManus MT. “Dicer loss in striatal neurons produces behavioral and neuroanatomical phenotypes in the absence of neurodegeneration.” PNAS 2008 April 8; (14): 5614-5619
Brackenbury W.J, Davis TH, Chen C, Slat EA., Detrow M.J, Dickendesher T.L,

Ranscht B, Isom LL. “Voltage-gated Na+ channel 1 subunit-mediated neurite outgrowth requires Fyn kinase and contributes to postnatal CNS development in vivo”. J Neurosci. 2008 Mar 19;28(12):3246-56

Davis TH, Chen C, Isom L.L. “Sodium Channel 1 subunits promote neurite outgrowth in cerebellar granule neurons.” J Biol Chem. 2004 Dec 3;279 (49) 51424-51432


Davis T.H, Dela Cruz, Ullian EM. Loss of b-catenin leads to defects in refinement of ipsilaterally projecting RGCs in the dLGN. Society for Neuroscience, November 2011
Davis T.H, Ullian EM. Hepatocyte Growth Factor, an astrocyte derived factor important in AMPA receptor insertion during synaptogenesis. IRACDA Conference, June 2009

Davis T, Cuellar T, Koch S, Barker A., Huberman A., Harfe B., McManus M., Ullian E: Investigation of the role of Dicer and microRNAs in the mammalian Central Nervous System. Society for Neuroscience, November 2007

Davis TH, Cuellar TL, McManus MT, Ullian EM: The RNAse III enzyme, Dicer and microRNAs affect hippocampal morphology, dendritic branching and spine morphology. Gordon Research Conference: Neural Development, August 2006
Davis TH, Isom LL: The Sodium Channel 1 subunit promotes neurite outgrowth in acutely dissociated cerebellar granule cells. Society for Neuroscience, November 2003
Davis TH, Isom LL: Putative cysteine residues responsible for the disulfide linkage of the sodium channel  subunits to the 2 subunit. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, November 2002

Davis T. H, Loss of b-catenin leads to defects in refinement of ipsilaterally projecting RGCs in the dLGN. Department of Biology, San Francisco State University, March 2012.
Davis T .H., MicroRNAs in the developing brain. “Bridges to Baccalaureate” Science seminar series, Skyline College, San Bruno, CA, November, 2008.
Davis T.H., Isom L.L “ The sodium channel 1 subunit promotes neurite outgrowth in acutely dissociated cerebellar granule neurons. 24th Annual Pharmacological Sciences Training Program Symposium, March 2004.
Davis T.H., Isom L.L “ The sodium channel 1 subunit promotes neurite outgrowth in acutely dissociated cerebellar granule neurons. Society for Neuroscience November 2003.
Davis T.H., Isom L.L “ The sodium channel 1 subunit promotes neurite outgrowth in acutely dissociated cerebellar granule neurons. 31st Annual

Midwest Colloquium, University of Michigan, February 2003 .

2010-Pres. Building Diversity in Science, Advisory Board and Mentor

Helped select BDIS cohort that included students from junior college to seniors in undergraduate. Met with students approximately every 1.5 months to discuss issues relevant to their academic and career development including but not limited to the culture of science, practical issues in science, how to read and interpret research articles, how to apply to graduate school, networking in science and obtaining summer opportunities.

2007-2008 UCSF High School Outreach Conference, Presenter and Facilitator

Presented and performed laboratory demonstrations for San Francisco Bay area high school students interested in science.

2003-2004 Representative Department of Pharmacology, Graduate Student Forum, University of Michigan. Acted as the spokesperson for the Department of Pharmacology when input was required from the academic dean(s).
2000-2002 Mentor/Educator, King Chavez Parks Program, University of Michigan

Presented and performed laboratory demonstrations for Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti area middle and high school students interested in science.

2001-2002 President, University of Michigan Association of Multicultural Scientists (AMS)

Orchestrated and facilitated events to provide support, retention and enable the success of graduate students in the biomedical sciences at The University of Michigan. Interfaced with key officials to ensure funding was available for events.

2000-2001 Mentor, Michigan Mentorship Program, University of Michigan

Presented and performed laboratory demonstrations for Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti

area middle and high school students interested in science.
1999-2003 Mentor/Educator, Health Occupations Partners in Education (HOPE), University of Michigan. Presented and performed laboratory demonstrations for Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti area middle and high school students interested in science.

1999-2003 Mentor/Educator, Science Unlimited Program, University of Michigan

Presented and performed laboratory demonstrations for Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti area middle and high school students interested in science.

2008-Pres. Board of Trustees, Bethel A.M.E of San Francisco

Elected and empowered by members to make decisions/vote on their behalf in matters regarding the church including but not limited to: maintenance and upgrading of the physical plant, insurance and contracts etc.

2009-Pres. Advisory Board, Bethel A.M.E San Francisco, Fisher-Graves Scholarship Committee. Helped select graduating seniors that would receive the Fisher-Graves Memorial Scholarship.
Feb. 2003 31st Annual Midwest Colloquium, University of Michigan – The Midwest Colloquium is a biennial pharmacology research conference that rotates between four sites: The University of Michigan, Michigan State University, Medical College of Ohio and Wayne State University. The conference consists of podium talks and poster presentations with participants ranging from graduate students, to tenured faculty from the aforementioned institutions.
University of Michigan
2002 -2004 Dr. Robert Knapp- Currently, Resident in Anesthesiology, Loyola University

Medical Center. I mentored Robert while he was an undergraduate at The University of Michigan.

University of California San Francisco
2011-Pres. Eric Kung – Currently, Undergraduate student, University of California, Riverside. I mentored Eric while he was a summer student in the SRTP program at UCSF. I guided/mentored Eric in the Characterization of the Visual Pathway in CDH3-GFP mice.
2009-Pres. Katrina Morales – Currently, Undergraduate student, University of California, Los Angeles. I mentored Katrina while she was a summer student at UCSF. As a summer student, I taught her multiple scientific techniques and allowed her to work on a facet of my research project.

2009-Pres. Brian Ma – Currently, Undergraduate student, University of California, Davis.

I mentored Brian while he was a summer student at UCSF. As a summer student, I taught him multiple techniques and allowed him to work on a separate facet of my research project.
San Francisco State University
2009-Pres. Bryan Ampey- Currently, Graduate student, Department of Endocrine and Reproductive Physiology, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

I was one of Brian’s instructors during his tenure at SFSU. I helped direct him through the graduate school application process (including where to apply, proofreading of statement of purpose, what to look for and do/say in the interview etc) as well as wrote letters of recommendation.

2009-Pres. Damion Whitfield- Currently, Graduate student, Department of Immunology, University of California, Davis. I was one of Damion’s instructors during his tenure at SFSU. I helped direct him through the graduate school application process (including where to apply, what to look for and do/say in the interview etc) as well as wrote letters of recommendation.
I have extensive experience with the following software:
Microsoft Office Suite iWork office suite Adobe Software

Microsoft Word Pages Adobe Acrobat

Microsoft Excel Numbers Adobe Dreamweaver

Microsoft PowerPoint Keynote Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Premiere

Adobe Flash

Other Programming

Graph Pad Prism Some HTML

Image J Some CSS

4Peaks and EnzymeX


Dr. Erik Ullian

Associate Professor

Department of Ophthalmology

University of California, San Francisco


Dr. Lori Isom

Professor of Pharmacology

Professor of Molecular and Integrative Physiology

Assistant Dean – Director, Program in Biomedical Sciences

University of Michigan


Dr. Leticia Marquez-Magana


Department of Biology

San Francisco State University


Additional references are available upon request.


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