Chapter6. Repeating Instructions
1. Write a program that generates 1000 random numbers between 0 and 100000.
Display the number of odd values generated as well as the smallest and the largest
of values. Output should be displayed in a Windows message box.
2. Create an application that contains a loop to be used for input validation.
Valid entries are positive integers less than 100. Test your program with values
both less than and greater than the acceptable range as well as non-numeric
data. When the user is finished inputting data, display the number of valid and
invalid entries entered.
3. Write a program to calculate the average of all scores entered between 0 and
100. Use a sentinel-controlled loop variable to terminate the loop. After
values are entered and the average calculated, test the average to determine
whether an A, B, C, D, or F should be recorded. The scoring rubric is as
A—90-100; B—80-89; C—70-79; D—60-69; F < 60.
4. Create an application that determines the total due including sales tax and
shipping. Allow the user to input any number of item prices. Sales tax of
7.75% is charged against the total purchases. Shipping charges can be determined
based on the number of items purchased. Use the following chart to determine
the shipping charge. Display an itemized summary containing the total purchase
charge, number of items purchased, sales tax amount, shipping charge, and grand
fewer than 3 items $3.50
3 to 6 items $5.00
7 to 10 items $7.00
11 to 15 items $9.00
more than 15 items $10.00
5. Write a program that allows the user to input any number of hexadecimal
characters. Sum the values and display the sum as a hexadecimal value. Within
the loop, convert each character entered to its decimal equivalent. Treat each
single inputted character as a separate value. Display the original hex value and
the corresponding decimal value. For example, if the user inputs F, 15 would be
displayed as the decimal equivalent. Use a sentinel value to control the loop.
After all values are entered, display the sum of values entered in both hexidecimal
and decimal notation.
6. Write an application that will enable a vendor to see what earnings he can expect
to make based on what percentage he marks up an item. Allow the user to input
the wholesale item price. In a tabular form, show the retail price of the item
marked up at 5%, 6%, 7%, 8%, 9% and 10%.
7. Write a program that produces a multiplication table with 25 rows of computations.
Allow the user to input the first and last base values for the
multiplication table. Display a column in the table beginning with the first
base inputted value. The last column should be the ending base value entered.
The first row should be for 1 times the beginning base, 1 times the (beginning
base value + 1), through 1 times the ending base value. The last row should
be for 25 times the beginning base, 25 times the (beginning base value + 1),
through 25 times the ending base value. Base values can range from 2 through
8. Display an error message if an invalid base is entered. Display an aesthetically
formatted multiplication table. An example of output produced when 2
and 8 are entered appears in Figure 6-22.
8. Prompt the user for the length of three line segments as integers. If the three lines
could form a triangle, print the integers and a message indicating they form a
triangle. Use a state-controlled loop to allow users to enter as many different
combinations as they want.
9. Write an application that calculates a student’s GPA on a 4.0 scale. Grade point
average (GPA) is calculated by dividing the total amount of grade points earned
by the total amount of credit hours attempted. For each hour, an A receives 4
grade points, a B receives 3 grade points, a C receives 2 grade points, and a D
receives 1 grade point.
Allow the user to input any number of courses and associated grades. Display
the number of hours earned and the GPA.
Chapter7. Arrays
1. Write a program that reads data into an array of type int. Valid values are from 0
to 10. Your program should display how many valid values were inputted as well
as the number of invalid entries. Output a list of distinct valid entries and a count
of how many times that entry occurred.
Use the following test data:
1 7 2 4 2 3 8 4 6 4 4 7
2. The Ion Realty Sales Corporation would like to have a listing of their sales over
the past few months. Write a program that accepts any number of monthly sales
amounts. Display the total of the values. Display a report showing each original
value entered and the percentage that value contributes to the total. You may
prompt the user for the number of values to be inputted.
3. Write a temperature application. Your solution should be a two class application
that has a one-dimensional array as a data member. The array stores temperatures
for any given week. Provide constructors for instantiating the class and methods
to return the highest temperature, lowest temperature, average temperature, and
the average temperature excluding the lowest temperature. Provide a method
that accepts as an argument a temperature and returns the number of days the
temperatures were below that value. Override the ToString( ) method to
return a listing of all the temperatures in three column format and the temperature
range for the given week. Write a second class to test your class.
