Resume Rudolf B. Husar

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Rudolf B. Husar


Center for Air Pollution Impact and Trend Analysis (CAPITA), Campus Box 1124,

Washington University, St. Louis , MO 63130-4899.

Phone: (314) 935-6099 Fax: (314) 935-6145, e-mail:

Professional Development

1979-Present Director, Center for Air Pollution Impact and Trend Anal., Wash. U., US

1976-Present Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Washington U. St. Louis, US

1976 Visiting Professor, Meterorological Institute, Stockholm U. Sweden

1973-76 Associate Professor, Mechanical Eng., Washington U. St. Louis, US

1971-73 Post-Doctoral Fellow, California Institute of Techn., Pasadena, US

1966-71 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, U. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, US

1965 Summer Student, Hospital Eng. Research, U. of Glasgow, Scotland

1962–66 Dipl. Ing. Mechanical Engineering, Technical University, Berlin, FRG

1961-62 Technician, W. Hofer, Heating and Veltilatin Consulting, Krefeld, FRG

1959-61 Student, Mechanical Engineering, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Honors And Awards

Member of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1998

Listed in American Man and Woman of Science, 17th Ed., 1989

Member of Editorial Board, Aerosol Sci. and Techn., 1984-89

Member of Editorial Board, Idojaras, 1982-93

Member of Editorial Board, Environmental Sci. and Techn., 1981-83

Executive Editor, Atmospheric Environment, 1980-85

Graduate Student Instrumentation Development Award, U. Minnesota, 1966

Honorary Stipend, West Berlin Senate, 1963-66

Advisory Activities

Ozone Transport Assess. Group, Air Qual. Anal. Workgr., Member, 1996-97

EPA Particulate Matter Crit. Doc. Panel, Reviewer, Contributor, 1996

WMO Panel on Global Aerosol Data System, Chair, 1991

WMO Panel on Space Obs. of Tropospheric Aerosols, Group Leader, 1990

NAPAP State of Sci. Panel, Reviewer, Contributor, 1990

US NAS Committee on Mon. and Assess. of Trends in Acid Deposition, 1986

US NAS Committee on Atmosphere-Biosphere Interaction, Comm. Member, 1981

US NAS Committee on Sulfur Oxides, Comm. Member, 1977

Ministerial Conference on Acidifacation, Raporeur, Stockholm, 1981

NSF Advisory Panel on Atmospheric Chemistry, Panel Member, 1978

Interagency Comm. on Health and Env. Effects of Energy, Co-chair, 1978

EPA/NASA Coop. Prog. on Space Techn.-Air Pollution, Panel Member, 1978

NSF Committee on Inadvertent Weather Modification, Member, 1977

EPA Panel on Visibility, Panel Member, 1977

US State Dept, Long Range Transp., Negot. Team Member, Geneva, 1976

Publications In Journals

Characterization of Tropospheric Aerosols over the Oceans with the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer Optical Thickness Operational Product, with J.M. Prospero and L.L. Stowe. J. Geophys. Res. 102, D14, 16889-16909 (1997).

Regional simulation of atmospheric pollutants with the CAPITA Monte Carlo model, with B.A Schichtel. J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc. 47, 331–343 (1997).

NOAA’s National Environmental Watch: New Interactive System Provides Earth System Information to a Broad Spectrum of Users, with N.L. Thompson N.L., N.B. Guttman. Earth Sys. Monitor. 5, 4-7 (1994).

Haze and Sulfur Emission Trends in the Eastern United States, with W.E. Wilson. Env. Sci. Technol. 27, 12-16 (1993).

Regional Sulfur Runoff, with J.D. Husar. J. Geophys. Res. 90, 1115-1125 (1985).

Relationships between aerosol extinction coefficients derived from airport visual range observations and alternative measures of airborne particle mass, with A.D.S. Ozkaynak, G.D. Thurston, R.G. Isaacs. J. Air Poll. Control Assoc. 35, 1176-1185 (1985).

An Intercomparison of measurements by a Telephotometer and an Integrating Nephelometer, with R.M. Hitzenberger, H. Horvath. Atmos. Environ. 18, 1239-1242 (1984).

A Comparison of Extinction and Size Distribution Data Measured at Two urban Sites in the U.S. and Europe, with R.M. Hitzenberger. Atmos. Environ. 18, 449-452 (1984).

