Atlanta Urban Debate League Capitalism Kritik

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2016-2017 Atlanta Urban Debate League

Capitalism Kritik (Neg & Aff Answers)

Capitalism Kritik (Negative) & Affirmative Answers
Topic – Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its economic and/or diplomatic engagement with the People’s Republic of China.

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Table of Contents

What is the purpose of this kritik? 3

Basic Structure of a Kritik 3

Key Terms 4

Negative Introduction 5

Affirmative Responses to the Kritik 5

Note to Coaches & Debaters 6

Capitalism-K NEG 7

***1NC 1/3*** 8

***1NC 2/3*** 9

***1NC 3/3*** 11

***2NC Overview*** 12

***They say—Framework*** 13

***Link—Extension*** 14

***Impact—Extension*** 15

***Alternative—Extension*** 16

Capitalism-K Aff Answers 17

***2AC Framework Argument*** 18

***2AC—Permutation*** 19

***2AC—Capitalism is good*** 20

***2AC—The alternative does not solve*** 21

What is the purpose of this kritik?

The purpose of a kritik is to test the assumption of the 1AC… the choices that go into creating the 1AC, the assumptions of the unsaid values that are promoted by the worldview of the 1AC is questioned.
A disad is plan-focused. What does this mean? A normal plan versus a disad debate doesn’t ask ethical questions about who or what the 1AC represents or supports. Those debates operate within what is called a utilitarian calculus or what is good for the greatest number of people. In this case it would be who prevents the most lives from dying. The affirmative assumes that the plan AND ONLY THE PLAN can solve the problem identified by the 1AC. The affirmative operates in a problem-solution mindset. Meaning, we’ve identified a problem here is the solution. The 1AC generally isn’t trying to challenge the structure of the problem-solution model.
A kritik says that there is a prior question that must be asked. A kritik poses an ethical question such as “should we endorse the affirmative if the affirmative supports a system that is morally wrong?” There are multiple reasons why something is morally wrong, the system that the affirmative supports exploits people, oppresses people, or even commits acts of violence against different groups of people because they are different.
A kritik brings historical considerations into debate. Kritiks analyzes the systems, representations (how the 1AC describes the world), or the education it teaches. Kritiks change how we evaluate impacts in the debate. A kritik says that a there is more than one way to evaluate impacts.
It does it this is a couple of ways. The negative can says that the impacts of the affirmative are inevitable as long as we support this current system and way of thinking. The second more simplistic way is to read impact defense against the affirmative impacts is to simply deny or negate the affirmative claims (If the aff says nuclear war will happen the neg says nuclear war will not happen).

Basic Structure of a Kritik

A kritik is an off-case argument that has a basic structure similar to other off-case arguments (disads, counter-plans, etc.). There are three parts to the structure of a basic kritik: 1) Link, 2) Impact, and 3) Alternative.

Link – This is an explanation why the kritik applies to the affirmative case.
Impact – This is the bad things that happen because of the way the affirmative operates in the world.
Alternative – This is the good things that happen if the judge rejects the way the affirmative thinks about the world and accepts the worldview the negative has introduced into the round.

Key Terms

Bourgeois- of or characteristic of the middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes.
Capitalism- An economic system that features private ownership of the means of production (such as factories, offices, and shipping enterprises) and in which market forces determine the way in which goods are produced and the means by which income and profit are distributed is called capitalism.
Ethics- moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior.
Framework- A basic structure underlying a system, concept, or text.
Imperialism- the practice of a larger country or government growing stronger by taking over poorer or weaker countries that have important resources.
Militarism- the belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests.
Root cause- is an initiating cause of either a condition or a causal chain that leads to an outcome or effect of interest.
Socialism- a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Negative Introduction

The story for the capitalism kritik is using economic engagement for a transformation in another government who is the target of the engagement strategy. The link evidence says that economic engagement becomes an addiction to the other government and then they pressure other nations to join in and become a part of build additional capitalist structures. This type of engagement allows the United States to manipulate other countries into doing things that the U.S wants these other countries to do. This manipulation crosses over into both domestic policies and foreign policy.
This manipulation is the root cause of violence and causes wars. This is explained by the link card in the 1NC with “the politics of description.” Regardless of who the US president is, the US intends to impose democracy globally. The U.S. thinks that anything opposed to capitalism is a threat to democracy and also a threat to global order. These constructions of threats makes violence and war inevitable because as long as the U.S. continues to see opposition to capitalism as a threat to democracy and global stability then what follows will be attacks, wars, and violence. The impact card says the affirmative ignores the oppression that is created and sustained by capitalism which means that violence created by capitalism will also continue with the passage of the 1AC.
The alternative calls for a radical change to how capitalism functions. The alternative card says that capitalism controls everything including the legislative process. That means seeking solutions through legal changes will not produce the end of capitalism’s control over society. Instead Meszaros calls for a radical rethinking of how capitalism produces power. This rethinking produces a different way of thinking about the world around us and how we should engage with it. The alternative says that reeducating how capitalism is destroying the world is necessary to reduce the power of the state.

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