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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

Pipeline Safety Information Grants to Communities Technical Assistance Grants (TAG)”



Education & Outreach On Pipeline Safety Involving the existing Columbia and proposed

co-linear AES Mid-Atlantic Express LNG Project pipelines

S.A.V.E. is an incorporated non-profit organization which represents citizens and communities primarily in southern Chester County, but working throughout the southwestern Chester County and southeastern Lancaster County region on safety, land use and infrastructure issues.

The Columbia gas line currently runs through this area of Chester and Lancaster Counties, and the AES Mid-Atlantic Express LNG line is proposed to run concurrently with the Columbia line, originating from Sparrows Point, Maryland, if approved and constructed.

The geographic area of this project will be the municipalities of Lower Oxford, Upper Oxford, Londonderry, West Marlborough, East Fallowfield, Newlin and West Bradford Townships in southern Chester County. The geographic area of the project encompasses a region with significant natural areas wherein a pipeline failure poses tremendous risk: the Right-of-Way (R-O-W) for Columbia and Mid-Atlantic passes through the Octorara, Elk and Brandywine Creek watersheds and the largest area of contiguously protected area of private and public open space on the Mid-Atlantic seaboard, as well as Class A prime agricultural lands.

The goals of the project proposed herein are to provide technical assistance, outreach and engagement to the region’s communities and all stakeholders through which the Columbia gas line currently exists and where the AES Mid-Atlantic pipeline is proposed. Stakeholders include property owners, local governments and other elected officials at county, state and federal levels, the Chester and Lancaster County Planning Commissions, other government agencies such as the Chester County Conservation District and Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, land development firms, and emergency responders. Through a safety analysis of the current and proposed transmission pipelines through the local communities, the project seeks to inform and engage the public in their role of fostering the safety and reliability of pipeline operations and regulatory processes. By creating a more informed public and elected officials at all levels (local, county, state and federal) the project will serve to strengthen the depth and quality of public participation in pipeline safety matters and official proceedings, improve communications between pipeline operators and the community, enhance community safety and foster damage prevention. To establish a central organization contact point for the public to seek and obtain information and guidance and which will act to facilitate enhanced communications. The hard copy and web based materials generated through and utilized in the project will readily lend themselves to use in outreach and education to broader audiences and a transfer of technology to similarly affected communities.
Although pipeline incidents are rare, increasing population density and the growing complexity of the pipeline system in Chester County has led to an increased risk to humans, the built environment, and environmentally sensitive natural features. Poor communication between the public and pipeline operators heighten such risks. As development pressures mount in the geographic area addressed herein, risk can be reduced through improved information sharing and communication on best practices including land use ordinances, regulations, emergency response procedures, R-O-W encroachment, and excavation practices. Guidance regarding best practices exist providing recommendations for preferred land use adjacent to the pipeline R-O-W, enhanced building codes for structures adjacent to the R-O-W, model ordinances regarding land use planning, and emergency response. These pipelines are in close proximity to where people live, work, shop and play, and therefore pipeline safety concerns should be incorporated into every level of the land development and land use planning processes. Although pipeline operators are responsible for ensuring the safety of their existing and new transmission lines, by fostering open dialog among all stakeholders and engaging an informed public, risk factors may be significantly reduced.

    • land use

      • review of proposed Mid-Atlantic pipeline path alternatives and land use impacts (including safety and emergency management considerations, wildlife and endangered species, historic resources, watersheds and water quality, conservation easements, population density, damage prevention)

      • ordinance review in the designated geographic area and coordination to improve ordinances through review against the model ordinance for safety, land use designations, and emergency management regarding existing and potential/proposed pipelines

      • technical assistance and outreach to municipalities regarding best practices and implementation of ordinance revisions based on initial review

    • public outreach/education and engaging the community and elected officials

      • hard copy materials – printed informational pieces and mailings

      • development/enhancement of mailing lists of appropriate citizens, elected officials, agency officials, and pipeline representatives

      • public presentations using power point and distribution of educational information

      • web based resources – develop a web site as a resource for citizens and municipalities on best practices, model ordinances, and emergency response procedures, links to other resources

      • software purchase and implementation to foster communication to/from area residents, and between residents, elected officials, pipeline company representatives and regulatory agencies

      • public workshops with speakers

MILESTONES within the twelve month project time frame:

    • review ordinances in the seven municipalities (October 1, 2009)

    • preliminary meeting with regional emergency response coordinators and pipeline representatives (October 1, 2009)

    • prepare customized reports for each documenting differences between existing ordinances and best practices regarding land use, safety and emergency management regarding pipeline(s); submit findings to municipalities and initiate/facilitate dialog on recommended changes, providing technical assistance wherever necessary (June 30, 2010)

    • web site development and launch (December 31, 2009)

    • mass mailing I (no later than December 31, 2009)

    • host/coordinate 2-3 public workshops for educational purposes to the citizens of the area (June 30, 2010)

    • purchase and implement software for public engagement (March 30, 2010)

    • mass mailing II (no later than June 30, 2010)

    • tailored workshops in each municipality for information sharing, engagement, and to report on findings; follow up as needed regarding recommended ordinance revisions (no later than June 30, 2010)

    • follow up meeting(s) with regional emergency response coordinators and pipeline representatives (as necessary through June 30, 2010)

Since its founding in 1997, S.A.V.E. has developed a niche in engaging the public and partnering with agency and elected officials on issues involving infrastructure, land use and safety. Originally, the organization’s focus was on proposed improvements regarding PA41, a rural highway running through southwestern Chester County. Since that time, projects and initiatives have taken on a broader scope, including other transportation issues, sewer infrastructure, the gas pipeline transmission corridors. In all its efforts, S.A.V.E. has been successful in educating the public with pertinent information, engaging communication, and developing partnerships with agency personnel.
The hard copy and web based materials generated through and utilized in the project will readily lend themselves to use in outreach and education to broader audiences and a transfer of technology to similarly affected communities. Although S.A.V.E. will ensure that these materials (print and electronic) remain readily available following the initial grant period, the project will seek to provide local governments the tools and information to remain engaged and participatory on their own following the initial grant period. Additional support may be sought to enable S.A.V.E. to continue in the role of point contact on such issues and to maintain updated information resources.

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