Publications by John Tait

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Publications by John Tait

Edited Volumes
Sharon McDonald and John Tait (eds) ”Advances in Information Retrieval: 26th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2004, Sunderland, UK, April 5-7, 2004”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.  2997 McDonald, Sharon; Tait, John (Eds.) 2004, XIII, 421 p. Also available online., Softcover ISBN: 3-540-21382-1

John I. Tait (ed.) “Charting a New Course: Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval: Essays in Honour of Karen Spärck Jones” The Kluwer International Series on Information Retrieval, Springer, Vol.  16 2005, 310 pp., ISBN: 1-4020-3343-5

Gary Marchionini, Alistair Moffat, John Tait, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Nivio Ziviani (eds) “SIGIR 2005: Proceedings of the Tweny-Eigth Annual Internation ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval” ACM, Salvador, Brazil, August 2005. ISBN: 1-59593-034-5.

John Tait and Michael Oakes (eds.) “CLIIR: How can Computaional Linguistics Improve Information Retrieval” Proceedings of the Workshop at COLING-ACL 2006, Sydney, Australia. Association for Computational Linguistics, Stroundsberg, PA, USA. 48 pages. 2006. ISBN 1-932432-80-9.

Fotis Lazarinis, Jesus Vilares and John I. Tait “Improving Non English Web Searching (iNEWS ’07)”. Workshop held in conjunction with the 30th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 78 pages, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-690-6978-3

Mihai Lupu, Katja Mayer, John Tait and Anthony J. Trippe “Current Challenges in Patent Information Retrieval”, Springer, The Information Retrieval Series, Vol. 29, 2011. 415 pages. ISBN 978-3-642-19230-2
Major Papers
K. Sparck Jones and J.I. Tait, "Automatic Search Term Variant Generation". Journal of Documentation, Aslib, London, March 1984.

K. Sparck Jones and J.I. Tait, "Linguistically Motivated Descriptive Term Selection". Proceedings of Coling84   The 10th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 22nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Stanford University, July 1984.

M. Salampasis, J.I. Tait and C. Bloor, “Evaluation of Information Seeking Performance in Hypermedia Digital Libraries”. Interacting with Computers, Vol 10(3), June 1998 pp269-284.

M. Salampasis and J.I. Tait, “A Link-Based Collection Fusion Strategy”. Information Processing and Management, Vol 35(5), September 1999. Pp 691-711. ISSN 0306-4573

J. E. Ellman, I. Klincke, and J.I. Tait “Word Sense Disambiguation by Information Filtering and Extraction” Computers and the Humanities 34: 127-134, 2000. ISSN:0010 4817.

Sharon McDonald, Ting-Sheng Lai and John Tait, “Evaluating a Content Based Image Retrieval System” Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2001), New Orleans, September 2001. W.B. Croft, D.J. Harper, D.H. Kraft, and J. Zobel (Eds). ISBN 1-58113-331-6 pp 232-240.

*Christopher Stokoe, Michael Oakes and John Tait “Word Sense Disambiguation in Information Retrieval Revisited” Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2003), Toronto, July 2003. pp 159-166. ISBN 1-58113-646-3

*Sharon McDonald and John Tait “Search Strategies in Content-Based Image Retrieval” Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2003), Toronto, July, 2003. pp 80-87. ISBN 1-58113-646-3

Yorick A. Wilks and John I. Tait “A Retrospective View of Syonymy and Semantic Classification” in J. I. Tait (ed.) “Charting a New Course: Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval: Essays in Honour of Karen Spärck Jones” , Springer, 2005. pp 1-13. ISBN: 1-4020-3343-5

Chih-Fong Tsai, Ken McGarry and John Tait “Qualitative Evaluation of Automatic Assignment of Keywords to Images”. Information Processing and Management, Volume 42 Issue 1, January, 2006. pp 136-154.

*Chih-Fong Tsai, Ken McGarry and John Tait “CLAIRE: A Modular Support Vector Image Indexing and Classification Systems”, ACM Transactions On Information Systems 24(3) pp 353-379. 2006.

*Shao-Fen Liang, Siobhan Devlin and John Tait “Investigating Sentence Weighting Components for Automatic Summarisation” Information Processing and Management 43(1) January 2007. ISSN 0306-4573 pp146-153

Wei-Chao Lin, Michael Oakes and John Tait “Improving image annotation via representative feature vector selection” Neurocomputing 73 (2010) pp. 1774-1782. DOI: 0.1016/j.neucom.2010.01.019

Invited Papers
P. Smith, O. Taylor, J. MacIntyre and J.I. Tait, “Expert System Applications: Power Industry” in “The Handbook of Expert Systems” Ed. J. Lebowitz, CRC Press. 1998. ISBN 0-8493-3106-4. pp 20-1 to 20-19.

John Tait and Jeremy Ellman “Towards Re-implementing MABLe within the RAGS Architecture”, Proceedings of the RAGS Workshop, Edinburgh, November, 1999. 5 pages

John Tait “Exploring Information Spaces: Information Retrieval Strategies combining querying, relevance feedback and browsing” Abstracts of Invited Lectures and Short Communications Delivered at the Ninth International Colloquium on Numerical Analysis and Computer Science with Applications, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, August 12-17, 2000. p 182.

