Westwood Community High School Trojan Banner Newsletter “One By One We Can Be The Better World We Wish For” Kobe Yamada

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Westwood Community High School

Trojan Banner Newsletter
One By One We Can Be The Better World We Wish For”

Kobe Yamada
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September/October 2015

Administrator’s Message

Welcome to Westwood Community High School for the 2015/16 school year!!  A special welcome goes out to all of our new Grade 10 students and to our 60+ brand new enrolments from other places in Alberta and beyond.  We know you are going to have a fulfilling and exciting year here at Westwood. 

We would also like to introduce three new staff members to Westwood.  Mrs. Stang comes to us from Composite and Frank Spragins and she will be our attendance and Off Campus secretary, Mrs. Gadzala is new to the teaching profession and she will be teaching Social Studies in French and English, Mr. Arnesto is taking over in our Band and Choir area and Mrs. O'Leary is our new school psychologist. 
We do have a few new class offerings for this year including AP Computers, Ariel and ROV Robotics, Community Volunteerism and Basketball Academy.  We are very excited about all of these classes and know that the students will enjoy them.
Also new this year is a trip to Costa Rica for all students.  If anyone is interested in participating please contact Ms. Dawe or Mrs. Simpson for more details.
We would also like to let you know about an interesting and exciting mathematics partnership that we will be continuing this year with Westwood's partnership with schools in Norway and Ontario.  The NORCAN partnership was in the planning stages last year and will be beginning in October of this year.  Mrs. Greenwood and the Math Department are very excited about this new initiative. There will be more information to come in further newsletters and on our social media sites. 
Again, welcome to Westwood and we hope everyone has a successful and fun year.
Westwood Administration Team
Westwood School Council

All parents/guardians of Westwood students are encouraged to attend School Council meetings. The next meeting will take place on Thursday, October 1, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the main office Conference Room. The remainder of the meeting dates will be set to take place on the first Thursday of each month.


Physical Education Students Will Require a Lock

Physical Education students will require a personal lock for the gym lockers to ensure the security of personal belongings during class. Westwood will not be held responsible for items lost or stolen from lockers.
Come Out For Westwood Athletics

All students are welcome to try out for all Westwood athletic team. This fall we have Golf, Volleyball, Football and Cross-Country running starting up. Please listen for announcements. If you have any questions please ask Mr. Kouyoumdjian or Mrs. Francis. We also need volunteers and team support. Please come out for Challenge Cup events and support your teams. Go Trojans!

Tutoring Available

Tutoring for Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English and Social Studies will be offered on the following Fridays here at Westwood.  The tutoring will be in two hour blocks.  If you wish to sign up for tutoring, there are sign-up sheets on the doors of the resource rooms (room 238 and 218). 

Dates - September 18, October 2, October 9, November 6, November 27, December 4, January 15, February 12, March 11, April 15, April 29, May 13 and June 10.
Medical Condition Reminder

Reminder to parents regarding children with serious medical conditions:  if you a child serious medical needs that the school needs to be aware of, it is your responsibility to indicate this on the registration form.  If the condition is life threatening (for example allergies in which an epi-pen has to be used immediately), a one page emergency medical plan needs to be created and approved by your doctor and given to the school. 

Plastic Containers Needed

Please bring in your empty clean plastic containers (yogurt, fruit, etc) to Mrs. Giraudier in the Foods Room. Thanks!

Supplies Needed

Some students in the volunteerism course will be making toques for the homeless of Fort McMurray.  We are looking for wool and crochets hooks. We are also collecting needles (regular and for sewing machines), thread, scissors, measuring tapes, (to make sewing kits) and stuffing (to make stuffed animals). If you have some that you would like to donate, please send them to school in Portable 2.  For any information, contact Chantal Collin at chantal.collin@fmpsd.ab.ca Merci for your generosity!

Staff Websites/Email

To obtain teachers’ emails as well as websites for parents and students to enable them to access homework assignments, class information and announcements, please go to:


Bus Passes

Bus passes are available before and after school, during breaks and lunch for purchase/pick up from the main office for the first ten days of each month. Bus passes will not given out during instructional time or spares. If a bus pass is lost or stolen before the 11th of the month, it can be replaced at the school for a cost of $36.00. (After the 11th you will have to contact the City).

Do you have old or unwanted gardening tools and supplies?

