Request for Reaffirmation of Accreditation

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Preface: Formal request and Organization of Self-Study REPORT
Formal Request for Reaffirmation of Accreditation
The Board of Trustees, president and administrative leadership team, faculty, staff and students of Central State University, through this Self-Study report, formally request reaffirmation of CSU’s accreditation status by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). CSU’s Board of Trustees and all its constituencies affirm their support of the University’s Mission: “as Ohio’s only public Historically Black University, academically prepare students with diverse backgrounds for leadership and service in an increasingly complex and rapidly changing world. The University fosters academic excellence through a strong liberal arts foundation and majors in selected professional fields”. This core Mission has not changed since the University’s founding 125 years ago. It is publicly articulated and guides all functions and operations of the University. CSU’s Board, administrative leadership team, faculty, staff and students also request continued accreditation of all the academic programs offered on the CSU’s main campus in Wilberforce and continued approval of the CSU-Dayton, OH, as a course offering site, to allow the University to serve both residential students on the main campus located in Wilberforce, OH and commuter students in the areas surrounding the city of Dayton, OH.
Organization of the Self-Study Report
The following Self-Study report is organized based on the HLC begins with a preliminary section that contains Central State University’s formal request for reaffirmation of accreditation status with the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. The request is followed by a description of the organization of the Self-Study report. This Self-Study report has six parts. The introductory section of the report begins with the Mission Statement, followed by a brief history of the University (including accreditation history of the University), CSU’s growth since the 2003 visit by the HLC, highlights of CSU’s institutional distinctiveness and points of pride, preparation for the 2013 comprehensive visit and the goals of the Self-Study process. This section also includes CSU’s responses to concerns raised by the HLC from 2003 visit and how they have been addressed and it ends with a summary and areas for improvement.
Part two of the Self-Study report describes HLC Criterion One: Mission - The institution's mission is clear and articulated publicly; it guides the institution's operations. Narratives and evidence for Criterion One core components 1A, 1B, 1C, and 1D and supporting subcomponents for each core component are provided. Part two concludes with a summary of evidence which demonstrates that CSU has met requirements for HLC Criterion One, challenges and areas for improvement. Additional documentation of evidence for Criterion One is embedded within this section of the report and is provided in the evidence file for Criterion One in the Self-Study Resource Room. Part Three of the Self-Study report describes HLC Criterion Two: Integrity, Ethical and Responsible Conduct - The institution acts with integrity; its conduct is ethical and responsible. Narratives and evidence for Criterion Two core components 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D and 2E and supporting subcomponents for each core component are provided. This part of the report concludes with a summary of evidence to demonstrate that CSU has met requirements for HLC Criterion Three, challenges and areas for improvement. Additional documentation of evidence for Criterion Three is embedded within this section of the report and is available in the evidence file for Criterion Three in the Self-Study Resource Room.
Part Four of the Self-Study report describes HLC Criterion Three: Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources, and Support - The institution provides quality education, wherever and however its offerings are delivered. Narratives and evidence for Criterion Three core components 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D and 3E and supporting subcomponents for each core component are provided. This section of the report concludes with a summary of evidence which demonstrate that CSU has met requirements for HLC Criterion Three, challenges and areas for improvement. Additional documentation of evidence for Criterion Three is embedded within this section of the report and is available in the evidence file for Criterion Four in the Self-Study Resource Room.
Part Five of the Self-Study report describes HLC Criterion Four: Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement - The Institution demonstrates the quality of its educational programs, learning environments, and support services, and evaluates their effectiveness for students learning through processes designed to promote continuous improvement. Narratives and evidence for Criterion Four core components 4A, 4B, and 4C and supporting subcomponents for each core component are provided. This section of the report concludes with a summary of evidence to demonstrate that CSU has met requirements for HLC Criterion Four, challenges and areas for improvement. Additional documentation of evidence for Criterion Four is embedded within this section of the report and is available in the evidence file for Criterion Four in the Self-Study Resource Room.
Part Six of the Self-Study report describes HLC Criterion Five: Resources, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness - Resources, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness. Narratives and evidence for Criterion Five core components 5A, 5B, 5C, and 5D and supporting subcomponents for each core component are provided. This part of the report concludes with a summary of evidence to demonstrate that CSU has met requirements for HLC Criterion Five, challenges and areas for improvement. Additional documentation of evidence for Criterion Five is embedded within this section of the report and is available in the evidence file for Criterion Five in the Self-Study Resource Room. The last but not least part of the Self-Study report concludes with the evidence that the University continues to meet and in many cases exceed the HLC’s accreditation requirements as the University community engages in the implementation of the University’s six compelling priorities to transform CSU into a 21st Century campus.

