Report 4: Interim Evaluation

F.7Summary research question

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F.7Summary research question

What have been the social impacts of the Games, particularly in terms of volunteering, the cultural sector and community engagement?

There is already some early evidence to suggest that the Games are having a positive social impact. Activity concerned with community engagement and volunteering continued to gather pace during Games-time although a significant number of events had already taken place prior to the Opening Ceremony.

Games-related projects have been successful in capturing the interest of numerous people across the country, which has resulted in the recruitment of volunteers and engagement with local communities. This includes the significant number of people across the country who have helped to deliver or participated in an Inspire Mark project and/or attended an event which formed part of the Cultural Olympiad. There is also some evidence that those who have participated in Games-related activity intend to continue being involved in their local community and perceive that this activity has helped to increase community cohesion in their area. However, at this stage there is limited evidence of the more general effect on participation in volunteering and culture, and the outcomes experienced by participants and the sector.

Significant work has been undertaken to engage with children and young people. Get Set, for example, achieved high penetration in terms of the proportion of eligible establishments which registered with the programme. Evaluation evidence suggests that participation had a positive effect on pupils and teachers and the view of teachers is that the programme helped to raise pupil aspirations, confidence/self-esteem and engagement in learning. A number of smaller-scale projects targeting disadvantaged young people have also taken place, along with activity to support the involvement of the further and higher education sectors. Elements of the Cultural Olympiad such as Stories of the World and Tate Movie have also resulted in the involvement of significant numbers of young people.

Activity to inspire sustainable living has also made good progress in terms of engagement with its target audiences, although evidence of the extent to which this has resulted in the uptake of sustainable behaviours is not yet available.

Work to change attitudes towards disability was largely focused on the Paralympic Games itself, complemented by additional work to improve understanding of disability and encourage disabled people to participate in community activity and social action.

Although considerable progress has been made in terms of filling gaps in the evidence base for the community engagement and participation legacy theme, a significant amount of research activity will take place in the latter part of 2012 and this evidence will be incorporated into Report 5.

F.8Progress and next steps

Although considerable progress has been made in terms of filling gaps in the evidence base for the community engagement and participation legacy theme, a significant amount of research activity will be taking place in the latter part of 2012. This will be collated over the coming months and provide a valuable input to Report 5.

The following tables summarises the status of forthcoming evidence (and how this relates to the timeframe of the current study) and the current proposals for dealing with the remaining evidence gaps.

Evidence expected to emerge for Report 5

Inspire Survey Wave 2 (November 2012)

Games Maker Survey (November 2012)

London Ambassadors Survey (November 2012)

Cultural Olympiad Evaluation (interim) (October 2012)

Legacy Trust Programme Evaluations (December 2012)

Get Set Evaluation (final wave) (October 2012)

Opportunity Inspired by 2012 Evaluation (November 2012)

British Social Attitudes Survey (disability module) (December 2012)

Possible/ Proposed approaches to addressing the evidence gap in Report 5

Cultural Olympiad (final evaluation report due February 2013) – use findings of audience survey plus information contained within interim report.

Inspiring Sustainable Living (final project-level evaluation reports due March 2013; final programme-level evaluation report due June 2013) – where possible, use emerging findings from project-level progress reports.

GDriving the regeneration of East London


The acceleration of the regeneration of East London is a central component of the legacy of the 2012 Games. East London has suffered from long-standing problems of multiple deprivation and as a result it has historically been one of the poorest parts of the UK, struggling to keep pace with many of the socio-economic advances experienced elsewhere in London. The Games provided a unique opportunity to directly and indirectly tackle these issues and to contribute to the social and economic transformation of East London.

In headline terms, the legacy strategy for East London can be summarised by two inter-related and over-arching objectives:

Ensuring that the Olympic Park can be developed after the Games as one of the principal drivers of regeneration in East London – maximising the investment made, as a direct result of the Games, in venues, infrastructures, utilities and the environment;

Securing a socio-economic legacy from the Games in the host boroughs142 so that, "within 20 years, the communities which host the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games will enjoy the same social and economic chances as their neighbours across London".143

These headline objectives have resulted in a broad suite of investments and activities focused on the regeneration of East London, all of which can be grouped under the four legacy sub-themes of transforming place, transforming communities, transforming prospects and convergence. These sub-themes provide a framework for our analysis and synthesis of the emerging evaluation evidence.

This chapter sets out the evidence available structured according to each of the sub-themes, the progress made in gathering necessary data and the relevant evidence still to emerge.

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