Ingrid Bussman, Alexandra Kalogridi, Alexandra Papazoglou, Pasi Silander and John Tait “Project Verity: Virtual and Eletcronic Resources for Information Skills Training for Young People”. Abstracts of New Advances in Information Retrieval and Information Skills Development for Young People, Athens College, Athens, Greece, 30 November-1 December 2000.

John Tait “Multi-lingual and Cross-lingual Information Access: Problems, Approaches and Solutions” Abstracts of New Advances in Information Retrieval and Information Skills Development for Young People, Athens College, Athens, Greece, 30 November-1 December 2000.

John Tait “The Semantic Web - What does it Really Mean ?” Advances in Semantic Web Retrieval Systems Editors: Ding,Y., van Rijsbergen,C.J., Ounis,I., Jose,J.M. Publisher: Springer, Hot topics series, 2005.

John Tait “Exploratory Search: Image Retrieval without Deep Semantics” Invited paper in Semantics in Multmedia Anlaysis and Natural Language Processing .Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI) 2006, Athens. Proceedings edited by I. Maglogiannis, K. Karpouzis and M. Bramer. Springer. ISBN 10: 0-387-34223-0. pp 566-574

John Tait “Information Retrieval Research and Patent Retrieval” Guest Editorial; World Patent Information 31(4) pp 268-270. 2009. ISSN 0172-2190.

Other Significant Refereed Papers

J.I. Tait, "Generating Summaries using a Predictive Language Analyser". Discussion paper at the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Orsay, 1982.

J.I. Tait, "Automatic Summarising of English Texts", Ph.D. Thesis University of Cambridge and Computer Laboratory Technical Report No. 47, 1982.

J.I. Tait, "Semantic Parsing and Syntactic Constraints (Mark IV)". Automatic Natural Language Parsing (K. Sparck Jones and Y. Wilks, Eds.). Ellis Horwood, Chichester, 1983. pp 169-177

J.I. Tait, "Automatic Request Parsing and Variant Generation". Informatics 7   Intelligent Information Retrieval. Aslib, London, 1984. ISBN 0 85142 197 5 pp 53-63

J.I. Tait, "An English Generator for a Case Labelled Dependency Representation". Proceedings of the Second Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, University of Geneva, March 1985. pp 194-7.

J. I. Tait, "Generating Summaries using a Predictive Language Analyser". In "Progress in Artificial Intelligence" (L. Steels and J. Campbell, Eds.). Ellis Horwood Ltd, Chichester, 1985. pp 312-318.

S.M. Huang, J. Clifford, P. Smith, J.I. Tait and A.S. Pollitt, "FOODM: The Kernel of a New Expert Database System", EXPERSYS-92 Conference, Paris, October 1992.

S.M. Huang, J. Clifford, P. Smith, J.I. Tait and A.S. Pollitt "Knowledge Processing Tools: Proposal of a New Architecture", the Third Annual IAKE Symposium "New Generation Knowledge Engineering", Washington DC, November 1992.

J. MacIntyre, P. Smith, J.I. Tait, T. Harris, and A. Brason "Neural Networks for the analysis of off-line condition monitoring data". Proceedings of ES-93 British Computer Society Specialist Group on Expert Systems Annual Conference, Cambridge, UK, 1993. pp129-140

J.I. Tait, "CALS and its implications for the Library and Information Retrieval Communities", in "Information Retrieval: new systems and current research. Proceedings of the 15th Research Colloquium of the British Computer Society Information Retrieval Specialist Group, 1993" edited by R. Leon. Taylor Graham, London. 1994

J. MacIntyre, P. Smith, J.I. Tait, T. Harris and A. Brason "Applied Neural Networks in Condition Monitoring" Proceedings of Data and Knowledge Systems for Manufacturing and Engineering (DKSME 94) , Chinese University of Hong Kong, May 1994.

J. MacIntyre, P. Smith and J.I. Tait, "Determination of Machine Condition using Neural Networks", Proceedings of the 12th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-94), Seattle, July 1994. p 1472

M. McAlister, J. McNeil, P. Smith and J.I. Tait "What dictates knowledge acquisition, and can changes be made ?". Proceedings of the World Congress on Expert Systems, Estoril, January 1994. Macmillan, pp554-558. (CD-ROM file \word\vha1.doc)

J. MacIntyre, P. Smith, J.I. Tait, T. Harris and A. Brason "Neural Network Architectures and Their Application in Condition Monitoring". Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM 94), New Delhi, 1994.

P. Smith, S.M. Huang, C.L. Lin and J.I. Tait, "The Development of an Expert Database System by Reusing Existing Databases". Proceedings of OOIS-94 - Object Orientated Information Systems. Springer-Verlag. 1994.

P. Smith, S.M. Huang, J.I. Tait, C.L. Lin and C. Green. “The Development of an Expert Database by Reusing Existing Databases", Proceedings of EXPERSYS-94, The Sixth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems Application, Houston, Texas, USA. 1994.

S.M. Huang, P.Smith and J.I. Tait, "An Object Oriented Model for Data, Knowledge and System Re-Engineering" Proceedings of the Sixth International Hong Kong Computer Society Database Workshop, Hong Kong, 1995.