Table of Contents


Formal Request for Reaffirmation of Regional Accreditation of CSU iii


Mission statement 1

introduction 1

History of CSU 1

Accreditation History 2

CSU’s Growth since the 2003 Visit 3

Institutional Distinctiveness and Points of Pride 4

Organizational Changes since the 2003 HLC Visit 5

Preparation for the Comprehensive 2013 HLC Visit 7

Goals of the Self Study Process 9

CSU’s Responses to Concerns from 2003 HLC Visit 9

Concern #1 - CSU's Library Services 9

Concern #2: Budgeting and Planning Process 10

Concern # 3: Science Facilities: 11

Concern #4: Replacement of Faculty Approaching Retirement Age: 15

Concern #5: Professional Education Program: 16

Concern #6: Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes - Broadening the Assessment

of General Education and establishing consistency in assessment of major

using information from program review process 23

Summary of How CSU Has Addressed HLC’s Concerns From 2003 Visit 25

Challenges and Areas for Improvement 25

Criterion One: Mission - The institution's mission is clear and articulated

publicly; it guides the institution's operations. 26

Core Component 1.A: CSU's mission is broadly understood within the institution and guides

its operation 31

Core Component 1.B: CSU's mission is articulated publicly. 40

Core Component 1.C: CSU understands the relationship between its mission and the

diversity of society 44

Core Component 1.D: CSU demonstrates commitment to the public good. 49

Summary of Criterion One Evidence 60

Challenges and Areas for Improvement 61

Criterion Two: Integrity, Ethical and Responsible Conduct - The institution acts with integrity; its conduct is ethical and responsible. 62

Core Component 2.A: CSU operates with integrity in financial, academic, personnel, and auxiliary functions; it establishes and follows fair and ethical policies and processes for its governing board, administration, faculty and staff. 62

Table of Contents
Core Component 2.B: CSU presents itself clearly and completely to its students and to the

public with regard to its programs, requirements, faculty, and staff, costs to students, control

and accreditation relationships 69

Core Component 2.C: CSU's governing board is autonomous to make decision in the best interest of the institution and to assure its integrity. 74

Core Component 2D: CSU is committed to freedom of expression and the pursuit of truth in teaching and learning 79

Core Component 2.E: CSU ensures that faculty, students and staff acquire, discover, and

apply knowledge responsibly. 81

Summary of Evidence Criterion Two 87

Challenges and Areas for Improvement 87

Criterion Three: Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources,

and Support - The institution provides quality education, wherever and however

its offerings are delivered. 88

Core Component 3.A: CSU's degree programs are appropriate to higher education. 88

Core Component 3.B: CSU demonstrates that the exercise of intellectual inquiry and

the acquisition, application and integration of broad learning and skills are integral to its educational programs. 90

Core Component 3.C: CSU has faculty and staff needed for effective, high quality

programs and student services 100

Core Component 3.D: CSU provides support for student learning and effective teaching. 111

Core Component 3.E: CSU fulfills the claims it makes for an enriched

educational environment 135

Summary of Evidence for Criterion Three 138

Challenges and Areas for Improvement 138

Criterion Four: Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement - The Institution demonstrates the quality of its educational programs, learning environments, and support services, and evaluates their effectiveness for students learning through processes designed to promote continuous improvement 139

Core Component 4.A: CSU demonstrates responsibility for the quality of its educational programs. 139

Core Component 4.B: CSU demonstrates a commitment to educational achievement and improvement through ongoing assessment 147

Core Component 4.C: CSU demonstrates a commitment to educational improvement

through ongoing attention to retention, persistence, and completion rates in its degree and certificate programs. 157

Summary of Evidence for Criterion Four 162

Challenges and Areas for Improvement 162

Table of Contents
Criterion Five: Resources, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness - Resources, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness. 163

Core Component 5.A: CSU's resource base supports its current educational programs and

its plans for maintaining and strengthening their quality in the future. 163

Core Component 5.B: CSU's governance and administrative structures promote effective leadership and support collaborative processes that enable the institution to fulfill its mission 188

Core Component 5.C: CSU engages is systematic and integrated planning 195

Core Component 5.D: CSU works systematically to improve its performance 201

Summary of Evidence for Criterion Five 207

Challenges and Areas for Improvement 209

Conclusion 211

Mission Statement
Central State University, Ohio’s only public Historically Black University, academically prepares students with diverse backgrounds for leadership and service in an increasingly complex and rapidly changing world. The University fosters academic excellence through a strong liberal arts foundation and majors in selected professional fields. (Adopted by Board of Trustees in October 1996)

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