Respect is key: respect for self

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In the social studies program, there are a variety of engaging ideas, issues, events, and persons that you will learn about throughout this year, but in order to truly get the most from this content, you need to think meaningfully about it. This means thinking critically about what you are learning about. This will increase your understanding of the content and help you to engage in the wider world around you.

Remember, you get out of your education only as much as you put into it. You chose your attitude!


Be the change you want to see in the world.” Mohandas Gandhi
Some people see things as they are and ask 'why'? I see things as they have never been and ask 'why not'?”

George Bernard Shaw
If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right.” Henry Ford


You will only get out of your education what you put into it! Be an active learner – think critically and ask questions. There will be ample opportunity for discussion in class. However, in order to create an environment where all feel welcome to participate, regardless of one’s perspective, it is essential for some basic rules to be followed:

  1. Show respect for anyone who is speaking by being a good listener

  2. Before speaking please raise your hand to be acknowledged - do not interrupt another person

  3. Do not make disparaging remarks that would in any way offend someone

RESPECT is KEY: respect for self, respect for others, and respect for school rules.
Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. Students are expected to do their own work. No mark will be awarded for any work deemed to be copied. In short, do not put yourself in a position where this might apply to you.

  • Food will be permitted into the classroom, unless it becomes a problem (distraction or mess).

  • Cell phone use in class may be permitted as part of learning activities, but only at the direction of the teacher. Inappropriate use of personal devices will be treated as per school policy. These are considered learning tools and should be used as such. If personal devices are being used for something other than educational purposes, they may be confiscated or use may be restricted.

  • Listening to music on a phone or an Ipod may be permitted during individual work time, but always at the discretion of the teacher. Earphones should not be used unless clear permission has been given to do so.

All assignments will be given due dates and these dates will be firm (unless unforeseen and acceptable circumstances arise – always at the discretion of the teacher). There will be no surprises. If the due date will be missed due to an absence, excused or unexcused, electron submission may be acceptable. Extremely late assignments (of more than one week) may not be marked and will remain in teacherlogic as NHI. If a missing assignment is not handed in before the end of the unit, it will not be accepted and will be awarded a permanent NHI. If an assignment has been marked and handed back, any assignments that are missing will not be accepted.

This may negatively affect your overall grade, so pay attention to due dates! If there are circumstances that create a problem for completion of an assignment, a student should approach the teacher for an extension prior to the due date. If the situation is deemed acceptable by the teacher, an extension may be granted.

Three missed assignments in a reporting period (term) will result in a phone call home.
Missed tests or quizzes must be excused by the teacher prior to the writing date (unless special circumstances do not permit). A responsible student does not surprise a teacher with missed tests and late assignments. All writing of missed tests and quizzes will take place outside of class time and it will be the responsibility of the student to make those arrangements. The writing of missed tests must take place within one week of a student returning, or they will be entered into to teacherlogic as NHI. If you miss a test, quiz, or in class essay, expect to write the tests/quiz/essay the day you return.
If you wish to retake a test, you will be required to do a review assignment and will be required to make an apt to meet with your teacher to demonstrate that you are ready for the retest.


Attendance will be handled according to school policy. School policy states that you must have a parent or guardian call the school to excuse any non-school related absence. If an absence is not excused, it will be recorded as unexcused on Teacherlogic.

If you come late to a class and the door is closed, please knock once and wait patiently and quietly in the hallway for admittance into class. The teacher will let you in at the most convenient time for them and for the rest of class. Chronic attendance problems may result in an attendance contract or may lead to withdrawal from the course.


There are certain things that all students will be expected to bring to class every day. These materials include: pen, pencil, social studies binder, and appropriate textbooks. Students will be asked to keep an organized notebook/binder which will serve as an essential learning resource for the semester. There are a variety of formats a student can use to chronicle their learning. Most will be through Ppt printouts & handouts.

Social studies affords students the opportunity to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will enable them to become engaged, active, informed, and responsible citizens. Recognition of and respect for individual and collective identity is essential in a pluralistic and democratic society. It will promote in students a sense of self and community, encouraging them to affirm their place as citizens in an inclusive, democratic society.
The Alberta Social Studies Kindergarten to Grade 12 Program of Studies meets the needs and reflects the nature of 21st century learners. Central to the program are the concepts of citizenship and identity in the Canadian context. The program reflects multiple perspectives, including Aboriginal and Francophone, that contribute to Canada’s evolving realities. It emphasizes the value of diversity and respect for differences. It fosters the building of a society that is pluralistic, bilingual, multicultural, inclusive and democratic while emphasizing cohesion through deliberation and consensus.
The recognition of diverse experiences and perspectives within Canadian society is integral to the Alberta social studies program. Pluralism builds upon Canada’s historical and constitutional foundations, which reflect the country’s Aboriginal heritage, bilingual nature and multicultural realities. A pluralistic view, as reflected in the program of studies, recognizes that citizenship and identity are shaped by multiple factors such as culture, language, environment, gender, ideology, religion, spirituality and philosophy.
Social studies is the study of people in relation to each other and to their world. It focuses on an inquiry approach to Canadian issues. It is an interdisciplinary subject that draws upon history, geography, ecology, economics, law, philosophy, political science and other social science disciplines. Social studies promotes students’ understanding of and involvement in practical and ethical issues that face their communities and humankind. Social studies will enable students to develop an understanding of who they are, what they want to become and the society in which they want to live.

Accessed from: Alberta Education, Social Studies 30-1 Program of Studies (2007), Edmonton, AB: author. Retrieved on August 20th 2015, from social/ soc30_1.pdf

Throughout the social studies 30-1 course students will be engaged with a key issue that is interconnected to four related issue questions. There is one key outcome that students will work towards, again, with four general outcomes guiding their journey. Within each related issue there are specific outcomes that reflect important values and attitudes, including knowledge and understanding outcomes.