4. Create three arrays of type double. Do a compile-time initialization and place
different values in two of the arrays. Write a program to store the product of the
two arrays in the third array. Produce a display using the MessageBox class
that shows the contents of all three arrays using a single line for an element from
all three arrays. For an added challenge, design your solution so that the two
original arrays have a different number of elements. Use 1 as the multiplier when
you produce the third array.
5. Write a program that allows the user to enter any number of names, last name
first. Using one of the predefined methods of the Array class, order the names
in ascending order. Display the results.
6. Write a two class application that has as a data member an array that can store state
area codes. The class should have a member method that enables users to test an
area code to determine if the number is one of the area codes in the state exchange.
The member method should use one of the predefined methods of the Array
class and return true if the argument to the method is one of the state codes.
Override the ToString( ) method to return the full list of area codes with each
surrounded by parentheses. To test the class, store a list of state codes in a onedimensional
array. Send that array as an argument to the class. Your application
should work with both an ordered list of area codes or an unordered list.
7. Write an application that allows the user to input monthly rainfall amounts for
one year. Calculate and display the average rainfall for the year. Display the
month name along with the rainfall amount and its variance from the mean.
8. Write a program that accepts any number of homework scores ranging in value
from 0 through 10. Prompt the user for a new score if they enter a value outside
of the specified range. Prompt the user for a new value if they enter an
alphabetic character. Store the values in an array. Calculate the average excluding
the lowest and highest scores. Display the average as well as the highest and
lowest scores that were discarded.
9. Write a program that allows any number of values between 0 and 10 to be
entered. When the user stops entering values, display a frequency distribution
bar chart. Use asterisks to show the number of times each value was entered. If a
given number is not entered, no asterisks should appear on that line. Your
application should display error messages if a value outside the acceptable range
is entered or if a non-numeric character is entered.
10. Write a two class solution that includes data members for the name of the
course, current enrollment, and maximum enrollment. Include an instance
method that returns the number of students that can still enroll in the course.
The ToString( ) method should return the name of the course, current
enrollment, and the number of open slots. Design your solution using parallel
arrays. Declare an array of class objects in your implementation class. Test your
application with the following data:
Chapter8. Advanced Colletions
1. Write an application that creates and returns a one-dimensional array containing
all the elements in the two-dimensional array. Store the values in a row major
format. For testing purposes, you may do a compile-time initialization of a 12 x 5
two-dimensional array. Display both the two-dimensional and the one-dimensional
array. Be sure the values in the array are number aligned.
2. Write an application that will let you keep a tally of how well three salesmen are
performing selling five different products. You should use a two-dimensional
array to solve the problem. Allow the user to input any number of sales amounts.
Do a compile-time initialization of the salesperson’s names and product list.
Produce a report by salesman, showing the total sales per product.
3. Revise your solution for problem 2 so that you display the total sales per salesman.
Place the first and last names for the salesmen in an array. Write your solution so
that any number of salesmen and any number of products can be displayed. When
you display your final output, print the salesman’s last name only, sales for each
product, and the final sales for the salesman. After you display the tables of sales,
display the largest sales figure indicating which salesman sold it and which product
was sold.
4. Write a two class application that creates a customer code to be placed on a
mailing label for a magazine. Allow the user to input their full name with the first
name entered first. Prompt them to separate their first and last name with a space.
Ask for their birthdate in the format of mm/dd/yyyy. Ask for the month
(number) they purchased a subscription and ask for their zip code. Your mailing
label should contain the last name, followed by their year of birth, the number of
characters in the full name, the first three characters of the month they purchased
the subscription, and the last two digits of their zip. The code for Bob Clocksom
born 01/22/1993, who purchased his subscription during the 10th month of the
year and lists 32226 as his zip code would be Clocksom9312Oct26.
5. Write a program that allows the user to enter any number of names. Your
prompt can inform the user to input their first name followed by a space and
last name. Order the names in ascending order and display the results with the last
name listed first, followed by a comma and then the first name. If a middle initial
is entered, it should follow the first name. Your solution should also take into
consideration that some users may only enter their last name (one name).
6. Write an application that creates a two-dimensional array. Allow the user to
input the size of the array (number of rows and number of columns). Fill the
array with random numbers between the 0 and 100. Search the array for the
largest value. Display the array values, numbers aligned, and the indexes where
the largest value is stored.