S. Devlin and J.I. Tait, “Computer-Aided Reading for Aphasics”. Proceedings of the International Conference CPC’95, Cognitive Processes in Spoken and Written Communication: Theories and Applications, (eds. V. Ronginsky, S. Dikareva, T. Yaschenko), Crimea, Ukraine, September 1995.

J. Ellman and J.I. Tait, “INTERNET Challenges for Information Retrieval”. Proceedings of the BCS Information Retrieval Specialist Group Research Colloquium, Manchester, U.K., April 1996.

M. Salampasis, C. Bloor and J.I. Tait, “Cooperative Information Retrieval in Digital Libraries”. Proceeding of the BCS Information Retrieval Specialist Group Research Colloquium, Manchester, U.K., April 1996.

S.M. Huang, P. Smith and J.I. Tait, “An Object Oriented Model for Data, Knowledge, and System Re-engineering” in “Database Reengineering and Interoperability”, T. Cheung, J. Fong and B. Siu (eds.), Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York, N.Y. 1996. pp 25-40.

M. Salampasis, C. Hardy and J.I. Tait, “An Agent-Based Hypermedia Framework for Designing and Developing Digital Libraries.” Proceedings of the Third Forum on Research and Technology Advances in Digital Library ADL96. May 13-15 1996, Washington DC. pp 5-13. ISBN 0-8186-7402-4. IEEE press.

C.-F. Tsai, C. Bowerman and J.I. Tait, “Fuzzy Refinement in Genetic Algorithms for the Economic Design of Control Charts”. Proceedings of the Conference in Agile and Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Renseller Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, October 1996. (CD-ROM)

C.-F. Tsai, C. Bowerman and J.I. Tait, “An Intelligent Adaptive System for Improving the Behaviour of Simple Genetic Algorithms”. Proceedings of EXPERSYS-96, October 1996, Paris, France. pp 89-95. ISBN: 2-90766933-8

C.-F. Tsai, C.G.D. Bowerman and J.I. Tait, “Fuzzy Taguchi Controller to Genetic Algorithm Parameter Selection”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, Norwich, U.K., April 1997.

J.I. Tait, H. Sanderson, J.E. Ellman, A. Martinez, P. Hellwig. and P. Tsahageas, “Practical Considerations in Building a Multi-Lingual Authoring System for Business Letters”. Proceedings of the Workshop “From Research to Commercial Applications: making NLP Technology Work in Practice”. Association of Computational Linguistics/European ACL ‘97 Conference, Madrid, Spain, July 1997. pp 35-42.

M. Salampasis, J.I. Tait and C. Hardy, “HyperTree: An Alternative Approach to Web Authoring”. Software-Practice and Experience Vol 27(12), 1411-1426 (December 1997).

C. Batzios, M. Salampasis, V.D. Liakos, J.I. Tait and S. Androulidakis, “A Hypermedia Digital Library for the Education and Extension Training of Greek Beekeepers”. Proceedings of the First European Conference for Information Technology in Agriculture, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark June 15-18, 1997, pp 159-162. ISBN 87 7432 465 9. (Computer Demonstration paper.)

C.-F. Tsai, G. C.D. Bowerman, J. I. Tait, and C. Bradford, “A Novel Ranking Technique For Multiple Objective Functions Using Dynamic Genetic Algorithms”. In Proceeding of EXPERSYS-97 (Ed. P. Smith), Sunderland, October 1997. IITT International, Gournay sur Marne, Fr. pp. 181-186. ISBN: 2-90766934-6.

S. Devlin and J.I. Tait, “The use of a Psycholinguistic database in the Simplification of Text for Aphasic Readers” in “Linguist Databases” J. Nerbonne (ed.), CSLI (CUP), 1998. pp 161-173. ISBN: 1-57586-092-9.

T.-S. Lai and J.I. Tait “Using Global Colour Features for General Photographic Image Indexing and Retrieval” Poster in the Proceedings of SIGIR ‘98, The ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. Melbourne, 1998. pp349-50

J. Carroll, G. Minnen, Y. Canning, S. Devlin, J.I. Tait, “Practical Simplification of English Newspaper Text to Assist Aphasic Readers”, Working notes of AAAI-98 Workshop on “Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Assistive Technology” at the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-98) Madison, Wisconsin July 26-30, 1998. pp7-10.

T.S. Lai and J.I. Tait, “General Photographic Image Retrieval Simulating Human Visual Perception”. Proceedings of the Workshop on Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval at SIGIR ‘98, The ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. Melbourne, 1998. pp 17-28. ISBN: 1-58113-015-5.

G. Oatley, J.I. Tait and J. MacIntyre, “A Case-Based Reasoning Tool for Vibration Analysis”. Applications and Innovations in Expert Systems VI, Proceedings of The Eighteenth SGES International Conference on Knowledge Based Systems and Applied Artificial Intelligence. Robert Milne, Ann Macintosh and Max Bramer (Eds.), 1998. pp132-146. ISBN: 1-85233-087-2.

T.-S. Lai, J.I. Tait, and S. McDonald “Image Browsing and Navigation using Heirarchical Classification” Proceedings of Challenges of Image Retrieval, Newcastle, Feb. 1999.