The Westwood Green Initiative student club has started an outdoor garden and opened a small greenhouse. We are about to start building a larger, geodesic dome greenhouse. Our club is happily accepting drop-offs of the following items: large and small garden tools, broken and intact garden hose, soil, mulch, sand, seeds, perennial plants, planters, pots, clean buckets, bricks and landscaping rocks, plant covers, cloches, burlap, rain barrels, watering cans, cargo pallets, scrap wood, screwdrivers, deck screws, mini greenhouses, heating mats, and more. Please e-mail Johnny.Dulku@fmpsd.ab.ca to ask about specific items. Thank you for helping us grow.

Hand Crafters Market

The Hand Crafters Market will be take place once a month at Westwood on the following dates September 26-27, October 3 and November 7. For more information please email: fortmachandcrafted@gmail.com


Student parking is available at the east end of the building only in specifically marked stalls. There is more student parking available in the YMCA “parking lot 2” on the west end of the building, at the far end away from the YMCA. Parking spaces closest to the YMCA (lot 1) are for YMCA members day use only. Students are never to park in the stalls designated for “Expecting drivers” or “Drivers with small children” Using these spaces may be result in being ticketed or towed.
The school is not responsible for any damage or vandalism to any vehicle while parked at the school. Careless driving or misconduct in the parking area may result in the cancellation of parking privileges.
At no time are Westwood students allowed to park at Westview School.


Students leaving during school hours due to illness, injury or an appointment must come to the main office and contact their parent/guardian by telephone or bring in a note from their parent/guardian approving the absence prior to leaving the school. Students are expected to check back into the main office when they return to the school.
In an emergency situation, every effort will be made to contact parents/guardians.

Dress Code at Westwood

Students are expected to wear appropriate clothes for school. If clothing should offends staff members or fellow students, (example: no bare back or midriffs, no foul language or indecent pictures) they may be asked to find alternate clothing Parents and Students, we appreciate your support!

E-Mail Communications

If you have an e-mail address, and would like to receive information by this means, and have not given us your e-mail address, please contact us at Westwood at 780-791-1986.
Reminder: If your e-mail address should change or be cancelled at any time throughout the year, please contact us via e-mail at sheri.reid@fmpsd.ab.ca or phone at 791-1986 to ensure no delays in your receipt of school communications.

E-mail addresses for staff at Westwood can be found on the School Website at www.westwoodfmpsdschools.ca Once you are in the site, click on Staff Contacts and Staff E-mail. This can be a very effective way to communicate with your child’s teachers.

Library News

To our volunteers who helped during the textbook distribution - THANK YOU!   The distribution process ran smoothly and efficiently because of your involvement.  You made a HUGE difference!

All registered students should have their first semester textbooks.  If your son or daughter has NO textbooks, it’s because the student has not made time to come into the library to pick up their textbooks.
Please call the library at 791-1986 extension 130 to clarify the reason.
If textbooks or library books are not returned by the end of the semester/school year, students/parents will assume the cost of replacing these materials.  
THE CASTLE ROCK KEYS will be available for pre-order starting the week of September 2nd, 2015. Cost per book is $22.00.  Samples are available to have a look at in the library.  We will be placing the order on October 1st.
Mathematics Competitions

For years the University of Waterloo has been offering students a chance to compete in math competitions. The various contests provide the students with an opportunity to have fun and to develop their mathematical problem solving ability. Students can write the multiple choice or the written response contest for their specific grade. Questions are based on curriculum common to all Canadian provinces. Rather than testing contest, most of the problems test logical thinking, and problem solving. Please visit: http://www.cemc.uwaterloo.ca/contests/contests.html

This site includes contest information and preparation tips and resources.

If you are interested please contact Ms. Talia Warriner, talia.warriner@fmpsd.ab.ca to register for a contest or visit her in Room 205.

Learn Alberta

Visit LearnAlberta.ca to access the variety of online learning resources available to the Grade K-12 community in Alberta.

- Provides digital learning resources for Alberta students, teachers and parents

  • Available in English and French

  • Continuously add new material to the site.

  • Can be viewed from both school and home

  • Password protected

User ID: LA19

Password: 1193

Music News

Welcome back to Music at Westwood! We have a great season lined up for 2015-2016.