Assessment of Model Simulation of Long-Distance Transport, with J.F. Clarke, T.L. Clark, J.K.S. Ching, P.L. Haagenson, D.E. Patterson, Atmos. Environ. 17, p 2449-2462 (1983).

The Measurement of H2SO4 and Other Sulfate Species at Tuxedo, New York with a Thermal Analysis Flame Photometric Detector and Simultaneously collected Quartz Filter Samples, with M.T. Morando, T.J. Kneip, W.G. Cobourn, P.J. Lioy. Atmos. Environ. 17, 843-848 (1983).

Diurnal and Seasonal Patterns of Particulate Sulfur and Sulfuric Acid in St. Louis, July 1977-June 1978, with W.G. Cobourn, Atmos. Environ. 16, 1441-1450 (1982).

Intercomparison of Concentration Results from Fine Particle Sulfur Monitors, with D.C. Camp, R.K. Stevens, W.G. Cobourn, J.F. Collins, J.J. Huntzicker, J.D. Husar, J.M. Jaklevic, R.L. McKenzie, R.L. Tanner, J.W. Tesch. Atmos. Environ. 16, 911-916 (1982).

Study of the Particulate Sulfur-Light Scattering Relationship Using In-Situ Aerosol-Thermal Analysis, with W.G. Cobourn, J. Geophys. Res. 87, 11, 223-228 (1982).

Monte Carlo Simulation of Daily Regional Sulfur Distribution: Comparison with SURE Sulfate Data and Visual Range Observation during August 1977, with D.E. Patterson, W.E. Wilson, L.F. Smith. J.Appl. Meteor. 20, 404-420 (1981).

A Direct Simulation of Hemispherical Transport of Pollutants, with D.E. Patterson. Atmos. Environ. 15, 1479-1482 (1981).

Spatial and Temporal Pattern of Eastern U.S. Haziness; A Summary, with J.M. Holloway, D.E. Patterson, W.E. Wilson. Atmos. Environ. 15, 1919-1928 (1981).

Airborne In-Situ measurement of Particulate Sulfur and Sulfuric Acid with Flame Photometry and Thermal Analysis, with W.G. Cobourn, J.D. Husar, S. Kholi. Atmos. Environ. 15, 2565-2571 (1981).

International Symposium on Sulfur in the Atmosphere, with J.D. Husar. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 59, 1332-1333 (1980).

Regional Scale Air Pollution: Sources and Effects, with D.E. Patterson. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 338, 339-417 (1980).

Monitoring of Sulfuric Acid Episodes in St. Louis, Missouri, with W.G. Cobourn, J. D. Husar. J. Geophys. Res. 85, 4487-4494 (1980).

Three-Dimensional Distribution of Air Pollutants in the Los Angeles Basin: Average vertical profiles at hawthorne, El Monte, Ontario and Riverside, with D.E. Patterson, W.H. White, D.L. Blumenthal, T.B. Smith. J. Appl. Meteor. 16, 1089-1096 (1977).

Continous In-Situ Monitoring of Ambient Particulate Sulfur using Flame Photometry and Thermal Analysis, with W.G. Coburn, J.D. Husar. Atmos. Environ. 12, 89-98, (1978).

Sulfur Budget of a Power Plant Plume, with D.E. Patterson, J.D. Husar, N.V. Gillani, W.E. Wilson, Jr. Atmos. Environ. 12, 549-568 (1978).

Continuous in situ Monitoring of Ambient Particulate Sulfur Using Flame Photometry and Thermal Analysis, with W.G. Cobourn, J.D. Husar. Atmos. Environ. 12, 89-98 (1978).

Project MISTT: Kinetics of Particulate Sulfur Formation in a Power Plant Plume out to 300 KM, with N.V. Gillani, J.D. Husar, D.E. Patterson, W.E. Wilson, Jr. Atmos. Environ. 12, 589-598 (1978).

General Motors Sulfate Dispersion Experiment: Summary of EPA Measurements, with W.E. Wilson, Jr., L.L. Spiller, T.G. Ellestad, P.J. Lamonthe, T.G. Dzubay, R.K. Stevens, E.S. Macias, R.A. Fletcher, J.D. Husar, K.T. Whitby, D.B. Kittelson, B.K. Cantrell. J. Air Poll. Control Assoc. 27, 46-51, (1977).

An Eddy-Correlation Measurement of Particulate Deposition from the Atmosphere, with M.L. Weseley, B.B. Hicks, W.P. Dannevik, S. Frisella. Atmos. Environ. 11, 561-563 (1977).