7. Write a program that creates a two-dimensional array with 10 rows and 2
columns. The first column should be filled with 10 random numbers between
0 and 100. The second column should contain the squared value of the element
found in column 1. Using the Show( ) method of the MessageBox class,
display a table.
8. reAay ouyay aay hizway ithway igPay atin?Lay? (Translated: ‘‘Are you a whiz
with Pig Latin?’’) Write a program that converts an English phrase into a pseudo-
Pig Latin phrase (that is Pig Latin that doesn’t follow all the Pig Latin syntax
rules). Use predefined methods of the Array and string classes to do the work.
For simplicity in your conversion, place the first letter as the last character in the
word and prefix the characters ‘‘ay’’ onto the end. For example, the word
‘‘example’’ would become ‘‘xampleeay’’, and ‘‘method’’ would become ‘‘ethodmay.’’
Allow the user to input the English phrase. After converting it, display the
new Pig Latin phrase.
9. Write an application that displays revenue generated for exercise classes at the Tappan
Gym. The gym offers two types of exercise classes, zumba and spinning, six days per
week, four times per day. Zumba is offered at 1, 3, 5, and 7 p.m.; spinning is offered
at 2, 4, 6, and 8 p.m. When attendees sign up, they agree to pay $4.00 per class for
zumba and $5.00 for spinning. Produce a table displaying the number of attendees
per time slot. Display a row and column of totals showing the total number of
attendees by day and also time period. Also include a column showing the revenue
generated each day and the overall revenue per type of exercise. Do a compile-time
initialization of your data structures using data from the following table.
10. Write an application that enables you to randomly record water depths for
5 different locations at 0700 (7 a.m.), 1200 (noon), 1700 (5 p.m.), and 2100
(9 p.m.). The locations are Surf City, Solomons, Hilton Head, Miami, and
Savannah. For ease of input, you may want to code the locations (i.e., Surf
City = 1, Solomons = 2, etc.) and code the time (i.e., 0700 = 1, 1200 = 2, etc.).
If the same location and time are entered more than one time, store the last
value entered into the array. After the data is entered, display the average depth
at each location and the average depth by time period.
Chapter 9. Introduction to Windows Programming
1. Create a Windows application that can be used to input a user’s name. Include an
appropriate label indicator for the name and a textbox for the input entry.
A button labeled OK should retrieve and display the value entered on another
label positioned near the bottom of the form. The font color for all objects should
be yellow. Change the background color of the form to an appropriate one to use
with your yellow text. Change the Font property to a font of your choice.
The size of the font for all objects except the Button should be at least 14 points.
The Button font should be 16 points. Add a title caption of ‘‘Name Retrieval
App’’ to the form. Initially clear the text from the label that will display your final
answer. When the OK button is pressed, retrieve the name and concatenate that
value with a Congratulatory message. For example, you might display, ‘‘Congratulations,
Brenda Lewis, you retrieved the data!’’, if your name was Brenda
Lewis. Align the controls so they are aesthetically pleasing. Be sure to change the
default names of all controls involved in program statements.
2. Create a Windows application that can be used to change the form color. Your
form background color should initially be blue. Provide at least two buttons with
two different color choices. Change the font style and size on the buttons. Align
the buttons so that they are in the center of the form. The buttons should be the
same size. Add event handlers for the buttons so that when the user clicks the
button, the form changes color, and a message box is displayed alerting the user as
to what color the form is. Be sure to name any controls used in program
statements prior to registering your event. Change the default title bar text.
Hint: This exercise may require you to do some research. You may want to review
the code placed in the .Designer.cs file after you set the form’s initial color.
3. Create a Windows application that contains two textboxes (with labels) and one
button. The textboxes should be used to allow the user to input the x- and ycoordinates
to indicate where the form should be positioned. When the user
clicks the button, the window should be moved to that new point. Be sure to
label the textboxes appropriately. Change the form’s background color. Add a
title caption to the form. Include a heading above the textboxes and button.
Enlarge the size of the font. Only allow positive integers to be used for the
Hint: One easy way to do this is to set the location using an instance of the
Point class when the user clicks the button. To do this, you could allow the
user to input values for both x and y into two separate textbox objects. After
being retrieved, they would need to be parsed or converted to their integer
equivalent. Then use the numeric values for x and y to set the location by typing
Location = new Point(x,y);.