The Westwood Music Association Winter Market is November 28, 2015. Registration for tables will begin in early October. For information, the market email is Westwoodmarket99@gmail.com 
Drama News

Night Witches

The story of the 844 Night Bomber Regiment

Night Witches is about to hit the skies. Cheepiyak Theatre Company is creating their collective drama based on the famous World War II Soviet women’s 488 Night Bomber Regiment. Nachthexen (as the Germans called them) were female pilots, navigators and mechanics who flew small PO-2 biplanes that called for specific strategies to overthrow enemy territory. Male and Female Russian Pilots tell of tragedies in the sky and drama on the ground. Night Witches is an original historic drama. The actors will research the history and inspired military figures, workshop scenes and finally create a collection of vignettes and character moments of real lives. We welcome local actor, Michelle Thorne who will also be working with the actors-courtesy of Wood Buffalo Arts Council, Mr. Brian Vaughn-Robotics teacher who is meticulously building model planes and uniform emblems along with students Jonathan Cestnick as choreographer and Cally Miller as Stage Manager, a cast of twenty four students with an extended crew from grades 10-12.

Currently we are looking for items that can enhance our aviation theme of World War II -from aviation helmets, long boots, overalls or military gear. These are hard to find so anyone who has replicas or can loan them to us we’d appreciate and value.

SHOW DATES: Wednesday, November 18- Saturday November 21st

Tickets sales November 2nd -sold in the Westwood office or one hour before show time at the Cheepiyak Theatre office. Ticket price is $15 adults & $10 students & seniors.
For more information please contact: Terri.Mort @fmpsd.ab.ca or 780-791-1986 Ex 178
Terri Mort

Director of Cheepiyak Theatre Company

Drama/Visual Arts Teacher
Off Campus Programs

Summer Work Experience Hours are due to the Career Café by September 30th. Grade 11&12s are eligible to submit hours. 25 hours of work =1 credit. Stop by the career café for a Work experience contract and drop off your pay stubs. Students must have completed HCS 3000.

EnviroMENTORS program by the RMWB is back again. Student interested in education or environment field as a career can test their skills while teaching an environment unit in a grade 4 class. Students are trained and supervised while gaining valuable experience. Career Internship credit will be award to successful students. An information session will be held on Monday, September 21th in the Career Café at 11:00.
Students interested in volunteering with the Big Brothers and Big Sisters Full Circle Mentoring Program can attend an information session on September 22 at 11:00am in the Career Café. Or go to the Career Café for more information.
Work Experience Program – Students in grades 10, 11, and 12 can earn up to 30 credits for job employment and volunteering. 25 hours = 1 credit.


Completion of HCS 3000.

• Work Experience program guide (Contract) must be completed and handed in. Pay stubs must be handed it to the Career Café to receive appropriate credits.

RAP (Registered Apprenticeship Program) – This program is open to students who are currently in grade 10 and 11. Students in these grades can complete their first year apprenticeship hours before they graduate from high school. For students interested in
RAP meetings are on Wednesdays, in the Career Café during the tutorial period (11:00 – 11:29).

For more information about these programs, please see Ms. Laura MacEachen in the Career Café (Rm.157). Parents can get information by phoning the Career Café (780-791-1986 ext.284) or by emailing laura.maceachen@fmpsd.ab.ca

2015-2016 Electronic Policy

Use of Non-Educational Electronic Devices such as cell phones, laptops, tablets and personal music players (headsets), etc. are a privilege not a right at Westwood Community High School. These devices will only be allowed to be used in the school building under the following rules and expectations. If a student refuses to comply with these rules, the consequence will automatically result in a “third offence” as listed below and a possible suspension.

Due to the enormous amount of time spent on investigating stolen cell phones and other non-educational electronic devices, the school will NOT investigate stolen cell phones or non-educational electronic devices. Their security is the sole responsibility of the student.

  • Use of electronic devices is up to the individual teacher in the classrooms

  • This use may vary throughout the school so please verify with your classroom teacher as to the rights and responsibilities in reference to using these devices.


  • Music devices with headphones/ear buds can be used at lunch but in one ear only for safety reasons.

  • During O’ Canada, headphones/ear buds must be removed completely.

  • Cell phone use is permitted but only for texting.


  • Students can use technology devices in the cafeteria. However, these devices need to be silent and must not disturb other students.

Library at Lunch

  • Use of cell phones is at the discretion of the librarian.

  • Laptops, tablets etc. can be used but only for educational purposes – Face Book or other social media, MSN for example, are not to be accessed.