A Lagrangian Model of the Los Angeles Smog Aerosol, with W.H. White, J. Air Poll. Control Assoc. 26, 32-35 (1976).

On the Color of the Los Angeles Smog, with W.H. White, Atmos. Environ. 10, 199 (1976).

Formulation and Initial Application of a Dynamic Model for Urban Aerosols, with W.H. White, Comments to Chu and Seinfeld. Atmos. Environ. 10, 85 (1976).

Direct Evidence of Heterogeneous Aerosol Formation in the Los Angeles Smog, with W.H. White, D. Blumenthal. Environ. Sci. Technol. 10, 490 (1976).

Thermal Analyses of Aerosols, J. of Thermal Analysis. 10, 183-189 (1976).

Atmospheric Particulate Mass Measurement with Beta Attenuation Mass Monitor, with E.S. Macias. Environ. Sci. Technol. 10, 904-907 (1976).

Particulate Sulfur Analysis: Application to High Time Resolution Aircraft Sampling in Plumes, with J.D. Husar, E.S. Macias, W.E. Wilson, Jr., J.L. Durham, W.K. Sheperd, J.A. Anderson. Atmos. Environ. 10, 591-595 (1976).

Formation and Transport of Secondary Air Pollutants: Ozone and Aerosols in the St. Louis Urban Plume, with W.H. White, J.A. Anderson, D.L. Blumenthal, N.V. Gillani, J. D. Husar, W.E. Wilson, Jr. Science. 194, 187 (1976).

SMS/GOES Visible Images Detect a Synoptic Scale Air Pollution Episode, with W.A. Lyons. Monthly Weather Review. 104 (1976).

Determination of Submicrogram Amounts of Atmospheric Particulate Sulfur, with J.D. Husar, P.K. Stubits. Anal. Chem. 47, 2062 (1975).

Thermal Analyses of the Los Angeles Smog Aerosol, with W.R. Shu. J. Appl. Meteor. 14, 1558 (1975).

Atmospheric Particulate Mass Monitoring with a B Radiation Detector, Atmos. Environ. 8, 183-188 (1974).

Relationship of smog aerosol size and chemical composition to source characteristics, with S.L. Heisler, S.K. Friedlander. Atmos. Environ. 7, 633-649, (1973).

The Minnesota Aerosol Analyzing System used in the Pasadena Smog Project, 1971 Kendall Award Symposium, American Chemical Society, March 28 - April 4, with K.T. Whitby, B.Y.H. Liu, and N. Barsic. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 39, 136-164 (1972).

The aerosol spectra of Los Angeles Smog, 1971 Kendall Award Symposium, American Chemical Society, March 28 - April 4, with B.Y.H. Liu and K.T. Whitby. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 39, 17-204 (1972).

Physical mechanisms governing the dynamics of Los Angeles smog aerosols, 1971 Kendall Award Symposium, American Chemical Society, March 28 - April 4, with B.Y.H. Liu and K.T. Whitby. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 39, 211-224 (1972).

Multiwavelength Nephelometer Measurements in Los Angeles Smog I: Comparison of calculated and measured light scattering, with D.S. Ensor, R.J. Charlson, N.C. Ahlquist, K.T. Whitby, and B.Y.H. Liu. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 39, 242-251 (1972).

Multiwavelength Nephelometer Measurements in Los Angeles Smog II: Correlation with site distribution, volume concentrations, and broad band scattering, with J.F. Thielke, T.J. Charlson, J.W. Winter, N.C. Ahlquist , K.T. Whitby, and B.Y.H. Liu. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 39, 252-259 (1972).

The Growth Mechanisms and Size Spectra of Photochemical Aerosols, presented at the conference "Science in the control of smog”, Pasadena, November 1971, with K.T. Whitby. Environ. Sci. Technol. 7, 241-247 (1972).

Observations and other characteristics of thermals, with E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein. J. Fluid Mech. 41, 793-800 (1970).

Longitudinal vortices in natural convection flow on inclined plates, with E.M. Sparrow. J. Fluid Mech. 37, 251-255 (1969).

Free convection from a plane vertical surface with a non-horizontal leading edge, with E. M. Sparrow . Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer. 12, 365-369, (1969).

Patterns of free convection flow adjacent to horizontal heated surfaces, with E.M. Sparrow. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer. 11, 1206-1208 (1969).