4. Create a Trip Calculator Windows application that can be used to determine
miles per gallon for a given trip. Set the Form object properties of Name,
ForeColor, BackColor, Size, Location, Text, and AcceptButton. The
form should contain labels and textboxes to allow the user to input trip destination,
miles traveled, and gallons of gas consumed. Two buttons should be placed
on the form. Name all objects used in program statements. When the user clicks
the button that performs the calculations, display in a label the miles per gallon
for that trip. The second button should be used to reset or clear textbox entries.
5. Create a Windows application that contains two textboxes and two buttons. The
textboxes should be used to allow the user to input two positive numeric values.
The buttons should be labeled Add and Multiply. Create event-handler methods
that retrieve the values, perform the calculations, and display the result of the
calculations on a label. The result label should initially be set to be invisible with a
font color of yellow. If invalid data is entered, change the font color to red on the
result label and display a message saying ‘‘Value must be numeric and > 0.’’
When the final answer is displayed, the font color should be yellow. Additional
labels will be needed for the textboxes captions. Do not allow non-numeric
characters to be entered. Invoke the TryParse( ) method to retrieve the
values. All controls involved in program statements should be named. Right
justify values in the textbox.
6. Create a Windows application that contains a textbox for a person’s name. Plan
that the user may enter only first and last name, or they may enter first, middle,
and last names. Include labels to store first, middle, and last names. A button
should be included. When the button is clicked, retrieve the full name, separate it
into first, middle (if present), and last names and then display the labeled name
7. Create a Windows application that contains two textboxes and three buttons. One
of the textboxes and one of the buttons are initially invisible. The first textbox
should be used to input a password. The textbox should be masked to some
character of your choosing so that the characters entered by the user are not seen
on the screen. When the user clicks the first button, the second textbox and button
should be displayed with a prompt asking the user to reenter his or her password.
Set the focus to the second password textbox. Now, when the user clicks the
second button, have the application compare the values entered to make sure they
are the same. Display an appropriate message indicating whether they are the same.
Once the check is made, display a third button that resets the form.
8. Create a Windows application that can be used to determine distance traveled
given speed and time. Recall that distance = speed * time. Provide textboxes for
time and speed and a button to calculate to the distance. Be sure only numeric
data is able to be entered into the textboxes. Experiment with the controls’
properties. Spend time with your design so that your GUI is very user friendly
and looks nice.
9. Create a Windows application that functions like a banking account register.
Separate the business logic from the presentation layer. The graphical user
interface should allow the user to input the account name, number, and balance.
Provide textbox objects for withdrawals and deposits. A button should be
available for clicking to process withdrawal and deposit transactions showing
the new balance.
10. Create the higher/lower guessing game using a graphical user interface. Allow
users to keep guessing until they guess the number. Keep a count of the number
of guesses. Choose two colors for your game: one should be used to indicate
that the value the users guessed is higher than the target; the other is used to
indicate that the value the users guessed is lower than the target. With each new
guess, show the guess count and change the form color based on whether the
guess is higher than the target or lower. When they hit the target, display a
message on a label indicating the number of guesses it took. Several approaches
can be used to seed the target: one is to generate a random number by
constructing an object of the Random class. For example, the following
stores a random whole number between 0 and 100 in target:
Random r = new Random();
int target = r.Next(0,101);
Chapter10. Programming based on events
1. Create a graphical user interface that allows the users to enter personal
information such as their names, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers.
Include a menu that provides a minimum of four features. The first displays
the information entered by the user in a message box. The second clears the
entries so that new values can be entered, the third menu option displays
information about the application such as who developed it and what version
it is. Another menu option closes the application. Be creative and be sure to
produce an aesthetically pleasing design using options from the Format menu
if you are using Visual Studio.
2. Create a Windows application that can be used as a sign-up sheet for ski
equipment for the Flyers Sports Club. The club has ski equipment that it
makes available to members at a minimal charge. In an attempt to determine
what type of equipment members might need for an upcoming trip, they
have asked you to design and implement an equipment-needs form. Include
CheckBox objects that allow users to select the type of gear they will need
to purchase for the trip. Include selections of snow gloves, skis, goggles,
earmuffs, and other items you feel are appropriate. Include at least one picture
image on your application. After all selections are made, display a message
indicating what items have been selected. You will probably want to include
menu options to display and clear the order for the next user. Also include an
option that enables the user to exit the application.
3. Create a graphical user interface that can be used by a community group to
enable youths to sign up for different sporting events. Include radio buttons
with five different sport names. Only one of these should be selectable.