  • As much as possible, screens should be turned towards the front desks.


  • The use of a non-educational electronic device during a test (i.e. text messaging) will be considered cheating and proper action will be taken. “Forgetting” to turn off the cell phone or other electronic device (or putting it on vibrate) will not be excused.

Photographic Devices

  • No use of photographic equipment is permitted during the school day without permission from the Administration or as part of an authorized curriculum.

If a student refuses to adhere to these rules and comply with a staff member’s directive, the following consequences will be put in place.

First offence: Confiscation of the device to be returned to the student at the end of the school day or the next school day at the discretion of the Administration;

Second offence: Confiscation of the device to be returned to the student by the Administration in consultation with a parent or guardian;

Third offence: Confiscation of the device to be returned to a parent or guardian by administration. Consequence for further offences may result in suspensions.

Again, refusal to hand over a non-educational electronic device to a staff member may automatically result in Third offence status and an out of school suspension.

Tutorial Policy

It is the belief of the staff of Westwood Community High School that students VOLUNTARILY go to tutorial for help when they have been absent, are falling behind or need assistance. However, should students choose not to go to Tutorial voluntarily, INTERVENTIONS would be applied.

Intervention Levels 1 – 3:

  1. Students who are having difficulty, falling behind or failing are ASSIGNED by their subject teacher to attend Tutorial time.

  2. Student doesn’t attend assigned tutorial; parents are contacted and student is REQUIRED to attend tutorial until caught up.

  3. Student still doesn’t attend – student is sent to the office and student receives an ADMIN ASSIGNED TUTORIAL.

If the problem becomes chronic, the student may be pulled from that class and required to work on missing assignments in a DIRECTLY SUPERVISED SITUATION.
Because the student has missed class to get caught up, the student will still have REQUIRED TUTORIALS to make up assignments from the pulled class(es).
REQUIRED TUTORIALS end on teacher recommendation only.

How do you avoid this: don’t fall behind and/or attend tutorials when they are assigned.

Intervention practices for Westwood Community High School
Classroom teachers will contact parents by phone, email, or letter if necessary, when students have not handed in an assignment on the due date. They will inform the parents that their son/daughter is assigned to a tutorial to catch up and that the final due date for the assignment is one week from the contact with the parent.
Attendance Policy

The staff of Westwood Community High School is committed to working in partnership with parents to ensure that students have every opportunity for academic success. We believe and statistics show that regular and punctual attendance is essential to learning. Classes provide explanation, illustration and proactive opportunities for involvement in discussion and group work. Teachers and Administrators expect all students to attend classes regularly and on time.

Section 13 of the Alberta School Act states that “An individual who

    1. is eligible to be enrolled in a school,

    2. at September 1 in a year is 6 years of age or older, and

    3. is younger than 16 years of age, shall attend school.”

  1. Students in Grades 10 – 12 are responsible for:

  1. Attending all classes on time every day. Attendance at Westwood is calculated by the block.

  2. Reporting to the office when entering or leaving the school after classes have begun.

  3. Advising their teachers of the reason for their absences.

  4. Making up any work missed during an absence.

  1. Students participating in or representing Westwood at school-based extra-curricular activities and school sports teams need to have excellent attendance and appropriate behavior or they will not be permitted to participate.

  2. Parents/Guardians are required to notify the school by telephone (780)791-1986, or in writing, stating the reason, when the student is excusably absent or late. Documentation is required to excuse a student when the student has nine or more absences. This applies to all students, regardless of age.

For the purpose of this policy, an absence is considered excused for the following reasons:

    1. Illness or injury.

    2. Medical, dental, optometric or chiropractic services that cannot be scheduled outside of school hours.

    3. Death in the family

    4. Participation in religious observances

    5. School related activity or program

    6. Suspension from school

Any absence for reasons other than those listed above is considered an unexcused absence. Some samples of unexcused absences are:

  1. Any personal business that could be handled on personal time.

  2. Working for an employer.

  3. Oversleeping

  4. Missing the bus

  5. Car trouble

  6. Studying for a test

According to Alberta Education policy vacations or trips scheduled during school time are not excusable. It is the school’s belief that the loss of instructional time can never be regained. Any drop in grade due to this absence is solely the responsibility of the student and their parent/guardian. It is also the student’s responsibility to get required work, with ample time, from the teacher or to make up the work upon returning from the vacation or trip.