J. Carroll, G. Minnen, D. Pearce, Y. Canning, S. Devlin and J.I. Tait “Simplifying Text for Language-Impaired Readers” Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association of Computational Linguistics (EACL), Bergen, Norway, June 9-11, 1999.

Odin Taylor, John Tait and John MacIntyre, “Improved Classification for a Data Fusing Kohonen Self Organizing Map Using A Dynamic Thresholding Technique" Proceedings of IJCAI-99, the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Stockholm, Sweden, August 1999. Vol 2. Pp 828-832. ISBN 1-55860-613-0.

Kenneth McGarry, John Tait and Stefan Wermter“Rule Extraction from Radial Basis Function Networks". Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks Incorporating the IEE Conference on Artificial Neural Networks University of Edinburgh, UK: 7-10 September 1999. Pp 613-618.

Ting-Sheng Lai and John Tait “CHROMA: A Content-Based Image Retrieval System” Demonstration Paper in the proceedings of SIGIR-99, Berkely CA, p 324. ISBN 1-58113-096-1.

Y. Canning & J.I. Tait “Syntactic Simplification of Newspaper Text for Aphasic Readers” The Proceedings of SIGIR-99 Workshop on Customised Information Delivery, Berkeley, Ca. 19 August 1999, pp6-11.

P. Periorellis, W. Scales, J. Stafford & J.I. Tait “VERITY: Towards an Integrated Infomation Searching and Skills Development System for Young People”, Proceeedings of the Asia Pacific Web Conference, Kowloon, Hong Kong, September 1999.

B. Zong, J. MacIntyre, Y. He, and J.I. Tait, “High Order Neural Networks for Simultaneous Diagnosis of Multiple Faults in Rotating Machines”. Neural Computing & Applications Vol. 8(3) pp189-195, ISSN 0941-0643. 1999.

John Tait, Jeremy Ellman and Diomidis Spinellis, “MABLe: a multi-lingual authoring tool for business letters”. Proceeeding of Translating and Computer 21, Aslib, London, November 1999. 12 pages. ISBN 085142 440 6

S. Devlin, J.I. Tait, Y. Canning, J. Carroll, G. Minnen, and D. Pearce, “The Application of Assistive Technology in Facilitating the Comprehension of Newspaper Text by Aphasic People” Proceedings of The 5th European Conference for the Advancement of Assistive Technology. 1st - 4th November 1999. Düsseldorf/Germany.

J.E. Ellman and J.I. Tait, “Roget's Thesaurus: An additional knowledge source for Textual CBR?” Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XVI: Proceedings of ES 99. M. Bramer, A. Macintosh and Franz Coened (eds). Springer-Verlag, London. 2000. Pp 204-217. ISBN 1-85233-231-X.

Cheng-Fang Tsai, Chris Bowerman, John Tait “A dynamic adaptive system for economic design of multiple control charts” Integrated Manufacturing Systems Vol 11(4) pp 277-285, 2000. MCB University Press. ISSN 09576061.

Jeremy Ellman and John Tait "On the Generality of Thesaurally derived Lexical Links" Proceedings of JADT 2000, the 5th International Conference on the Statistical Analysis of Textual Data eds. M. Rajman & J.-C. Chappelier. March 2000, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland. Ecole Polytechnique de Federale Lausanne, Switzerland. Pp 147-154.

Ting-Sheng Lai, John Tait, and Sharon McDonald “A User-Centred Evaluation of Visual Search Methods for CBIR” in Proceedings of CIR2000 – Third UK Conference on Image Retrieval. John P Eakins and Peter G B Enser (eds). University of Brighton. May 2000. 12 pages.

Devlin, S., J. Tait, Y. Canning, J. Carroll, G. Minnen, D. Pearce “Making accessible international communication for people with language comprehension difficulties” in Computers Helping People with Special Needs: Proceedings of ICCHP 2000 Page: 135-142 ISBN: 3854031459 Jul 2000.

Devlin, S., J. Tait, Y. Canning, J. Carroll, G. Minnen “Automatically simplifying text for aphasic people with reading difficulties” in Proceedings of in 9th Aphasia Rehabilitation Conference, August 2000

Devlin, S., J. Tait, Y. Canning, J. Carroll, G. Minnen, D. Pearce “An AAC Aid for Aphasic People with Reading Difficulties” Proceedings of the 9th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communciation pp 10-12 (Aug 2000).

C. Batzios, M. Salmapasis, V. Lakos, J. Tait, and S. Androulidakis “Towards Increasing Productivity of the Greek Beekeeping Industry: Tools and Methods for Building a Hypermedia Digital Library for Extension Training” Revista Brasiliera de Agroinformatica (Brazilian Journal of Information Technology in Agriculture) 3(1) 2000 pp 30-40.

Canning, Y., Tait, J., Archibald, J. & Crawley, R. “Cohesive Generation of Syntactically Simplified Newspaper Text.” In Text, Speech & Dialogue, Third International Workshop, TSD 2000 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1902. Petr Sojka, Ivan Kipecek & Karel Pala (Eds.) 2000 Springer-Verlag. ISBN 3-540-41042-2 pp 145 – 150.