Program your event-handler method so that a message is displayed with each
selection of a different sport. For example, if one of the sports is skiing, the
message might say, ‘‘Bring warm clothes!’’ Also include a PictureBox
object on the form to display pictures of the sporting event. When the
particular sport is selected, make the PictureBox visible. You can find free
graphics on the Internet to use in your application. Hint: One way to
associate a file to the PictureBox control is to Import an image from the
Image property.
4. Create a Message Displayer that has one ComboBox object with a list of at
least four of your favorite sayings. In your design, include the capability of
letting users enter their own sayings. When a selection is made or a new entry
is typed, display the selection on a Label object on your form. Add a
menu to the application that includes at least the menu options of Format and
Help. Under the Format selection, include options of Font and Color. Wire
the Font and Color options to the Windows predefined Font and Color
dialog boxes so that when their values are changed, the text in the Label
object displaying the saying is changed.
5. Create an order form that allows bags to be purchased. There are six
different types: full decorative, beaded, pirate design, fringed, leather, and
plain. Create a ListBox object for the different styles. Include a
ComboBox for quantity. Quantities up to 10 should be provided. After
the user makes a selection, display a message indicating which selection
was made. Include an option to clear selections. Provide appropriate
error messages when selections are not made.
6. Add to the application in Exercise 5 by including a control that allows the user
to determine the type of shipping they desire. Include a set of radio buttons that
contain shipping options of overnight, three day, and standard. Add the price
for each bag to the listbox selection as follows: full decorative—$50.00;
beaded—$45.00; pirate design—$40.00; fringed—$25.00; leather—$80.00;
and plain—$20.00. Display the items sorted. Using methods of the string class,
retrieve and use the price from the listbox. The shipping charges are based on
the total purchase. The following percentages are used: overnight—10%; three
day—7%; and standard—5%. Display in a message box the shipping charge
along with the selection, quantity, and total cost.
7. The computer club is selling T-shirts. Create an attractive user interface that
allows users to select sizes (S, M, L, and XL) and quantity. Which controls
would be most appropriate? Remember, the fewer keystrokes required of
the user the better. Display the selections made by the user with the Process
menu option. Include an option to exit the application.
8. Add to your solution in Exercise 7 by including two more sizes, XSmall and
XXLarge. Add statements that process the order by calculating the total cost.
Each shirt is $16 except the XSmall and XXLarge; their specialty prices are
$20.00 each. Allow users to purchase different sizes on the same order. Include
an ‘‘Add to Cart’’ option from the Process menu that enables the user to add
multiple selections to the order. Display the total cost for each selection and the
final cost for the order. Include a Help menu option that displays instructions.
9. Create aWindows application for purchasing floor covering. Allow the length
and width (feet and inches) of a room to be entered. Be sure to include program
statements that will keep your program from crashing if they enter nonnumeric
characters for the room dimensions. Have a control that displays
different types along with the prices of floor covering. Using the tab control,
provide selections such as Hardwood, Carpet, and Laminate. On each tab allow
the user to select a type and price. Include, for example, options like Oak,
Maple, Walnut, and Cherry Hardwood floors with prices such as $34.95 per
square yard for Oak and $41.95 per square yard for Cherry. After the users enter
their room dimensions and selects the floor covering and price, display the total
cost to cover the room. Include an option to clear selections. Place both the
type of floor covering and the price in a single control, such as a ComboBox
and use string manipulation techniques to strip the price out of the string.
10. Create an application for a Pizza Delivery Company. You might check out
the graphical user interface shown in Figure 10-21. Your solution does not
need to resemble this one; however, it might give you some ideas. You must
provide a place for the user to enter their contact information (i.e., address,
phone number, and e-mail) and some of the contact information should be
displayed when an order is placed.
Your application should have a picture logo and company name. Provide
selections such as Small,Medium, and Large for size. Allow users to select from
at least a dozen items to place on their pizza. You might consider offering
different types of sauce (i.e., tomato, pesto, or no sauce), different types of
crust, different specialty types of pizza (Supreme, Veggie, etc.). BE
CREATIVE! You can also sell wings, bread sticks, chicken strips, or
something else of your choosing. Consider offering beverages.
You must display the price for the order and allow the user to change their
mind while they are ordering and reset the order form. Experiment,
explore, change properties, and then review the .Designer.cs file.
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