  1. The office staff will record all phone calls and notes in the daily attendance log. Emails or notes may not be accepted due to the risk of either being forged.

  2. An automated dialer will call the student’s listed phone number on the day when an unexcused absence occurs.

  3. Students who are inexcusably absent from school are not permitted:

  1. to be on school property, or

  2. to attend and/or participate in extra-curricular activities.

  1. Tardiness (making a habit of being late for class) – A student must not miss more than 20 minutes of instruction to be considered present for that class or 10 minutes to be considered present for the tutorial period. Consequences may include detentions, parent contact for remediation, forfeiting the right to attend class for one day and/or referral to administration.

  2. Students over the age of 18 who are not living at home may excuse their own absences providing prior arrangements have been made with the Principal and their parents/guardians have been formally notified.

  3. The attendance protocol at Westwood is as follows:

  1. Teachers will call the parents when a student has 3 unexcused absences in a course and will record the contact..

  2. After five unexcused absences in one course, teachers will refer students to administration.

  3. When a student has been referred to administration, the Westwood Attendance Policy of August 31, 2003 will be activated. (Please see No. 12 below.)

  1. Students who skip classes will receive consequences that may include the following:

  1. after-school or before-school detentions issued by course teachers and/or administration;

  2. in-school suspensions (which go until 3:00 for each day);

  3. referral to Attendance Board for students under the age of 16;

  4. recommendation for withdrawal from a course or from school.

  5. Three unexcused absences in one month may result in an In-School Suspension.

Students may be directed to another public school. Decisions will be made on an individual basis and will follow discussions with teachers, parents and students. Factors that will be considered in making such a decision include:

* The student’s current marks in the course and the likelihood of the student successfully completing the course;

* The student’s general deportment in the school;

* The students’ academic record;

* Students possibly could re-register the following semester provided they have completed 10 course credits and after meeting with administration.

11. Students who have been withdrawn from school and would like to re-register the following semester are to meet with the Principal. Students who are expelled from school may be reinstated into the school at the discretion of the Board of Trustees and after meeting with the Principal.

12. As of August 31, 2003 the following regulations will apply to students who are in Grades 10 - 12:

* When a student has reached five unexplained or unexcused absences in any course, he or she may be withdrawn from a course and/or school.

* The school will, upon withdrawal, provide parents with notification in writing.

* Students will be directed to another public school in Fort McMurray.

* Students will be considered for registration in subsequent semesters depending on their commitment and completion of courses at another high school.
Advanced Placement Program at Westwood High School

The Advanced Placement (AP) Program is a cooperative endeavor between high schools, colleges and universities. It was founded in 1955 and is administered by the College Board. AP allows high school students to take college-level academic courses and gives them the opportunity to show that they have mastered the advanced material by taking rigorous AP exams. Upon successful completion of these exams, students may receive credit, advanced standings, or both from over 4000 colleges and universities worldwide.

The AP Program is flexible. Students may choose to take as many or as few AP courses as they want. This enables students to individually tailor their academic timetables in accordance with their abilities, interests, and extra-curricular time commitments. The following AP courses are offered at Westwood High School: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Calculus AB, English Language and Composition, European History and Computer Science.
It is important to note that even though AP courses often cover more material at a faster pace, students' final marks will reflect what they would have achieved in a non-AP course based on Alberta curriculum. Teachers ensure that AP students' marks are not lower because of the academic rigor of AP.
AP test scores may be used by colleges/universities to exempt students from introductory coursework or used to replace an admission requirement. Each institution’s policy is different, but most require a minimum score of 4 or 5 to receive college credit.
Post-Secondary Institutions Coming to Westwood and Fort McMurray - Find out about Universities

Post-Secondary Institutions from across Alberta, Western Canada and as well as a few from Eastern Canada will be coming to Fort McMurray later in September to display and present information to grade 12 students regarding university. Advisors will have displays set up and provide information relating to programming, applications, scholarships, and early admission. All Westwood students interesting in going to university next year are encouraged to attend this session. Dates have not yet been confirmed. Information will be sent out as soon as it’s available. This is a city-wide evening session.

The University of British Columbia will be at Westwood on September 24 from 11:00am-12:00pm to present information to students in the Westwood Theater.
Scholarship Presentation

We are in the process of updating our scholarship book. There will be a scholarship Presentation for Grade 12 students on September 30, 2015 at 3:00, in room 232. Scholarship information will be posted on the school website as well.