Y. Canning, J.I. Tait, J. Archibald and R. Crawley “Cohesive Regeneration of Syntactically Simplified Newspaper Text” Workshop Proceedings: ROMAND 2000, Workshop on Robust Methods in Analysis of Natural language Data, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 2000. Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne. Pp 3-16

John Tait, Sharon McDonald and Ting-Sheng Lai, “CHROMA: An Experimental Image Retrieval System” Proceeding of The 1st International Workshop on New Developments in Digital Libraries (NDDL-2001), Setubul, Portugal, July 2001, pp 141-151 ISBN 972-98050-4-0.

Anders Fongen, Frank Eliassen, Ian Ferguson, Simon Stobart, John Tait “Distributed Resource Discovery using a Context-sensitive Infrastructure” Proceeding of the Third International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services (IIWAS 2001), pp 205-215, Linz Austria, September 2001.

S. Dulaymi, M. Marghalani, J. Tait (October 2002)
”The Growth of Electronic Journals in Academic Libraries in Saudi Arabia” Journal of Digital Information, (electronic only) ISSN 13608-7506

Anders Fongen, Frank Eliassen, Ian Ferguson, Simon Stobart, John Tait “A Scalable and Fault Tolerant Architecture for Distributed Web Resource Discovery” The 14th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS 2002) pp.153-159,ISSN:1027-2658,ISBN: 0-88986-366-0, Nov.4-6, 2002, Cambridge USA

Chih-Fong Tsai, Ken McGarry and John Tait “Image Classification Using Hybrid Neural Networks” poster paper in Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2003), Toronto, July, 2003. pp 431-432. ISBN 1-58113-646-3

Chih-Fong Tsai, Ken McGarry and John Tait “Using Neuro-Fuzzy Techniques Based on a Two-Stage Mapping Model for Concept-Based Image Datbase Indexing” Proceedings of the IEEE Fifth International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering MSE 2003, Taichung, Taiwan, December 2003. pp6-12.

Sawsan Taha Dulaymi, Mohammed A. Marghalani and John I. Tait, “Information Technology in Saudi Academic and Research Libraries” Arab Journal of Library and Information Science, Vol. 24 No. 1. January 2004. pp 4-36.

Sawsan Taha Dulaymi, Mohammed A. Marghalani, Andrew McDonald, John I. Tait “The Growth of Electronic Journals in Academic Libraries in Saudi Arabia”, Library Management, Vol 25(4/5) 2004. pp 190-199. ISSN 0143-5124

Chih-Fong, Tsai, Ken McGarry and J.I. Tait Automatic Metadata Annotation of Image via a Two-level Learning Framework. ACM SIGIR Semantic Web Workshop, Sheffield, July 2004. pp 32-42

John Flackett, John Tait, Guy Littlefair “Scaling Connectionist Compositional Representations” Compositional Connectionism in Cognitive Science (Tech. Report FS-04-03), AAAI Fall Symposium, Washington D.C., October 21-24, 2004 pp.20-24

S.F. Liang, S. Devlin, J. Tait “Using Query Term Order for Result Summarisation” in SIGIR 2005: Proceedings of the Tweny-Eigth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval” ACM, Salvador, Brazil, August 2005. PP 629-630 ISBN: 1-59593-034-5.

Michail Salampasis & John Tait. “The Effect of Collection Fusion Strategies on Information Seeking Performance in Distributed Hypermedia Digital Libraries”. In proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Digital Libraries, Vienna, Austria, September 2005, pp57-68. Editors Andreas Rauber, Stavros Christodoulakis, Min Tjoa, LCNS 3652, Springer.

John Tait “Making Better Summary Evaluations” Proceedings of the Internatinal Workshop: “Crossing Barriers in Text Summarisation Research” Horacio Saggion and Jean-Luc Minnel (eds.), Borovets, Bulgaria, Septemeber 2005. pp26-31. ISBN 954-90906-8-X

Shao Fen Liang, Siobhan Devlin and John Tait “Evaluating Web Search Result Summaries” Advances in Information Retrieval: Proceeding of the 28th European Conference in IR Research, London, UK, April, 2006. Springer LNCS 3936. pp96-106. ISBN 3-540-33347-9.

Chufeng Chen, Michael Oakes and John Tait “Browsing Personal Images Using Episodic Memory (Time + Location)” Advances in Information Retrieval: Proceeding of the 28th European Conference in IR Research, London, UK, April, 2006. Springer LNCS 3936. pp363-372. ISBN 3-540-33347-9.

Fadi Yamout, Michael Oakes and John Tait “Relevance Feedback using Weight Propopagation” Advances in Information Retrieval: Proceeding of the 28th European Conference in IR Research, London, UK, April, 2006. Springer LNCS 3936. pp575-578. ISBN 3-540-33347-9.

Chufeng Chen, Michael Oakes and John Tait “A Location Annotation System for Personal Photographs” Proceedings of the 29th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Developement in Information Retrieval; Demonstration p726; ACM Press, 2006; ISBN 1-59593-369-7

Fadi Yamout, Michael Oakes and John Tait “Relevance Feedback using Weight Propagation Compared with Information-theoretic Query Expansion” Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4425 Springer 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-71494-1 pp 258-270.