SCHEDULE (tentative)

*this schedule is a guideline and subject to change as we progress through the course material.

Date Topics

Sept 1st – Sept 4th Introduction to Social Studies & Ideology

Identity (Individual/Collective)

Individualism & Collectivism Intro.

Sept 8th – Sept 20th Related Issue 1 Factors of individualism & common good

Characteristics & themes of Ideology

Sept 25th : Unit 1 Exam Individualist & Collectivist Principles
Sept 28th – Nov 9th Related Issue 2 Origin of liberalism (classical to modern)

Ideologies as a response to liberalism

Evolution of liberalism

Systems rejecting liberal ideology

Influence of ideology on international


Nov 10th: Unit 2 Exam Challenges & resistance to liberalism today
Nov 12th – Dec 10th Related Issue 3 Gov’t, Economics, and people wants/needs Liberalism reflected in pol. & econ. Systems

Contemporary liberal democr. & principles

Dec 12th : Unit 3 Exam Individual vs collective rights
Dec 15th – Jan.8th Related Issue 4 Individual & Collective Worldviews

Ideology & citizenship

Rights, Roles, & Resp. of Individuals

Ideology, Issues, & Leadership

Active & Responsible Citizenship
Diploma Examinations: Thursday, January 14th Part A (Written)

Wednesday, January 20th Part B (Multiple Choice)
* October 26th is the cut-off for choosing to write the Social 30-2 exam.

* All assignments and tests must be in for marking no later than January 18th. Otherwise, they will remain as NHI in the marks program, and will be calculated into your overall mark as a 0.

* Diploma prep sessions will be held Sunday, January 10th & January 17th from 10am - 4 pm.

* Thesis project presentations must be completed before December 16th.

You will be assessed and evaluated with evidence of learning in the following areas:

Course Work - 70% of Final Mark




Daily Work (10%)

& Projects (10%)

*classroom tasks & assignments, homework completion

*assessment of engagement in classroom activities

*at least one project/performance

task per related issue

Written Assignments

*at least three defense of position papers (major assignment)

*at least three interpretation of sources

(minor assignment)

*writing skills activities: planning / outlines / editing built into papers

Tests and Quizzes

* a collection of quizzes related to chapter content

*minimum of three formal

summative assessments (unit exams) that will be connected to the related issues of the curriculum

*tests will include multiple choice and written response questions grounded in the skills and outcomes of the curriculum

Diploma Exam - 30% Part A: Written 50% Part B: Multiple Choice 50%

(source interpretation – 20% & source analysis – 30%) (concepts & events – 60 questions)

Thur, January 14th, 2016 Wed, January 20th, 2016

* Students may start out in Social 30-1 but may wish to switch into Social 30-2 throughout the semester. This decision must be made by October 26th and must be approved by your teacher. An alternate weighting of course work, as indicated above, will be applied to those who make the switch mid-term.

For those of you who plan to continue on to University or College and would like to practice the rigors of independent research and presentation, you may wish to complete a Social Studies Thesis Project. This would be completed outside of class time but in consultation with your teacher. The topic would be complementary to the Social Studies 30 curriculum, but from the curriculum.
Within the Social 30 class, there will be opportunity for the students to engage in a variety of learning activities. This will attempt to create a balance between teacher-directed & student-directed learning, as well as individual & cooperative activities. These will include, but are not limited to:

  • Individual Activities: student notes, brainstorming, frayer models, sketching/cartooning, vocabulary, etc.

  • Small group Activities: pair & shares, brainstorming, case studies, summary posters, etc.

  • Large group activities: discussion/debate, jig-saw groups, article/video analysis, guided reading, etc.

Many of the learning activities in class will attempt to actively engage the students in their own learning, and activities that will emphasize critical thinking and effective communication. Meaningful discussion and total participation techniques will often be used to practice these skills. The teacher’s role is that of facilitator, offering up mini-lessons that use both print & visual resources, to explore concepts that students will then interact with individually or collaboratively (within a group).

Primary Resource:
Perspectives on Ideology, Fielding, Christison, Harding, Meston, Smith, Zook; Oxford University Press,Canada, 2009.
Secondary Resources:
Understandings of Ideologies, Noesgaard, Yoshida, Colless, Fielding, Phui; Oxford University

Press, Canada, 2009.

  1. Teacher Logic

This portal is used as a tool for teachers to communicate with students and parents about such things as attendance, marks, discipline, schedules, assignments, events, fees and graduation requirements.

  • Marks on teacherlogic will be updated as things are handed in and marked.

  • Assignment marks will be updated before the end of unit & summative exam. Except if you have handed in late assignments, these may not be up-to-date.

  • Further, a more thorough update will be made when marks are due to be submitted for the mid-term report card. Students will be given a progress report at this time to help them catch up on any missing assignments.

  • Students may ask for a progress report periodically, but are encouraged to access the teacherlogic for themselves.

  1. Email

  • I will be communicating with students at times through their school email, either with links to learning resources, assignments, or for reminders of due dates. Students should expect this and check their email regularly.

  1. Remind101 app will be used for deadline reminders and updates. Text @30social to (438) 793 – 7875

  1. - many of the summary videos we will view in class can be accessed here. It is organized by topic and videos are approximately 10 min. The videos included here cover the entire class content with focus questions.

  1. Facebook – there is also a class facebook page that will be used to share relevant ideas, pictures, videos, articles, etc. Social30VC –

  1. Google Classroom – accessible with your school log-in

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