Upcoming Scholarships
TD Canada Trust Scholarships for Community Leadership
Grade 12 students who have demonstrated outstanding community leadership and who possess the academic skills to successfully enter and complete college or university are eligible to apply. Each scholarship includes full tuition at any approved university or college in Canada, $5,000 a year towards living expenses and an offer of summer employment at TD Canada Trust. Check the website at www.tdcanadatrust.com/scholarship


The LORAN Award formally known as the Canadian Merit Scholarship Foundation recognizes and rewards well-rounded students who demonstrate character, leadership and a commitment to the community. Grade 12 students with a minimum average of 85% are eligible to apply. Awards range from $1500 to up to $16 000 per year. Applications are on-line and should be started in late September.
Remax – Quest for Excellence Bursary – Applications open in September. To apply, go to www.remax.ca then click on About Remax, in the community, Quest for Excellence.
Web Sources for Scholarship Information Go to our web page: www.alis.alberta.ca
Student Services Contact Information:
Grade 10 Counsellor – Mrs. Heather Terry

  1. Heather.Terry@fmpsd.ab.ca

Grade 11 Counsellor - Ms. Tifanie Book

  • Tifanie.Book@fmpsd.ab.ca

Grade 12 Counsellor- Mrs. Christine Tulk

  1. Christine.Tulk@fmpsd.ab.ca

Graduation Requirements

The basic graduation requirements include:

100 overall credits including:
Credits Minimal Requirements

15 English 30-1 or 30-2

15 Social 30-1, 30-2

10 Science – Grade 11, Science 24,

Biology 20, Chemistry 20 or Physics 20

10 Math (grade 11)-Math 20-1, 20-2, or 20-3

  1. Other Grade 12 Courses (Any 30 level)

10 CTS courses (including: second languages, fine arts, RAP, locally developed courses, Phys Ed., etc.)

  1. Physical Education 10

3 CALM 20 (Career and Life Management)

22 Other Credits (ie, Math, Science, Phys. Ed.

CTS, Fine Arts, etc…)

The remaining credits can be completed based on the student’s choice and availability of classes.

Students who are university bound have additional requirements to meet. These requirements are dependent upon the University that the student is planning to attend. For example, for the University of Alberta, students need to have a minimum of 5 academic 30-level classes by the end of grade twelve. Additionally, depending on the program of choice, there may be specific pre-requisites or requirements to meet. Please inquire with the University or Student Services for more information.
If you would like to meet to discuss your child’s graduation status, or wish to meet with a counselor to further discuss your child’s success, please contact Student Services to make an appointment.
Diploma Exams

Students write diploma exams in all 30 level or grade 12 core subjects except Math 31 (Calculus).  This year, the diploma exam is worth 30% of the mark and is combined with the school mark to determine final marks for the course.

If you plan to rewrite a diploma exam, you must register through myPass or go to https://www.education.alberta.ca/students/exams/rewrites.aspx Rewrite fees must be paid on-line to Alberta Education by the specified deadline.
This year diploma exams can be rewritten at 5 writing times: November, January, April, June and August. See Mrs. Tulk for specific writing times and registration deadlines, or go to www.education.alberta.ca/students/exams
Below are links to help students prepare for their diploma exams.



www.exambank.com, username: ww2833, password st2833

Alberta High School Diploma Requirements
We urge students and parents to check the requirements for receiving a high school diploma. This information can also be found on the following website: http://www.learning.gov.ab.ca/educationguide/guide.asp?id=061005. Grade 12 students, please contact Mrs. Chris Tulk in Student Services to ensure you are meeting all of your grad requirements.

Important Dates
September 18 PLF day – No Classes for Students

September 25 Spirit Day

September 30 & October 1 Lifetouch – Picture Retake Days

October 2 PLF day – No Classes for Students

October 9 PLF day – No Classes for Students

October 12 Thanksgiving Day – No School

October 14 & 15 Progress Report Interviews – 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

A-L (7th ) M-Z (8th)

October 19, 20, 21 Jostens Grad Ring Diplay/Order during lunch and afterschool

October 20 Jostens Grad Ring Display/Order – Parent night 6:00-7:30pm

October 29 Halloween Dress Up Day

October 30 Teachers’ Institute – No School

Looking Ahead:

November 17 Academic Awards Ceremony

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