Jahrestagung 1967 der ASHRAE in Minneapolis, Heizung-Luftung-Haustechnik. 19, 221 (1968).

Bericht uber die Tagung: Technische Aufgaben Krankenhausern, Heizung-Luftung-Haustechnik. 17, 104-106 (1966).

Das Krankenhauszentrum in London, Sanitare Technik. 31, 28-29 (1965).

Books And Book Chapters

Sulfur and Nitrogen Emission Trends for the U.S. In: Industrial Metabolism: Restructuring for Sustainable Development, with R.U. Ayres, U.E. Simonis (Eds.), United Nations University Press, Tokyo, 1994.

Ecosystem and the Biosphere: Metaphors of Human-Induced Material Flows. In: Industrial Metabolism: Restructuring for Sustainable Development, with R.U. Ayres, U.E. Simonis (Eds.), United Nations University Press, Tokyo, 1994.

Report of the meeting of Experts on Global Aerosol Data System (GADS), with L.L. Stowe, A. Deepak (Eds.), World Meteorological Organization, Global Atmosphere Watch No. 73, WMO/TD-No. 438. 1992.

Estimation of Precipitation Amount and Chemistry at Eastern Lake Survey--Phase I Lakes. Appendix C. In Acid Deposition and Aquatic Ecosystems: Regional Case Studies, D.F. Charles (Ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York, 1991.

Historical Trends in Atmospheric Sulfur Deposition and Methods for Assessing Long-Term Trends in Surface Water Chemistry, with T.J. Sullivan, D.F. Charles. In Acid Deposition and Aquatic Ecosystems: Regional Case Studies, D.F. Charles (Ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York, 1991.

Sulfur In: The Earth as Transformed by Human Action, with J.D. Husar, B.L. Turner. et al. (Eds.), Cambridge University Press with Clark University, Cambridge, 1990.

Historical Visibility Trends. In: Visibility Existing and Historical Conditions--Causes and Effects, Trijonis et al. (Eds.), In "Acid Deposition: State of Science and Technology", Volume III, National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program, Washington, D.C., 1990.

Air Pollution Distribution and Trends. In: Biological Markers of Air Pollution Stress and Damage in Forests. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1989.

Climatic trends over North America: Potential role of aerosols, with Wilson W.E. Jr., In: Aerosols Research, Risk Assessment and Control Strategies, Lee S.D., Schneider T., Grant L.D., Verkerk P.J. (Eds.), Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, MI, 1986.

Emissions of Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxides and Trends for Eastern North America. In: Acid Deposition Long-Term Trends, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1986.

Chapter in The Properties and Climate of Atmospheric Haze. Lothat H. Ruhnke and Adarsh Deepak (Eds.), Deepak Publishing, 1984.Chapters in The Character and Origins of Smog Aerosols. G.M. Hidy (Ed.), Advances in Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 10, p. 593-611, 651-663, John Wiley & Sons Publishing, New York, 1980.

Chapter in Atmospheric Sulfur Deposition, Environmental Impact and Health Effects. D.S. Shriner (Ed.), Ann Arbor Science Publishers, p. 163-177, 1979.

Sulfur in the Atmosphere. with, J.P. Lodge and D.J. Moore ( Eds.), Pergamon Press, 1978.

Chapter in Aerosol Measurement. D.A. Lundgren, Ed., University Presses of Florida, p. 312-320, 1978.

Chapter in Fine Particles: Aerosol Generation, Measurement, Sampling and Analysis. B.Y.H. Liu, Ed., Academic Press, p. 535, 1976.Chapters in Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. II. Aerosols, Emulsions and Surfactants. M. Kerker, Ed., Academic Press, p. 141-153, 1976.

Chapter in Instrumentation for Monitoring Air Quality. R.C. Barras, Ed., ASTM Spec. Publication 555, 1974.

Chapters in Aerosols and Atmospheric Chemistry. G.M. Hidy (Ed.), Academic Press, 1973.

Proceedings Of National And International Meetings

Derivation of SO2 – SO42- transformation and deposition rate coefficients over the Eastern US using a semi-empirical approach. B.A. Schichtel, and R.B. Husar, (1997). Presented at the A&WMA/AGU International Specialty Conference, Bartlett, New Hampshire. Paper 120-S9.123. Available on the CAPITA web site at mcarlokinetics/mcrateco4.html

U.S. Visibility Trends, 1960-1992, Regional and National. (1994). Presented at 87th Annual A&WMA Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio. 19-24 June.

