Registration of Technologists at ecsa

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Presented by:
WCC Mynhardt Pr Tech Eng, Pr Techni Eng,
ECSA Assessor
Registration of Professional Engineering Technologists at ECSA - Group C

Recap of discussion held on Group A
Engineering reports
• Form B ER – Recognised qualification Form B EDR – Educational Development Report
Qualifications required for registration
• BTech Eng BEng Tech ADV Dip Eng Sidney Accord recognised qualification ECSA process of evaluation assessment for foreign qualification Alternative route

Introduction (cont.)
The presentation is based on the Engineering Report – Form B
Group A
• Is the Knowledge Based Engineering Problem solving section Three outcomes are to be achieved in this group as discussed previously.
Group B

Known as Managing Broadly-Defined Engineering Activities

There are two outcomes to be achieved in this group as discussed previously

Introduction (cont.)
Group C
• Is the Risk and Impact Mitigation There are two outcomes and the applicant is to demonstrate recognition of obligations to society, the profession and the environment with a commitment to abide by the Professional Code of Conduct The outcomes are:
Outcome 6: Recognise and address the foreseeable social, cultural, environmental and sustainably effects o
Outcome 7: Meet all legal and regulatory requirements, protect the health and safety of persons and adhere to sustainable practices in the course of the broadly-defined engineering activities.

Performance Requirements for Outcome 6

Performance requirements of Outcome 6
Recognise and address the technical, social, cultural, environmental and long term sustainability considerations fora broadly-defined engineering activity.
Competency to be demonstrated
• Who are the interested and affected parties and what are their expectations in relationship to interactions with. Technical considerations. Social considerations. Cultural considerations. Environmental considerations. Long term sustainability considerations

Performance Requirements for Outcome 6 (cont. Environmental considerations. Long term sustainability considerations What measures did you take to reduce the negative effect of the engineering activity Note
All these considerations are under the evaluating and planning tasks within your area of competency fora broadly-defined engineering activity.
You must be able to supply evidence for outcome 6.

Performance Requirements for Outcome 7

Performance Requirements of Outcome 7
Meet all legal and regulatory requirements of a broadly-defined engineering activity
Competency to be demonstrated
• What are the legal requirements for the applicable engineering activity What are the regulatory requirements for the applicable engineering activity What are the health and safety requirements for the applicable engineering activity What standards are required for the broadly-defined engineering activity What circumstances did you assist or demonstrated a selection of sustainable material that was a saving What risks did you identify and how did you apply risk management strategies to minimize the risk.

Summary of Performance Requirements for Outcome 6 and 7

To summarise Outcomes 6 and 7
• The outcome 6 is were you plan and evaluate the broadly-define engineering activity and take into the consideration of the effect of the technical, social, cultural, environmental and long term sustainability effects it has on the area Also in Outcome 6 the negative environment effect of the Broadly-defined engineering to be identified and what was done to minimise this effect on the environment .
• Outcome no. 7 is the legal and regulatory requirements with the risks identified and what measure were taken to minimise these risks.

The presentation is based on the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) Documents R-02-STA-PE/PT/PCE/PN , Competency Standard for registration in Professional Categories as PE/PT/PCE/PN, Revision 1: 20 August 2020 (Table no R-03-PRO, Processing of Applications for Registration of Candidates and Professionals, Revision 2: 29 January 2019
• Professional Engineering Technologist Guide to the Completion of the Registration Application Form

The End
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