Lin, W., Oakes, M. and Tait, J. (2008) “Real AdaBoost for Large Vocabulary Image Classification.” Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI 2008). London, UK, 18-20 June 2008, pp. 192-199. (EI)

John Tait, Mihai Lupu, Helmut Berger, Giovanna Roda, MichaelDittenbach, Andreas Pesenhofer, Erik Graf, Keith van Rijsbergen “Patent Search: An important new test bed for IR” in Hiemstra, D., Huibers, T.W.C, de Jong, F.M.G. (eds.) Proceedings of the 9th Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval Workshop, CTIT Workshop Proceedings WP 09-01, Enschede, University of Twente, Centre for Telematics and Information Technology; ISSN 0929-0672; No 09-01 (CTIT Workshop Proceedings Series) pp56-63

F Lazarinis, J Vilares, J Tait, EN Efthimiadis “Current research issues and trends in non-English Web searching” Information Retrieval: Volume 12, Issue3 (2009), Pages 230-250.

John I. Tait “What’s wrong with CLIR ?” Proceedings of the SIGIR’09 Workshop on Multi-Lingual Information Access. 2009

Lin, W., Oakes, M., Tait, J. and Tsai, C.-F. (2009) Improving image annotation via useful representative feature selection. Cognitive Processing, 10(3), pp. 233-242.

G. Roda, J. Tait, F. Piroi, V. Zenz CLEF-IP 2009: retrieval experiments in the Intellectual Property domain in: CLEF 2009 Proceedings, Multilingual Information Access Evaluation Vol. I  Text Retrieval Experiments Editors: Carol Peters, Giorgio Di Nunzio, Mikko Kurimo, Thomas Mandl, Djamel Mostefa, Anselmo Peñas, Giovanna Roda Springer LNCS series Vol. 6241. 2010

Mihai Lupu, Jimmy Huang, Jianhan Zhu, John Tait, “TREC chemical information retrieval – An initial evaluation effort for chemical IR systems”, World Patent Information, Volume 33, Issue 3, September 2011, Pages 248-256, ISSN 0172-2190, 10.1016/j.wpi.2011.03.002.

Veronika Stefanov and John I. Tait “An Introduction to Contemporary Search Technology” in Lupu, Mayer, Tait and Trippe, 2011 (above), pp 45-65.

John I. Tait and Barrou Diallo “Future Patent Search” in Lupu, Mayer, Tait and Trippe, 2011 (above), pp 389-407.

Minor Papers, Book Reviews etc. generally subject to limited or no peer review

J.I. Tait, "Topic Identification Techniques for Predictive Language Analysers". Coling82   9th International Conference on Computational Linguistics - Abstracts, Prague, 1982. pp 281-6.

B.K. Boguraev, K. Sparck Jones and J.I. Tait, "Compound Nouns   a Problem for Inference". Language, Reasoning and Inference, University of Edinburgh, 1982.

B.K. Boguraev, K. Sparck Jones and J.I. Tait, "Three papers on Parsing" University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory Technical Report No. 17, 1982.

J.I. Tait, "Semantic Parsing and Syntactic Constraints". SERC Natural Language Parsing Workshop, University of Essex, 1982.

J.I. Tait and K. Sparck Jones, "Automatic search term variant generation for document retrieval", British Library R&D Department Technical Report 5793, University Computer Laboratory, Cambridge, 1983.

J.I. Tait, "La Comunicazione in Linguaccio Naturale con i Computer: Alcuni Problemi e Soluzioni". Informatica Oggi, Milan, 1983.

J.I. Tait, "Report of working group on: Tools for Natural Language Processing" in K. Sparck Jones (ed.) Report on Natural Language Workshop 1, Alvey IKBS Programme. 1983.

J.I. Tait, "Document and Data Management". In "Engineering Data Management", University of Leeds Continuing Professional Education Short Course Programme. 1991.

J.I. Tait "CALS - Defining Standards for Technical Documentation" in M. Waldron (Ed.) "Applying a Standard Approach to Document Management", In-Form Systems, Chorleywood, Herts. 1991.

S.M. Huang, J. Clifford, P. Smith, J.I. Tait, T.C. Tan and A.S. Pollitt, "Intelligent Databases: towards knowledge processing", 4th International Hong Kong Computer Society Database Workshop, Hong Kong, December, 1992.

J.I. Tait, Review of "Computational Morphology: Practical Mechanisms for the English Lexicon" by Ritchie, Russell, Black and Pullman, Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour Quarterly No. 85, Autumn 1993.

S.M. Huang, P. Smith, J.I. Tait, J. Clifford and S. Pollitt, "An Expert Database System Shell for Intelligent Information Systems" University of Sunderland, School of Computing and Information Systems, Occasional Paper 93-2. 1993.

S.M. Huang, C.L. Lin, P. Smith, J.I.Tait and S. Pollitt, "A survey of approaches to commercial expert system development tools", University of Sunderland School of Computing and Information Systems Occasional Paper No: 93-4.