AIRS- Voyager Data Delivery System: Implementation and Experiences. T.L. Oberman, R.B. Husar, A. Juric (1994). Presented at 87th Annual A&WMA Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio. 19-24 June.

“User Friendly Interactive System to Provide Information to Decision Makers.” R.L. Thompson, N.B. Guttman (1994). AMS Meeting

“The Monte Carlo Model: PC Implementation.” B.A. Schichtel, R.B. Husar. (1994). Presented at AWMA/AGU International Specialty Conference, Snowbird, Utah. September 1994, Available on the CAPITA web site at

Interactive access to AIRS using personal computers: Information engineering and science. T.L. Oberman, A. Van Arsdale, R.L. Poirot, T.A. Davis (1993). Presented at 86th Annual A&WMA Meeting, Denver, CO. 14-18 June.

Reconciliation of visibility and aerosol composition data over the U.S. B.A. Schichtel, R.B. Husar, W.E. Wilson, R. Poirot, W.C. Malm. (1992). Presented at 85th Annual A&WMA Meeting, Kansas City, MO. 21-26 June.

Aerosol types over the continental U.S.: Spatial and seasonal patterns. B.A. Schichtel and R.B. Husar. (1992). Presented at 85th Annual A&WMA Meeting, Kansas City, MO. 21-26 June.

Transboundary implications of visibility-impairing aerosols in the Northeastern United States (Part I): Space/time patterns from NESCAUM aerosol network. B.A. Schichtel and R.B. Husar. (1992). Presented at Spring, 1992 Meetings of American Geophysical Union and Canadian Geographical Union, Montreal, Canada. May.

Exploration of the AIRS database: Weekly cycle of ozone and PM 10 aerosols. R.B. Husar and R. Poirot. (1992). Presented at 85th Annual A&WMA Meeting, Kansas City, MO. 21-26 June.

Visibility data filters for Europe. B.A. Schichtel, R.B. Husar, and J.D. Husar. (1991). Presented at 84th Annual A&WMA Meeting, Vancouver, BC. 16-21 June.

Emission Inventory Data Analysis Using “Voyager” PC Package. D.C. Misenheimer and R.B. Husar. (1991). A&WMA Specialty Conference: Emission Inventory Issues in the ‘90s.

Interactive exploration and analysis of EPA's aerometric information and retrieval system (AIRS) data sets. R.B. Husar and N.H. Frank. (1991). Presented at 84th Annual A&WMA Meeting, Vancouver, BC. 16-21 June.

Winter fine particle composition in the Northeast: Preliminary results from the NESCAUM monitoring network. R.L. Poirot, R.G. Flocchini, and R.B. Husar. (1990). Presented at 83rd Annual A&WMA Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. 24-29 June.

Population, economy, and energy use's influence on sulfur emissions in the United States since 1900. J.K. Kissock and R.B. Husar. (1990). Proc. of “Energy” 12th National Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX. 19-21 June.

Visibility Data Filters for Europe. B.A. Schichtel, R. B. Husar, J. D. Husar. (1991). Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 84th Annual A&WMA meeting, Vancouver, BC. June 16-21, 1991.

Annual and Seasonal Fine Particle Composition in the Notheast: Second Year Results from the NESCAUM Monitoring Network. R.L. Poirot, R.J. Galvin, N. Gordon, S. Quan, A.V. Arsdale, and R.G. Flocchini. (1991). Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 84th Annual A&WMA meeting, Vancouver , BC. June 16-21, 1991.

Interactive Exploration and Analysis of EPA's Aerometric Information and Retrieval System (AIRS) Data Sets. R.B. Husar, N. H. Frank. (1991). Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 84th Annual A&WMA meeting, Vancouver, BC. June 16-21, 1991

Environmental Informatics: Implementation Through the Voyager Data Exploration Software. with T. Oberman, E.A. Hutchins. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Associaton 83rd Annual A&WMA Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. June 24-29, 1990.

Exploration of Global Ozone Data Using the Voyager Software, Geneva, Switzerland, Feb 8-9, 1990.

Population, economy, and energy use's influence on sulfur emissions in the United States since 1900. J.K. Kissock. And R.B. Husar. Houston, Texas. June 19-21, 1990.

Spatial and Chemical Pattern of Regional 91. PM10 Aerosols. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 83rd Annual A&WMA meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. June 24-29, 1990.

Spatial and Chemical Pattern of Regional PM10 Aerosols, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 83rd Annual meeting, A&WMA Pittsburgh, PA. (1990).

Winter Fine Particle Composition in the Northeast: Preliminary Results From the NESCAUM Monitoring Network, with Poirot, R.L. and Flocchini, R.G. (1990). Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 83rd Annual A&WMA meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. June 24-29, 1990.

Aerosols Concentrations and Visibility Trends in Europe. with J.D. Husar, and E.P. Shettle. Proceeding of the 12th Annual Review Conference on Atmosphere Transmission Models, Geophysics Lab, Hanscom, MA. June 6-7, 1989.

Aerosol Concentrations & Visibility Trends in Europe. Fifth Scientific Assembly of IAMAP, Reading, England. Symposium “The Effects of Aerosol & Clouds on Climate." Aug. 1989.

Trends of Seasonal Haziness & Sulfur Emmisions over the Eastern US, APCA Conference, Estes Park, CO. Oct 15-18 1989.

Spatial & Temporal Pattern of Sulfur & Ammonia over the contiguous U.S., ACS, Miami Beach, FL. Sept. 10-15, 1989.

Exploration and Processing of Environmental Data on Personal Computers, June 25-30, 1989.

Air pollutant distribution and trends. National research council workshop on markers of air pollution effects in forest, Ashville, NC. Apr. 25-27,1988.

Aerosol climate of North America and Europe. Twelfth international conference on atmospheric aerosols and nucleation, Vienna, Austria, Aug. 22-27, 1988.

Uncertainty of manmad SOx emission and trends for Eastern North America. IIASA/NILU task force meeting on accuracy of emission inventories, Vienna,Austria, March 8-10.

Flow of sulfur through the environment. with J.D. Husar. Symposium on "The Earth as Transformed by Human Action", Worchester, MA. Oct. 15-19. 1987.

National and Regional Trends in VOC and NOx Emmissions from 1900 to 1987. Durham, NC.

Acid deposition: Effects of acidifying compounds on visibility. National clean air fund, Chicago,Il. March 7-9,1986.

Chemical climate of North America relevant to forests. Symposium on the effects of air pollutants on forest ecosystems, Univ. Of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN. May 8-9, 1985.

The role of nitrogen oxides in the wet and dry deposition of acidity. with Wilson W.E. Inter. Congress exposition, Detroit, MI. Feb.28 - Mar. 4, 1983 Published in society of automotive engineers technical paper series #830647, 1983.

Sulfur and Nitrogen Over North America, with J.M. Holloway. Proc. of 1982 Stockholm Conf. on Acidification of the Environment, Stockholm, Sweden, June, 1982.

Sources and Atmospheric Processes Important to the Acidification of Rain, with W.E. Wilson, J.B. Homolya, A. Lazarus. Proc. of APCA 74th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. June, 1981.

Monte Carlo Simulation of Daily Sulfate Distribution in the Eastern United States: Comparison with SURE Data and Visibility Observations, with D.E. Patterson, R.B. Husar and C. Hakkarinen. In: Atmospheric Sulfur Deposition, Environmental Impact and Health Effects, Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc., pp. 163-177, 1980.

Three- Dimensional Distribution of Air Pollutants in the Los Angeles Basin, with R.B. Husar, D.E. Patterson, D.L. Blumenthal, W.H. White and T.B. Smith. In: The Character and Origins of Smog Aerosols. 1980.

A Lagrangian Model of the Pasadena Smog Aerosol, with W.H. White and R.B. Husar. In: The Character and Origins of Smog Aerosols, 1980.

Sulfates: Alternative Means of Reducing Their Atmospheric Concentrations, with W.E. Wilson, G.J. D'allessio. In: Implications of the Clean Air Amendments of 1977 and of Energy Considerations for Air Pollution Control (W. licht, ed.) AIChE Symposium/series 196, vol. 76, 262-276, 1980.

Synoptic-Scale Distribution of Man-Made Aerosols, with R.B. Husar and D.E. Patterson. Proc. of WMO Symposium on Long Range Transport of Pollution and its Relation to General Circulation including Stratospherical and Tropospherical Exchange Processes, Sofia, Bulgaria. Oct. 1-5, 1979.