S.M. Huang, P. Smith, J.I. Tait, J. Clifford and S. Pollitt, "An information resource dictionary system for a peer-to-peer expert database system", University of Sunderland Scool of Computing and Information Systems Occasional Paper No: 93-7.

P.Smith, B. King and J.I. Tait, "Expert Systems in Manufacturing in Europe", Proceedings of the World Congress on Expert Systems, Estoril, January 1994.

P. Smith, S.M. Huang and J.I. Tait. "Expert Database Systems: the Way Forward", Proceedings of the Fifth International Hong Kong Computer Society Database Workshop, Hong Kong, 1994.J.I. Tait, "Building on HAZOP (Hazard and Operability) Studies to produce Knowledge Based Systems" Digest of the IEE Colloquium on Knowledge-based Systems for safety critical applications, IEE, London, May 1994.

B. King, A.P. Steward and J.I. Tait, "Computer-Aided Process Engineering (CAPE)", University of Sunderland School of Computing and Information Systems Occasional Paper No: 94-1.

B. King, A.P. Steward and J.I. Tait, "Towards Automated Knowledge Aquisition for Process Plant Diagnosis", University of Sunderland School of Computing and Information Systems Occasional Paper No: 94-8. 1994.

B.K. Boguraev, R. Garigliano, and J.I. Tait. Editorial, Natural Language Engineering 1(1) pp 1-7, March 1995. ISSN: 1351-3249(199503)1:1;1-F.

J.I. Tait, Report on SALT Club Workshop "Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing", University of Sunderland, January 1995, SALTnews, DTI, January 1995.

B. King, A.P. Steward and J.I. Tait, "Towards Automated Knowledge Aquisition for Process Plant Diagnosis". Digest of the IEE Colloquium on Knowledge Discovery in Databases, London, February 1995.

S. Devlin, C. Bloor and J.I. Tait, "The use of a psycholinguistic database in the simplification of text for the aphasic reader", Abstracts of "Linguistic Databases", University of Groningen, March 1995.

S. Devlin, C. Bloor and J.I. Tait “The Use of a Natural Language Paraphrasing Tool as a means of aiding Aphasics in the Reading Process”. Proceedings of the Postgraduate Workshop at AISB-95. 10 th Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour. Sheffield, U.K. 1995.

C.-F. Tsai, C.G.D. Bowerman and J.I. Tait, “Temporal Causal Reasoning in Mixed-Production”, Polymodel 16, University of Sunderland, May 1995.

J.I. Tait, “Sea Survival at South Shields”, Tees Tidings, Tees Sailing Club, Hartlepool, September 1995.

M. Salampasis and J.I. Tait, “HyperTree: An Alternative Approach to Web Authoring”, University of Sunderland School of Computing and Information Systems Occasional Paper No: 95-8, October 1995.

J. Ellman and J.I. Tait, “Using Information Density to Navigate the Web”. Digest of the IEE Colloquium on Intelligent World Wide Web Agents, IEE, London, March, 1997. UK ISSN 0963-3308. p 8/1 - 8/6

J.I. Tait, “User-Centred Evaluation in Language Engineering”, Proceedings of the Speech and Language Club meeting on “Evaluation in Natural Language Engineering”, Sheffield, June, 1997. pp 195-7

J.I. Tait, “A Position Paper on Multilingual Communication Systems”, Proceedings of “ELSNET in Wonderland”, Soesterberg, NL, March 1998. pp 63-65

Jeremy Ellman, Ian Klincke & John Tait. “SUSS: the Sunderland University Similarity System: Beneath the Glass Ceiling”. In the Programme and Advanced Papers of PILOT Senseeval, Herstmonceux Castle, Sussex, September 1998.

Panayiotis Periorellis, Walter Scales, Janet Stafford, John Tait. “VERITY: towards and integrated information searching and skills development system for young people”. Poster at the Annual Research Colloquium of British Computer Society Information Retreival Specialist Group, Glasgow, 1999.

John Tait and Aline Villavicencio “Report on 3rd CLUK Colloquium” ELSNEWS: The Newsletter of the European Network in Human Language Technologies. Summer 2000. P 11. ISSN 1350 990X.

Canning, Y., Tait, J., Archibald, J. & Crawley, R. “Replacing Anaphora for Readers with Acquired Dyslexia”. Proceedings of the Discourse Anaphora and Reference Resolution Conference (DAARC2000). P.Baker, A. Hardie, T. McEnery & A. Siewierska (Eds.). University of Lancaster. Pp 83-88

Christopher M. Stokoe and John Tait “Automated Word Sense Disambiguation for Internet Information Retrieval” Proceedings of Text Retrieval Conference (TREC 2002), National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, USA pp 743-745. November 2002.

Shao-Fen Liang, Siobhan Devlin and John Tait “Feature Selection for Summarising: the Sunderland DUC-2004 Experience”, Proceeding of the Document Understanding Coference (DUC), 2004, NIST,

John I. Tait Book Review “Spotting and Discovering Terms through Natural Language Processing” by Christian Jacquemin, Natural Language Engineering 10(2), 2004.