Trends of Eastern U.S. Haziness Since 1948, with D.E. Patterson, J.M. Holloway, W.E. Wilson, Jr., T.E. Ellestad. Proc. of the Fourth Symposium on Turbulence, Diffusion, and Air Pollution, Reno, Nevada. Jan. 15-18, 1979.

Dry Deposition and Emission of Small Particles at the Surface of the Earth, with M.L. Wesley, B.B. Hicks. Proc. of the Fourth Symposium on Turbulence, Diffusion, and Air Pollution, Reno, Nevada. Jan. 15-18, 1979.

Long Range Transmission of Coal Combustion Emissions and Their Optical Effects, with D.E. Patterson. Proc. of Symposium on Environmental and Climatic Impact of Coal Utilization, Williamsburg, Virginia. April 17-19, 1979.

The Measurement of Atmospheric Particulate Sulfur Using Thermal Analysis and Flame Photometry, with W.G. Cobourn. Proc. of Symp. on Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. June 21-23, 1978.

Atmospheric Sulfur Behavior in Power Plant and Regional Plumes. Published in: Man's Impact on the Troposphere: Lectures in Tropospheric Chemistry. NASA Reference Publication 1022. Sept. 1978.

Report on the International Symposiums on Sulfur in the Atmosphere, with W.E. Wilson, Jr., M.C. MacCracken and R.M. Perhac. Proc. of the Third National Conference on the Interagency Energy/Environment R&D Program. Washington, D.C. June 1-2, 1978.

Light Scattering Characteristics of an Aging Power Plant Plume, with C.A. Norberg, D.E. Patterson. Proc of the Third Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, Davis, CA. June 28-30, 1978.

Mathematical Modeling of Air Pollution - a Parametric Study. with Gillani, N.V., Proc. of 2nd Federal Conf. on the Great Lakes, Argonne, IL. Mar. 25-27, 1975. Great Lakes Basin Comm., 1976.

High Sensitivity Flame Photometric Particulate Sulfur Analysis, with J.D. Husar and E.S. Macias. Proc. Div. of Environmental Chemistry, American Chemical Society, New York, April 4-9, 1976.

Pollutant Flow Rate Measurement in Large Plumes: Sulfur Budget in Power Plant and Area Source Plumes in the St. Louis Region, with J.D. Husar, N.V. Gillani, S.B. Fuller, W.H. White, J.A. Anderson, W.M. Vaughn, W.E. Wilson. Proc. Div. of Environmental Chemistry, American Chemical Society, New York, April 4-9, 1976.

Formation of Ozone and Light-Scattering Aerosols in the St. Louis Urban Plume, with W.H. White, J.A. Anderson, D.L. Blumenthal, N.V. Gillani, S.B. Fuller, K.T. Whitby, W.E. Wilson. Proc. of Div. of Environmental Chemistry, American Chemical Society, New York, April 4-9, 1976.

Aerosol Formation in a Coal Fired Power Plant Plume, with K.T. Whitby, B.C. Cantrell, N.V. Gillani, J.A. Anderson, D.L. Blumenthal, W.E. Wlison. Proc. of Environmental Chemistry, American Chemical Society, New York, April 4-9, 1976.

Chemical Reactions in Power Plant Plumes, with W.E. Wilson, K.T. Whitby, D.B. Kittelson, W.H. White. Proc. of Div. of Environmental Chemistry, American Chemical Society, New York, April 4-9, 1976.

Sulfates in the Atmosphere, with W.E. Wilson, R.J. Charlson, K.T. Whitby, D. Blumenthal. Proc. of 69th Annual Meeting of Air Pollution Control Association. Portland, OR. June 1, 1976.

Particulate Sulfate Formation in Power Plant, Urban and Regional Plumes, with N.V. Gillani, J.D. Husar. Proc of Symp. on Aerosol Science and Tech., 82nd Nat'l Meeting of AIChE., Atlantic City, NJ. August 30-Sept. 1, 1976.

Long Range Transport of Pollutants Observed through Visibility Contour Maps, Weather Maps and Trajectory Analysis, with N.V. Gillani, J.D. Husar, C.C. Paley, P.N. Turcu. Proc. of Third Symposium on Atmospheric Turbulence, Diffusion and Air Quality, Raleigh, NC. Oct. 19-22, 1976.

Measurement of Dispersion with a Fast Response Aerosol Detector, with E.S. Macias, W.P. Dannevik. Proc. of Third Symp. on Atmospheric Turbulence, Diffusion and Air Quality, Raleigh, NC. Oct. 19-22, 1976.

Mesoscale Model for Pollutant Transport, Transformation and Ground Removal, with N.V. Gillani. Proc. of Third Symp. on Atmospheric Turbulence, Diffusion and Air Quality. Raleigh, NC. Oct. 19-22, 1976.

SO2 Deposition Measurements in the St. Louis Region, with W.P. Dannevik. S. Frisella, 1. Granat. Proc. Third Symp. on Atmospheric Turbulence, Diffusion and Air Quality. Raleigh, NC. Oct. 19-22, 1976.

Particulate Sulfur Emission Rate from a Simulated Freeway, with E.S. Macias, R. Fletcher, J.D. Husar, Proc. of Div. of Environmental Chemistry, American Chemical Society, San Francisco, CA. August 29-Sept. 3, 1976.

Analytical-Numerical Model for Mesoscale Transport, Transformation and Removal of Air Pollutants. Proc NATO/CCMS 7th Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modeling and its Applications. Airlie, VA. Sept. 7-10, 1976.

A Study of Long Range Transport from Visibility Observations, Trajectory Analysis and Local Air Pollution Monitoring Data, with N.V. Gillani, J.D. Husar. Proc. NATO/CCMS 7th Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modeling and its Applications. Airlie, VA. Sept. 7-10, 1976.

Ozone in Hazy Air Masses, with N.V. Gillani, D.E. Patterson, C.C. Paley. Proc. EPA International Conference on Photochemical Oxidants and its Control, Raleigh, NC. Sept. 12-17, 1976.

Determination of Ambient H2SO4 and its ammonium salts by in situ aerosol thermal analysis, Symposium Radiation in the Atmosphere, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Aug. 19-28, 1976.

Large Scale Haziness Over Midwestern and Eastern United States, with N.V. Gillani, J.D. Husar and C.C. Paley. Symposium on Radiation in the Atmosphere, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Aug. 19-28, 1976.

Synoptic Scale Haziness Over the Eastern U.S. and its Long Range Transport, with N.V. Gillani. Invited paper, Proc. 4th National Conf. of Fire & Forest Meteorology, SAF/AMS, St. Louis, MO. Nov. 1976.

Mathematical Modeling of Air Pollution - A Parametric Study, with N.V. Gillani. Proc. of Second Federal Conference on the Great Lakes, Argonne, IL. March 25-27, 1975.

Horizontal SO2 Mass Flow Rate Measurements in Plumes: A Comparison of Correlation Spectrometer Data with a Dispersion and Removal Model, with N.V. Gillani, R.B. Sperling, and W.M. Vaughn. Proc. APCA Paper 75-17.2, June 18, 1975.

Fine Particulate Standard: An Assessment of the need and an attempt of its formulation, Proc. ASME Air Pollution Div., Fourth Annual Symposium, St. Louis, MO. March 24-25, 1975.

A Review of Atmospheric Particulate Mass Measurements Via the Beta Attenuation Technique, with E.S. Macias. Proc. of Symposium on Fine Particles, Minneapolis, MN. May 28-30, 1975.

Monitoring of Atmospheric Aerosol Mass and Sulfur Concentration, with E.S. MAcias and J.D. Husar. Proc. of International Conferences on Environmental Sensing and Assessment, Las Vegas, NV. Sept. 14-19, 1975.

The Urban Plume of St. Louis, with D.L. Blumenthal, J. Anderson, and W.E. Wilson. Proceedings of Div. of Environmental Chemistry, 167th American Chemical Society annual meeting, Los Angeles, CA. April 1974.

High Resolution On-Line Aerosol Mass Measurement by the Beta Attenuation Technique, with E.S. Macias. Proceedings of Second International Conference on Nuclear Methods in Environmental Research, Columbia, MO. July 29-31, 1974.

On the Formation of Photochemical Aerosols, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Nucleation Theory and its Applications, Atlanta, GA. April 10-12, 1972.

The Minnesota Aerosol Analyzing System, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Cloud and Ice Nuclei, Fort Collins, CO. October 1970, with K.T. Whitby.Generation of Artificial Aerosols, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Cloud and Ice Nuclei, Fort Collins, CO. October 1970, with K.T. Whitby.

Particle size spectra of atmospheric aerosols on August 10, 11, and 12, 1970, during the IWCIN, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Cloud and Ice Nuclei, Fort Collins, CO. October 1970, with K.T. Whitby.

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