John I. Tait Preface John I. Tait (ed.) “Charting a New Course: Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval: Essays in Honour of Karen Spärck Jones” The Kluwer International Series on Information Retrieval, Vol.  16 2005, pp ix-xii., ISBN: 1-4020-3343-5

Christos Kouroupetroglou, Michail Salampasis, John Tait, Mohamed Loutfi “Measuring the effectiveness of a web meta-search engine: a user centred evaluation” Proceeding of the World Multi-Conference of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Volume IV pp303-308 2005. ISBN 980-6560-52-3

John Tait and Mounia Lalmas “A tribute to Karen Sparck Jones” Informer No. 18, Spring 2006. pp 10-13 BCS IRSG. ISSN 0950-9574.

C. Chen, M. Oakes and J. Tait “What do people remember about digital images?” Proceedings of Visual Categorisation and Image Management Systems, University of Sunderland, June 2006. (2 pages)

W-C. Lin, M. Oakes and J. Tait “Using Information gain to select representative image features” Proceedings of Visual Categorisation and Image Management Systems, University of Sunderland, June 2006. (2 pages)

“TechNotes” The Journal (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK local paper), Thursday 27 July 2006 (450 words) (on what makes Google successful).

Jesus Vilares, Michael P. Oakes, John I. Tait “CoLesIR at CLEF 2006: Rapid Protyping of an N-gram-based CLIR System” Cross-Language Evaluation Forum Campaign (CLEF-2006). Book of Abstracts. University of Alicante. 2006. ISBN 2-912335-21-3. p11

Shi-Ming Huang, Chih-Fong Tsai, Chia-Ming Chuang and John Tait “Learning User’s Searching Behavior in Image Retrieval”, Proceedings of the Adaptive Information Retrieval Workshop, Glasgow, (3 pages) October 2006.

C.F.Chen, M. Oakes, J. Tait “A location Annotation System for Personal Photogrpah Collections: Evaluation of Searching and Browsing Tools” ACM SIGIR Workshop on Geographical Information Retrieval, Seatle: USA, August 2006.

Mustafa Abusalah, John Tait, Michael Oakes “Arabic-English Automatic Ontology Mapping Based on Machine Readable Dictionary”, poster paper to be published in the Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics proceedings, February 2007

Mustafa Abusalah, John Tait, Michael Oakes “Cross Language Information Retrieval Using Multilingual Ontology as Translation Base”, to be published in the Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics proceedings, February 2007

Fotis Lazarinis, Jesus Vilares Ferro and John Tait “Improving non-English Web Searching (iNEWS07)” SIGIR Workshop Report, SIGIR Forum 41(2) pp72-76, December 2007.

Fotis Lazarinis, Jesus Vilares, John Tait, E. N. Efthimiadis “Introduction to the special issue on non-english web Retrieval” Information Retrieval (2009) 12:227–229 DOI 10.1007/s10791-009-9091-2

Valerie Bonnardel, Michael Oakes, John Tait “Special corner: Visual Categorization and Image Management Systems” (editorial) Cognitive Processing (2009) 10:209–210 DOI 10.1007/s10339-009-0270-2

Giovanna Roda, John Tait, Florina Piroi, Veronika Zenz “CLEF-IP 2009: retrieval experiments in the Intellectual Property domain” CLEF Workshop Proceedings, 2009.

Tait, J. 2008. Information retrieval facility symposium in Vienna. SIGIR Forum 42, 1 (Jun. 2008), 67-67. DOI=

Zhu, J. and Tait, J. 2008. A proposal for chemical information retrieval evaluation. In Proceeding of the 1st ACM Workshop on Patent information Retrieval (Napa Valley, California, USA, October 30 - 30, 2008). PaIR '08. ACM, New York, NY, 15-18. DOI=

Tait, J. I. 2008. Noise and information. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Analytics For Noisy Unstructured Text Data (Singapore, July 24 - 24, 2008). AND '08, vol. 303. ACM, New York, NY, 1-2. DOI=

Lupu, M., Huang, J., Zhu, J., and Tait, J. 2009. TREC-CHEM: large scale chemical information retrieval evaluation at TREC.SIGIR Forum 43, 2 (Dec. 2009), 63-70. DOI=

Lupu, M., F. Piroi, J. Tait, J. Huang, Z. Zhu “Overview of the TREC 2009 Chemical IR track” The Eighteenth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2009) Proceedings. NIST Special Publication 500-278.

Mihai Lupu, John Tait, Katja Mayer, and Christopher Harris. 2010. 3rd international workshop on patent information retrieval (PaIR'10). In Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management (CIKM '10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1977-1978. DOI=10.1145/1871437.1871794

Mihai Lupu, Christopher Harris, and John Tait. 2010. Ideas: from mind, to paper, to mind. InProceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Patent information retrieval (PaIR '10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 67-68. DOI=10.1145/1871888.1871901

Mihai Lupu, Harsha Gurulingappa, Igor Filippov, Zhao Jiashu, Juliane Fluck, Marc Zimmermann, Jimmy Huang, John Tait “Overview of the TREC 2011 Chemical IR Track” Proceedings of The Twentieth Text REtrieval Conference
(TREC 2011) Proceedings.
NIST Special Publication: SP 500-295

J. Tait “In Memoriam: David L. Waltz” Natural Language Engineering 18(3), July 2012. Pp 291.

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